The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, September 22, 1921, Image 8
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1921. Psycological Action of Taniac Explained World’s Leading Authorities Show Just What Taniac Really Is and Explain Effect of Each of Ten Ingredients on the Human System. Power of Medicine Conclusively Proven. A day never passes but what thousands of people ask the questions: What is Taniac? Why its phenomenal success? Why de we hear so much about it? and Why has this preparation so far out-stripped all other medicines of its kind ? The answer to these questions is easy and can he explained in just one word—merit. Taniac is scientifically compounded and represents years of work, study, experimentation and research by some of the foremost demists and pharmacologists of America. The Taniac formula is purely ethical and complies with all National and Htate pure food laws. It is purely vegetable and is made from the most beneficial roots, herbs and barks known to Materia Medica. The Taniac Lab oratories are among the largest and most modernly equipped in this coun try. Ten Ingredients in Taniac. Altogether, there are ten ingredients in Taniac, each of which is of recog nized therapeutic value. In referring to one of the more im portant ingredints of Taniac, the En cyclopedia Brittanies says: “It has been the source of the most valuable tonic medicine* that have ever been discovered.” In referring to other of the general tonic drugs contained in Taniac, the 13th Edition of Potter’s Therapeutics, a standard medical text-book, states that "they impart general tone and strength to the entire system, including all organs and tissues.” This same well-known authority in describing the physiological action of still another of the ingredients of Tan iac, which is of value in treating what is commonly known ns a “run-down condition,” uses the following expres sion : "It is highly esteemed in loss of ap petite during convalescence from acute diseases.” There are certain elements in Taniac which, because of their influence upon the appetite, digestion, assimilation and elimination, improve the nutrition and vital activity of all the tissues and or gans of the body and produce that state of general tonicty which is called health. The United States Dispensatory makes the following comment regard ing another ingredient: “It may t>e used in ail cases of pure debility of the digestive organs or where a general tonic impression is required.” There are certain other ingredients descril>ed in the Dispensatory, and in Other standard medical text-books, as having a beneficial action upon the or gans of secretion, whose proper func tioning results in ft purification of the blood streams passing through them. Iu this manner, objectionable and poi sonous ingredients of the blood are removed and the entire system invigor ated and vitalized. Tonic and Body Builder. Tanlac was designed primarily for the correction of disorders of the stom ach. liver and bowels. At the same time, however, it is a powerful recon structive tonic and body builder, for it naturally follows that any medicine that brings aitout proper assimilation of the food and the thorough elimina tion of the waste products must, there fore, have a far-reaching and most beneficial effect upon the entire system. First Baptist Church Services for Sunday. Sunday school at 10:15. Preaching at 11 :.'U). "The Way Out of Troubles.” Junior R. Y. I*. I’. 7:00 I’. M. Senior It. Y. P. I’. 7 :00 P M Preaching S:(K I’ M. “God’s Call to His Church Today.” The Wednesday evening service is a combination of prayer and Bible school lesson work. If you are interested come and help ns. If you are not interested come and get a mirror glimpse of yourself. W. H. FAI'ST. Pastor. 2 Good Cutaway Har rows for Sale.-See me at once, 2 good cutaway haiTows for sale, both good ones, 1 practical ly new. Bargain in both -W. H. SHEATS. Notice to Creditors. Ail creditors having claims against the estate of Mrs. C. J. Hill, deceased, are hereby notified to render same, in proper form, to me for approval. This the 25th day of August, 1921. V. A. SIMS, Administrator. Greensboro, Ga. 6125. ( Classified Ads. Sunbeam Mazda Lamps for Delco and city current. Sold by Smith Hdw. Company. FOR SALE or TRADE.—One pair of good mules. See Dr. W. L. A SUGGESTION: We will tell you why you can buy a wagon from us cheaper than you have bought one in 10 years. See us this month. —Smith Hardware Company. Every progressive farmer in Barrow county is invited to write or call for a premium book of the fair and note the many handsome prizes offered for all kinds of exhibit*. Get your syrup jugs with sealing wax free at Woodrtiffffs. Friction top cans keeps syrup fresh and pure. We bought 'em cheaper and are seling them cheaper. 12 l-2e.— At Woodruff Hardware Cos. Buy Syrup Cans from Smith Hard vare Company. Expert Piano tuning and repairing. Prices reasonable. Phone your orders to Flanigan & Flanigan, Phone 20. 4t Michelin Red Inner Tubes more than satisfy. Sold only by Smith Hardware 'ompany. JUGS! Jugs!! All sizes, sealing wax free.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. LI MBER FOR SALE. Have large quantities of Framing and Boards for sale at prices that will sell. —Apply to A. P. Guffin. 21-tf Winchester shot guns, shells, car tridges and rifles. Smith Hardware Cos. The Winchester store. Another shipment of 1 gallon syrup cans CHEAPER. 12 l-2c each.—Wood ruff Hardware Cos. Your heating problem for this win ter will lie solved if you have the right kind of a heater. Heaters for one room or the whole house at Smith Hard ware Cos. NEW WAGONS FOR SALE We have 13 new two-horse wagons, medium and heavy weight that we want to sell at the low price of sllO and slls. We have 10 one-horse wagons that we will sell nt SOO each. These wagons are the famous Studebaker and these prices are for wagons with bodies. Kimbrough- Company, 4t-23 Apalachee, Ga. The best time to paint your house is now while the wood is thoroughly dry. Save the surface and you save all. Pee Gee Paints sold by Smith Hardware I'ompauy are pure and have the LAST ING QUALITIES. —Smith Hardware Company. ’ARM LANDS FOR SALE OR TRADE We have options on and for sale nearly fifty farms in Oconee and other North Georgia counties, ranging in sir.e from 25 to IKK) acres. This is the finest farming section of the entire state. Write us for our list of farms, terms and prices, and let us list your property in our next Bulletin. No sale —No cost to you. Anderson & Porter, Real Estate. Bishop, Georgia The Real, Real Estate Dealers.” NOTICE. A first grade license teacher wanted for Mayne's Academy for 1922. Apply > L. S. McElroy, Route 1, Winder, Ga. - t - A Pronounced Success. The uniform success that has atteud <l the use of Chamberiaiu’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and ire of bowel complaints, both for chil 'ren and adults, has brought it into al <>st universal use, so that it is prac ieally without a rival and as every one who used it knows; it is without on eijual. Best grade Galvanized Roofing sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. H. Quarterman, At torney. Winchester flashlights and batteries cannot be excelled. Sold by Smith Hdw. Cos. For your Automobile buy Casings. Tubes, Springs and Bumpers from Smith Hardware Cos. Woodruff Hardware Cos. is headquar ters for syrup can* and jugs. Beautify your home with an electric table or floor lamp. Smith Hardware mpany. LOOK! LISTEN!! Let us shake hands and say goodbye for ever to old Mr. Hardtimes, for he is dying slowly but surely, and those who have smiled and been optimistic during his reign will surely come into their own. So let us bury him and mourn no more for him. And on your return from the funeral, or when you are out on a shopping expedition come in and take a peep at Mrs. Vaughan’s New Hats. These Hats are the very latest styles, for old ladies, young ladies, misses and children. I also handle the Madam Grace Corset. Also Novelties and Notions. A cordial invitation to all at any time. I am open Saturday nights until 10 o’clock. MRS. M. E. VAUGHAN Up Stairs in Old Court House Bldg. Winder Drug Cos s. One Cent Sale For 4 days, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tues day we will offer many items in our store for ONE CENT: Colgates Talcum Pouder, 30c, TWO for 31^ Any 25c Talcum or TWO for Soaps 26c or- TWO for 26^ OR 15c Cakes, TWO for Stationery, a better value for 50c TWO boxes for 51^ School Tablets sc, or TWO for Hot Water Bottles $1.50 or TWO for $1.51 OR we will give you a Fountain Syringe for extra bottle if you desire. This ; not all we offer, but we have no more pace to tell you about it. Come to the Store and he convinced. WINDER DRUG CO. Til,. New Uni- Winder National Itanl. litiililiiig. A Wonderful Cleaning Soap made with ■lj Vil ONE large can of Red Seal Lye mixed with 5 y 2 pounds of grease and water (according to directions) makes ten pounds of wonderful cleaning soap. You can either make hard or soft soap—which ever you need, and you’ll say it’s the great est cleanser you ever saw. < - /n For Red Seal Lye is absolutely pure lye of the highest quality. It is free from any adulterations. Red Seal Lye is granulated and packed in cans that are easy and con venient to use. There is nothing like Red Seal Lye for washing greasy pots and pans or cleaning out greasy sinks. You simply sift Red Seal Lye into the pan or sink with a little Alwayt water to dissolve it. It eats up the grease, low direction* combining with it to make soap, and water washes grease, soap and lye away in full print a jiffy. You’ll find many helpful ways to nisheV'with use Red Seal Lye—as a water softener—a ®.* e c y h teH c disinfectant —a purifier and cleanser. how to use Always ask your storekeeper for, and be , L n y £ sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal savingly in “ , b , J many helpful Granulated Lye. ways. P. C. TOMSON & CO., Philadelphia. Penna. THE WINDER NEWS Look over your old heater and see what part* you are going to need to put it in shape. Either Wetter or Cole's. We furnish parts. Woodruff Hdw Company. We will make it warm for you this winter with a COLE DOWNDRAFT FUEL SAVING HEATER. None bet ter. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Why put up with that old STOVE of yours? Its costing you money ev ery day in wasted fuel, repairs, bad baking, time, trouble, etc. Our line is complete and prices right.—Smith Hdw. Company. I offer for thirty days only 29-acre farm. 25 acres in cultivation, near church and school. Prices and terms reasonable. —R. L. Woodruff. One small farm five miles south of Winder near church and school for sale cheap.—See R. L. Woodruff. LOST. —Left on side road somewhere in Winder territory one hat box con taining new hat lined with white. The box was from Mrs. Buchanan, Atlan, ta. Ga., and ha dthe name of Mrs. Ar thur Tufts, Emory University, on it. There is a reward of $5.00 for the box containing hat.—. Mrs. Arthur Tufts, Saluda, N. C. r iOST—Silver card case, gold lined, ini ials “F. A. B.” on back, and “Frances Brooks” engraved on inner edge.—Box 282. SPECIAL NOTICE We, the physicians of Barrow county, hav ing a list of the slow and no pay patrons in this territory, desire to say that for the past year we have been very lenient with you, and have tried to give you the very best that was in our power, and have sacrificed property to serve you, and have earned your accounts until fall. Now, we wish to warn you that unless you come to our rescue early this fall we will be unable to meet our bills and will be forced to a cash basis another year. This applies to those who have held cotton as well as to those who have kept us from the money we so badly needed. We regret the necessity of this step, but in view of the fact that we have put up the cash for automobiles, gas and other supplies, as well as the necessities of life, it will be impos sible to practice medicine without making our collections. S. T. Ross L. C. Allen L. W. Hodges M. B. Allen E. F. Saxon Ralph Freeman R* P. Adams T. L. Holcomb W. L. Mathews J. C. Daniel A. W. Martin C. B. Almond L. H. Elder H. P. Quillian W. T. Randolph E. R. Harris S. A. Boland ■- i v. • —... i 170,000 Now in Use Built with over strength in every part; built to withstand the constant strain of heavy duty; tested out under every condi tion of farm and belt work, and put to actual test by 170,000 owners during the past three years —the Fordson Tractor has lived up to every claim made for it. No matter what the farm task—whether plowing, disking, harrowing, threshing, baling hay, grinding feed, pumping water, sawing wood, pulling stumps, fill ing silos, or any of the many other jobs around the farm, the Fordson will not only do and do well, but quicker, easier and at less expense. There are so many different time and money saving ways in which the Ford son can be used that you owe it to your self to get the facts. Come in and see the Fordson, or write or phone for the information. KING MOTOR CO. SUBSCRIPTION: f1.50 A YEAR Hemstitching and Picot. Neat work. Prompt service, 10 and 12% cents yard cash. —Mrs. F. E. Durst, Commerce, Ga. 27-4 t CHEAP WAGONS. We have 13 new two-horse wagons and 10 new r one-horse wagons, all with bodies of the famous Studebaker make that we want to sell. The two-horse wagons will go at sllO and slls each. The one-horse wagons at S6O each. Kimbrough-Xeazey Company. •It 23 Apalachee, Ga? LOST—On streets of Winder Monday a pair of shell-rimmed spectacles. Fin der please return to R. D. Moore.