The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 22, 1921, Image 2

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TIiUIUiiDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1921. (Bit? HHtnfor £fatua Winder, Ga. And THE BARROW TIMES, of Winder, Ga., Consoli dated March Ist, 1921. * IM Bl.lSHEI) EVERY THURSDAY J. W. McWHORTER- - - Editor j. n PARHAM Bnsinons Manager Entered at the Poetofflc;- at Winder, Georgia as Second ('lass Matter for Transmission Through the Mails. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WINDER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY of BARROW Member Ninth Georgia District Press Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE: ONE YEAR Six Months *'* Guaranteed Circulation 1968 WINDER, GA., DEC. 22, 1921. 112 Candler Street Telephone No. 73 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the news]wi per hoys of the state. O- In making your New Year resolutions don’t forget to cut out grumbling. O Yesterday was the shortest day in the year, so the almanac says. • *_ O * May 1922 bring to the people of Barrow county pros perity an happiness. n ■ Enjoy your Christinas thoroughly for the New Y nr liringeth the bill collector, —O - "It is more blessed to give than to receive," and those who give realize that it is true. O % We are never l<> poor to show the Christmas spirit. We can remember others if only to speak a word of good cheer. O The school children of Winder and Barrow county are out for the holidays. May everyone of them have a inerty Christmas. O December Ims given us some line weather for which we nre grateful. January and February may not lie so lenient. O And now it is reported that the Georgia sweet po tato may l> the salvation of Russia from, the fisxl standpoint. O A splendid crop of wheat and oats has been sown In Harrow county this fall and we will all reap the advantage of Ibis diversification during 192A Resolvo for 1022 to 101 l the truth, be honest, work hard, economize and be In better shape at the end of the year than you are now, t We overheard (’ash Baggett humming the other day: “Backward, turn backward, <) Time in your flight, Make me a hoy again, Christmas night.” O Winder's public school teachers are leaving this week for their homes for (lie Christmas holidays. We wish for all of them a week of happiness and good cheer. . _ ; 1 o If you are due the Winder News anything on sub scription, it is still non too late to make us a Christ mas present of your subscription. It will add to the pleasures of the holidays. O We extend our hearty thanks to those of our sub scribers who have so kindly remembered us during the past year by paying their subscription. May 1922 be a prosperous year to you. O We appreciate the patronage that has been ac corded ns by the merchants and business men of Winder during the past year. We feel that 1922 will be a better year for us all. O Bro. Rucker, over at Alpharetta, has cut our ac quaintance and stopped the Fret' Press from perambu lating over this way. Haven’t seen a copy lately. Are you still cussing, George? O Watch the Advertisements IF YOU want to shop to the best advantage watch the advertisements. Mnny merchants put on spe cial prices for only a itay or so, and to get the benefit of these special prices you must read the advertise ments. Muny dollars can be saved each year by doing this. There are two more days until Christmas. If you have any shopping to do during these two days read over the ads in the News before buying. It will pay you. A Happy Christmas THE NEWS wishes its many readers a happy Christ mas. Let the past, with its many burdens and disappointments, he buried, and let good cheer and loving words hi* given out during the Christmas time. Set out to make somebody else happy and happiness will come to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. If you know of anyone In distress, give them the helping hand and realize some tiling of that divine joy that Christ came to give the world. 0 A Small Paper Next Week THE NEWS will get out a paper next week but it will not b* as large as usual. Our correspon dents arc requested not send in any letters next week, but will expect them the first week in the New Year as usuaL 0 Looking Ahead THE Industrial Index, one of the best Industrial pa pers published, and whose editor is a close observer, predicts a much better year, for all lines of business in 19*22 than wv have had during the past year. Read the following encouraging words from this Journal: “A year ago we approached the new year in a state of doubt, uncertainty and demoralization. Business was on the toboggan, and the end of the incline was not yet in sight. Nobody knew what to expect of the new year, but few were optimistic. The* best judgment was that it would lie some mouths* piobably not irtitil the next crop cqfne in -before the business depression would run its course and recovery would begin. Today, a year later, we face the future quite differ ently. The worst is behind us, not in front of us. “The bad year” is now history and recovery is sub stantially in evidence. We know that 19*22 will be marked by continued improvement, and not retro gression, in the business world. Business has done its petulance and now, with sobered brain and more conservative thought, and with greater appreciation of the eternal verities of the commercial world among which truth, honor and Industry stand foremost is preparing to travel the road to prosperity once more by safe, sure stages; the atr-sliip route has been abandoned, for. while swift anil spectacular, it is by no -fncans safe. In truth we do not approach the new year in a state of jubilation for tlie experience of business this year bus not been such ns to bring about supreme exal tation of spirit; hut we do it with cleared brain, with much better perspective, with gratitude for the fact that tlie worst of the depression is over and with confident belief that the business journey next year will be constantly upward, even if the grade for the first! few months of the year lie conservative. Everything Has Its Price. ONK of the laws of the universe is that everything has its price. Our failure to realize the immutahilitv of tills law brings disaster up on us. The short sighted and ignorant think that when they steal or rob or kill and escape human detection that they es cape the vengeance of the law. Not so. If this were a world in which wrong could he done and go unpun ished, it would not be governed by a just and wise God. The hairs of our head are numbered and not a sparrow falls to the ground without God’s notice. Not an act of love or mercy is ever done without its reward, and not an act or injustice or wrong is ever committed without punishment being meted out to the wrongdoer. The Athens Daily News, in discussing the get-away of the criminal that stole a $2,500 diamond ring in Atlanta recently and killed a detective and seriously wounded another man. has sensed this divine law that runs through the universe. It says: “Having snuffl'd out a life for the pitiful sum of $2,500, the Atlanta robber has seemingly made his get-away. But today, he knows, as he never realized before, that the brand of Cain is upon him. Today he realizes with a realization that carries its own punishment, that every man’s hand is against him. Today, he lias already begun to learn what it is to be a hunted criminal. “Whether in some city attempting to hide his iden t ty among the thousands or in the solitude of some country place, he is watching, watching, watching for the grim visage of the Law. Tomorrow —the next day—and throughout all of the tomorrows that stretch out before him, it will be the same. Wherever he goes—no matter how long he evades the avenging baud that he knows will pursue him to the far hounds of the seven seas—to the far reaches of the world's most desolate stretches, even after his crime has been forgotten—after officers of the law have quit his trail for good and all, he will still be pursued by a still ruthb'ss avenger. “Fear will never again leave his side. Never will he lie down to sleep without it for a companion Never will he walk either the crowded thoroughfare or the lonely trail without Fear as his companion. Never will a hand, however friendly, be laid upon his shoulder without Fear clutching his heart in an icy % grasps” O We have been expecting a Christinas present from Bro. Townsend, of Dahlonega, that will be appropri ate for the occasion, but as yet have not heard from him. We hope he Is still sober and sitting steady in the boat. TWB AfINDER NEWS A Message of Christmas Cheer and New Year Good Wishes % Christmastide, with its joyous good will, is here. May it prove a season of exceptional happiness to the patrons and friends of this institution. The Christmas spirit-“good will to all’’-seems at this time to pervade every thought and act. Nor is it re stricted to personal relationships. It has its place in ev ery avenue of life-in the mart and the exchange as well as in the home. - Your name on our list of patrons is highly appreciat ed, and we trust that you will always feel free to call upon us for information and advice on financial mat ters. Look to this Institution as your Financial Home, * ► where a cordial welcome awaits you and helpful ser vice is always at your command. Let us wish you in the good old-fashioned way, A Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. f • North Ga. Trust & Banking Cos. Winder, Georgia Capital and Surplus ----- $224,000.00 Member Federal Reserve System The Winder Dry Goods Store GIVING AWAY AN OOIL STOVE How many tickets have you on this stove? The more tickets you have, the better opportunity you have to get the stove. Remember we give you a ticket for every dol lar that you spend with us and give you as great value in merchandise as you can buy anywhere. THE STOVE WILL BE AWARDED NEXT MONDAY the 26th, at Twelve O’Clock, tickets will be drawn from the box by some disinterested pauy, the first ticket drawn will be the lucky ticket and the customer hold ing the corresponding number gets the stove, so be on hand Monday, the 26th, at 12 o’clock, with your tickets There are only two more days to shop before Christ mas, shop with us these two days and add as many tick ets to your number as you can. A FEW SUGGESTIONOS FOR GIFTS A pair of good wool blankets, a nice Counterpane, Linen Table Cloth, Center table cover, Dresser Scarf, some nice Towels, a pair Kid Gloves, Automobile gloves Silk Hose, Silk Sox, Ivory Toilet Set, Manicure Set, Hand Mirror, Comb and Brush, Neck Tie, Box of Hand kerchiefs, Traveling Bag, Suit Case, Wardrobe Trunk, and many useful things you will find here. Shop with us and be happy. Yours for a Merry, Merry Christmas. • ) The Winder Dry Goods Store Subscription Price: $1.60 Per Tenr.