The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, September 01, 1921, Image 3

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1921. NOTICE TO ODD FELLOWS. All I. O. O. F., of Winder Lodge, No. 81, are urged to be present at the hall Tuesday evening, September 6th, at 8 o’clock. Business of importance.— J. A. AUSTIN, N. G. Postoak Locals. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lack ey, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeLay, all of Para dise. Master Clyde Holloway spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Florence Casey, of near Gratis. Mr. B. W. Partain, of Gratis, spent a few days last week with his daugh ter, Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Misses Sybil and Julia Manning and Mrs. Yearwood spent Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. W. M. Hol loway. Mrs. Loy Hendrix spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Callie Hosch. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hill spent Wed nesday with her daughter, Mrs. Bush Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeLay, of Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Messrs. W. H. Raymond and Alber tus Holloway were in Winder Wednes- Wednesday morning on business. Mrs. C. G. Casey spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Emory Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Sr., spent Sunday with Mrs. Callie Hosch. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hendrix, of Bethlehem, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hosch. Mr. and Mrs. AY. M. Holloway and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,T. \A’, Partain, of Campton. W.e are glad to know that Mrs. Cal lie Hosch is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edgar. PARADISE Rev. W. B. McDaniel preached a very entertaining sermon at Midway Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Prince Adams spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee. Miss Rossie Belle Barber had as her guest Saturday night Miss Nora Kel ley. Miss Ruth Clack spent Saturday night with Miss Eddie DeLay. Mrs. Columbus Hunter spent last Thursday with Mrs. W. T. Barber. Misses Lillie Jane and Nettie Per kins, and Messrs. Willie Perkins, Jes sie Perkins and Foy Hall, of Bartow visited relatives here last week-end. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway and Ed die Ruth DeLay spent Saturday after noon with Miss Rossie Belle Barber. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perkins had as their guests Sunday Misses Lillie Jane and Nettie Perkins, and Messrs. Jessie Perkins, Willie Perkins and Foy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeLay had as their guests Sunday'Mr. and Mrs. Gra dy Casey. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway visited relatives here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ’ Flanigan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrow and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cety Flanigan. EXPERIENCE is the GREATEST TEACHER E X PERIENCE is our greatest teacher, twenty years of which we have had in the automobile repaii ing busi ness, you get the benefit of this long experience when you bring your car to us for repairs. We do not tamper and experiment with your car for hours before we find the trouble, this of course, sa\es you money. We specialize on starters, generators, and ali elec trical equipment, and do all kinds of repair work from the largest job to the smallest on all makes of cars. VV e also weld all kind of metals. WILLIAMS BROTHERS Phone 127 Phone 127 D. A. B's. TO ISSUE COOK BOOK. The Daughters of the American Rev olution of our city are going to com pile the favorite recipes of the culina ry talent of Winder into a popular priced cook book. These will serve as useful Christmas gifts as well as a necessary edition of the latest and best arranged cook book on the market. This organization will be pleased to have you send any number of your fa vorite and well tried out recipes to the home of the regent, Mrs. Geo. Fortson, if you should happen to be missed while the committee is canvassing the city soliciting recipes. OAK GROVE Mrs. Norma Callahan Ims as her guest this week Mrs. Harper and chil dren, of Atlanta. Mrs. T. N. Suddeth and Nelle Ful cher visited relatives in Jefferson last week. Mrs. Ethel Jones and children, Eu dene and AA’alter, spent last week-end In Statham. Mesdames Adams and Williams have us their guests this week Miss Ornie Segars, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland and Mr. Hiram Pate, of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie AVilliams and children spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, near Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Patrick and chil dren visited Mr. AV. T. Prickett near Pentecost Sunday. Miss Edna Crook entertained a few of her friends with a party last Sat urday night. services will begin ,at this place Sunday afternoon conduct ed by Rev. E. P. Cowan of Atlanta. Everybody is invited to attend these services. Providence News Misses Nellie and Belle Haynie were the guests of Miss Cordelia Gofer Fri day night. . Miss Lois Nicholson spent Friday night with Miss Annie Hunter. Mrs. Fannie Titshaw was the week end guest of Mrs. J. J. Mages. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Oldham and daughter were the gue-ts Saturday night and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haynie. Misses Sara and Annie Hunter had as their guests Miss Fannie Hunter and Mr. Hubert Hunter Saturday night nd Sunday. The picnic given by Miss Marie Boyd school was highly enjoyed by those present. . Mr. and Mrs. Bart Lyle were guests of Mrs. Sallie Potter Sunday. Misses Annie and Iva Hunter spent Saturday with Misses Annie and Susie Nicholson. The party given by Misses Sara and \nnie Hunter Saturday night was highly enjoyed by all those present. Mr! and Mrs. C. W. Butler had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grizzle. Mr and Mrs. Mon Sikes were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter Sunday. Miss Laree Sheffield, of Bostwick, spent a few days last week with friends here. Sunday school at this place every Sunday afternoon; everybody invited. Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The Winder News office. Buy THAT GOOD GULP GASOLINE. With the Churches First Baptist Church Services for Sunday. Sunday school at 10:13, S. F. Maugh on, superintendent. Preaching at 11:30—“Why Go To Church?" Junior and Senior B. Y. P. U. 7:30. Preaching B:3o—“AA’e Must Work.” The Fall Campaign is on. Let every member try to be present with a mind to work. COME. W. H. FAUST, Pastor. AT OLD PENTECOST. Rev. E. A. Caldwell, of Monroe, will preach at Old Pentecost church, begin ning Friday night before the 2nd Sun day. Everybody Ist cordially invited o attend these services. Methodist Services 10.13 A. M. Bible school of the church opening of the fall campaign with spe cial program. A large crowd and a great day expected. Attendance goal 400, 11:30 A. M. Preaching by the pas tor. Subject: “I Believe.” Further studies in the Apostle’s Creed. Com munion service at the close. 8:30 P. M. Popular Sunday night service. Subject “Shall AVe Have Peace?” The question of the hour. Special musical program by the Au burn male quartet. This will be enlistment day for the coming work. Reorganization plans have been made so that every man, woman and child will have a place in the work of this live church. Strangers and visitors are always at home here.—L. AA’ilkie Collins, Pastor. MEETING OF Y. P. B’s. A meeting of the Y. P. B's. will be held at the Baptist church on Wednes day night. Sept. 7th, and a public pro gram will be given. The ministers of all the churches in the city have given the prayer-meeting hour over to this service, and everybody is urged to be present at this meeting. A good pro gram will be rendered. Winder Enters Big League Contest. In response to a challenge from Gainesville, Monroe, Jefferson and oth er town3 in the district, Winder has lecided to enter the big league contest for the Gainesville district which be gins the first of September and will run >r three months. The young people of the Winder Epworth League are pre paring for a hard fight, but expect to win the pennant in the regular Win der way. Points are given for the en rollment of new members, associate members and the organization of new leagues, which will be a splendid oppor tunity for extension work. The exec utive committee met on Wednesday night and has mapped out a plan of campaign. The first big booster meet -ig will be held at the Methodist par sonage Monday night to which all the young people are invited. Y. P. It s MEETING. The Y. P. B’s will meet next Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the home of Miss Charlotte McCants. Every mem ber of this organization is urged to be present. THE WINDER NEWS Christian Church. Bible school meets at 10 A. M. A’acation is now past and let us all get on the job and be on time at this service. The morning worship hour will have for its theme “Going Away to College Day.” This day is observed in spe cial honor of the young people of the church and Sunday School are soon to leave for the various schools which they are to attend. Evening worship at 8:30 o’clock. This service is especially evangelistic in nature. At 7:30 all young people Interested n a Christian Endeavor Society are equested to meet for the purpose of organizing this branch of our work. Community night will be resumed on Friday night of this week. The first picture this week will be an O'Henry story of two reels entitled “The Roads AVe Take.” This will be followed by a >ne reel scenic entitled “A’illage Life i Switzerland. Minister, Stanley Roberts Grubb. Quarterly Sunday School Convention To Be At Walnut. The Second District of the Mulberry Association will hold its quarterly Sun day school convention at AValnut church Sunday afternoon, September 11th, at 2 o’clock. State workers, Mr. J. AY. Merritt and Miss Grace Thompson, have promised to be with us at this meeting. Mr. Merritt will issue 26 diplomas to a class taught at Sharon church last week by Miss Grace Thompson. W'e are looking' forward to a great session and every one lias a special in vitation to attend. LEE ROBERTS, President. MRS. J. AY. A. DAVIS, Sec. No Substitute Offered. Say what you will about druggists offering something “just as good” be cause it pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety nine out of a hundred druggists recommend Cliamber berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, when the best medicine for diarrhoea is asked for, and do so because they know from what their customers say of it, that it can be depended upon. Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The AVinder News office. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. THE UNIVERSAL CAM The economical delivery service offered by the Ford Truck often makes it possible for the merchant or man ufacturer to reach out for business that might otherwise be closed to him. It enables him to expand-to do a prof itable business in outlying districts, near-by villages and suburbs. A motorized delivery of hauling service broadens the business field and becomes a payer of dividends and a business builder for its power. Start now to build up your business with a Ford Truck. . . , . KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager , Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers *,- r : Phone 12 9 WHEN YOUR CAR IS SHY ON PEP IT IS TIME TO SEE US When a car loses its pep there is something radically wrong. To continue using it in that condition is to head it for the junk heap. Save your car by preserving its pep. We know what to do and can do it in a hurry. Any kind of auto work and welding on any make car, day and night. Garage located in building at Woodruff Foundry. LANTHIER & CHURCH Telephones: Day 110 Night 188 WINDER, GEORGIA Coal! Coal!! We have in transit Red Ash, Blue Gem and Creech Coals for August delivery at per ton, $9.50 Montevallo Coal, the world’s best on hand at all times. Peoples Fuel Cos. Phone 214 SUBSCRIPTION: |IJO A YEAH