The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 05, 1922, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1922. Social and Personal News MRS. BROOME HOSTESS TO YOUNG MATRONS CLUB. 4 Mrs. J. F. Broome was hostess at a most enjoyable bridge party on lust Thursday afternoon, assembling togeth er the members of the Young Mat rons club and a few others. The room set apart for the players was beauti fully decorated with holly, poinsettas and mistletoe. There were four tables for bridge and a delicious salad course wa* served after the games. Those enjoying Mrs. Broome’s cordial hos pitality on this occasion were Mesdames E. B. Harris, R. H. Kimball, Guy Kil gore, H. A. Carithers, Ralph Smith, Fleming Thompson, Roy Smith, G. C. Moseley, Carter Daniel, Hubert Eber liart, Walter Cooper, Vernon Moore, Robert Camp, J. J. Wilson, Henry J. I'ledger, G. H. Fortson, Reba Vonder leith Burch, J. W. Griffeth and Paul Autry. jIRS. PARKS STEWART ENTERTAINS. VOn Thursday of last week, Mrs. Parks Stewart was hostess to the mem bers of the Young Matrons Federated -club and a number of other friends at her beautiful home on Broad street. The music room, dining room and liv ing room of this lovely new home were thrown together for the entertainment of the guests, and were most attractive with bowls of narcissi and vases of oth er cut flowers with here and there a touch of holly, suggestive of the holi day season. 500 was the game of the afternoon, the score cards carrying out the idea of new year. On each of the small tables arranged for the games were placed dishes of salted nuts. After an enjoyable time spent in £)laying, a delightful salad course with hot tea was served. The hostess was assisted in receiving and entertaining by her mother, Mrs. A. A. Camp, Mrs. Patal Williams, of Athens, and Miss Ora ee Camp. HARACA CLASS ENTERTAINED. The Baraca Class of the First Meth <iist church was entertained last Thurs day evening at a delightful, informal social and feast by the teacher of the .class, Mrs. A. D. McCurry. About one hundred members of the class were present and the occasion was one of the most pleasant they have ever en joyed. A feature of the evening was an old fashioned spelling match which afforded much pleasure and amusement. The two sides headed by Col. Duke Ross and Col. Kimball were about evenly matched and the interest was such as to keep the men on their toes to the very last word. Finally, the side headed by Col. Ross won out and the Colonel was presented with a handsome and appropriate prize. Musical numbers by Mrs. McCurry, Mrs. Land and Bob Higgins made up a impsical program that was thoroughly enjoyed, and Duke Ross added to the ,gayety of the occasion with a sol© that won for him lasting fame. Apart from the social side of the oc casion the wonderfully enthusiastic spirit of the class was very much in ev idence and with the charming hospitali ty of the hostess and those who assist ed her, made the evening one long to be remembered by th class. MESDAMES HARRIS, PIRKLE \\l) HARDIGREE .JOINT HOSTESSES AT RECEPTION. The home of Mrs. Byrd Harris on North Candler street was the scene of one of the Yuletide's brilliant social affairs, taking place on Wednesday, December 28th. The joint-hostesses beiny Mesdames Harris, Foster Hardi gree and It. H. Pirkle. An artistic arrangement of Yuletide suggestions added to the beauty of the reception apartments. Bough* of mis tletoe, holly branches, poinsettas and othfr flowers were placed effectively. In the dining-room the table was over laid with a lace cover and the central decoration was a tyovely bowl of nar cissi and bonbon dishes filled with candy were placed at intervals. Mrs. Kilgore and Mrs. ,T. W. Griflfeth receiv ed the guests at the door. Those serving tea and sandwiches in the library were Mesdames It. H. Kim ball, Paul Autry, Robert Camp and Carter Daniel. In the dining room Mesdames Jackson. Is. T. Flanigan, W. O. Perry and G. H. Fortson and little Miss Doris Ilardigree serv.d. Little Gibson Ilardigree held the card trays. Others assisting in re ceiving and entertaining were Mes dames W. A. Bradley, E. H. Kinnebrew and Hubrt Eberhart. More than one hundred guests call ed during the afternoon. Misses Reunette and Rubye Wood ruff had as their guests during the holidays Misses Beth Allen, of Elber tmi; Minnie Elise Park, of Crawford ville. and Rubye Robinson, of Indian apolis, lud. MISSES REUNETTE AND Rl BY WOODRUFF ENTERTAIN. One of the most beautiful affairs of be holidays was the dinner .on Wed nesday evening of last week at which Misses Reunette and Rubye Woodruff ntertained. Covers were laid for six. 'lose enjoying the occasion were Miss es Reunette and Rubye Woodruff, Beth Allen, of Elberton, and Messrs. Claire Harris, Quarter man and Dr. J. I*. Eberhart. BIRTHDAY DINNER. A delightful birthday dinner was served at the home of Mrs. J. E. Jones in this city December 26th, in honor of Mrs. J. F. Beadles, the mother of Mrs. Jones. A few relatives and intimate friends were present and all enjoyed thmetselves thoroughly. Mrs. Beadles was 69 years of age an<j makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Boswell, in this city. GAINES-McLERANS. Miss Nita Gaines, the daughter of Mr. D, I. Gaines, of this city, and Mr. Albert McLerans, of Wellborn, Fla., were happily married at the pastorium in Jefferson on December 25th at 3:30 in the afternoon, Rev. M. H. Massey performed the ceremony The happy rouple left immediately for Florida where they will make their home in the future Mrs. McLerans has many friends in this section of the state who wish her and her fortunate husband much happiness and prosperity in life. MRS. LAND HOSTESS AT BEAUTIFUL PARTY. Among the deljghtful Yuletide festiv ties was the lovely party on Friday af ternoon ,at which Mrs. Carl Land was the gracious hostess. The reception rooms were very pret ty with their decorations of holiday foilage, baskets and bowls of narcissi were used effectively also. Tea was served from a prettily appointed table by Mrs. Parks Stewart and Miss Char lotte McCants. Progressive rook was the feature of the afternoon. After the games a delicious frozen course was served. During the afternoon several solos were rendered by the hostess and by Miss Ora Lee Camp and music which by Mrs. A. D. McCurry, all of which were much enjoyed. Receiving with Mrs. aLnd were her mother, Mrs. Powell, and Mrs. R. H. Barnes. Among the other guests pres ent were Mesdames Carithers, Kimball, Robert Camp, E. It. Harris, Broome, Bondurant, W. J. Itussell, P. A. Flan igan, J. W. Griffeth, Ware, Yarbrough, Autry, Brooks, Radford, George Fort son, Kilgore, Edgar DeLaPerriere, Ol ive, Holsenbeck, Byrd Harris, Foster Ilardigree, C. S. Williams, W. J. Herrin, 11. T. Flanigan, Carter Daniel, ,T. B. Parham, Bailey, Horton, Roberts Ralph Smith, C. B. Mott, Moseley, Hargrove, T. A. Maynard and Miss Ermine Stan ton. JUNIOR PRISCILLA SEWING CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR EXHIBIT. At the last meeting of the Junior Priscilla Sewing club plans were com pleted for a parlor exhibit to be given early next fall, before entering the ex hibits in the North Georgia Fair. This club has won a number of prizes and last year donated the contents of its treasury to the Armenian Fund. It is with a great deal of pleasure that the members are anticipating the exhibit. Following is a list of prizes to be given them: Darning Egg—For the best hose darn ed, given by Mrs. Robt. Arnold. Piece of Silver—For prettiest cami sole. given by Mrs. W. X. Bailey, Handmade handkerchief for pretti est handkerchief, given by Mrs. J. F. Broome. Emory ball, for prettiest tea doilies, given by Mrs. Edgar DeaPerriere. Piece Cut Glass, for prettiest em broidery bed set, given by Mrs. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Piece of China, for prettiest towel, given by Mrs. George fortson. Silver thimble, for best made card table set. given by Mrs. E. It. Harris. Sewing bag, for best coarse embroid ery, given by Miss L. W. Collins. Piece of China, for prettiest baby dress, given by Mrs. John Maynard. Tatting Shuttle, for the best tatting given by Mrs. Lester Moore. Sewing basket, for prettiest pair of rompers, given by Mrs. J. B. Parham. Piece of cut glass, for prettiest tat ting or crochet bed set, given by Mrs. Howard Perry. Years subscription to “Needlecraft, for prettiest colored embroidery, given by Mrs. Paul Roberts. Piece of China, for coarse crochet, given by Mrs. Herschel Smith. Buttonhole scissors, for prettiest ba by cap, given by Mrs. Ralph Smith Embroidery scissors, for best fine em broidery, given by Mrs. S.. 11. Ware. Prize (to be decided later) for pret tii>st hand made bed spread, given by Mrs. Clyde Williamson. Prize (to be decided later) for best fine crochet, given by Mrs. E. V. Snipes. NOTICE WOMAN’S CLUB. The Woman’s Club will meet on January IS. The December meeting was called off on account of the prox imity of the date to Christmas day. Mrs. John Carrington of the Dept, of Child Welfare, will have charge of tlie program. Place of meeting will be announced in next week’s paper. A full attend ance is desired. MBS WILSON HOSTESS. A small Christmas party that was quite a merry occasion was that of last Saturday afternoon. The honor guests were M sdames Cooper and Moore. Bridge was the game played, after which lovely refreshments were served. The guest-list included Mes dames Vernon Moore, Walter Cooper, H. A. Carithers, J. F. Broome, G. C. Moseley, G. H. Fortson. Ralph Smith, Henry Pledger and H. T. Flanigan. MISS MABEL JACKSON ENTER TAINED AT CHRISTMAS PARTY. , Among the lovely parties given dur ing the holidays was the one on last Thursday afternoon, at which Miss Ma bel Jackson was the gracious hostess. The decorations were tunusually pretty and quite in accordance with the Yuletide season. An unique “reindeer" game was an interesting feature of the afternoon’s enjoyment. A delicious salad course was served late in the afternoon. The guests in cluded the members of the Bachelor Girls club and a few more friends. IN HONOR OF MRS. OWENS. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Broome de lightfully entertained at a bridge par ty last Tuesday evening, the honoree being Mrs. Lawrence Owens, of Ho gansville. The rooms were very pret ty w-ith an artistic arrangement of Christmas decorations. Delicious re freshments were served after the games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Pledger, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grif feth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Carithers, Mr and Mrs. D. F Thomp son, Mr and Mrs. Otis Jackson, Mrs. G. H. Fortson, Mrs. R. H. Kimball, Mr. hnd Mrs. J. F. Broome. A PRETTY CHRISTMAS PARTY. Avery pretty party of the Christmas season was the one given at the home of Miss Willie Mite Autry last Friday evening. “Proms” were enjoyed thru out the evening and at a late hour de licious refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Imogcne Herrin, Lannes Sims, Frances deLay, Rachel Saunders, Sue Dell Perry, Mar garet Walker, Gertrude Mott, Mary Quarterman, Gladys Eavenson, Alice Dunn, Urania Hayes. Rounette Benton, Charlotte McCants, Mary Lou Keese, Helen McWhorter, Sarah Joe Roberts, and Messrs. Ralph Perry, Harris Mayo, Ralph Ilardigree, Bollin Sims, Frank Bondurant, Chelis Roberts, Draft Roberts, Julian Wilson, Charles Mc- Whorter* Kinch Carpenter, Houlette Adair, Harold Starr, Woodfln Hill, Frank Moore, Fred Maxwell, G. W. Millsaps. Charles Harris, Alton Young, Frank Harris, Hearst Bagwell, Clay Camp an Sam Autry. We are glad to note that Mr. J. R. X. Baugh, who was severely hurt some weeks ago by falling from a scaffold while working on the Methodist church is able to get out, though he is walking on crutches. We hope he will soon he able to throw- his crutches away. • • Mrs. Maude Bondurant entertained at a lovely dinner last Sunday, com plimentary to her sister, Miss Ermine Stanton. Covers were laid for Misses Nora and Osee Wills, Ora Lee < amp, Nitocris Robinson, Ethel and Audrey Wills, Frank Bondurant, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parham and Miss Ermine Stanton. • • Col. ,T. C. Pratt, who has been asso ciated with Judge G. A. Johns in the practice of law for the past two years, has opened offices on his own account. His offices are located in the Bush building on Broad street. His many friends in the city wish him abundant success in his profession. r ■ , Rev. L. W. Collins returned Wed nesday from Winston-Salem, X". C.. where he has been visiting relatives. Mrs. Collins and children will spend (*vi ral more days in the North State. Mr. Collins states that this wonderful growing city of oO.tHK) inhabitants is not in the same class with Winder in regard to Sunday school activities, neither in numbers nor enthusiasm. There is no men's class in the Twin Citv that can compare with the Winder Methodist Baraea class. The daily papers of Winston-Salem featured the of the Winder Sunday school, in connection with the visit of Mr. Collins THE WINDER NEWS Miss Ruth Love has returned from a visit to relatives in Anniston. • • \ Mr. E. C. Strange was a visitor to Atlanta last Saturday. • • Col. Julian Ross spent Sunday with with his parents in Atlanta. * • Mr. R. O. Boss, of Atlanta, was in the city this week on business. • • Miss Gypsy Bedingfleld was a vis itor to Atlanta the lirst of the week • * Mr. W. A Brooks left this week on a business trip to Fort Worth, Texas., • • Mrs. A. A. Camp had as her guest the past few days Mrs. Broughton of Mont gomery * • Miss Rubye Woodruff attended the Elk dance in Elberton during the hol days. Miss Kate Irby of Athens was the guest of Mrs. Maude Bonduraut last Wednesday and Thursday. • • Mrs. Ola Hall spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. T. K. Shack elford, in Lawrenceville. • • Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Barber and chil dren visited relatives in Winder dur ing the holidays. • * e ' . Miss Billie Eavenson had as her guest for the holidays, Miss Kathryn Gume, of Atlanta. • * Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Estes and their little daughter spent several of the lolidays in Atlanta. • • Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Groover of At lanta spent the week-end with Mrs. Wyley Barber in the city. • * Miss Ola Porter has returned to her home in Jefferson after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Baird in the city,. • • Miss Lila Moore, after spending the Christmas holidays at home, returned Wednesday to Agnes Scott College. • * Mr. J. B. Shedd, who has been visit ing in the city during the holidays, has returned to his home in Harlan, Ky. • Miss Elise Starr has resumed her studies at Wesleyan College, Macon, after spending the holidays with home folks. NOTICE! COTTON SEED HULLS 60 cents Per 100 Pounds 2 2 pounds Hulls for 1 pound of Seed High Grade Cotton Seed Meal; 8 per cent Amonia, $2.30 Per 100 Pounds. On Exchange for Seed $2.20 per 100 pounds for Meal SEED $1.50 PER 100 POUNDS We pay 50 cents per bushel, cash for Corn Jersey Cream Flour, per sack of 48 pounds. , ;fJ $2.00 $7.50 per barrel Corn Meal, per bushel 80c Plenty of Shorts and Bran on Hand. WINDER OIL MILL Phone 65 Mr. an Mrs. John Maynard spent the first of this week In Atlanta. * * Miss Cleo Bush spent the new year’s holidays in Atlanta. * * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pledger spent last Tuesday in Atlanta. • • Miss Mary Smith and Mrs. Itobt. Bar ber spent Friday in Atlanta. * • Miss Ethel Wills spent the first of the wtvk in Atlanta. • • Miss Icie Smith has returned from a visit to Florida. • * Miss Thelma Barber visited friends in Atlanta last week. * * Mrs. C. W. Barber spent last week in Jefferson with relatives. • • Mrs. Watts, of Mountvllle, S. C., is visiting Mrs. Foster Hanligree. • Mr. Carlton Pentecost spent the first of the week in Atlanta. • • Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moseley are in Cordele visiting friends for a few days. Dr. Clifford DeLaPerriere was a vis itor to Athens one day last week. • • .• i. • •. Mr. J. L. Jackson was the guest last week of Mr. F. H. Jackson in Athens. • ■ Mrs. Otis Jackson has returned from a visit to relatives in Watkinsville. • ■ Mr. P. O. Maxwell of Elberton was a visitor In the city last Sunday. • • Mr. Mack Yarbrough, of Atlanta, was a visitor in Winder last Sunday. • • Miss Audrey Wills returned Monday to Donaldsonville to resume her school work. • • Mr. end Mrs. Reese Couch are now occupying an apartment at the home of Mrs. Byrd Harris. • • Mrs. Yarbrough of Charlotte, N. C., was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ware. • • Mrs. Gordon Greene and baby, who have been spending the past few weeks here with her parents. Judge and Mrs. R. B. Russell, were joined by Capt. Greene last Saturday and together they returned to their home in Washington, D. C., on Sunday. , Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year, Mrs. Lawrence Owens of Hogansville is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. H. Wa re. * • Misses Gladys and Doris Carter of Madison spent Friday witli Miss La dle Whitley. * * I)r. and Mrs. R. H. Barnes are now occupying an apartment at the Bar row hotel * • Mrs. Robert Arnold and little daugh ter Ann, are visiting relatives in Mil iedgeville. * * Mr. Krowitz of Anniston, Ala., spent Monday here with his daughter, Mrs. L. Love. • * Mr. Jamie Stanton of Athens spent a few ays here last week with rela tives. • * Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stanley of At lanta spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mrs. Dora McGuugliey, of Statliam, visited friends in Winder during ihe Christmas holidays. • • Mr. W. A. Brooks left first of week for Oklahoma on a business trip In the interest of his cotton firm. • • Mr. Luther Lanier of Atlanta spent a few days here the past week witlx relatives and friends. • • Mrs. Itoscoe Eavenson and children have returned from a visit to relative# and friends in Elberton. . • • Mrs. R. H. Pirkle has been spend ing the past few weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Turpin, in Americus. * . • • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pledger delight fully entertained a few fri.iuid at a bridge party last Thursday evening. • • Dr. and Mrs. W. L. DeLaPerriere visited relatives in Social Circle dur ing the holidays. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and son Visited friendq in Albany, Ga., and ex tended their trip down on the gulf coast in Florida durin the Christmas holi days. • • - Mr. H. F. Oliver, from out on Route 4, brought to our office Monday one of largest hen eggs we have seen. It weighed 3% ounces. The old hen that laid that egg started the new year off right.