The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 15, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY. WOBMBRR lIUWI. STATHAM NEWS Mism's Idalee and Roselle Ross were week-end guests of their slater, Mrs. J. H. Moore, of Bethlehem. Miss Marion Reynolds went over to Maysville Friday to visit her parents, a few days. Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Holeomh and chil dren were the week-end guests of I)r. and Mrs S. A. Boland of Clearmont. E. K Arnold went down to Atlanta for the day last Wednesday. Prof. Williams visited liLs family in Colbert for tin* week-end. .1 J. Horton of Atlanta spent a day or "two here with his two little daugh ters. Sara and Inez. Mrs. c. E Nicholson has returned from Gain sviile until after Christmas. Mrs. T. .1. Treadwell was the guest of her brother, Mr. .1. Vickers in Wal- 1 ton county, lust Fria.v. Mrs. B. H. Grant and Mrs. K. M. McDonald spent Saturday in Athens. Mr. Pat Darby from Vidalia. tin., spent Saturday and Sunday here with his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Rosa. . Miss Sarah Lowe entertained as her dinner guest Sunday Miss Ruth Arnold. Mrs. K. H Rylee had as her gueat Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Rylee of Nicholson. Misses Rozelle Ross and Pearlle Hammond entertained their music teacher, Mr. Willie Cooper of Winder, on last Wednesday at. the home of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Roes on Broad St. Miss Nettie McGee entertained a few of her friends of the younger set Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Perkins were! in the city Monday. Mrs. W M. Kite and Mrs. E. M. Me- j Donald motored to Winder Monday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Dooly announce the birth of a daughter, December 13. Mr. and Mrs. (’. It. Chambers motor ed to Lawrencwille Tuesday to see gome friends. Si at ham played Itogart a game of basket ball December Oth. Stathnm won 25 to 7. Bogart will play Slat hniii Friday, Kith on tin 1 school ground. Stathara lias a good team and always ready to give the other team something to think about. Come out and encour age them to win. What you say and do will help them feel as if you were interested and they will gain the vic tory for St at ham has a courageous bunch. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Christian church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Sale Begins Saturday Morning, Dec. 16th At 9 O'clock Everything in my store reduced and it will be to your advantage to see my furniture and the very low prices I am offering before buying. lam also going to give a ticket with every purchase and with every one dollar paid on accounts and on December 24th at 6:00 o’clock, the one holding the lucky ticket will get a Kitchen Cabinet FREE! i GIVE FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS PENTECOST Mr. and Mrs. David Steed and chil dren o fStatham were the guests of relatives here Sunday. Mr. a|id Mi}. Guy PricWMt and daughter of Winder, and Mr. Howard Prickett: were the guests of Mr. W. T. Prickett Sunday. Miss Lois Couch spent Saturday night with her aunt, Miss Emma Bow man. Miss Hxa Mobley of Carithers Mill was the guest of relatives here la>t week. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wall and chil dren of Statham were the gmsts of Mrs. J. M. Ha.vnie Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace pricket* and Messrs. W. T. and Ray Prickett and Charles Hur digrec and .1 M. Wall spent Saturday in Monroe. Mr. A. D. Mineey of Gain sville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Se ga rs Sunday night. Kittle Ellis Patton is on the siek list. Miss Lucille Miller spent Sunday With Miss Jewell Williamson. JUNIOR B Y. P. U. ELECT OFFICERS. Tin' Junior B. Y. P. 11V. of the Bap tist church at a recent meeting elected officer* for the coming year. The past year has been a most prosperous one, and every member of the Junior B. Y. P. IT. is looking forward to a great year during 1022. The following officers were elected : President, Truitt Brook shire; Vice President, Ruth Wages; Recording Secretary, Otis Willie Smith Assistant Secretary, Jewell Patrick; Corresponding Secretary, J. B. Wil liams; Treasurer, Jack Harwell; Chor ister, W. H. Perry; Librarian, Glenn Pendergrass; Pianist. Nettle Bagwell; Quiz Eitor, Cornelia Rawlins; Group I leaders, Hilda Faust, Helen McWhort er. Essie Lee Williams, Ermine McEl roy. NOTICE The next meeting of the Barrow County Union Singing choir will be held with Bethlehem Baptist church next Sunday afternoon December IS. E. 11. BROWN, Pres. Asliberry Aiken Monday afternoon. The usual business session was held af ter which tiie devotional was led by Mrs. Dora McGaylee in a most impres sive way. Talks were given by sever al of the members each one stressing the missionary theme of the day’s les son and making this a most interest ing and helpful meeting. BED SPRINGS $1.50 LINOLEUM $1.15 Per Running Yard FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Hervtees for Sunday. Sunday school 10:15. Preaching 11:30 “The Challenge of the Present Day.” Junior B. Y. P. U. 6:30. Senior B. Y. I*. U. 0:30. Illustrated lecture of Paul's Life ami Times at 7:30. Those who have been interested in Sunday school lessons will anxiously await this lecture. < 'ome. W. H. FAUST, Pastor. MFTIIODIST SERVICES. Sunday, December IS. Opening of new church. 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. Ail mem I hers and friends invited to attend this opening service. 450 present lust Sunday. | 11:3<i A. M. Preaching by the pastor. Opening exercises. 7:30 I*. M. Christmas Pageant by members of the choir an Sunday School in costume, “At the Door of the Inn.'’ The Christmas story will lie given in music and pantomime. All who come are urged to be in their st ats before 7:30 o'clock. Gifts for the needy will be accepted at the door, whether food, clothing or cash offering. These will lie distributed during Christmas week to the unfortunate and the afflicted. A cordial invitation to all of these services. L. W. Collins, Pastor. NOTICE. The Sunbury Chapter D. A. R. will meet with, Mrs. Henry .Pledge*- on Tuesday afternoon, December 20, at 3:30 I*. M.—lcie Smith, Press Kept. Taking Desperate Chances. It is true that many contract severe colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fact leads oth ers to take their chasces instead of giving their colds the needed attention. It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vi tality, makes the system less able to withstand each succeeding attack and paves the way for the more serious dis eases. Can you afford to take such desperate chances when Chamberlain's Gough Remedy, famous for its cures, of bad colds may be had for a trifle? cam Be Done. “One of the biggest problems," said lud Tunklns. “Is to make the average man enjoy doin' regular work as much as he does figurin' out puzzles.” SUMMEROUR’S Christmas Sale J. N. Summerour WINDER, GEORGIA THE NKWfI PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. A t torueye-At-La w WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts G. D. ROSS JULIAN E. ROSS ROSS & ROSS Attorneys-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office Over City Pharmacy Practice in all the Courts. — COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem. Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 DU. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia R. HENRI BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9 to 12 :30 A. M. Office New Bush Building. B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403, 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. Are You a Weak and Ailing Woman? Beauty and Health Go Hand in Hand Fort Thomas, Ky. “.Several years ago 1 had become so poor and weak from trouble of a feminine character that I could not walk around in my room with out holding to the furniture or having someone to assist me. I was so nervous at times I could hardly endure any one walking across the floor. Finally I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and in three months’ time I gained 20 pounds. I continued taking the medicine until I was entirely well. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription certainly saved my life.” —Mrs. Laura Klepfer, 15 Oak St. Health is most important to you. Do not neglect it. Obtain this Prescription of Dr. Pierce’s now-, iu liquid or tablets, from your druggist, or send 10c for trial pkg. of tablets to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., or write for free medical advice. :r; insurance I our neighbor’s home burned only a f ew days or months ago and a bkely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE witli US do t night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAj.. ay mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. Want to buy your hides. Highest price paid. Watsoin-Glover & Cos. If you do not get your paper next week, you may know that you have been cut off. Y'ou will have to pay ,’mck dues to get back on. Want to buy your hides. Highest price paid. Watson-Glover & Cos. The subscription price to the Winder News seems,small to you. But many them makes a good sum to us. We need every dollar due us in order meet our hills. Some people read their county paper and then don't want to pay for it. kre you one of that number? Money to Lend on FARM LANDS Lowest rates of interest. Prompt action Hubert M. Rvlee Law offices, 495 Holman Bldg Athens, Ga. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Mother’s Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of Chmaberlain’s Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and effect ual cures have made it a favorite with ptjiple everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of young children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief and is free from opium and other harmful drugs. Weaith Must Never Be Boss. If we command our wealth, we shall >e rich and free; if our wealth com mands us. we are poor. Indeed. We ire bought by the enemy with the reasure in our own coffers. —Burke. Bed Steads SPECIAL $9.75 All Cotton Mattress Guaranteed not to lump at $6.90 and Pillows free with Mattress.