The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 13, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921. Social and Personal News Ptttman-DeLaPerriere. Mrs. Timothy C. Pittman, of Com merce, announces the engagement of her daughter. Reba, to Mr. Hinman Prjuston De La Perriere, of Hoschton, the marriage to he solemnized in No vember. Briscoe-Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Briscoe, of Monroe, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Willie, to Moses McConnell Williams, the wed ding to take place on Wednesday, No vember 30. A DOUBLE WEDDING. A double wedding occurred at the home of Mr. Marion Wade out on Route 4 from Winder last Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, when his two daughters were married. Miss Lottie Wade and Mr. Okie Venable made one couple and her sister, Miss Laura Wade and Mr. Charlie Williamson were the other. Both are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wade, prominent citizens of this county, and are attractive and popular young ladies. Mr. Venable is citizen of Winder, while Mr. Wil liamson lives near Jefferson. Both are splendid young men and the many friends of the young people in this sec tion unite in wishing them unbounded joy and success in life. are glad to see Mr. W. T. Apple by out again after an illness of several days. • • Mr. and Mrs. F. Hofmeister visited th latter’s sister, Mrs. G. N. Wages, at Decatur recently. • • Mr. L. B. Coster, of Athens, is doing the plumbing work on the new Bush jmilding on-,Broad street. -* * * I Mrs. Tandy Shackelford of Law renceville was the guest of relatives in the city last week. , • • Misses Kathleen Wilson. Margaret Russell and Sybil Millsaps were visit ors to Athens last week. • * Mr. Walter Cooper, of Decatur, for merly of this city, was shaking hands with friends in Winder last week. • • Messrs. J. F. Haygood and H. A. Hardy, of Oconee county, were visit ors to the city Wednesday of last week. SOME GOOD ADVICE The time has come when the farmer must live at home and board at the same place. He must produce his own food and must raise all feed for his stock. The day of all cotton is past, and the man that doesn’t act on this idea is headed straight for bankruptcy. The boll weevil is here and here to stay. We must meet the conditions as they are and overcome all obstacles by proper farming. The key to the situation is in diversifying crops. If we plant a big cotton acreage next year we may wind up with no cotton. Every body in this section should start right now to plan for plenty of food crops next year. Every farmer in this section should sow plenty of wheat and oats to supply his own needs and some to spare to those who live in town. And now is the time to get busy. Oats should be sown in October and wheat in November. Don’t wait too long. There is a proper time to do everything and now is the proper time to sow oats. \ou will need good seed oats in order to insure a full crop. We have plenty of the best seed obtainable. Come in and look at them. We can supply your need at the lowest price. We are interested in the success of the farmers for their success means our success and their failure means our failure. This is the reason why we have been careful about buying our seed oats. They are the best. Look at our stock and get our price before you buy. Plenty of OVERALLS, any size, per pair SI.OO Jumpers to match at SI.OO Cotton Seed Meal, Shorts, Bran, Chicken Feed. We carry the best Line of Fresh Meats to be had anywhere. Give us a call and be con vinced. Mr. and Mrs. Hulme Kinnebrew and Mr. and Mrs. Carter Daniel, of Athens, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange. • • The Sunbur.v Chapter L>. A. R. in vites the public to attend the program at the school auditorium on Friday ev ening, November 11. • Mrs. 11. T. Flanigan. Mrs. S. F. Maughon, Mrs. Ed Bedingfield and Miss Desma Elder were visitors to Athens Wednesday of last week. • * Mr. V. L. Ilngood. business manager of the Lawreneeville News-Herald, was in the city Wednesday and gave this office a pleasant call. • • Dr. C. B. Mott. Rev. L. W. Collins and A. I). Robertson went over to Ath ens Tuesday to attend the meeting of the farmersTind business men of North east Georgia held in that city Good times are here now. Honest, hard, effective work gets satisfactory results. Dr. C. B. Mott, of King Mo tor Cos., reports orders on file with cash for immediate delivery on Ford cas. • • Mrs. J. W. McWhorter is in Athens General Hospital, where she underwent a most serious operation last Monday. At this writing she is resting us well as could be expected and it is hoped that she will rapidly recover. • • Mr. V. E. Bentley, one of the promi nent citizens of Walton comity, and who is Justice of the Peace of Booth’s district, was in the city Wednesday and kindly paid his subscription to The News. • • Mr. W. E. Wall and family have mov ed from Baldwin county to live with his father, Mr. J. A. Wall, near Stat ham next year. The boll weevil was so destructive in Baldwin county this year that Mr. Wall, Jr., made almost a total failure in his cotton crop. • • Rev. W. 11. Faust, J. S. Settle, J. B. Brookshire, T. C. Buchanan attended the Chattahoochee association at Can dler Wednesday. A great crowd was present. Prof. T F. Robertson of Gainesville was elected moderator for the 12th time. WATSON-GLOVER & COMPANY Phone 80 Mr. Charlie Hardman of Commonm I was in Winder Wednesday. • • Mr. Ralph Sharptou, of Florida, is in Winder visiting relatives and friends for several days. • a Mr. Claud Sheafs, with the Fred Har vey Company with headquarters _in Kansas City, has been in the city sev eral days visiting relatives' and' old friends. • • Mr. Ralph Moon, of this city, attend ed the funeral of his uncle. Mr. Hunt, who was shot and killed at his home in Decatur Monday by a Mr. Dunnahoo, a deaf mute, who is thought to insane. Mrs. S. F. Maughon went to Athens Tuesday accompanied by Mr. Maughon for the purpose of having an operation performed at the Athens General Hos pital. Her many friends in the city hope that she will soon be able to be at her home again sound and well. • • Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Langston is spend ing some time in Winder and vicinity stopping at the NowelJ Hotel, Mr. Langston is the representative of the Mumford Orphanage located at Macon. This is a fine institution and is doing a great work. We feel sure the people of this section will respond quickly to the appeals of Mr. Langston for this .orphanage. • • Morgan Holsenbeck entertained quite a number of his boy-friends on Satur day, the occasion celebrating his birth day. which was October the sixth I Punch was served as the guests ar rived. and progressive games and ko daking furnished pleasant entertain ment for the jolly guests. Late in the afternoon a frozen course was served. * * Mr. B. F. Patrick, of Kingstree, S. C., near Charleston, brother of Mrs. L. W. .Hodges and sou of Mrs. G. W. Patrick, of this city, died suddenly at his home in Kingstree Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Patrick left im jnediately for Kingstree on hearing of his death. He was the oldest son of Mrs. Patrick. Their friends in Win der sympathize with them in tliir sor row. Look Here! 17 Lbs. Sugar SI.OO THE WINDER NEWS METHODIST SERVICES 10:1. A. M. Sunday school. Honor roll rewards will be made at this ser vice. 11:30. Morning worship. Preaching by the pastor. Subject "The Gospel of the Kingdom. 7 :iM) P. M. Epworth League ser vice. 7 Young people’s and Sunday School night. Special features by inein |bers of the school and talk to the young by the pastor. , Only four more Sundays until con ference. These days will he prophe cies of what the next year holds in store for Winder Mthbdeism, .and ,’will display th spirit and iuterst of the congregation that will gather short ly in the new house of worship. Let every member stand loyally in his plaee in these last testing days of our devo tion to the cause of Christ and the .church. To the stranger thre is always some thing of interest at the “church with the hearty welcome. L. Wilkie Collins, Pastor. NOTICE NO. 3. From looking over out* books it seems that many of our patrons look upon the notices we publish as a joke. We need our money, and there is no good business reason for not paying when cotton is selling for 20 cents and above. If you fail to get the medical attention you may need, just kick your self and hold cotton. We cannot con tinue to serve you without pay. Don’t get in the class with the voluntary bankrupt. We will soon revise our black list, and the only way to keep your name off is to settle accounts. To serve you is our business, to set tle is an obligation you owe yourself and us. No case of real charity neg lected. 11. P (.millian S. T. Ross T. 1.. Holcomb C. B. Almond Ralph Freeman E. R. Harris M. B. Allen W T. Randolph 1,. C. Allen W. L. Matthews S. A. Boland A. W. Martin li P Adams L 11. Elder E F. Saxon J. C. Daniel L. W. Hodges At Tin* Presbyterian Church. Rev. S. J. Cartledge will preach at Presbyterian church tonight (Thurs day). The public is cordially invited : to be present. NEXT WEEK IS PAY-UP WEEK. Let everybody observe next week as pay-up week. Let’s get our affairs 'straight next wek, if possible. If ev erybody in Barrow county could pay up next week what a mighty impetus it would give to our county. Let’s make everybody els*- happy by paying our accounts and notes, if possible. At least let’s pay what we can. Let’s make the week a great one in the his tory of our county. If you run a monthly account it is due the first of the month. Let’s pay it. If we owe notes that are due let’s pay them, or at least a good, substan tial part of them ,v You Are Invited TO THE j DEMONSTRATION OF THE International 8-16 and Titan 10-20 Tractors on the Farm of A. J. Hardigree SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 1 mile west of Winder on Bankhead Highway If you are interested in Tractor farming and want to know more about the low cost of power farming this is your chance to see an actual field demonstration. Don’t miss it. Smith Hardware Company Queen of the Pantry flour per sack $2.65 Howard flour .... $2.15 Pink Lady flour $2.25 All of these flours in barrel lots 25c less per barrel. Best Side Meat per lb. in small quantities 14c By the side 12£c pound Dairy Brand Pure Lard, 10 lbs $1.75 Dairy Brand Pure Lard, 5 lbs 90c vvvvvvvvvvv This means preachers, lawyers, doc tors, merchants, manufacturers, labor ers, farmers, everybody \ ( Every dollar we pay enables the oth er fellow to pay somebody else One 'dollar will pay a lot of debts Let's start them to moving in dead earnest next Monday morning, 17 to 22 Barrow county’s pay-up week, Oc tober 17 to 22. May it be a great week throughout the county. The boll weevil may hit us harder next year. Let’s get straight this year All together for a great effort next week. Let’s do it. £ v ~ 7~ Circle No. 3 of the M. E. church Will sell poppies to he worn on Armistice Day. Let everyone wear a poppy. 2<j-4t