The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 19, 1922, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JANUARY 19, 1922 UNION LOCALS Mr. George Foster had as his guest .Saturday night Mr. Boyd Harbin. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walls and little son, \V. D. of Pentecost spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bradberry. Mr. Loyd Setward spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Styles Pen dergrass. Miss Ruth Chapman spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Chapman. Misses Effie Kennedy and Jewel Sells of Cedar Creek spent Saturday night with Miss Lavada Stewart. The box supper at Rockwell passed off nicely Saturday night and was highly enjoyed by all present. The teachers wish to thank all who so gen erously contributed to make it a suc cess. Miss Desma Bradbury spent the week-end with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bradburry. Miss Ruth Foster spent Saturday night with Miss Fannie Lou Foster. Mr. Marchee Kennedy spent Saturday night with Mr. Frank Doster. Miss Onnie Bowman spent the week end iu the city as the guest of friends. We are sorry to say that Master Claud Healan had a misfortune to fall out of a tree Sunday afternoon and break his leg and arm, but at this writ ing he is reported doing nicely. We hope he will soon be on the road to re covery. PENTECOST Miss Jewel Williamson was the guest of Miss Lucille Miller Saturday night. Mrs. Anna Hammond Misses I’earlie and Zora Hammond and little Martha Bue Haynie of Statham, were guests of relatives here Saturday night and Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pentecost have moved to Oglethorpe county. We hate very much to give them up. Rev. M. B. Sams filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Mr. Ray Prickett returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit to rela tivos in Hallies' county. Miss Lucile Miller spent Sunday with Misses Edna and Jewell Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greenway and baby were guests of Mrs. H. A. Hardi gree Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Grace Prickett, Pearlie and Zora Hammond were the dinner guests of Muss Marie Haynie Sunday. Mrs. P. A. Carruth has been quite ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lyle and children of Tyro were the guests of Mrs. H. A. Hardigree Sunday. Rev. M. B. Sams was the dinner guest of Mr. P. C. Pentecost Sunday. The dance given at the home of Mr. Cicero Rutledge Saturday night was very much enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carruth and little *on, of Arcade, spent Saturday night Sunday with their mother, Mrs. P. A. Carruth. Tallasee Dots Mr. and Mrs. Festus Kinney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sikes Saturday night. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Fleming were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adcus Fleming Sunday. Mr. Willie Jackson was the guest of Mr. H. Draper Sunday. Miss Lillian Hill was the guest of Miss Essie Shackelford Sunday. Mrs. Annie Wallace spent the week with her son in Athens* The many friends were glad to see in the News last week thatMr. J. B. Rob ertson was able to be out again, and ho pe he will soon be thoroughly well again. . . Mr. Lonnie Patton was the guest of Mr H. Hill Sunday. Miss Frudie Bell Sikes was the guest Miss Mellie Fleming Sunday. A large crowd attended Sunday school and preaching at Providence Sundya; let everybody be present on next Sunday. Play To Be Given At Auburn Saturday Night The Play, Deacon Dubbs, which was put on at Chapel church last Friday night by the Doyal Workers Sunday school class, has been invited to come to the Southeastern Christian College at Auburn, Ga„ Saturday night, Jan uary 21st. Admission 10 and 15c. Come, you will enjoy the play. Worth Considering. The question is not so much how you contract a cold, but how to get rid of it with the least loss of time and in experience of others under similar cir cumstances, who have been most suc cessful in checking their colds, in their beginning, you will secure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy without delay, and use it faithfully. There are many families who have used this prep aration successfully for years and hold it In high esteem. It Is excellent. W. H. FAUST HOLDS INTERESTING OLD PAPERS; DATE 1790 Rev. W. 11. Faust has in his posses sion some very interesting papers and locumeuts from a distant past. These interesting old documents were found among the papers of his family while on a visit to his father iu Oglethorpe county near Lexington during the Christmas holidays. One is a paper signed by Governor Jared Irwin granting a certain tract of REV. W. H. FAUST. land which is now owned by his father to Thomas Traylor, which was shortly afterwards purchased by ancestors of the present Winder pastor. State of Georgia. By his Excellen cy, Jared Irwin. Captain General Gov ernor, and Commander in and over the said State and of the Militia thereof. To all to whom these presents shall pome, GREETING: Given under my hand and The Great £eal of the said State, this twelfth day of February, in the year of our Lord 1706 and in the twentieth year of America's Independence. Another interesting paper is in ref erence to nine lots of slaves owned by the estate of Mrs. Christina Faust be queathed to her by her aunt, Eve Beard and willed in turn to said Christina Faust’s children. These nine lots of slaves were ap praised by Royal B. Fleming, G. W. Gresham, H. S. Gresham, R. G. John son, J. E. Johnson and B. B. Waller. Divided into lots numbered and nam ed and valued as follows: No. I—Charles, SIOOO. Peggy $-00, Henry S4OO, Ella No. 2.—Randall SIOOO, Sally $250, Adaline S7OO. Elick No. 3.—Green SOSO, Aney SBSO, Tom S4OO. No. 4.—Jordon SBOO, Felba and Del la SIOOO, Eliza No. s.—Burton S7OO, Antony $475, Martha and Oscar SIOOO. No. 6 Abram S7OO, Carline and Pink SIOOO, Vince S6OO. No. 7. —Simon $475, Norva, Primus and Harry sllsO, Rachel S4OO. Total amount of appraisers $15,700, jit addition thereto two lots of negroes went to Geo. W. Faust and Elizabeth Edwards —the above went to Henry J. Faust, W. M. D. Faust James A. Faust, Charlotte C. Patman, Mary Ann Faust, Harriet Faust and Jane C. Faust. Another is the Bill of Sale of a ser vant from Eve Beard to John Faust, the great grand father of the Winder Jjastor, which reads as follows: “Georgia—Oglethorpe county. Know pll men by these presents, that I, Eve Beard of the county and state afore said, for and in consideration of the hum of five hundred dollars to me In hand paid by John Faust of the same the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, and sold, and do hereby grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Faust, his heirs and assigns the following prop erty to-wit: one negro man slave by the name of Abraham, twenty years of age, to have and to hold the afore said bargained property to him the .said John Faust, his heirs and assigns forever and I, the Eve Board for my- Self, my heirs, executors and adminis trators all and singular, the said bar gained property unto the said John Faust, his heirs and assigns against me and my said executors and admin istrators, and against all and every other person and persons whatever shall and will warrant and defend by Jthese presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto my hand and seal, this 2!)th day of April 1828. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Duke, J. I*. her Eve X Beard mark Eve Beard was the great, great, Errand aunt of Rev. W. H. Faust, was wealthy and one of the best informed women of her day, but couldn’t write her name, which brings out the fact •that women in those days were not BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridge way awhile Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Partain were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. I’artee Sunday. Mrs. V. H. Bolton was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Adams Monday. Mr. and Mi's. C. G. Brown are the proud parents of a daughter born January 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilburn of Winder Sunday. Master Odus Walls was the guest of Masters Bob and Willi* Adams Monday night., Mr. and Mi's. Hiram Mack were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brown Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Florence Casey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee awhile Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Starnes were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Starnes Friday night. Misses Susie and Vallie Mae Brown were guests of Misses Mary Lee and Lon a Bell Edwards Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. T. W. Partee awhile Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams Tuesday. Messrs. C. A. Edwards and I). S. Sturdivant motored to Winder Satur day afternoon. Kilious Headache. When you have a severe headache, a disordered stomach and con stipation. take three of Chamber lain's Tablets. They will correct the disorders of the liver and bowels, ef fectually curing the headache. MT. MORIAH The pound supper given by Misses Leila and Lula Fengans Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Sallle Bell James visited Mrs. Daisy Cooper Thursday afternoon. Mrs. George Hardy and daughter, Miss Beulah McKinney spent Sunday at Buford. Mr. Richard, Hayes who has been coiafined to his bed for some time, died Sunday night about 3 o’clock, and was buried at this place Tuesday, Jan. nary 17th. He was 64 years of age and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss. Mr. Lee Wages of near Auburn vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maddox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Feagans visited Mr. Richard Hayes and family Sun day afternoon. Miss Lena Merritt spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Gerdie Wood. Little Miss Odell Ethridge spent Sat urday night with little Miss Uel Cheek. Little Miss Ila Maddox spent Satur day night with little Miss Udell Wrignt Mr. J. G. Wood of Auburn spent Fri day night with his son, Mr. Rainey Wood. Messrs. Arthur Wages and Kelly Sykes were out riding Sunday after noon. Messrs. A. J. Maddox, Sylvester Cheek and E. A. Montgomery visited Mr. T. V. Wood Friday night. Miss Frances Maddox spent Sunday with Miss Gerdie Wood. There was a singing at Miss Mayzie Wood’s Sunday night which was high ly enjoyed by all present. First Baptist Church Services for Sunday. Sunday school 10 :15. 8. F. Maughon, Superintendent. Preaching 11:30. Junior B. Y. P. U. 6:30, Ernestine Bush, Leader. Senior B. Y. P. U. Josephine House, President. Preaching 7:30. Rev. J. W. McWhorter, Editor of the Winder News, will pneach at both hours. “Not good if detached,” reads coupon on your railroad ticket. The same is true of church members. Detached from Sunday school, prayetmeeting, B. Y. P. U. fellowship and service of your church for two or three services and you grow grouchy, get idle, begin to work up excuses and lose touch with God and good. Come to church Sun day. W. H. Faust, Pastor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This is a pleasant, safe and reliable medicine for coughs and colds. It has been in use for many years and is held in high esteem in those households where its good qualities are best known It is a favorite with mothers of young children, as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. Try it when you have need of such a remedy. Paint prices reduced at Smith Hard ware Company. supposed to be educated. It is interesting to note that neither lands nor slaves can be given to any parties anywhere to have and to hold forever. THE WINDER NEWS We Want Your Business We are ready for the spring trade. We have a com plete line of farming tools and hardware, all of the very best grade. FITS OLIVER AND LASTS LONGER Anything in Syracuse, Vulcan and Oliver Plow Repairs Guaranteed to be of the best material and last longer than other makes. Phone us, or send for your require ments, if you cannot come to town. We are at your service. When in town make our store headquarters. We are always glad to see you. * WOODRUFF HARDWARE GO. Phone 66 Winder, Ga. NOTICE! COTTON SEED HULLS 60 cents Per 100 Pounds Impounds Hulls for 1 pound of Seed High Grade Cotton Seed Meal; 8 per cent Amonia, $2.30 Per 100 Pounds. On Exchange for Seed $2.20 per 100 pounds for Meal SEED $1.50 PER 100 POUNDS We pay 50 cents per bushel, cash for Corn Jersey Cream Flour, per sack of 48 pounds...... $2.00 $7.50 per barrel Com Meal, per bushel l* • • • • • • •.• IM*. •.*•111 80c Plenty of Shorts and Bran on Hand. Winder Oil Mill Phone 65 i Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.