The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 05, 1922, Image 3

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TBnrasr'AY. xjlxtait 3. ms WHAT ARE YOIR PLANS FOR FUTURE .ASKS .AN INTERESTED HINDER CITIZEN Editor Wintter News. 4 iniiw tecrxia. Sir Bating 1 ''itiawi- ft tills town, who is iar cresti in nils -si'iioi ton in! feviH agmen:: t it "lie y<rang pcupte 1 Rato tills msthi.'ii 't getting in tonsil with tils furur** ibrizwii* ft hit city. Cora. •foatersntuoti of i few minniMs. on tile snhjMut of tils “Plan ■>€ Life." in the hope that my fcebte efforts will st:ise 5 least one 80 stop and etraciitor his future. Were I to -top one of the bor* ir reutiiag ~iie Wiii.h- Public Seio.iL ami ask him. “WHat are your p.'aas fee the Curare?” He twrasl in id prehnhil- Lry answer. “President of tile f; Hired >.-.t • '..ngressnian. ‘ 'i x a.lit er,” or a '•millionaire. ' ami puss on. thinking he ha-.i answered rile (jtststiaii ■*n rtofactoriliy. Ami that s rile niscake the gr-arer part make rtey emfxse rat* ? den. rheir ambition. with their plan. The ptam t 'he framework, upon which onstanr. effort, stem ifastuess of pir psse. and ferttrminauon. earn some lay build i beautiful abrmtCnre of a tue ■•essfui life. “We bufiii tae ladder tty winch we rise. From 'he lowly earth to me viiir-nl skies. Ami moimt the summit, round by round. Every iay v** hear those who lav** “•Hike*! along in the efforthssw channel of the onfimary. who ai ,T e mithnig I -npmre their ciunirion >c that of their feilowma.i. say. ‘I never ha>. he .ei ; in.e> to do anything worth white." ♦giutt* true, perhaps, out the answer comes back. "Did you put all ')f your > effort on the possibilities that were of fered you *lid you athampr. to create any chances did you seize the oppor tunities as they came. John J T uni. ~s ;purrs opportun.ry as siywa “Master of human destinies am I: Fame, tore and fortune on m* foot steps wait. Cities and Helds I walk: I penenrare Deserts and seas remote, ami passing by Hoveis and mart ami pa.ace. soon or late. I knock unbuiden <rat. at every site. If feasting, rise if sleeping. Ws *to Before I turn away It is "he ao'ir of fate. vn.i they who follow me tench every st nne Mortals desire, md compier every foe death. Bur. those vii, ioube or hesitate: • omiemnmf u> iulore. Paury aai w-a*. ait* n ram tail an*llHiT : ms-tori. I .mww aor. ami l wctEra —mi mt. Tlit*r>* E* ao uonumtn. ,poultry r.Sa ' ‘.m taumidiit*!* u man of xmi "••- from 1 i;i " kc si,*a in prm*ri,~iL lifi*. -Jt in i.tT,i*rs. jx amry -lt*piirnn*ar. £ iimnaa. •::„.atlir. ami i* r • -a-- pr ‘KuLAt? c v -ii *n* xy mirnk. mkitriar. • -j foci c ■ nwsi-ic aml i lilt-- of •..nveptfam. 3t<*K ia ' iv * iiisws n*im no ipnOT. nil,* ot *marr-M- ttfet MM * ® B ‘ ••iiitmwM than in cllinwt an tiitnn in .rmuli rimy mate oppornm; :.•*>*. ami jjkiuj lii* if wtlisril : v- ' ■ - rv fejra. ii'tiTity. rite* acnuii croai tilt* T > riii* buy ui ttijrb **tfe ul whA* .uni lei,in a* no oiuint bit* mark ia life- £ vouiii <pt*ak aa wTu-unmuitnai"' 7 u** poo- E' ’"un attain wtowt iisirw bin,. t£ tat will put rJu* pripvr- ff • M . r 0j.4 W -I'tC. ,'Ulli nor onm muiii* from liirt initiifaicne** •>£ purpow*. no • ,j,; ,-i mitn* nHBp-:tal piwu^u’^^ t\, ~hi i yiHirli riiirt >n l (tea. ‘I am aa x<*BCfi*o* t “ in ‘ n,: ‘ , -<*!*(i 'V iit J ' .riii- ri fail. EEi 1 *3l! !,* 1-■ ■ vi“ pninu if In* will natal himjsdf 'HE&, WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST k BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. if he will deny himsef of i:me of the pleasures in which ether exceptions himsef are indulging. The history of the past ages is be fore him. Then? are thousands who •'nld to. v? be* ri had nhev rea'iswi he ftnir. ami worked ® that end la the breast of every man. is the uni on " e ejmerhuig grea-. i*• rempiish something a life, and "he oni • thing hat keeps him from icemaplish tng his imbiticu :s simply he is nor willing to ;;i.y the price of success. 'o to those who ice inw in hi ail school, amt art !<w king forwanl -he rime when they will enter active life: whose amlnrcons ;ire ‘ > rise ' x’lt*:* baa a mere menial laborer or the an- , : r mail, it is rime to pause ami con *uier wet; tile duties and deniaiiiis. the Liabilities ami ism<!itii)us of smstess. 'omeoue should ?a,y to them “In is bmi* foe you to at >p and consider your self. You ire is bright am; is a-twm plhshed is the* average toy >f ywor age If you do nor. pur forth any renewed *tf:rt. or do aor fall hcaa vards. you w-JI continue o be just, the arecag*. It is time -•;> begin planning for the future. First it will take i good edu cation. Today to the iiay of the edu cated man. We are living La a lay when education a* a sure passport > respeetibility. and a necessary essential of success. And ediwacion is not merely reading so many booms: .* wurintx ip m the mind the truths, 'earned by those who have gone before us. ami placed m our text books wisiiom for our ase. It as necessary " i grasp -he facts, assimi late them, anif connect -hem with mod ern ideas. Education is the symmet rical development of the mind's fiacul- j ties, and xivuig to the eneree** if “he m.mi the proper direction. You muse grasp he idea of the pur tse 'f a ••> ,;g L' lor uc-*. 7 :ii* passing through the mind of the wis dom of the lues, but the retention, of j that wisstem. -he putting of ;t into ;m- j media-'* use. so that it will become 1 purr of your reasoning powers. But after ail. the discipline and training of tile mind must be reur own work, you -an do it. Remember that the possibi cries of your mmd ire limited oniy by the effort you expend in improving Lr.. Tile mighty minds -hat have gone before you have -.eft behind treasures richer chan you j •an ever grasp. It is your duty o oi>-! _ am ail the wissiom you ‘Kin. The ••lourest gotd .s pef sre ton for -he Ug mg. Bur. "lit* SMiuiimr ;f lit* muni ia nor .til. ym maw at allow rimn wtnoii you an naliiJut ' ‘n* m,luu..r .*iml •itartnmyml by y,nr >wm lot*, txi •♦inmill Lvn iat* beftim m,> , lari*, than a lift* it -wrkirtwaioHi*. wUiltiap *<*!iimi.*. imui'inine“* ami •ti'ih*** wiT: buri* riu* limit* t*i£i**.T <in you. a* it baa bail on •liofu* win) li:t *’ ioQrt b-*f,H* you. a-iiil i : 1 m,i'iij£f*nnrt wlni ou *uj' ■jir.T. o*na*s ro Impair your ;bajn- •* t br-porniouaro ■ losrt*. ..''if'Wr i* witlnmr t .;i* -mu* .v lu i; 14 httnpwioil Bor horn uiii*c n!ii* j iiruo eiivoinirtCtuc,**. If you roirin a* t ; ninJigsi a lunar ' utr i ••* mm’,* touipor'ii pi*oirui - i*M. .uni amtlowr " > "in* future. r>*u<i now nln* eoiiwpn*!!- ■. woury yttaro front now : •.Viy jouy arjoii friiiiw, ' 4ui<i cL i il. ‘now yon cwiily -Inn* Uinrly iMH*a •irawunr on an* carlnw Who :ior.x wlfli ftatire by aiyrlir j..ii by iay, aCu nr, *xpeet trftait in rime rJier'*'E be ; *ut*r Ta) iiuy. Lfotr rile yeufve bait nhan m r : 11>r fr:ro*r. pm jaw 3i e yoiu* mti* - t rite I? TO ATHLNS TO SAVE G. >L RAILWAY W. & Venay Writes \sttens ihumber ft Ciiaimerte reaggesting Way M Prevent vrippug of K>miL The * temcsviile-Midland railr'md which operates between Athens and RJoinesvilte and M snroe and ' i;nes viiie. ?. be -Mived from being s*-rapp si if the Cftanttor 'rf < ommer*re in Athens will take a hand in the matter ami urge :at freight be routed ver he toad xa *way of tile 1 Georgia road at Monroe ami the Siuthcrn at (diinesville. Thiif statement was uunie in a errer to tile < 'humher of * 'om metare r.iMiay fecni W. B V*■ 1,1 v re;eiv *r for rile tluiiieevilleMidland. Mr. Yeaay's letter was * swer ro Che number of r eouimeuda .oils nitide concerning the d::positli)U )f the road since it- appiicatiou for dis anuiriing was made mciudiug the adeg ed prijposa. of the employee*, to oper ate it. Mr Yeuzy states that a.rhough conditions f the road are bud “I di aoc at this time ismsider conditams si oud that, they cannot >e itorrecteii. or *ven re 1 ievisl entirely by your oody. or through you. to such, extent as would mc on.y prevent the scrapping of "he toad, but pur. i* on its feet, emioie in tu secure Irat-;iass fecilitius. give drst cass a*rvi>*e and produce earnings hat would restore the road to its owners md make it a pleasure and a prods tu operate." He then goes on to ■‘uagret that -he -i i nesviUe-Midland be given “its full -bare of the frt*ighr istmina m tad go ng out of Athens." Mr Yeaosy iie ciarei than r his method would put the vi a i on a profit muiung basis ami keep - running and would oe better than Ighting the application for dismant ling it. 5,... - F. W 1 UlTlHi -*t.l “i BOlisiy hat the * hamper of ‘dimmense would i its hext meeting take up Mr Yeaz * * totter for consiiierarion and aittion. — Sum lay’s Athens DapT cws. Winder Council No. <7, Royal and Select Master Masons Elect Officers. An r.iit* rsyTiiitr mooring of 1n,.0r * I Mini* ii No. *7 ;f EUiya. ami Soioon yCatnoro rrtiiay aijfhr. D*o*ttmber 10. '■Eflitoro w“ro 1 f:o niio "•our it.* full,>wo Luo 3. ELt-lfucL Bliirttriooi* M.i.-mor John W. Hill. D**puty Ma.oror W X. EftnulUsy. Pnaripa. Con, tumor of Work. H. ML >akly. 'ffroanurwr. E E No wo 11. Btetstrtitw. oi-jc'. J AUi*n. t'apnua of oni •'!. < > VI J&rt'kaoa. fumiiaitoT of (Toiuioil. J B. Ptirtam 3r(.wnr>L L. D. >,‘urint*L B.:* :r.biT* VI -Hnn of M.t<*<>o. uni T.i of 11’ joriimllo. won* pro-ootr :t i •>*;-:.*,{ in pafimrf <>a chit ;<‘rt*“ m >jiieea lieilf^ W r'r. it* l iicran*: Tw hi nit yearn affeer L no nay ra my !iea*ul. Aur;* ftMte. value ffKieive<i in *u\. fr>lly aiiu pleasure. pt*f)mi_ne!it part. 4 of Z ’ll.iulii tn?ea^ur> v£y l imJMi, fo be m 'WIT.iL CtleiimiliririHl aad &mz: Vf *7 reerii ct* Ceeay rill rliey montly ©♦<- ‘Mir.: "vlv to sprow .Urn. amt "ay bitir ci rv ‘v WbiN* (iri'pHy .tiui aeriuna raice tnnuH tiny by ‘iay: JCy norvwt .mil aty Luiu. 800 nfiatwilm’ xi "i. way: M* *rotu:i<*h no fell r.o iyopopria a pmy H' r ntuit* no fiff+iiiio on,. ai, T rrui-.o no xr*,'-v wtolit. T*. uu* aty ours ,'jtMinor a,*ar. -jimi w:u*u (‘•:Oo<'U*!H't‘ .4.i 1 *pt*!l it v \r Miyni if. Wll. o • i 11. you :n .‘*.l aur wii.*n* yi>ur brounii. ffor oaronmoo. B.*nn.nii)ur nln* pruroor irt iourii. Tban i tin* prioo for nbi* pfintrtmsart yon will enjoy foe a w'uli*. fer ”:ii* coatpru :i)iw you in Ot. *wHt an in tirthtncti. aa etfoct no MMoiro ch* pii*a:*- : aroM of i’oor wirb, >ut nbo otCort chafi juti itii— .—or, ami ant trfu Lr wolimiuuml jsim* >:*. .1 :•!•..•!y o i*. mndtiry a no x*r M)oi.*fiifnr for mtchimc: iiiuou ponusee. “tryuur no bo .t rnl ft*-., w 4* ij t .s* -i . v x i”. nryiaa " ; >o x* ml follow*, wlifi, your oppoctmu -4*4 .(ip by annotiotMi. ITiiifrpiraiiii £ am no mitraiior, cry nx no **of.,raL nil*!- wortiL I am jttw cryiiia m "oil you 1 few nhiatfe. about vb.i 'i porhupu you list: aor "aouahn o riittwly. Lr.o .imply nbi.* —if .you trill Bannt "iiun iioa in your ihiul of bo,:ue Prouiilonr or t n:mn lay you kail bot -r anu SUM 7 Toiuro tro about fttrey anliiun w.iiar buy* tryhMp no ,ii elm 01.n1* -aimr. ami ym woulil bare ta bo Pm*ifmic trtthouC oomif 'M/mpoton' Bo Iffi nJi poaminn. X THE WXXIVffa NEWS Important ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to express to the public our hearty apprecia tion for the splendid trade that we have received dur ing the past year and to assure our patrons that we will do our very best to merit their patronage during the coming year. Every effort will be put forth to give ev erybody the best of service. We will always keep the highest quality of goods and do not propose to let any body sell groceries and meats any cheaper than we do. In fact, we will lead in low prices. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT We have entered the Wholesale Grocery business in this citv and will keep at all times a supply of all kinds of groceries for the trade at wholesale prices. On this account we will be able to sell goods at much cheaper prices than otherwise to our retail customers, and feel certain that we can same them money. When in need of any kind of groceries or feed stuffs get our prices before buying elsewhere. We can save you money. Wishing everybody a prosperous new year. We are yours to serve. WATSON-GLOVER & CO. PHONE 80 WINDER, GA. MICHAEL’S Athens, Georgia ANNOUNCES Annual Sale White Goods , Linens Begins Monday, January 9th Annual Sale of Silks m Begins Monday, January 16th These two sales will eclipse all past sale events ever held in this section. All are advised to attend. The SAVINGS will be tremendous. MICHAEL’S The Store Good Good* Made Popular. -uooorigtiim Ptie* JI..W Pur r*m r