The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 24, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. 24. 1921. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JK. Attorneye-At-Law • WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts G. D. ROSS JULIAN E. ROSS ROSS & ROSS Attorneys-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office Over City Pharmacy Practice in all the Courts.— , COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN , Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere’s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Oflices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone SI WINDER, GA. DR. R. P- ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem. Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. Ito 5 P. M. R. HENRY BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9 to 12:30 A. M. Office New Bush Building. I?. E. PATRICK ♦ Jeweler Room 403. 4th Floor ; Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. - W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing —Altering Phone 49 —Jackson Street Winder, Georgia # Good Health. If you would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when con stipated. When needed, take Cham berlain’s Tablets. They are mild and gentle. A Timely Suggestion This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the winter is over and results are much more prompt am satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the first m< i< a tion of a cold appears and before it has become settled in the system. There is no danger in giving it to children as it contains no opium or other harmfu Money In HJa Bhoea. A Pole named Plctr Talla, travel I*§ from America to Danzig, was taken 111 recently in the Y. M. C. A. hot, Waterloo road. London, and removed to the Infirmary. He had only twe shillings threepence tn English money, but hidden In his clothing he had 22 $lO gold pieces and paper money to the value of S9OO. His shoes were found to be very heavy, and when they were photographed by the X-ray, 12 large coins, presumably $lO gold pieces, were found hidden between the leather and the soles of each boot— Brooklyn Eagle. Classified Ads. LAUNDRY NOTICE I have the agency for the Gaines ville Steam Laundry. Will call for and deliver your work each week. None better.—Robert Stewart 31-4 t Save money by buying our best grade axes $1.25; with handle $1.50. —Wood- ruff Hardware Company. NOTICE TO THE rCBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in sudh communications count the words and send in amount,' at one-half cent per word, to pay for same. Why stay cold longer when we have heaters for $6.00 and up. They pay for themselves in one season in fuel saved. Woodruff Hardware 00. The City Tax Books close Dec. Ist. Pay your taxes before that time. LOiBER FOR SALE. Have large quantities of Framing and Boards for sale at prices that will sell. —Apply to A. P. Guffln. 21-tf Standard brand Indian Chief Axe good as made $1.25; with white hick ory handle, $1.50. —Woodruff Hdw. Cos Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. H. Quarterman, At torney. • • I have several good mules and horses which I will sell cheap or rent for twelve months.—R. L. Woodruff. Best grade axe $1.25; with white hickory handle, $1.50. —Woodruff's. See Woodruff Hardware Cos. for a fifty piece gold band dinner set guar anteed not to crack, for only $15.00. — Best grade axe $1.25; with good han •handle, SI.SO—WOODRUFF DW. CO. RESULTS— SEND US: Suits Overcoats livening Gowns Evening Wraps Blouses Curtains Blankets Draperies Furs Sweaters Gloves Carpets Rugs Woodrow Wilson As 1 Know Him By Joseph P. Tumulty Secretary to the President 1913-1921 To appear daily and Sunday in Ofte Atlanta Journal Beginning October 30 The Atlanta Journal has purchased the Geor gia rights to this intimate story of Woodrow Wilson, the facts for which were gathered dur ing ten years close association as secretary. Why Did Wilson adopt the policy of Watchful Waiting? What were his own views of the Lusi tania Tragedy? What were the facts about his treat ment of McCombs? What caused him to keep General Leon ard Wood at home? Why did he bar Elihu Root from the Paris peace conference? What was his opinion of Roosevelt? These are only a few of the big questions answered in Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him Soon to appear exclusively m THE ATLANTA JOURNAL Subscription Prices Daily and Sunday (By Mail or Carrie r—Payable In Advance) 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 20c 90c $2.50 $5.00 $9.50 RESULTS TELL There Can Be No Doubt About The Results in Winder. Results tell the tale All doubt is removed. The testimony of a Winder citizen, can be easily investigated. Ask your neighbor. What better proof cau be had? E. O. Foster, weaver. Middle St. Win der, says: , “I was so bad with kid ney trouble that if I stooped 1 could hardly straighten. The pains in my back were severe and my head oehed something awful, felt as if there were a weight on my kidneys. The worst trouble I had was the way my kidneys acted, as I had to get up several times during the night on this account. One of the family advised me to take Doans Kidney Pills, so I did. Doan’s entire ly cured me and I have had no return of the trouble. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim : ply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Foster had. Foster-Milbum Cos., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. It used to be: “Send this suit to the clean ers.” It has changed now to: “Send this suit to THE CAPITAL CITY.” This change has been brought about by RESULTS. A Capital City cleaning makes an old suit almost NEW. No where else can you get such SUPER WORK —and at such fair prices. * "Parcel Post Your Packag* —Look To Us For Results" Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Wks. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Lake's Level Has Fade.*'. The pre-hlstorlc Lake Tanoe was larger and deeper than the present lake. During the Neocene epoch and earlier part of the Pleistocene epoch Its water stood much higher, but In Its overflow It has cut through the lava dams that maintained It at the kelghL Benches that mark the for mer higher level are about 100 feet above the present surface end doubt less rh e water once stood even higher. The City Tax Books elae Dec. Ist. I ay your taxes before that time. Keep warm by a heater and stive fuel too. We have them for $6.00 and U p,—.Woodruff Hardware Company. The City Ta* Books close Dec. Ist. Pay your taxes before that time. For rent or sale; good mules and horses. See R. L. Woodruff. $15.00 buys a fifty-piece gold band dinner set guarauteed not to crack. W’oodruff Hardware Company. THE WINDER NEWS lf= Buick Six Touring Win or SIOOO Cash How Many Objects in This Picture Begin With the Letter “C ? The above picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter “C.” Just take a good look at the picture—there are all sorts of things that begin with the letter “C”—like cow, calf, cap, etc. Nothing is hidden; you don’t have to turn the picture upside down. Make a list of all the objects in the picture, the names of which begin with the letter “C.” Have the whole family join in—see who.can find the most. Don’t miss any. Fifteen cash prizes will be awarded for the fifteen best lists of words submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects shown in this picture starting with the letter "C” will be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, etc. Young and Old, Join in The Fun The Atlanta Constitution announces today a game in which all can participate—from the tiniest child to grandfather and great-grandma. No object Is so small but that the poorest eye sight can see it. It is a test of skill. Your ability to find ■’C-Words" determines the prize you win. Hight after supper this evening, gather all the members of your family together; give each of them a pencil and a sheet of paper —and see who can find the most "C-Words.” You’ll be surprised to find how large a list of words you can get after a few minutes’ study. Sit down NOW and try it—then, send in your list and try for the big prizes. You Can Win SI,OOO OR BUICK SIX TOURING CAR The “C-Word” Picture Puzzle Gurnet la a campaign tp increase the popularity of The „ Atlnnta Conatitutlnn. n coat* nothing to take part, und you do not have to send in a single subscription to win a prise. If your list of “C-Words” Is awarded FIRST, SECOND or THIRD prise by the judges, you will win $35; but if you would like to win more than $35, we are making the following- special offer whereby you can win bigger ensh prizes by sending in ONE or TWO subscription* to The Atlanta Constitution. IDC RE’S HOW: If your answer to the “C-Word” ricture Puzzle win* FIRST, BECDND or THIRD prize and you have sent in ONE six-month subscription to The Atlanta Constitution at $5.00, you will receive $350 instead of $35; fourth prize, $150; fifth prise, SIOO, etc. (See second column of figures In prize list.) OR, If your answer win* FIRST, SECOND or THIRD prize, and you have sent, in TWO six-month subscriptions to The Atlanta Constitution at $5.00, or ONE yearly subscription to The Constitution at $0.50, you will receive SI,OOO in place of $35; fourth priz, $300; fifth prize, S2OO, etc. third column of figures iu prize list.) How is that for a liberal offer? But, LOOK, there are three SI,OOO prizes. Therefore, if you stand FIRST, SECOND or THIRD and have sent in TWO six-month subscriptions at $5.00 or one yearly subscription at $9.60. you will win SI,OOO. NOW, FURTHER, as a SPECIAL OFFER, we will allow the participant having the best list of '*C-Words ,, of the First Three Prize Winners (if fullv qualified), the choice of SI,OOO in cash or anew 1922 Buick Six Touiing Car, value $1,715 f. o. b. Atlanta, It takes but TWO six-month subscriptions at $5.00 or one yearly subscription at (new or renewal) to qualify for the big SI,OOO rewards. Absolutely, that Is the maxi mum. You ran do thi* with very little effort. Your own subscription can count. We can also take subscriptions to start at any future date. Just mark on your order when you want the pnj>er started, and we will not commence delivery until you say. PV IP At PHI TTF This offer applies to rural route patrons as well as subscribers living In cities I\Ulv\L I\UU 1L and towns. If you aro already receiving- The Constitution, your subscription Cl will bd extended from its present expiration. Send in a yearly subscription at $9.50, or two six-month subscriptions, at $5.00, and qualify for the bijg prizes, t This is an easy way to win SI,OOO or a Buick Touring Car. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION ™ Subscription Rate*—Payable in Advance (By Mali, Carrier, or A Kent. > DAILY AND SUNDAY Six Months $5.00 For AH FRUIT CAKE Ingredients Go To HARGROVE BROS. We also have the 2 and 4 pound Fruit Cakes. DAILY AND SUNDAY One Year $9.50 , —THE PRIZES—— I Winning answers will receive prizes as follows: Film cliaa If Prim oivea W I Prlza it I Xk NO tub-ttlolltst • rio. tubi rlp. ■ M /C 4 IY-iiii 'll-'lnl ’ ll tion !■ ■< nt icrlptloi.z r, ae.l k Prize".s3s.oo ) $350.00 H I 2nd ** .. 35,00; 350.00 ( 1.0C0.00g 3rd *• .. 35.00 350.00 V^I,OOO.O^ 4th ** ..20.00 150.00 30?ToO O sth “ ..15.00 100.00 200.00 /-v 6th “ .. 10.00 \ 75.00 150.00 7th ** .. 7.50 40.00 fiO.OO V Bth “ .. 5.00 30.00 00.00 Oth “ .. S.OOi 120.00 40.00 ** 10th “ .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 llth •• .. 2.00, 15.00 30.00 3 12th “ .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 13th “ .. 2.00 15.00 30.00 5V 14th “ .. 2.001 15.00 30.00 IN 15th “ 2-00) 15.00 30.00 w AUlowuniuc khkb— As a special prize for | the best effort shown Ju Lhe,game. wo will allow the participant having the beat list of 'C-Wortls. ■of the first three prize winners (ir fully gufelifleO), the choice of JI.OOO cash or anew 1922 BUICK SIX TOURING CAR. value 11.715 f.0.1). Atlanta. -nr Is now on display nt the John Smith Sale*. ItMinr. >. HM> W. Peachtree St.. Atlanta. U. OBSERVE THESE RULES 1. Any man. woman, girl or txiy liv ing in Georgia or any adjoining state who la not an employee of The At lanta Constitution, or a member of an employee's family, may submit un answer. It coats nothing to try. *2. All answers must be mailed by November ll)th, 1921. 3. Answers should be written on one side of the paper only and words numbered consecutively, 1. 2. 3. etc. Write your full name and address on each page In the upper right-hand comer. If you desire to write anything else, use a sep arate sheet. 4. Only words found In the Eng lish dictionary will be counted. Do not use hyphenated, compound or obsolete words. Use either the singular or plural, but where the plural is unod, tlx? singular can not be counted and vice versa. 5. Words of the same spelling can be used only once, even though used to designate different objects. Tho same object can bo named only once; however, any part of the ob ject may also be named. 8. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of names of visible objects shown ]u the pic ture that begin with tho letter *‘C.“ will be awarded first prize. EXTRA PUZZLE PICTURES FREE ON REQUEST Subscription Price; $1.50 Per Year. etc. Neatness, style, or handwrit ing have no bearing upon deciding the winners. T. Candidatea may co-operate In answering tho puzzle, but only one prize will be awarded to any one household; nor will prize* be awarded to more than one of* any group outalde of tho family, where two or more have been working to gether. 8. la the event of a lie for any prize offered tho full amount of such prize will bo paid to each tied participant. 9. All answers will receive the same consideration, regardless of whether or not a üb.crlptJon for Tho Atlanta Constitution La soßt In. 10. There will be three independ ent Judges, having no connection with The Constitution, who will Judge the anaWera submitted and award the prizes at the end of tint puzzle game and participants agr. e to accept tho decision of the Judges as final and conclusive. 11. The Judges will meet right aft er tho close, and the announce ment of the prize winners arid cor rect list of words will be published In Tlu* Constitution Just as quick ly thereafter as possible.