The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 4

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STATHAM NEWS Miss Marlon Reynolds spent the week end with her parents at Maysville. Mrs. W. M. Fite, Miss Ruth Fite and Mrs. Jane Johnson were week-end guests of relatives in the country. Misses Bessie and Lillian Lanier 'of Auburn Christian College were with their parents Saturday and Sunday. l>r. and Mrs. S. A. Boland and Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Holcomb motored to Gainesville Saturday. Mrs. Anna Hammond and two daughters. Misses Bear lie and Zorn, have moved bark to town and are at home to their friends at tin* home of Mrs. T. L. Wall on Jefferson St. Miss Helen Arnold s|>eiit the week end here. Miss Lollie Mae Hammond of Athens was the guest of iter mother, Mrs. Anna Hammond. Mrs. W. D. Bolton of Klberton and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith of Bogart xvere with Mm Georgia McDonald Aftunduy. Franeis Hardigree of Athens spent part of last week here with tier grand mother, Mrs. .1. I*. Arnold. Mrs. J. C. Daniel and George Daniel, Mrs. J.M. L. Thurmond and James were visitors in Athens Saturday. <5. J. Thurmond went down to At lanta on business last week. Mrs. C. S. Williams and little son. Is-wis Harper, of Winder, were the guests of her sister, Mrs. B. A. Nun iially. The Junior Missionary Society incl t the home of Mrs. C. B. Chambers Saturday afternoon. Not very many IM-eseut but they seemed very much in terested in the study of the little Jap anese-children and their customs. Also the Bible lessons we are studying seem t Interest them very much. The Jun lor’s are more interested in their study than the grown ups. A CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our deep grati tude to our friends in and around Rtathum who responded so graciously to our needs in the loss of our home, ■ furniture, clothes by fire on last Fri day night. Words cannot express our thnnkfullness, hut we wish each and every one to know we thank you. W. E. MeDONAU). mbs. w. e. McDonald I Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kelly had as 1 their week-end guests Mr. Kelly’s niece*' Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Styles, of I Franklin, N. C. Men’s and Boys Suits & Overcoats at Half Price We are making "Cut Prices 1 ’ on all our goods during this great sale. It is an opportunity of a life time for the public to take advantage of the ‘‘Give Away” prices on all our Dry Goods, Clothing, Siloes, Hats, Ready-to-Wear, Etc. We are offering new goods at prices that it will pay you to come for miles to buy. Below we quote you a few prices to give you an idea of the BIG SACRIFICE that we are making in this sale. Our Millinery Department is full of the latest styles of Hats and Millinery ttoods at Grices that will make you alatl. See these hats. The Clothier Winder , Georgia Lot Children’s shoes at $1.48 Big lot $2.50 Blankets, at . . .. $1.49 $lO Blankets at $395 $4 blankets at $1.98 Lot sl2 to SIG Velour and Jersey Dresses 5.95 W. L. Douglas Shoes at 33 1-3 per cent off. SHERIFF SALE GEOBGIA —Barrow county. There will e ol before the court house door of said within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December. 11*21. the following property, to-wit: 1 lot of land in the Town of Stut hnm, Barrow county. Georgia, on which there is a residence, said lot fronting on Broad St., in said Town of Ktathani, about too ft. and running back about H> feet deep, and being about 100 feet wide at the rear of same, this being the lot on which B. G. Sims now resides. Said projs-rty levied on as the prop erly of It. G. Sims by virtue of an ex ecution issued from Barrow Superior Court in favor of Bank of Statbam against said It. G. Sims and sold to satisfy said execution. Tenant in possession given due notice. Tills Hie Olli day of November, ISjjjl. 11. o. CAMP. Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA— Barrow county. Will lie sold before the Court House door of said county within the legal hours of sale in Winder, Georgia, on l(he hist Tuesday in December. 11*21 the following described property, to wit : One black top buggy and harness; one twohdme Hackney wagon; three single plow stocks; one No. 10 Oliver Chill Plow. Shi<l property levied on as the prop erty of Governor Rodgers, colored, by virtue of a mortgage execution issued from Barrow Superior court, in favor of J. M. I- Thurmond and against said Governor Rodgers, and sold to satisfy said execution. This tho oth day of November, 1021. 11. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE GEKG IA Harrow county. Will lie sold before the court house door of said county within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1021, the following proper ty, to-wit: One black mare mule S years old, name Colo, weight 050 pounds. Said property levied on as the prop erty of J. It. Haynes by virtue of n mortgage execution issued from Bar row Superior Court, in favor of Wood ruff Hardware Company and against said J. It. Haynes, and sold to satisfy said execution. This tint Otli flay of November, 1021 H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. J. T. STRANGE COMPANY The great bargains flint the public has Imsmi getting from this store is stil! holding good. If you an* in uejd. of anything in the dry goods line visit their store and price their goods. You will be pleased with the quality and price of their goods. Mr. R. T. Goowyn Instantly Killed it. T. Goodwyn, Jr., a prominent young man of Athens and well known tlnoughoiit this section, was instant ly killed 1 lie;day evening near Coving ton, when the automobile which he was driving plunged off an embankment twenty feel high. He was killed in stantly. iicing caught under the car. M.r T. C. Aycoek, of Monroe, who was with him in the ear, was pinned un der the wrecked automobile, but he escaped without serious injury. Two passing negroes heard his cry and came to their rescue. The remains of Mr. Goodwyn were taken to Athens for burial. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Bible School meets at 10:15 A. M. Come and let us make this a ban ner day in attendance. At 11:20 Bro. Edwards will preach and ibe Lord’s Supper will be observ ed? It is expected that the evening ser vice will be one of the greatest in the present series of meetings. Christian meets at 6:50. The music at all services will be conducted by the Pollocks. Minister, Stanley R. Grubb. W. H. FAUST, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Servic; s for Sunday. Sunday school at 10:15. S. F. Maug hon, superintendent. At 11:30 and 7:30 Geo. W. Andrews our state S. S. Field Secretary will, speak. Junior and Senior B. A. P. XT. at t 6:30. I All S. S. teachers and workers will be delighted to have this opportunity to hear one of the South’s leading Bi ble school workers. Come and bring your friends. The Big Sale Is Still Going On at j. l. Saul’s Store Blankets and comforts ONE? HALF PRICE ISC'cotton plaids, at per yard 9 C Heavy A C A Feather proof ticking at 23c One-piece dresses sl2 values at $3.75 $30.00 Coat Suits 13.75 We Mean What We Say \ We are in earnest in our desire to satisfy the public in our dealings with them. We want to sell you your GROCERIES and MEATS and we realize to do this we must give thorough satisfaction at all times, We keep the best Groceries and Meats on the market and we are sure you will be pleasedwith our prices Our constantly growing trade is proof that we please the people. If you are not one of our customers we want you to give us a trial. Let us show you how pleasant we can make it for you. Our motto is: pest Quality-Lowest Prices-Prompt Service. All Groceries, such as Flour, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, fresh and cured Meats, Rice, Grits, and everything car ried in an up-to-flate grocery store are kept always in stock and we know that our prices are as low as they can be made. We want to serve you. Give us a trial. WATSON-GLOVER & CO. PHONE 80 $40.00 Coat Suits 16.75 SSO 00 Coat Suits 19.45 Men’s $8 English Style dress shoes . ..., $4.65 Men’s S2O Suits $12.50 Men’s S3O Suits $15.00 Men’s $35 Suits $17.50 Men’s S4O Suits $22.50 Boys Suits at One-half price Subscription Price: <1.50 Per Year. Ladies Coat Suits and | Dresses at Big Reduc- ! Dress Gingham, worth up to 30c. Special 12£c Dress shirting at ll^c 3 A sheeting, heaviest, per yard ... 12£c Good Sea Island 5c yd.