The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 19

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THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1921. 850 DISASTER DEATH TOLL FOR ONE YEAR Red Cross Gives $1,871,000 Re lief When 65,000 Families Are Made Homeless. Forty-three diameters, resulting la the death In the United State* of SOC person* and the Injury of 2,000 called for emergency relief measures and the expenditure of $1,871,000 by the American Red Croon daring the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, *a.v* on announcement based apon the forth coming annual report of the Red Cross. These disasters caused property dam age estimated at $90,000,000, affected slrty-seven comjnunlU** and rendered 60,000 families homeless. The year's disasters were of vary ing types, Including several which pre vlously had never been thought of as falling within that classifies tjpn. The Red Cross furnished relief In seventeen fires of magnitude, five floods, seven tornadoes or cy clones, one devastating storm, three explosions, Including the one In Wall street; one building accident, twj typhoid epidemic*, fhb most serious be ing that at Salem, Ohio, which af fected 9 per cent of the population; one smallpox epidemic. In the republic of Haiti; one train wreck, the race riot at Tulsa, Okla.; the famine In China, emergency relief In famine among the Indians of Alaska, the grasshopper plague In North Dakota and an earth quake In Italy. Puablo Most Serious By far the most severe of the dis asters In the United States during the period covered by the Red Cross re port was the Pueblo flood early In June, 1921. The rehabilitation prob lem confronting the Red Cross In Pueblo was one of the most difficult fh recent years. 'When the first news of the horror was flashed throughout the country, the American Red Cross National Headquarters responded with a grant of $105,000 for relief work. Governor Bhoup of Colorado, appre ciating the long and successful exjterl ence of the Red Cross In organizing disaster relief work, placed the en tire responsibility for the administra tion of relief in its hands. In response to appeals from Presi dent Harding, Governor Shoup and other governors of western states and through local chapters of the Red Cross and other community organiza tions, public-spirited citizens brought the total contributed for Pueblo’s re habilitation to more than $825,000. The terrible havoc wrought by the flood waters is a matter of record. More than 2,300 homes were affected and 7,351 persons were left homeless. Estimates of $500,000 as an absolute minimum for rehabilitation were made by Red Cross officials In charge of ih • relief work. Fast Work in Wall Street The Wall street explosion was nota ble in that relief workers of the Red Cross were on the scene twenty min utes after the disaster occurred. The race riot at Tulsa also was unique in disaster relief annals In that outside of a small emergency relief fund con tributed by the Red Cross, the only reject measures outside the city con , sisted of the service of social work ers. nurses and a trained executive whose object was to assist local forces in directing their own efforts. In decided contrast with the pre vious year, only one tornado assumed the proportions of a major disaster. This occurred on April 15, in the bor der sections of Texas and Arkansas with the city of Texarkana as the center. The significant feature of this disaster relief work was the fact that it covered so much rural territory as to make necessary a large number of relief workers. The famine In China, necessitating relief expenditures totalling more than $1,000,000 by the American Red Cross was by far the most serious of the foreign disasters in which the Ked Cross gave aid. Builds Up Its Machinery In connection with the administra tion of disaster relief measures, an In creasing effectiveness on the part of the Red Cross to deal with emergen cies was manifested during the past year. In 328 Chapters of the Ameri can Red Cross there have been formed special committees to survey the re sources of their respective communi ties and to be prepared in case of disaster. In others of the 3,402 active Chapters, a network of communication has been formed through which instan taneous relief may be dispatched to any part of the United States. That its work in this field may he continued with ever greater effective ness. the American Bed Cross is ap pealing for widespread renewal of membership during Its Annual Roll Call, to be conducted this year from November 11 to 24. LIFE SAVING CORPS ENROLLMENT 10,000 Growth of Rod Cross Life Saving Corps throughout the country con tinued unabated during the last fiscal year, a summary of the year's achievements by that Red Cross Serv ice shows. There are now 160 Corps with a total membership of more than 10,000 members, of which 1,276 are sufficiently skilled In the work to act as examiners. Among the outstanding achievements of the Red Cross in tills field during the last year was the or ganization at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, of what is per haps the largest life saving corps in the world, _ BETHEL NEWS * * Mr. Odell Starnes spent Thursday night with Mr. Ira Adams. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Bolton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridge way awhile Thursday night. Little Louise Bolton spent part of this week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Starnes spent Saturday night with Mr. aud Mrs. Ed Starnes. Mr and Mi's. E. 11. Ridgowiy and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Tanner visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. A. Tanner fff Oxford Sunday. Mr. Odell Starnes had as his guest Saturday night Mr. Bill Ledson. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams awhile Saturday night. We are sorry to say that little How ard Adams is quite ill. We hope he will soon recover. Mrs. T. W. Partee had as her guests Sunday afternoon Mrs. C. A. Edwards and Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Edwards and Mr. aud Mrs. Grady McGaughey # and children motored to Atlanta Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Huff spent Sun day with W. T. Brown and family. Mr. Grover Brown had the misfor tune of getting his arm broken Satur day afternoon. Miss Pauline Thompson, of Watkins villo has l>oen spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Jewell Edwards. Mrs. Minnie and Mrs. Odesser Stur divant were guests of Mrs. G. W. Brown Friday afternoon. Those from here who attended the singing school at Hebron last week wore Messrs. Clifford Pruitt. Reuben Brown, and Clyde Hilton, of Auburn. Mrs. W. E. Shore spent part of last week with her father. Mr. W. T. Brown and family. Mrs. Mary Pruitt and daughter. Miss Omie Pruitt spent Wednesday with Mrs. G. W. Brown. Mrs. Mamie Edwards was the guest of Mrs. Bertie Shore Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. IL J. Brown motored to Winder Saturday afternoon shop ping. Misses Mary Lee and Loidehelle Ed wards were the guests of Miss Susie Brown Saturday afternoon. 1 Classified Ads. I Choice Steak at Carrington’s Cash Market (Jack McElhannon old stand t at 15 cents per pound. —Rhone 100. | KOlt SARK. Good stove heater ill line | condition. Very cheap for quick sale. Apply at Winder News office. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will I>e a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in surti communications count the words and send in amount, at one-half cent per word, to pay for same Why not save money by buying your mt'at.s and groceries at Carrington’s Cash Market (Jack McElhannon old stand) —Phone 100. LUMBER FOR SALE. Have large quantities of Framing and Boards for sale at prices that will sell. —Apply to A. I*. Guffin. 21-tf Why not save money by buying your meats and groceries at Carrington's Cash Market (Jack McElhannon old stand) —Phone 100. Wanted to buy several cows fresh in milk. If you have a good cow that’s not fresh in milk for sale see me about her.—Winder Pure Milk Dairy, J. W. Saunders, Phone 247. 26-4 t. All kinds of fresh meats and grocer ceries at groat saving at Carrington’s Cash Market (Jack McElhannon old stand) —Broad street. —Phone 100. Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. 11. Quarterman, At torney. All kinds of fresh meats and grocer caries at great saving at Carrington’s Cash Market (Jack McElhannon old Mand) —Broad street. —Phone 100. The Birth of A Nation” At The Strand Theater, Wednesday, November 2nd. Choice Steak at Carrington's Ca-sh Market (Jack McElhannon old stand) for 15 cents per pound.—Phone 100. Civil Service examination for Novem ber. Positions from sl4<lo to 1000. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessa ry. For free particulars, instruction, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service examiner) 505 Equitable Bldg. Wash 'ingtoii, D. C. 2t PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Ofliee in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts G. ROSS JULIAN E. ROSS ROSS & ROSS Attorneys-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office Over City Pharmacy Practice in all the Courts.— COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPEItRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge aud Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DU. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices In the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron R. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON lioschton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:041 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. AH other times when not attending calls DR. R. P- ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Ey<\ Ear, Nose aud Throat 511 Holman Building office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. R. HENRY BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: !> to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday I) to 12 :30 A. M. Office New Buslt Building. DR. R. A. VERDIER PRACTICE LIMITED Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted PHONE 830—510 Sou. Mutual Bldg. Athens, Ga. 8t B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 40.”., 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 40—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia VIM AND VIGOR Follow, If You Take This Advice Chattano<>ga, Tenn. “After four years of suffering and misery untold, from a trouble that seemed to baffle the doctors, I became despondent, when somehow I came into possession of Dr. Pierce’s book, “The Medical Adviser.” After reading it I decided 1 could be benefited by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery and the Anuric tablets, so I began their use and in three weeks I started to improve. I only weighed 125 lbs. when 1 commenced the treatment and todav I weigh 140 lbs., and am prac tically well. I can’t give too much praise to Dr. Pierce’s God-given remedies.” — John A. James. 1812 Citico Ave. You can quickly put yourself in A-l condition by going to your druggist and obtaining Dr. Pierce’s Family Remedies —tablets or liquid; or write Dr. Pierce, president Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Get the Medical Adviser from your neighborhood druggist or send SI.OO to Dr. Pierce. THE WINDER NEWS S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Bovind. No. 11 arrives 6:32 a m No. 17 arrives 8:42 a. iu No. 5 arrives 3:00 p.m. No. 29 arrives 7 :27 p.m. North Bound No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m No. 8 arrives 2:35 p.m. No. 18 arrives 7:00 p.m. No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE—Effective July 24. 1921. No. 8 daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm No. 14 leaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines ville, lelves 8:45 PM No. 5 adily except Sunday leaves 11:30 A. M. No. 13 daily except Sunday from Gainesville leaves 3 :15 P. M. A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been iu use for colds, croup, and whooping cough for almost half a century and has con stantly grown in favor and popularity as its good qualities became better known. It is the standard and main reliance for these diseases in thousands of homes. The facts that It can al ways be depended upon and is safe and pleasant to take are greatly in its fa vor when it is wanted for children. Advtca. If thou wouldst be Justified, afr knowledge thine injustice. He that confesses his sin begins his Journey toward salvation. He that Is sorry for It, memls his pace. He that forsukes it Is at his Journey's end.—Quarles. Indigestion Many persons, otherwise vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of indiges tion is important. “The only medicine I have needed has been something to aid diges tion and clean the liver,” writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a McKinney, Texas, farmer. “My medicine ia Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT for indigestion and stomach I trouble of any kind. I have never found anything that touches the spot, like Black- Draught I take It in broken doses after meals. For a long time I tried pills, which grip ed and didn't give ths good results. Black-Draught liver medicine la easy to take, easy to keep, inexpensive.” Get a package from your druggist today—Ask for and insist upca Thedford’s —the only genuine. Get It today. ! _!■ Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett Sc Myers Tobacco Cos. Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended 'JH FARMERS SOW GRAIN We are State Agents for Duplex Basic Phosphate, which runs from 18 to 24 per cent. It is manufactured by the Tennessee Coal Iron & R. R. Cos., Birmingham, Ala., and is scientifically prepared, especially for all kinds of! Grain and Hay Crops. It is sbipppd in 100 pound Cot ton Sacks or Bulk. Write us for Booklets and quotations. We want an Agent in every county. Truitt Coal Iron & R. R. Cos. Phone Ivy 753 Atlanta, Ga. /Qtiy'C&cMc. O' (jtyufae, BE SURE deaneries, like atocka and bonds, are dL _________ vlsable Into two classifications, BPECULA >[uq üB . TIONS OR INVESTMENTS. Some are r ° mored to be good. Others are KNOWN TO Overcoat. BE GOOD - The Capital City la KNOWN. The Evening Gown. entire South sends to our plant its fine and Evening Wrap. choice work, because HERE there Is NO doubt. rlVtntn* On the broad and stable foundation of Blanket. KNOWLEDGE Is our reputation built. Draperies "Parcel Pott Your Package Furs —Look To Vt For Retultt” Sweater* Glovea Capital City, Dry Cleaning & Dye Wks. R U r K P a ATLANTA, GEORGIA Woodrow Wilson As I Know Him By Joseph P. Tumulty Secretary to the President 1913-1921 To appear daily and Sunday in Sfl&e Atlanta Journal Beginning October 30 The Atlanta Journal has purchased the Geor gia rights to this intimate story of Woodrow Wilson, the facts for which were gathered dur ing ten years close association as secretary. Why Did Wilson adopt the policy of Watchful Waiting? What were his own views of the Lusi tania Tragedy? What were the facts about his treat ment of McCombs? What caused him to keep General Leon ard Wood at home? Why did he bar Elihu Root from the Paris peace conference? What was his opinion of Roosevelt? These are only a few of the big questions answered in Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him Soon to appear exclusively in THE ATLANTA JOURNAL ■V ’ Subscription Prices Dally and fcundaj? (By Mail or Carrie r—Payable In Advance) 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 20c 90c ga.BO $5.00 89.50 Subscription $1.50 per year.