The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, September 22, 1921, Image 5
teaper than they can be bought elsewhere in BARROW COUNTY or adjoining counties Siscuit Cos. n the World. “Of Course UNEEDA Biscuit (Sonic !R, GEORGIA :ERIES, SOFT DRINKS )S, CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND SATURDAYS JPOSITE S. A. L. RY. DEPOT Fruit Cos. LINE OF FRUITS, HOT LUNCHES AND GARS AND TOBACCOS * K. Opposite Strand Theater y icos, Prop. ERCK JBING HOU^E lufacturer —Staple and Fancy Groceries. and 10c Store John, Prop. ENAMELWARE, DISHES TINWARE, ETC. at the right price. ‘The Home Store” can supply all your needs. . MIZE :e Bought and Sold GEORGIA ;he best quality of Groceries. Nobody and nobody has any better or purer stock 1 quality and price. I believe in a live anned goods. A full line of staple g-v -our, etc. at this store. Give me a trial. S. R. Coffee 35c; 3 pound can S. R. Coffe£ $1.00; 3 pound can Yellow A Qf- r^rnPPr\7 >rnia Peaches 30c; 35c can White Tuna Fish 25c; 20c package Corn l C o 01. V_J VJCCI y V^vJ# Phone 314 Hargrove Brothers PHONE 151 Headquarters for all kinds of Fruits, ONE CENT SALE Vegetables and Country Produce. _ _ , , „ We handle the highest grade flour For Saturday ollly we wll > sell you made $8.25 per Bbl and up. a 10c package of National Biscuit 100 lbs. best granulated sugar $6.50 Company’s crackers, any kind, for lc High Grade Coffee .... 50c per gal. if you will BUY ONE POUND of • ™ eare “ erS °L tl l e Famou J s their fancy cakes and cookies. Buy Gold Bar and Sweet Violet canned goods, finest quality of fruits and one P° und and * et 10c Package for vegetables known by every house- 1 cent. wife. > If IPs from Hargrove’s, It’s the BEST CITY CAFE WILLIAMS B ROS, Props. THE BEST EATS ARE HERE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET AND YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. OPEN FROM EARLY MORNING UNTIL LATE AT NIGHT Best of Food-Quick Service-E very thing Sanitary Corner Candler and Jackson Streets " -* / Light House Flour W. C. JETT Groceries and Meats * I extend a cordial greeting to all my customers, and wish to express to them my hearty appreciation of their patronage in the past. Remember I sell only the best and purest Groceries and Meats, both fresh and cured. If you have not been a customer of mine, suppose you give me a trial. My goods are the best, my prices are reasonable, ad my service is unexcelled. I guarantee satisfaction. t - * FRESH FISH EVERY WEEK PHONE 55 ' - L. E. Herrin /• • FANCY GROCERIES AND FRUITS •'’ • ICE CREAM AND COLD DRINKS CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND TOBACCOS We have no special one-day prices, but we have special prices EVERY DAY. L. E. Herrin Phone No. 70 Candler Street 4 Winder, Gx.