The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 17, 1921, Image 2

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THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1921. SNAP SHOTS W. H. FAUST The observant ones not iced that de spite the rain, rebumatism, etc., the schools, banks and stores were opened and occupied as usual on Monday. In fact, these things only interfere with church services. Home men are as crooked as a preta el, and when they are buried, you will have to dig their grave with a crooked auger. A real good sermon ought to make a miser lilieral. and cause a fellow to want to kis' his mother-in-law. The big fish that swallowed Jonah must have had a good stomach to re tain a backslidden fellow like the un manly servant of the Lord for three whole days. A great many of us want to he good, but we want our piety paddl'd like a horse collar so it will not hurt. Some people will pray like a priest during a cyclone, and cuss like 1 a sail or when the sun shines and the weath er is fair again. If you could buy some people for wlmt they are really worth and sell them for what they think they are worth, millionaires would be as plen tiful as tleas on a woolly pup. Oil! for the good old days when ols'dienee was practiced, ami hoys oc casionally meandered with dad for a wrestle in the woodshed to the music of a good hickory. Meetings of all sorts, clubs, secret or social, and amusements arc so prev alent that a fellow here gets to spend a whole night at home from Christ mas to Christmas. Postoak Locals. Mr. un<l Mrs. \V. A. Holloway s|Miit 'Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hirain Adams. Mr. B. VV. I'artain spent Tuesday nitcht and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans spent Satur day night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Lackey of Paradise. Mr. itnd Mrs. G. H. Holloway spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J .P. Hill of Pentecost. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall of Pleas ant Hill sjrent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. (’. B. Austin spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smith of near Winder. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Ed die Ruth DeLay. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Perkins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hol loway. Mr. Roy Griffeth spent Saturday hight and Sunday with Mr. Otis Mil ler. The singing at Mr. W. M. Holloway’s Wednesday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol loway. Rev. W. S. Walker of Monroe was the guest of Mr. W. M. Holloway a while Sunday afternoon. PARADISE Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hunter had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins. Mr. M. A. Perkins and Dewey, of Bartow, Ga., arrived here lust week where they will make their home; their friends are glad to see them back. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway visited Miss Eddie Ruth DeLay Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. M. A. A. Perkins and Miss Lil lie Jane Perkins spent Saturday alight with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hunter. Mrs. H. M. Sailors had ns her guests Saturday night Mrs. W. L. Smith and children. Mrs. W. T. Barber spent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. C. H. Hunter. Mrs. J. R. Lee and Mr. Elbert Mor ris visited Mr. and Mrs. Itrmun Mob ley of Winder Saturday afternoon. Larue Barber gave a birthday party Saturday afternoon to a few friends In honor of her twelfth birthday; it was highly enjoyed by all present. Mr. Luther Morris and Miss I>ru willie Ward were happily married Sim day afternoon at the residence of Mr. K. C. Perkins. Both are itopular young people and have a host of friends who ■wish them much joy and happiness in life. A Timely Suggestion This is the seasou of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost certain to he needed before the winter Li over and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the first indica tion of a cold appears and before it has become settled in the system. There is no danger in giving it to children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. Government Plans Changes in Currency. (beat changes are pending in the paper currency of the country, ac cording to Atlanta hankers. The long green will soon be made shorter, and other alterations will lie effected which will increase convenience and deer use the likelihood of counterfeit and fraud. Economy, too, enters into the plan. The paper from which bills are made is very expensive, it is stated, being prepared by an elaborate secret process Under the new plan, according to re ports received in Atlanta, a sheet of this paper will lie cut into five hills where now it is cut into four. ojt is the same sort of homely econ omy which makes holes in doughnuts and then makes more doughnuts out of the material punched from the hole” said an Atlanta hanker. While this change is being worked out it is hoped to form a feasible plan, hankers here say. for making hills of different denominations of different sizes so that a $2 note can not Ik* rais ed to a S2O or a $5 note to a SSO, by clever ling-rs of the crook or the crook ed lingers of the clever. Changes in tin' engraving on the face and the hack will add to the difficulty of tam pering or counterfeiting. “These changes in the form of pa per currency are undoubtedly desira ble,” said a local wag. “but they won't interest the common citizen very much. All his money is 100 short, os a rule, and his difficulty does not lie so much in hills raised from one denomination to another as in raising any at all. CARD OK THANKS We desire to thank our neighbors and friends who so kindly came to our assistance during the illness and at the time of the death of our dear mother. May (Jod bless every one. James Capes, Mrs. Lena Lee, Oscar Capes, Mrs. Annie Walls, <l. W. Capes Mrs. Lula McDonald. NOTICE Tax Collector’s Third and Last Round. I will Is- at tlie following places: Bethlehem District Bethlehem, November 22, from 9:00 to 11:00 A. M. Jones District — D. D. Jones, Nov 22, 11:90 to 1:90 P. M. St at ham District —- Statlmm, Nov. 22, from 2P.M. to 4 I*. M. Chandlers District- Chandlers Court Ground, Nov. 22nd, from 4:90 to 5:90 P. M. Pentecost District— Sigmon's Store, Nov. 29, from 9:00 to 10:90 P. M. Cain's District Thompson's Store, Nov. 23rd, from 11 A. M. to 1 IV M. Cain's Court Ground, Nov. 23, from 1 :90 to 2:30 P. M. Auburn District— Auburn, at Bank Nov. 23, 3:00 to 4:30 P. M. Ben Smith District — H. T. Sells, Sr., Nov 24. from 9:90 to 11 :00 A. M. Carl, Nov. 24th, from 11 :90 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. M. H. LOWE, Tux Collector Barrow County. NOTICE. The Barrow County Singing Choir will hold its next meeting with Union church next Sunday afternoon. Nov. 20. Everybody cordially invited.—E. B. BROWN. President. Army Cothing On sale at J. C. Ray & Cos. Store WINDER GEORGIA These goods are great bargains, and afford an opportunity to lay in comfortable Winter Goods at a great saving. Wool Blankets, at $3.65 Overcoats as long as they last, $4.85 Big line of other goods not mentioned. COCHRAN BROS. J. C. RAY & CO. “TIIE ECONOMY STOOKK" Athens & Jackson Sts. Rhone 177 We eliminate all hot air talk &. give you some of our prices on guaranteed groceries. 1 Barrel best Patented 90 . r I ■is pounds best Patented (T*<YOO Flour . .... 21 pounds best Patented $ 1.05 Flour -L 1 Barrel Self Rising bestso.oo Patented Flour O •is pounds Self Rising liest SO.OO Patented Flour 21 pounds Self Rising best $1 .10 Patented Flour A 10 pounds of Silver Leaf SI .70 Lard 1 5 pounds Silver Leaf SQAC jU 10 pounds Crescent Com- ST .25 pound Lard A No. 5 Crescent Compound OTU Lard 1 pound Old Scotch Coffee 3(T pounds 1 lid Scotch 1 >ffe< Rest, tirade l’eaberry Ctiffe 25 pounds fine granulated $T .70 Sugar *- I pound cau of Tripe 2 pound can of Hominy Best Full Head Rice, per T AC pound Fancy Hominy Grits, per rx pound Large Size Pork & Beans Side Meat, Clear Belleys B st Grade White Shorts SO.OO per hundred “ And other things too numerous to mention. Give us a trial and bo convinced. ONE PRICE—SPOT CASH TO ALL J. C. RAY & CO. I Tallassee Dots *. * A large crowd attended Sunday school at Providence last Sunday. Mr. Lonnie Patton was the guest of Mr. Bennie Maynard Saturday after noon. Mr. Jeff Hill was the guest of Mr. Edgar Fleming Thursday night. Misses Mozelle and I’lonie Hartley were the dinner guests of Miss Lillian Hill Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Fleming and little Geor giu Raymond were the guests of Mrs. J. C. Sikes, Sr„ Sunday night. Misses Thelma and Bernice Davis were the guests of Miss Gertrude Skel ton Friday afternoon. Miss Lois Nicholson was the guest of Mrs. Ellis Wages Sunday. Little Mary Bell Sikes was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Festus Kinney, Sat urday night. Mr. J. C. Sikes was in Bogart on bus ness Monday. JVliss Gertrude Skeltcm was in Jeffer son Saturday on business. THE WINDER NEWS The Barrow County Corn Club Winners Tht- corn club boys of Barrow coun ty made fine records in their corn con tests for the year 1921. These boys hud their corn on exhibition at the North Georgia Fair last month and the display was fine. The following are the winners: Hubert Lancaster. Hosehton, Ga., 90 bushels. Howell Parks, Hosehton, 52 bushels. Ernest Parks. Hosehton, 51 bushels. Edward Coker. Auburn, 46 bushels. Lloyd Rainey, Wind r, 4.'! bushels. i $1,000,000 RAISED IN THIRTY DAYS Old Georgia's great victory, the raising of the one million dollar war memorial fund in the face of “hard times” such as the state has seldom .known, was completed today when Har ry Hodgson, chairman general of the Georgia campaign, announced that the .one millionth dollar had been added to the fund. From every part of the state and from 27 other states alumni and friends of the University sent in gifts showing their affection for the University and their appreciation of its value to the state. “The citizens of Georgia will see at Athens the finest war memorial to our dead heroes that the South can boast, a result of their generosity in this effort, it ml they will see anew day of promise tund service dawn for the old est state university in America,” says Mr. Hodgson. TO OPPOSE CONGRESSMAN BELL IN 9TH CONGRESSIONAL BIST. Toecoa, Ga., —The political pot has begun to boil in the Ninth congression al district early. The first symptoms was noticed Saturday when I)r. James H. H. Crawford, of Martin, stated that he had thrown his hat into the ring against Congressman Thomas M. Bell. FARM FOR SALE. 32% Acres of fine farm land; 24 teres in cultivation, balance in fine tim ber, good four room house and good >ut buildings; fine pasture and good well of water. Four miles east of Win s'. In one-half mile of church, and mile of good school.—Mrs. W. V. Segars, Winder, Ga. 3t-25-pd Goodyear Tires Reduced For the third time within one year, Goodyear Tires have been reduced in price, but quality has been main tained. Come in and get new prices and you will buy, for they are offered at the lowest price since the Automo bile has come into use. We have all sizes both in Cord and Fabric. \ The Tire Service Station ROBERT A. CAMP, Prop. Athens Street WINDER, GA. Phone 203 DECATUR HIGH LOSES TO WINDER Decatur was defeated by Winder High here Friday by a score of 68 to 0. It, was Winder’s ball and Winder’s game from the first signal to the last play of the game. Winder High has only been defeated once with one tie game and five games to her credit. The feature of the game was the scoring by the entire baekfleld for Winder. :r:: insurance Your neighbor's home burned only a f ew days or months ago and a likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with IS Ov, t night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t OELAi. ay mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company 80 that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. Subscription Price; $1.50 Per Year. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Services for Sunday. Sunday school at 10:15. Preaching at 11:30 “Cain and Abel.” Junior B. Y. P. U., Ernestine Bush, Leader. Senior B. Y. P. C., Josephine House, President. Preaching at 7 :30 “Blaming Adam.” Everyone in his place. IV. H. FAUST, Pastor.