The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, August 25, 1921, Image 8
THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1021. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR TWO SOLDIERS The memorial service* for Privates All>ert Austin and Jewel H. Hanson, whose bodies had been shipped from overseas, were held Sunday afternoon at Chapel church, in the presence of an immense gathering of neighbors and friends. The service, which was held in the open-air, was conducted by Bev. L. W. Collins, who delivered the me morial address, ('apt. Nowell and Col. J. c. Pratt spoke briefly for the Amer ican legion, paying high tribute to the record of the deceased soldiers. Mr. Austin was a member of the old Win der Guard Cos. II and was killed by a shell in the Argonne forest. Mr. Han son, who only recently enlisted, was rowned in Germany, only a few months later. The interment was In Chapel cemetery, their comrades in the ser vice acting as guards of honor. BETHLEHEM NEWS Mrs. Kathleen Dodson, of Atlanta, Is the guest of Mrs. C. T. Matthews this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sims have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Venable and their daughter, Rebecca, Miss Ktiie Darby, sisippi. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Darby and little daughter, Rebecca, Miss 7 e Darby, and Mr. W. L. Darby, of Vidnlla, left Wednesday for their home after spend ing two weeks with relatives in Beth lehem, Winder and Statham. Mrs. John Hill of Montezuma, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. (’. T. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Charles and little son, left Friday for their home in Piedmont. S. C., after a week’s vis it with the latter’s parents, Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Darby and little daughter and Miss Ktiie Darby, Misses Nolle and Myrtlee Harrison motored over to Athens Monday. Mrs. M. J. Perry of Winder has re turned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, of Athens. Misses Jdnlee and Rozelle Ross of Statham spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore. Mrs. E. J. Ham lias returned to her home in DeLand, Fla., after spending the summer with her brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. L. AV. Leslie. Misses Belle Harrison and Drn Wil lie Bell entertained Wednesday at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Darby and Miss Effle Darby. Those invited were the honor guests and Mr. and Mrs. <i. L. Holloway, Mr. AV. P. Harrison and children; Mr. and Airs. R. L. Harrison; Messrs. J. AV. Bell and (}. X. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Har rison, of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. ('. L. Sims and Miss Nolle Sims and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Venable and Miss Lillian A’ena ble were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Sims of AVinder. Messrs. Robert and John Moore en tertained at their home Thursday ev ening at a Weiner Roast in honor of their nieces, Misses Joyce and Aubry Flannigan of Birmingham. Ala. When the guests arrived they were ushered out on the lawn where they enjoyed games and music for an hour or two. Then long-forked sticks, weiners and marshmallows were presented each of the guests and they enjoyed toasting weiners and marshmallows. About sev enteen guests were present. OAK GROVE Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Wilbanks visited relatives near Jefferson Sunday. Miss Louise Adams lias returned from Atlanta where she spent some time with relatives. We are glad to report Master Robert Sellers, who was brought home from Downey's hospital in Gainesville, last week, is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lyle had as their dinner guests last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker, of near Lawrence villq. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Suddeth spent Thursday in Pendergrass as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Trout. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilbanks spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith near Ebenezer. Mrs. Edna Roberts and children of Stathara spent Sunday with Mrs. R. H. Jones. Mrs. Outer Segars is improving after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones spent Saturday night and Sunday in Win der with relatives. The singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lyle Sunday night wad very much enjoyed. It may aeenT funny to some people, but to the horse editor of the Thomaa Cat It appears like the folks in Hot Springs that have a license to be stuck up don't use It—Arkansas Thomaa Cat. PROFITS BY WHAT HER MOTHER DID Little Rock Woman Induced To Take Tanlar Through Parent's Restoration. “Tanlac restored my mother’s health so perfectly that 1 began taking it. too, and just two bottles have helped me wonderfully,” suid Mrs. Goldia Bird, 310 1-2 E. Markham Nt., Little Rock, Ark. "A short time ago I seemed to have a general breakdown,” she continued. "My stomach became so disordered that nothing tasted good and I just didn’t want to eat a thing. 1 fell oft' in weight and became weak and run down. My complexion was pale anil sallow and my bnek ached so I could harclly lift my little hoy. I took little or no interest in anything and was go ing from bad to worse. “But I think Tanlac is just wonder ful to have helped me so much in such a short time. I have only finished my second bottle but already I feel like a different person. 1 enjoy what I eat and am gaining in weight. The pains have about all gone from my back and I have been built up so I feel better and stronger in every way. I have nothing hut the highest praise for Tan lac.” Tanlac Is sold In Winder by G. AV’. DeLaPerriere & Sons, and by leading druggists everywhere. Six Million Gain In Past Six Months. AV. O. Perry, Georgia manager for the Illinois Life Insurance company, points with pride to the growth of ills company during the past six months ending June 30. 1921. More than $6,- 000,000 lias been added to insurance in force since December 31, 1920, making total insurance in force to June 30, 1921, nearly $135,000,000. Mr. Perry leaves tomorrow for Kan sas City, Mo., where he goes to attend 'lie annual session of the SIOO,OOO club, if which lie recently won the first vice presidency by being second in produc tion of paid for business during the club year closing July 31.—Atllmta Constitution. PROGRAM FOR W. C. T. I ANTI NAC’OTICS, MONDAY, 29. AT THE HOME OF AIKS. W. C. HORTON. Opening Song—Rescue the Perishing. Devotional —Mrs. (’ollins. Song—Yield Not to Temptation. Essay—Effect of Tobacco ou the body by Surah Joe Roberts, Talk—lncrease of Nucotics, Mrs. 11. p, Stanton. Solo —Somebody’s Boy, Mrs. J. AV. Griffith. Solilquy—by eight boys and girls, led by Miss Montiue Robinson. Song—Cigarettes Must Go. Paper—Law Enforcement, by Mrs. E. E. DeLaPerriere. Meeting to lie held at 4 :30 o’clock at home of Mrs. AV. C. Horton. Entertainment Committee —Mrs. It. r. Barber, Mrs. Foster Hardigree, Miss Jennie Smith. Typewriter ribbons and carbon pnper for sale at The AA’iuder News office. Indigestion Many persona, otherwise vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of indiges tion Is important “The only medicine 1 have needed has been something to aid diges tion and clean the liver,” writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a McKinney, Texaa, farmer. “My medicine is Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT for tndtgeatton and stomach I trouble of any kind. I have never found anything that I touches the spot like Black- 1 Draught I take it In broken doses after meala. For a long time I tried pills, which grip ed and didn’t give the good results. Black-Draught liver medicine te easy to take, easy to keep, inexpensive." Get a package from your druggist today—Ask for and Insist upon Thedford's—the only genuine. | Get It today. 83 em D Buy GOOD GFLF KEROSENE. Classified Ads. Turnip seed in bulk, plant now.— Smith Hardware Company. * * Shallots are now ready for setting. Get them at Smith Hardware Cos. Tin cans, No. 2 and No. 3 packers cans, jujsjt a few left at Smith Hdw. The North Georgia Fair offers a SIOO.OO prize to the school that makes the best general exhibit Oct. 8-8, 1921. Syrup cans. 1 Gal. Buckets, 5 Gal. and 10 Gal cans, 80 to 60 gallon barrels. Smith Hardware Cos. The famous Chattanooga line of cane mills, gets more juice quicker. Smith Hardware Cos, Cooks pattern evaporator makes bet ter syrup. Smith Hardware Company. The first and only county fair in the south will be in AVinder, October 3-8, 1921. Are you planning your exhibit? Tires and tubes for any cars. AA’e have what you want at Smith Hard ware Company. WANTED PEACH SEED.—WiII pay SI.OO per bushel for peach seed.—See J. 11. Jackson, Prop., Jackson Coun ty Nursery- Electric irons, sweepers and fixtures at Smith Hardware Cos. AA’e have just the right kind of oil and grease best suited for your car.— Smith Hardware Company. Get a Michelin auto tube, ring shap ed, and be a happy user. Smith Hard ware Cos. Get your Fresh Fish Friday and Sat urday at H. A 7 . Cronic, near S.A.L de pot. Every progressive farmer in Barrow county is invited to write or call for a premium book of the fair and note the many handsome prizes offered for all kinds of exhibits. FOR RENT —Office rooms on Cor. Candler and Jackson streets. Apply to Jno. B. AA’illiams. Buy one of those famous Peter Seliutt ler Wagons now and lie ready for the winter rush. Smith Hardware Cos. Winchester shot guns, shells, car tridges and rifles. Smith Hardware Cos. The Winchester store. Come in and make your selection of LENOLIt’M, we cut and lay it out for you. Smith Hardware Cos. Get your fresh fish Friday and Sat urday at H. V. Cronie, near S.A.L de pot. Aluminum Sale on at Smith Hardware Cos. Saturday and Monday. This is the Twenty Year Aluminum. See our list of FREE articles. Johnson Bros, crockery. Call for it hy name, its the best. Smith Hard-, ware Company. To save expense of moving we offer for sale a lot of nice furniture, con sisting of three living-room suits, din ing-room suit, range, heater, kitchen cabinet, table, chairs and many other things. Terms if you desire. —A. L. Ja cobs. Phone Nos. 10 and 236. Put the oil stove in now, hot weath er is still with us. Smith Hardware Company. Beautify your home with an electric table or floor lamp. Smith Hardware mpany. We have a lot of second-hand book suitable for all grades in Winder school for sale at half price of new ones A. L. JACOBS. Majestic and Copper Clad ranges are the world’s best, there are no substi tutes. Smith Harware Cos. Bermuda Onion sets are now on sale at Smith Hardware Company. Ride in the New Dodge Brothers car with the longer springs, larger cord casings and be convinced that it is the best. Smith Hardware Cos. Dodge Brothers Dealer. • Hot Weather Diseases. Disorders of the bowels are extreme ly dangerous, particularly during the hot weather of the summer months, nnd in order to protect yourself nnd family against a sudden attack, get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Di arrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testified to its ex cellence. Typewriter ribbons nnd far bon paper for sale at Th° Winder News office. THE WINDER NEWS Mrs. Missouri McDonald of Monroe, was the guest of relatives here last week. ! Mr. James Harper of Atlanta was the guest of his cousin, Mr. Ansel Miller, last week. Misses Paulia and Pauline Sims of Atlanta spent part of last week with their brother, Mr. George Sims. Miss Pearlie Hammond is spending this week in Maysville the guest of Rev. and Mrs. AV. B, McDonald. Miss Farmy Dunnaboo was the guest Miss A’iola Hardigree Tuesday. Miss AA’ilda Pentecost had as her guests Wednesday Misses Cammle Wil liams, Marguerite Hill and Ruby Mor ris of AA’inder. Mrs. J. I). AA’all and children of Pleasant Hill, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. T. AA’ayne. Mr. Lawrence Prickett of Bogert is spending this week with Mr. Ray Prick ett. Misses Mary Dell Elrod, Nella Segars and Frances Hill, of AVinder, and Nor ma Hardigree were the guests of Mrs. Job Haynie Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hardigree of near Lawrenceville spent several days last week with Mrs. H. A. Hardigree. Mr. and Mrs. Conn McElroy of Mon roe were the guests of Miss AA’ilda Pen tecost Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Craft and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Job Haynie. Mr. Marvin Couch spent Saturday night with Mr. Harold Wayne. Our revival came to a close Friday night with seven additions to the mem bership of the church. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts JOSEPH I). QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAX Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoschton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other times when not attending calls W. L. DeLnPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 t-o 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 0 B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403, 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. 8. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 40—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Pentecost Messr. N. A. Sharpton, G. E. Lay and Ralph Herrin spent awhile in Ath ens Sunday. Educational. Dancing plays a very important part in the education of boys and girls in Japan. In the better class families the dancing teacher comes every other day. regular practice Is an affair of routine, and private entertainments, where the Children perform are arranged by friendly families. —Omaha Bee. Shark by No Means Valueless. From the hide of a 500-pound shark It Is possible to obtain ten square feet of leather, and the stomach furnishes a raw material which can be made Into leather with the appearance and texture of glazed kid, according to the New A orb Evening Post The liver will yield anywhere from 10 to 15 gallons of oil and the dorsal fin, when dried, will bring about $2.50 among oriel) tni enipunifl WHEN YOUR CAR IS SHY ON IT IS TIME TO SEE US When a car loses its pep there is something radically wrong. To continue using it in that condition is to head it for the junk heap. Save your car by preserving its pep. We know what to do and can do it in a hurry. Any kind of auto work and welding on any make car, day and night. Garage located in building at Woodruff Foundry. LANTHIER & CHURCH Telephones: Day 110 Night 188 WINDER, GEORGIA Aluminum Sale! Twenty Year Guarantee Brand To Every Person who buys for Cash, Five ($5.00) Dollars Worth of ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS we will give FREE the following entire list of useful articles, as long as they last: FREE ! 1 Set Water Glasses 1 Durham Duplex Razor 1 Dozen White Crown Mason Jar Tops 1 Cedar Oil Mop 1 Pkg. Wizard Mop Cleaner SALE STARTS Saturday, August 27th AND CONTINUES THRU Monday, August 29th SMITH HARDWARE CO. FOR SALE! Bagging & Ties Get our prices before buying. B. H. MERCK SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR Great Newspaper Bargain Winder News - - - $1.50 Atlanta Tri-AVeekly Journal - 1.50 South Rurallst - - - - - .50 Regular Price for three - $3.50 AA’e can send you these three papers one year for ... $2.50 If you accept the offer immediately. We will renew your subscription to the AVinder News for one year and send you both of the other papers for $2.50. This offer will be withdrawn in just a short time. Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The Winder News office. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE.