The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 15, 1921, Image 2

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1021- Over3,OOOßottles of Tanlac Sold Each Week In State of Ga. After Six Years of Phenomenal Demand, Manu facturers Still Taxed to Limit to Keep Public Supplied With Great Tonic. A little over six years ago in the city of Atlanta, the first bottle of Tanlac was offered to Georgia people. The public was skeptical at first. They just couldn’t believe the remarkable powers claimed for this new medicine, but in short time so many local men and women, whose integrity could not be questioned told in such sincere, straightforward statements of the wonderful benefits they had received from its use that the truth of the claims could no longer be doubted. People all over Georgia, from Rabun Gap to Tybee Light, began taking Tan lac and testifying to its greatness as a medicine. Before long Tanlac bad be come a household word in every eity, town, village and hamlet in the state and the manufacturers were taxed to keep the druggist supplied with enough Tanlac to meet the enormous demand. The popularity of Tanlac continued to grow from year to year as new tests of its powers were made by the |m-oj|i until now tin* sales in Georgia alone have readied the phenomenal total of 7, r >3,r>s2 bottles, which is at the rate of 1 bottles ft year, or over 3,000 bottles of Tanlac sold every week to the jK-ople ol Georgia. Much a phenom enal demand for a medicine is absolute ly without a parallel. Nothing like it lots ever been seen before, but the rea son for it is very simple and it can all lie explained in one word merit. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no great mystery about Tanlac, except in so far as the chemistry of the hu man body itself and what it does with substances taken into it, is a mystery. Home of the ingredients of Tanlac have been known and used as medicines for centuries. Others are of more recent discovery, but every one of them is of recognised therapeutic value and used by the medicinal profession everywhere Tanlac is simply a co-mingllng of those medlcineal elements in a way hitherto unknown and which brings out their curative and reconstructive powers to a most remarkable degree. Briefly, It. allays irritation of the stomach, strengthens the digestive and assimilative organs, builds up and re vitalizes the whole system, and gives Classified Ads. NEW BARBER SHOP FOR WINDER Anew barber shop bus opened in Winder, located in Winder National Dank building, fourth floor. Shave 15c. Hair out 25c.- Shampoo 25c. Massage 2Sc. Toiiie-15c.. Boncilla MaHsage 150. ? t- — ■ Aft>w more brooms for 50 cents each at' Smith' rtarwiitc (Moiu^any. 4x5 ft. Congoleum Rugs only' SL7S at Smith Hardware Cos. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be u chnrge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, reemoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in surti communications count the words and send in amount, at ong-lialf cent per word, to pay for tame. Fresh Seed English Pens Just rereiv ed at Smith Hardware Cos. Be sure to plant them early. Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Ijowest rates of interest and commissions. —W. 11. Quartermnn, At torney. • Attention Children. He sure to call •u Santa Claus at Smith Hardware •o. Thursday. December 22. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS. On our Georgia and Carolina coat* farms we have million* for immediate ahipment. Early Jersey, Charleston .Wakefield, Flat Dutch. Prepaid mall 300, J; 400. $1.00; 1000. $2.00. Ex press 2000. $3.00; 0000, $0.25. Bun combe Collarda, Big Boston Lettuce juime price. PARKER FARMS, At lanta, Ga. Have you seen the big doll Smith Harware Company will give away on Christmas Eve. Have you gurwed yet? the number of pennies in the vase at Smith Hardware Cos. Bh sure to come In and guess be fore the 24th. We still have a few wonderful close out values in Automobile Casings; get yours before they are gone. Smith Hardware Company. tin* body new powers of resistenee and strength. Gratifying gains in weight are not uncommon, especially where a person has suffered from under-nour ishment brought on by dyspepsiaa, in digestion, illness, operation or other causes. It is a demonstrated fact in medical science that the stomach is the starl ing point of most of the ills that afflict the human body, and maiiy of the so called diseases are not diseases at all, but reflex symptoms of the stomach derangements and the weakened con dition of the body that naturally fid lows. Some kinds of rheumatism, gas tritis. iNilpitution, nervousness, kitidney disorders and liver complaints are among the more common troubles de veloped through the stomach. Scores of other diseases have been traced to tlie same source. Tanlac was made especially to over come these stomach complaints and the various so-called discuses and symp toms that follow them, but th • aston ishing reconstruction powers revealed by it have not only astonished the gen eral public, but have somewhat sur prised even the originators of the med icine themselves. Thousands of letters reach the Tanlac offices from all parts of the North America telling of re markable results derived by people who have suffered for years without being able heretofore to find relief. Naturally these remarkable achieve ments have spread the fame of Tanlac to all quarters of the continent, and the demand for it has necessitated working the laboratories night and day. Tanlac is sold In Winder by Dr. G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons and by one good druggist In every town. -t Framed pictures at Half Price at Suiith Hardware Cos. Galvanized Tubs 60c to 90c at Smith Hardware Company. Make your car look new. Get a com plete painting outfit with sandpaper and brush all for $4.00 from Smith Hardware Cos. , -r- From now until Christinas best gal vanized Roofing $5.00 j>or square at Smith Hardware Cos., ~ ——* You can buy a Majestic or Copper Clad Range now for $98.00. After Christmas the price will he $115.00. Smith Hardware Cos. Only one mope week in which to buy a SO.OO Enterprise Meat Chopper for $:i.75 at Smith Hardware Cos. Genuine Exide Batteries for Fords only $25.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. Its dangerous to use pennies behind fuse plugs hi your electric wiring. Buy new plugs from Smith ardware Cos. 3 for 25e. subscribers who have so nobly answer ed its appeal by paying their subscrip tions. We thank you. Have 25 to 40 per cent by buying cut glass ami silverware from Smith Hard ware Cos. Buy Klectrid Lamps from Smith Hardware Company. Want to buy yonr bides. Highest price paid. Wittson-Glover A to. Brighten up, palut ftp the furniture and floors. Buy the paint from Smith Smith Hardware Company. LOST.—Between Winder and Jeffer son Smiday morning auto tire on rim, 34x4 Fisk, one place vulvuuized. Re ward of ss.oo.—Buck Jackson. Winder, Ga. Itpd- Keep your eye on our honor roll. You can see who are the loyal sub scribers to the Winder News. Without them we could not do business. WANTED—Representative for fast selling line of Auto Accessories. Mo i tion Picture for advertising furnished. 350.00 up per month. Box 275. St. Jo seph, Mich. It. NEW PENTECOST Miss Ruth Cook had as her guest Sunday afternorm Misses Mable Wall and Kosa Lee Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Rob McCain and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.; H Wall. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Waddell in our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Cook spent last I Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. j and Mrs. E. D. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hancock and lit- ; tie daughter, Annie Reid, went up to J Atlanta Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. | Weldon Roberts. Miss Pauline Wall spent Sunday with Misses Alice and Corine McEl hannon. There will be a box supper at Tyro school house Friday night, week, Dec. 23, 1921. Everybody come and bring a box. You have a special invitation. We are expecting a large crowd. Miss Miss Dalphia James of Dacula is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. lien ton. Mr. Curtis Mobley, of Pleasant Hill, -pent Saturday night and Sunday wits Mr. Lon vest us Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Finch an nounce the birth of a boy December 7. For Friday DECEMBER 16TH ONLY LADIES ALL WOOL BEST QUALITY HOSE _ 25c A PAIR 3 pairs to a customer 1 Watch The BIG SIGN THE WINDER NEWS FOR December 16 and 17, 1921 AT The New Store Ladies and Misses SUITS & DRESSES Made of best materials and styles $9.95 and up THE NEW STORE Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook spent Tues-! day night with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wall Sun day. Quite a large crowd went out Sun day to hear the new preacher, Mr. , Green for the weather being so change- : able and bad. Miss Amanda Williams. Dora Mae Wooten and Mr. Herman Wood spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Pau l line and Ueba Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lyle bad as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Lyle. Miss Pearl Cook was the dinner ! guest Sunday of Miss Myrtle Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook and baby spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lowe of Winder. When You Are Constipated. To insure a healthy action of the | bowels and correct disorders of the liv ! or, take two of Chamberlain’s Tablets immediately after supper. They will not only cause a gentle movement of j the bowels, without unpleasant effects, j but banish that dull, stupid feeling, that often accompanies constipation. Next to Winder Hotel, Winder, Ga. H. SILVERSTEIN WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. For Saturday DECEMBER 17TH ONLY MEN’S ALL WOOL BEST QUALITY HOSE 19c A Pair 3 pairs to a customer Shoes AT YOUR OWN PRICE Subscription Price: fIJO Per Ter. Men’s and Boys’ Suits AND Pants Boys Suits r ... .. . $2.25 Men’s Suits ... . 11.98 Pants .79 and up Watch THE BIG SIGN