The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 05, 1922, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 122. 111 tuft n* Nntts Winder, Ga. And THE BARROW TIMES, of Winder, Ga., Consoli dated March Ist, 1921. IM'BI.IHHEI) EVERY THURSDAY j. w. McWhorter —Editor J II PARHAM Business Manager Entered at the PostolHee at Winder, Georgia as Second Class Matter for Transmission Through the Mails. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WINDER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY of BARROW Member Ninth Georgia District Press Association. SUBSCRIPTION KATES IN ADVANCE: ONE YEAR ™ Six Months Guaranteed Circulation 1968 WINDER, GA., JANUARY 5, 1921. 112 Candler Street —Telephone No. 73 The farmers of Hancock county have been guar anteed SSO a ton for peanuts. O Are you a better man or woman or citizen than you were a year ago? O Goodbye 1921. You hit us hard, but we are not down and out. O Welcome 1922. May your countenance shine upon wm and make us to rejoice. O Everybody is saying that 1922 will he a much more prosperous year than 1921. We are all willing. O * Hoping you had a Merry Christmas, here's wishing 7 ov a happy New Year. “May you live long and prosper! O Pay up your debt* as far as you are able and start the new year with a clear conscience and a hopeful spirit. O In planning your farming operations this year, It would be a good idea to have an eye to farming rather than to cotton growing. Scientists declare that either the earth is too slow *r the moon is too fast. We had an idea that this old earth of ours had been speeding up right smartly of tote. O The five principal nations at the Washington con ference spent last year for their armies and navies $1(1,500.000,000. No wonder the old world is stagger ing towards financial ruin. O Scientists have about reached the conclusion that Darwin’s theory that man descended from a monkey ui all wrong. They state now that they don’t know where he came from. Scientists will come around all right if we’U give them a little more time. -O Johnnie Spencer of the Macon Telegraph says that it isn’t right to pardon tin* criminals out of the pen itentiary so that they can compete with those on the outside. It isn’t treating the outsiders right. A) Says the Dalton Citizen : “The state department of agriculture has degenerated Into a political machine of such magnitude that it must be broken up if the department is ever to render any worth while ser vkx* to the agricultural Interests of the state.’,’ O Somehow we cannot think it a good idea to turn a lot of criminals out of the penitentiary on Christmas day. An Individual can be merciful when only his own interests are at stake, but an official must be just. Right often the public suffers on account of the merciful proclivities of officials. -O Don't allow your subscription to the \\ inder News to expire. We are going to work harder this year to give our patrons a good readable paper than e\er before. Take your county paper and keep up with what is happening in the county. O An exchange says. “Don’t judge a man by his clothes. God made one and the tailor made the oth er. Don’t judge a man by the house he lives iu, for the lizzard and rat often inhabit the grander struct ure. When a man dies they who survive him ask what property there is left behind; the angel who bends over the dying man asks what good deeds he has •rut before him.” O We, of the South, are not thankful enough for the blessings that we have. Mr. Sam Gershou, a proud neat Atlanta merchant, lias just returned from a trip through Europe, and he says: "the people of the South do not know that they are living in heaven. I do not believe that in all Poland there is one room so com fortable as the poorest room in the meanest shack •f one of our negroes.” Instead of complaining, our people ought to feel grateful that our blessings are an many. Sit down ami count your blessings, “one by one," and see If you don't feel ashamed of all the grumbling you have dene. “God Give Us Men.” J. G. Holland wrote a splendid poem years ago with the above caption. These lines are very appropriate now and we hope our read -rs will note the splendid sentiment expressed in them and that we will try to plan our lives in accordance to the spirit of the poem. ‘God give us men. A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands; Men whom the lust of office d(*es not kill ; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking Tall men. sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private thinking!” O Farming in Georgia With an incomparable climate and a soil unex celled anywhere it. is nonsense for the people of Georgia to become pessimistic ns to future farm ing operations. There is no state in the union that holds greater possibilities for the hustling, thinking farmer than Georgia. The trouble with us is that we have worked on doing as others before us have done without giving any thought to where we were tending. The negro tenant has made out of our people cotton growers instead of farmers. The cot ton growing habit has become fixed upon us, and we feel like we are ruined when nature interferes with i. -V our habits. Li the long run we will be far better off because of our shaking up. We will begin to think more and to plan better and to farm In reality instead of grow ing cotton. There Is no use talking that a man can't prosper farming on such soil as we have here In Geor gia, and under such climatic conditions as prevail in our state. We have got to adjust ourselves to changed condi tions and the sooner the better. O Some New Year Thoughts Another cycle of time has passed and we stand upon the threshhold of anew year. The past year has brought disappointments to some, sorrows to others and vexing problems to many. None of us are immune. Suffering, both physical and mental, scorns to bo writ deep in the laws that govern our world. However, none of these things are able to utterly overcome' us. Hope still lingers in the human heart and It matters not how dark the present may be, there is still a thought somewhere in our natures that makes us expect better tilings. Hence, though 1921 has been hard upon many of us, we face the new year with hope and courage. This spirit of rejuvenation planted in human nature by our ('Ten tor, is what saves us front defeat and despair. Without it, suicides would be common and tin' plans and purposes of God would he thwarted. The hungering soul still longing for better things and more stable things rises front every defeat and every conflict and fact's the future undaunted. This is one of the splendid arguments for immortal ity. While longing and working for stability and con geniality in this life we never realize them, but we be lieve, with John Burroughs, that sometimes, some where, our own shall come to us. I-ct us with courage, fact' the new year, solve its problems with fidelity and to the best of our ability and know that things will finally work out all right —O The Country Paper. p ro f. Osmund Hopper, of the Ohio State University, pays a great, compliment to the weekly county paper, lie realizes its value to the community and speaks out in meeting as to the support it ought to receive. Here is what he says: “There Ls uo agency so necessary to community progress as the weekly or semi-weekly newspaper. It is to the comuiuuity what the locomotive is to the train. If the locomotive moves, the train moves; if it is stationary, so is the train. Similiarly, a wide awake, progressive newspaper makes a wide-awake, progressive community ; and any reasonable program of achievement that it sets and wisely works for in the Interest of all people, can be realized. But tlie newspaper cannot achieve single-handed. It must have help, unstinted help of all the good people of the community. It can have no steam if there is no fire, and there can be no fire without fuel. It needs the fuel of subscriptions. "Every suhseription helps to make circulation and circulation helps to make a business instead of char ity. Both together make prosperity, and prosperity gives tlie power to push and pull for the things in community life. If there is a weak community paper anywhere it is the fault of the persons who ought to take it. but don’t. Everybody with town or county pride, everybody who believes in neighborliness, ought to be a subscription agent, as well as a sub scriber. for the local paper. That is the way of town and community stagnation. "Give the local paper support and it will give the community the things it most needs.” O In making your new year resolutions don’t forget to cut out grumbling, laziness and extravagance. These things cause us much trouble and disappointment. •THE WINDER NEWS Classified Ads. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in such communications count the words and send in amount, at one-half cent per word, to pay for name. See Gauthier & Church for auto re pairing. They know how. Phone lit). Loans nihde on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. H. Quarterman, At torney. * . • FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS. On our Georgia and Carolina coast farms we have millions for immediate shipment. Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Flat Dutch. Prepaid mail 200, .00 ; 400, $1.00; 1000. $2.00. Ex press 2000, $3.00; 5000, $0.25. Bun combe ( iollnrrls, Big Boston Lettuce same price. PARKER FARMS, At lanta, Ga. 4t. Lanthier & Church do good honest work on every car brought to their garage. Y'ou will be pleased. Phone 110. WANTED—To buy good' used Un derwood or Remington typewriter; 'must be a bargain.—T. W. BURSON. If you want thorough satisfaction in repairing your automobile see Lan tbier & Church on Athens street. Tel ephone 110. WANTED —Man with car to sell low priced Graham Tires. $l3O per week and commissions. Graham Tire Cos., 519 Boulevard, Benton Harbor, Mich. FOR RENT —One 7-room house on Broad street, water, lights, bath, ham big lot. Also 5-room house on Broad street, water and lights. Also 5-room house on Midland Avenue, water and lights. See Marlow and Segars at Se gars store. FOR RENT —One 5-room brick house equipped with bath, water, lights and sewerage on Midland avenue. —G. W. Garner. I,OST —December 16 between Mrs. Herbert Smith's and Carithers’ hank building' a horse-shoe gold pin with a .safety cfftch, set with pearls. Finder please return to Mrs. Herbert Smith and receive reward. Lanthier & Church make a specialty of generator and starter work on au tomobiles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 110. -mI | B Prices Lowest in History of Ford Motor Cos. Today with many commodities still priced above the pre-war basis, you can buy a Ford car for less money than ever before in the history of the Ford Motor Cos. The Ford Sedan, equipped wifh electric starter, de mountable rims, extra rim and non-skid tires all around is without doubt the greatest value ever offered in a motor car. And you get the same quality, dependability and economy for which Ford cars are noted-with all the comforts and conveniences that go along with an en closed job. Let us have your order now for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager Phone 129 Happy New Year < We wfeh to thank our friends for the nice business given us in 1921. We are better prepared than ever to look after your interest and will appreciate your business. Wishing all a great year of health, happi ness and prosperity, we extend to you as friends and patrons, best w T ishes for 1922. C. C, GREGORY CO. Fire Insurance 305 Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. A Good Garage There is nothing more important to the automobile owner than a good, reliable gar age in which to have your repairing work done. 1 We do thoroughly reliable work. We > look closely after every job that comes to our shop. Nothing is slighted or overlooked. In fact, we guarantee satisfaction. If your generator or starter do not work good, we can fix them up to your satisfaction. Give us a trial, and you will become a reg ular customer of ours. With thanks for past favors and promis ing our best service to our customers during the new year, we are, Yours for Service, LANTHIER & CHURCH Phone 110. Athens St. Winder, Ga. Subscription Price: 11.50 Per Year.