The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 12, 1922, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1922. Social and Personal News MRS. OWENS HONOREE AT PARTY. Mrs. O. M. Jackson complimented Mrs. L. S. Owens with beautiful bridge party last Thursday afternoon. At the conclusion of the games a tempting salad course was served. Those enjoying Mrs. Jackson's charm ing hospitality on this occasion were Mesdames Owens. J. H. Pledger, J. J. Wilson, G. H. Fortson, R. H. Kimball, J. F. Broome, S 11. Ware, H. A. Pa nthers, Ralph Smith, 1). F. Thompson, Herschel Smith and Robert Camp. MRS. WARE ENTERTAINS POOR MRS. OWENS. A. lovely event of last week was the bridge party on Wednesday afternoon given by Mrs. S. H. Ware in honor of her sister, Mrs. L. S. Owens of Hogan ville. Bowls of flowers were used as decorations and on each table was a dish of salted nuts. After the games a delicious frozen course was served. Those present were Mesdames Ow ens. J. W. Griffeth, Paul Autry, Roht. Camp. Howard Rogers, J. J. Wilson, Guy Kilgore. O. M. Jackson, J. F. Broome, H. A. Carithers, Ralph Smith, J. 11. Pledger, G. 11. Fortson and Her scliel Smith. BRIDGE PARTY GIVEN BY MR. AND MRS I>. F. THOMPSON. A delightful event of the week was the bridge party on Tuesday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Thomp son at their apartment on Woodlawn Ave. After an interesting series of games of bridge, delicious refresh ments were served. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carithers, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Pledger, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Broome, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fortson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moseley, Mrs. G. H. Fortson and Mr. Roy Smith. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry will be glad to learn that their little son, George, is im proving after being critically ill with diptlieria. Statement of condition of North Georgia Trust & Banking Company Located at Winder, Ga., Barrow coun ty, at the close of business. Dee mber :11st, 1921, as called for by the Super intendent of banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $* J3,.>28.6*> Demand, loans 14.927.91 Loans secured by real estate 10,(>47.•>.! United States and State of Geor gia Ronds' 242,000.00 Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank 6.750.00 other stocks and bonds 1,500.1*0 /Banking house 20.074.00 Furniture and fixtures 22,09.1.35 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 6,495.78 Cash in vault and amount de posited with approved Reserve Agents 12.525.31 Checks for clearing house 559.08 Other checks and cash items 903.47 Overdrafts 2,069.62 Rills of exchange 2.615.26 U. S. Treasury Certificates 100.000.00 TOTAL $1,183,394.11 LIARILITIES Capital stock paid in $200,600.00 Surplus fund 24,000.00 Undivided profits 1..>38.08 Dividends unpaid 96.00 Due to banks in this state 22.03 Individual deposits subject to check 125.573.87 Time certificates of deposit 26.822.85 Savings deposits 10.024.94 Cashier’s checks .1.253.72 Certified checks 11b.20 Dills payable to banks in this s)att , 80,000.00 Rills payable to banks in other states 57,500.00 Rills parable to Federal Reserve Bank' 210,000.00 Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Rank 327,686.71 Notes and bills rediscounted with other banks in this state 7,863.44 Due customers account payment Liberty Loan Bonds 1,596.22 Federal Reserve Bank Fiscal Agent Dept. acct. U. S. Treas. AKt , llt 100.000.00 TOTAL __51182,594.11 State of Georgia, Barrow county. Before me came AV. F. Hubbard, cashier of North Georgia Trust & Bank ing Company, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is it true condition of said hank, as shown by the books of tile in said bank. F. Hubbard. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 12th day of January, 1!>22. Alvie Hill. N. P. Barrow county, Ga. Mrs. J. 11. Pledger spent last Tues day in Athens. • • Mrs. J. T. Strange is visiting her daughters in Athens. • • Mrs. Roy Smith and baby are vis iting relatives in Cordele. • • Mr. George Fortson spent the first of the week in Winder. * * Miss Ethel Wills returned from a visit to Atlanta last Sunday. * • Miss Dorothy Rowland spent the past week-end with her parents in Athens. • • Mrs. George Webb of Grayson spent the past few days here with Mrs. A. A. Camp. * * Some of the young ladies have or ganized a bridge club which will meet every two weeks. • • Mrs. S. T. Ross left Tuesday for a visit of several days to friends in At lanta. e • Miss Hattie Oliver, of Grayson, is tin- guest this week of Mrs. E. W. Oli ver. * Mrs. George Webl), of Grayson, was the guest of Mrs. A. A. Camp last Sun day. * * The little child of Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Lowe has been quite sick for sever al days. • • Miss Rhodes, of Athens, has been nursing little George Perry who has been quit? sick. Mrs. E. C. Doyle has returned to her home in East Point after a visit to Mrs. L. IV. Hodges. * • Mrs. Roy Jackson was called to At lanta this week on account of the ill ness of her mother. • • Mrs. C. S. Williams and little son, Lewis Harper, spent a few days last week with relatives in Statham. • v ■ Miss Gladys Hafris has returned to Valdosta to resume her studies at the South Georgia Normal school. * * Mrs. L. W. Collins and children. Frances and Clyde Mabry, returned on Tuesday, from Winston-Salem, N. C. • • Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moseley and baby have returned from a motor trip to Cordele where they visited relatives. * ♦ Mrs. Hubert Eberhart and baby have returned to their home in Montgomery after a two weeks' visit to relatives here. * 9 Miss Ermine Stanton who has spent the past few weeks here with her fam ily and friends, left last Friday for Vicksburg, Miss., to resume her work. • • I) r . and Mrs. C. S. Floyd, of Logan ville. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starr last Sunday, coming up to hear Bishop Candler at the Methodist chUiCh. Mrs. W. L. Jackson, who has been visiting relatives in this section for some time, left Tuesday to visit rela tives in Monroe and will leave Satur day for her home in Orlando, Fla. • * Mrs. Maude Rondurant entertain and at dinner last Sunday, the guests were Misses Mary Lou and Helen Cargill. Mabel Jackson. Messrs. Frank and Ed , win Page and Frank Rondurant. * * Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kilgore entertain ed at a lovely six o'clock dinn r last Friday. An elegant course dinner was served. Covers were laid for Col. and Mrs. J. C. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ; Fo tson. Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore. • • Mi-'s Ola Redmond, who has been in charge of the millinery department of ij t. Strange Company for the past year, has accepted the same position for the coming season. The buying public of this section will be delighted to know that she will again serve them in this capacity. • • Mrs. J. 11. Jackson entertained at a lovely six o’clock dinner last Thurs day in honor of Miss Ermine Stanton. The other guests were Mrs. Maude Ron durant, Messrs. Walter Stanton and Frank Rondurant, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pledger, Mrs. G. H. Fortson and Mr. June Jackson. • • Mr. Eugene Edwards after sepending after spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. H. E. Edwards, and Mrs. Bessie Edwards, has returned to Atlanta where is taking special train ing in an Atlanta college. Eugene is a bright boy; is a graduate of W. H. S.. G. M. C. and is now taking a spe cial business course. WOMAN’S CLUB NOTICE. The Woman's Club will meet on Wednesday, January 18th, in the Loyal Guards room at the Christian church. Mrs. John Carrington will have charge of the program. A full attend ance is desired. ENTERTAINMENT AT CHAPEL The boys and girls of the Sunday school of Chapel church will put on an entertainment Friday night, January 13th, at 7:30 o’clock at night, at the church. The name of the play is “Dea con Dubbs." An admission fee of 10c and 15c will be charged, the proceeds to go towards buying anew carpet for the church. • • Mrs. Robert Camp entertained a few friends informally last Friday morn ing at the home of Mrs. H. A. Carith ers, the lionoree of the occasion being Mrs. L. S. Owens. \ Enters the Grocery Business Buy With Us and Save Money My Furniture Department I am selling out my furniture at prices that are sim- / ply astounding. I want to get my money out of it. Just ! j come in and price anything that I have in the furniture line, and you want, it’s yours. ! I am now located in the store next to A. S. Eberhart *- on Broad street in the building formerly occupied by ; Carrington’s Cafe. f/M'L I want your business. Will appreciate it. No doubt - If/ f I about that. * a, ffl / J. N. SUMMEROUR WINDER, GEORGIA THE WINDER NEWS We are glad to know that Mr. W. T. Robinson is able to b? out again after an illness. • • Mr. I*. A. Flanigan has been confin ed to his bed for several days with ill ness. • * Mrs. M. J. Griffeth entertained at a six o’clock dinner last Saturday. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Rush. Miss Cleo Bush, Miss Urania Hayes, Messrs. Latimer and Hayes Griffeth and Mr. M. J. Griffeth. • • Mrs. Mattie Jackson, who lias been visiting her brother, Mr. J. W. Mc- Whorter, and family, left Thursday morning for her home in Havanna, Fla. * * We regret to state that Mr. J. B. Williams continues critically ill at his home on Athens street. His hundreds of friends in the city sincerely trust that lie may recover. m *• Mrs. G. W. Ethridge has returned to her home in Atlanta, after several (lays visit with her daughter, Mrs. ,1 N. Summerour. In connection with my Furniture Business I have put in a stock of fresh and up-to-date Groceries, and will give the public the best bargains in groceries that they have ever heard of. Mr. Guy Prickett can be found behind the counters ready to wait on you promptly and to see to it that you get your money’s worth when you trade here. I will keep at all times a full line of fancy and family groceries and propose to sell them at prices that will save you money. No use to argue the question with you. I mean to sell you your groceries if you are out to buy them where you can get them at prices that means mon ey saved to you. SHERIFF’S SALE. ■GE< )RGIA —Barrow county. Will lie sold before the Court House door of said county, within flic legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 1922, the following property to-wlt: One 490 Chevrolet five-passenger au tomobile, purchased from Woodruff Hardware Company, No. 2: one one liorse wagon and harness; one dark bay mare mule, about eight years old, wt. about 1050 pounds; one cream colored milch cow about five years old, weight •about SOO pounds, with one horn ; farm ing tools, consisting of spring-tooth harrow, plow stocks, plows and so forth. Said property levied ns tlio property of Mrs. V. E. Hurdigroe and sold to satisfy an execution issued from Bar row Sujierior Court in favor of Bank of Statham against said Mrs. V. E. Hardigvee. 11. O. CAMP, Sheriff. i WALLACE REID at STRAND TODAY See Wallace Reid in "Sick Abed” at Tli( Strand Theater today and tomor | row. The best comedy drama you ever | saw. Suoscription Price: |1.50 Per Year. Death of T. H. Jennings Mr. T. H. Jennings, well-known in i tiiis city and section died last Monday I morning of pneumonia at Gloster, Ga., where he had gone on a visit to rela tives. He formerly lived in Jefferson. The remains were buried at Chapel on Wednesday, C. M. Ferguson Company having charge of the funeral arrange ments. Mr. Jennings was born in Gwinnett county July 11, 1854, and hence was t!7 years of age at the time of his death. He leaves one child, Mrs. D. F. Duke, of this city and several grand children. He was a member of the Methodist church of Jefferson and was esteemed by all who knew him. Ned House, a former employee of The News was a grandson of the de ceasetl, and was here to attend the fur neral. FOR SALE. —One five-passenger Ford Touring ear, self-starter, etc. Cheap for cash. —R. B. Russell, Jr. Dr. H. P. Quillian is reported sick tiiis week.