The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 26, 1922, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1922 —— ■ MENS SWTS All $17.50 and $20.00 broken Suits at the (PI O jC Clean Sweep Sale All $25.00 and 27.50 Suits at the Clean (PI T £A Sweep Sale All 35.00 Suits at the January Sale $17.75 Extra Special Schloss Bros. Famous Suits $40.00 or vour money back. This Clean Sweep 4 QA 8* . $44.00 BOYS KNEE SUITS $7.30 all wool Serge Suits, sizes 4 to 8, at 95 All SIO.OO and 12.50 boys suits, sizes 9 to 17 at V** * All $12.00 and 18.00 boys Suits, sizes (PC JTA 9 to 20, at .tPU.tjU MENS OVERCOATS We have about 35 overcoats left on hand which we have marked down exactly ONE-HALF: All $15.00 OVERCOATS. Clean Sweep (P H r A SALE 1 V ■•3l/ All $25.00 OVERCOATS, CLEAN SWEEP $12.50 ARMY COATS-ARMY SHOES Brand new goods, never worn by any- (Pi AT body. Army Shoes, solid Leather, guaranteed, all sizes; they cost $5.00 everywhere. Sale price $2.95 All wool Army Shirts at less than half price. ODD PANTS Any $5.00 and SI.OO Pants, Choice during (P<l 25 Clean Sweep Sale Any $5.00 and SO.OO Pants. Choice during (PQ 75 Clean Sweep Sale Be on hand opening day. . Many things free. EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS 50c Best Oil Cloth, all col. 25c 20c gray or black hose .... 9c 'loc Handkerchiefs 4c 2in 1 Shoe Polish r . . ~r. 2 . 10 c SI.OO Work Gloves ..,. r .T— r-r., 49c m -i r- r\ n • tt r-* * j rvrv_ Extra Special! W e will sell at the hours of 10 to 11 o’clock A. M, ana 2 to 3 o’clock P. M. IDE C'dlars at 10 cents 2 to a customer Apron best 25 qualitv, 10 yards fto a customer, the yard J?2 C Seamless Sheeting, the $1 kind at 49c Hickory Shirting, the 25c quality at . . 14c Free! Free! On Friday and Saturday, January 27th and 28th’ our first two opening days, we will give away to the first ten customers a $5.00 all linen table cloth with a $15.00 purchase. And handsome other gifts will be given away dai ly absolutely free to customers during this sale. ' LADIES COATS All of our $12.50 and $15.00 Ladies Coats, including fine Cheivots or Tibbets in tbe lot. Choice at $4.95 All $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 Coats, in the most beau tiful inukes and imported cloths. Choiie $9.75 ®LADIES COAT SUITS All $30.00 and 35.00 Coat Suits, Clean Sweep Sale “ $9.75 All $40.00, 45.00 and 50.00 Coat Suits _ $14.75 We are not going to carry them over if price has anything to do with it. LADIES DRESSES All our $12.50 and 15.00 SERGE, VELVET and BILK . DRESSES at the Clean Sweep Sale QT Choice All fine SIB.OO, 20.00 and 25.00 DRESSES In fine Taf feta, Silks, Tricotines, and French Serges, also a few fine Georgette Crepe Dresses O C A CHOICE —i * / CHILDRENS DRESSES All Serge Dresses half Price. All Gingham Dresses ONE-TIIIRD OFF. Prices range from 50c up. Come with large expectations for all seasonable goods will positive ly be sold at 50 cents on the dol lar and everything in the store is marked down 20 to 40 per cent. Remember Sale starts Friday, January 27th, Lasting 10 Days only. UNDERWEAR SI.OO Mens Ribbed Shirts and Underwear 0^ C $2.50 Mens UNION SUITS $1.35 $1.50 Boys Ribbed UNION SUITS 75& 95° SI.OO Ladies Vests and Pants 49^ $1.25 Misses Union Suits 95 c ftt — ——— — — —— — —— COUNTER BARGAINS SI.OO best made Middies at 49c $1.50 best made Middies at 95c /Ti IV /\ /'N J. _ll 1 CI Bargains Speak Louder Than Printers Ink The Bargain King of Winder, Ga. Announces a 10 §W66p Lasting Ten Days Only The winter is drawing to its end and we are now getting* ready for our Spring season. Thousands of dollars worth of new merchandise will begin to arrive at our store by the middle of next month. We must make room for the goods, and are getting through with our fall stock. We are going to sell them at some price. In fact _ j • a j i • • ii -i i THE WINDER NEWS Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.