The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, September 08, 1921, Image 6

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THURKDAY. SEPTEMBER ft, 1921. * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** KICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. A ttor neye-A t-La w WINDER, GA. Office in Caritbers Building. Practice in All tbe Courts G. D. ROSS JULIAN E. ROSS ROSS A ROSS Attorneys-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office Over City Pharmacy Practice in all the Courts. — COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”* Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERH Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon "Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. _ Dlt. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and Ito 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. Dr. L. C. Allen I)r. Myron B. Allen DB. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoschton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, 0:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other times when not attending calls DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Hpedulty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9to 12 A. M 1 to 5 P. M. B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403, 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Gs, W.M. THOMAS 1 Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49 —Jackson Street Winder | tleorgla f SIOO Reward, SIOO fhe readers of this paper will b* t>Vased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias heet> .able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work The proprietor* have so much fal'h in its curative row ere that they oiler one Hundred Dollar* for ary case that It falls to cu “ . Send for list of testimonials Addr.H 1" .1 ‘ II iN'MV ,1 CO . Toledo. C 80*11 by all CrunifUts 7 se. Taac Hall'S s'amtlv Pills for eonU;>tlo'> Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. Dry Clean —Dye at the Capital City KEEP IT UP! WE RENEW Women’* Suits Evening Gowns Evening Wraps Fancy Blouses Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works ATLANTA, GEORGIA Classified Ads. . • FOR SALE or TRADE. —One pair of good mules. See Dr. W. L. Turnip seed in hulk, plant now. — Smith Hardware Company. *. — _ * Shallots are now ready for setting. Get them at Smith Hardware Cos. Come to see us. We are feeling better. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Tin cans, No. 2 and No. 3 packers cans, just a few left at Smith lidw. The North Georgia Fair offers a SIOO.OO prize to the school that makes the heat general exhibit Oct. 3-8, 1021. Cotton going up; better crops in Bar row county than in any other section in the state. Makes us feel better at WOODRUFF HDW. CO. Syrup cans. 1 Gal. Buckets, 5 Gal. and 10 Gal cans, 30 to 00 gallon barrels. Smith Hardware Cos. The famous Chattunooga line of cane mills, gets more Juice quicker. Smith Hardware Cos. Banks loaning money direct to the farmer, helps everybody to be able to rade and pay early aud yet hold his cotton. Cotton going up and hardware are coming down at WOODRUFF IA RDWABE COMPANY. Cook* pattern evnporator makes bet ter syrup. Smith Hardware Company. Tires and tubes for any cars. We have what you want at Smith Hard ware Company. Bring your cotton to us. We will give you more merchandise for it than you will get elsewhere. We mean good merchandise, Hardware, Stoves, Wagons, Buggies and Plows. Wood 'ruff Hardware Cos. Electric irons, sweepers and fixtures at Smith Hardware Cos. One bale cotton and the seed will buy a two-horse wagon at Woodruff's. We have just the right kind of oil and grease best suited for your car.— Smith Hardware Company. i Just one small syrup mill outfit left, at Woodruffs. Who wants it. Get a Mielielin auto tube, ring shap ed, and be a happy user. Smith Hard ware Cos. Every progressive farmer in Barrow county is invited to write or call for a premium book of the fair and note (he many handsome prizes offered for all kinds of exhibits. We have a fine stock of Quality brand 20 year guaranteed aluminum ware, which we would like to have the ladles see. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Buy one of those famous Peter Schutt ler Wagons now and be ready for the winter rush. Smith Hardware Cos. Edison Mazda Lamps, Edison Hot point Electric Irons at Woodruffs. Come in and make your selection of LENOLIUM, we cut and lay It out for you. Smith Hardware Cos. One bate cotton will bring you the f best range In town at Woodruff's. Bermuda Onion sots are now on sale at Smith Hardware Company, Cole Downdraft fuel saving heaters. 'Let us show you. More Cole heaters being used iu Winder today than any one other make. One hundred tuul twenty-one satisfied Cole heater users in Winder. You will always be able to get service on this heater at Woodruff Hardware Cos. IHde In the New Dodge Brothers ear with the longer springs, larger cord casings and be convinced that it is the best. Smith Hardware Cos. Dodge I Brothers Dealer. Experience has taught us this: that one Capital City experience means that you will keep It up! Famous from Kentucky to Key West —the good reputation of the Capital City ia grow ing nationally. ‘Psml Post Ytmr /Vlatf. —Cook To Vo For BtooUf BETHEL NEWS Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Bolton were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Harrison, of Bethlehem, were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway Sunday afternoon Mrs. J. E. Adams and Mrs. G. W. Edwards were guests of Mrs. J. W. Adams Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sims was the guest of Mrs, ris Sunday. Mrs. Willard Shore and Miss Annie Brown visited their sister, Mrs. Wil lie Shore, of Paradise, Tuesday. Mr. Odell Sturm's was the guest of Mr. Ira Adams Wednesday night. Miss Ara Partee was the guest of Misses Annie and Susie Browu Sun day. Mrs. W. C. Shore was the guest of Mrs. C. A. Edwards Monday afternoon. Mr. D. S. Sturdivant spent Thurs day night with Mr. and Mrs. Masie Dillard. Mr. Ernest Brown, of Winder, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway were tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Par tee Wednesday night. Mrs. J. E. Adams spent Saturday af ternoon with Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway. Mrs. T. W. Partee was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Adams Friday afternoon. Messrs. Marcus Price and Ira Ad ams spent Saturday night with Mr. Odell Starnes. Misses Lona Belle and Mary Lee Ed wards were the guests of Miss Susie Brown Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Adams spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. T. W. Partee. Mr. Lester Huff was the guest of Mr. Coleman Brown Sunday. Mr. E. H. Ridgeway and Mr. J. W. Partee motored to Winder Monday. The Sunday school attended the Wil banks-Wiggly wedding at Mr. Jesse Harris' Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. C. Harbin officiating. Messrs. Davis Sturdivant and W. T. Brown motored to Winder Saturday on business. A Pronounced Success. The uniform success that has attend -1 the use of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and ire of bowel complaints, both for chil 'ren and adults, has brought it into al tost universal use, so that it is prac ieallv without a rival and as every one who used It knows; it Is without an equal. S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Bound. No. 11 arrives 6:32 a m. No. 17 arrives 8:42 a. ru. No. 5 arrives 3 :00 p.m. No. 29 arrives 7 :27 p.m. North Bound No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m No. 6 arrives :35 p.m. No. IS arrives 7 :00 p.m. No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE—Effective July 24, 1921. No. 8 daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm. No. 14 leaves Winder 8:43 A.M. Dai No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines ville, lelves 8:45 PM No. 5 adlly except Sunday leaves 11:30 A. M. No. 13 daily except Sunday from Gainesville leaves 3:15 P. M. Georgia Railroad AND The West Point Route OFFER Summer Excursion Fare Summer Excursion . i. Fares TO North Carolina South Carolina Colorado California Michigan New York Which include attract- Steamship trips. J. P. BILUPS, For further information write to— Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta. Ga. THE WINDER NEWS Down Town Locals Everybody is fanning these days and can't keep cool. Miss Ruby Boswell is visiting rela tives at Lawrence vidlle this week. Miss Olive Boswell has returned home from East Point where she vis ited her sister, Mrs. George Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kennedy, of Mon roe spent the week end in Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Austin have moved to Atlanta. Mr. Myers is enlarging his store and putting in lights. We are glad that Miss Irene Sheri dan is improving. Master Hugh Claud Davis gave a delightful birthday dinner last Wednes day ; he is five years old. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Morgan, of Vir ginia, are visiting relatives in and around Winder. Mr. Johnny Morgan, of Atlanta, has been visiting in Winder. Mrs. Nard, of Morgan county, is vis iting her brother, Mr. T. H. Morgan. The Ladies Home Aid Society will have a sale of sandwiches of all kinds, hot coffee and hot chocolate, ice cream next Saturday night, September 10th. Everybody come and help the good cause. The sale will be at tbe corner of the cotton mill. Great Newspaper Bargain Winder News ... $1.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal - 1.50 South Ituralist .50 Regular Price for three - $3.50 We can send you these three papers one year for ... $2.50 If you accept the offer immediately. We will renew your subscription to the Winder News for one year and send you both of the other papers for $2.50. This offer will be withdrawn in just a short time. Tobacco Seeds Small. Tobacco seeds are so minute that a thimbleful will furnish enough plant* tor an acre pf ground. A Tonic For Women “I was hardly able to drag, I was so weakened,” writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. “The doctortreated me for about two months, still 1 didn’t get any better. 1 had a large fam ily and felt 1 surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. 1 had beard of CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic "1 decided to try It,” con tinues Mrs. Ray ... “I took eight bottles in a11... 1 re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. I have tea children and am able to d<> an my housework and a lot out doors ... I can sure recom mend CarduL” Take Cardid today. It may be just what yofi need. At all druggists. B.B V'KSI a* Community Chautauqua Present* This Big Attraction on the THIRD NIGHT Sstioa Tickets: Adults, S2LSO Children, $1.28 WINDER COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA SEPTEMBER 12 to 17. insurance Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a **kely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US di, t night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t OELaa. ay mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith NOW READY FOR GINNING After going through our gin outfit by rebuilding and placing new connections we feel sure we can recommend our machinery to be in the very best of mechani cal condition, so we ask you to bring us some cotton and give us a trial. G. W. SUMMEROUR Hundreds of young men and women grad uates of this school are now hold ing excellent positions as Book keepers, Stenographers, Private Secretaries, Accountants, etc. You Can Get the training in a few months that will enable you to secure a | good position. Why Not Begin now, which will enable you i . to finish the training by Xmas. Athens Business College Athens, Georgia ffffffff SUBSCRIPTION: 51.50 A YEAR —an evening you'll remember and never fully understand. The Floyds offer an entertainment extraordinary > of Magic Mind Reading ILLUSIONS MUSIC MIRTH