The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 26, 1922, Image 6

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 2rt lf?T instance Your neighbor's borne burned only a few days or months ago and a likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US fl. t night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAi. ay mean tlie loss of your home. Any man can build a home once A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to Ills peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith FARM LOANS! I make loans on lands in amounts from $500.00 to $100,000.00, for five years’ time in Harrow, Walton, Jackson and Gwinnett counties. I am in Winder on Fridays of each week; my office is on the second floor of the Winder National Bank Building. Write to me or come to see me if you need money. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6 mos.—22 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE lllbUiallLC Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line, Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Hank Building 1 Classified Ads. • *' Ol!It MOTTO: Quality, service and J*RICE. Woodruff Hardware Cos. bonus made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions. —W. 11. Quarterwau, At torney. When you buy of ns you get the best nt the right price. Woodruff Hdw. Cos. Syracuse, Vulcan and Oliver plow parts at WOODRUFFS. m • FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS. On our Georgia ami Carolina coast farms we have millions for immediate shipment. Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Flat Dutch, Prepaid mail Ht, .00; 400. $1.00; 1000, $2.00. Ex press 2000, $3.00; 5000, $0.25. Bun combe Collards, Big Boston Lettuce same price. PARKER FARMS, At lanta, Ga. 4t. Syracuse. Vulcan anil Oliver plow repairs. The best made at Woodruffs. Our plow points last longer and plow better, Syracuse. Vulcan and Oliver. Woodruff Hardware Cos. For good hardware at the right price go to Woodruff Hardware 00. Fidtaou Mazda Klectrio Bulbs are the best. We have them. Woodruff Jldw. For the best light buy an Edison Mazda Bulb. Sold by Woodruff lldw. Cos. I'hrttie 68. # (let your Onion Sets now.—Wood ruff Hardware Cos. English Pea Seed for sale at Wood ruff's. Columbia Hot Shot Batteries jyill crank your Fords. We sell them. Wood ruff Hardware Cos. If its good merchandise and a square deal you want, you will find it at WOODRUFF HDW. CO, A 36-foot heavy plow line, 3 pairs to the dollar. Cheaper grades 20c the pair Woodruff Hardware Company. Plow soon and plow deep, Make cotton to sell And make cotton to keep. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Do not fail to try our Syracuse, Yul can and Oliver plow repairs. Made by Lynchburg Plow Cos. Lasts longer than any other genuine point on the market. For sale by Woodruc Hdw. WANTED.—FieId run corn In the shuck J. AV. Saunders, Phone 247. Anyone wishing to have sewing done, please bring your work to me. My charges are reasonable and I guaran tee satisfaction. I live at the Jack son home at the end of Broad street.— Mrs. I. A. Shaw, Winder, Ga. 2t Edison Mazda lamps have hut one eipial tlie sun. For sale by Wood ruff Hardware Cos. Plenty of Onion Sets at Woodruff Hardware Store. -v Try our Columbia Hot Shot batter ies to crank your Fords.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Phone 66. ' oung men. women, over 17. desiring government positions. $l3O monthly, write for free list of positions now open. J. Leonard, (former Civil Ser vice Examiner) 505 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. 3tpd42 MRS. C. C. OLDHAM A Healthy Woman is Always Beautiful In The Eyes of Man Lexington, Ey.—“ During the time of middle life I used Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and I cannot praise it too highly for the good it did me. I believe the Favorite Pre fcripiio.i is bound to become a favorite remedy with each woman who gives it a fair (~ I. J have also used Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for stomach troubla and for colds, etc., and I believe it to be the best general tonic that can be iiad.”—Mrs. C. C. Oldham, 553 Breckenridge Street. The use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has made many women happy by making them healthy. Get it at once from your nearest druggist, in either liquid or tablet form. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free, confidential medical advice County Line News School at this place is progressing nicely with a large attendance. We are sorry to state that Mrs. W. 11. Puckett is no better. We are glad to state that Mr. W. H. Itainey is improving and is able to be out again. On January 22nd, occurred the mar riage of Miss Jewell Doster and Mr. George Murphy. We hope for them a long and happy life. If some some would live better them selves and quit kicking the innocent they would be better off when judg ment day comes. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Freeman of Hosch ton were the guests of the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. Rainey. We have almost finished our basket ball court and hope to be playing some soon. Mr. I). S. Rainey happened to the misfortune of falling recently and hurting his ankle. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Long of Dacula spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. o. It. Rainey. Misses Bell and Lottie Moon and Bertha Mobley of Winder visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moon and family Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams and Col and Mrs. J. C. Pratt of Winder visited Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Freeman visited Mr. and Mrs E. E. Clark Sunday af ternoon. STATHAM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lowe and chil dren of Watkinsville were the week end guests of relatives here. Mrs. P. L. Hutchins and Mrs. T. J. Sykes were delegates Monday in Ath ens at the Parent Teacher association. Little Mildred Chambers of Athens is spending awhile here with relatives. Mrs. J. AV. Williams and little son, j. W. Jr., of Colbert spent the week end here with Prof. Williams at the home of Mrs. T. L. Holeomb. Miss Marian Reynolds was the guest of Miss Susie Belle Perkins Saturday and Sunday. . j. j. Horton, of Atlanta, is here with his two little daughters for a few days. Miss Ellen Hammond was the dinner guest of Mrs. T. L. Holcomb Sunday. ' The people of Statham are very glad to have Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Hutcheson, of Danielsville move into their little city to make their future home here. Rev. M. B. Sams was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haynie. Misses Mary and Mozelle Perry and Frances Arnold were the week-end guests of Miss Tabitha Sims of near AVinder. „ , . Mrs. C. B. Chambers was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. H. L. White of Isivonia, who lias been se riously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus AVillingliam an nounce the birth of a daughter, Janu ary 15th, 15>22. Rev. M. B. Sams delivered two very able sermons Sunday morning and ev ening at the Methodist church to very appreciative audiences. Misses Mary and Mozelle Perry en tertained a few of their friends on last Thursday evening. After conversation and music and games, candy was serv- ed t>y the hostess. Mr. Willie Welborn of Forsyth was the .guest of his sister, Mrs. T. J. Sykes Wednesday. An oyster supper will be given r ri day evening by the Parent-Teachers as sociation for the benetlt of the school. Everybody welcome. Come. Worth Considering. The question is not so much how yon contract a cold, but how to get rid of it with the least loss of time and in experience of others under similar cir cumstances, who have been most suc cessful in checking their colds, in their beginning, you will secure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy without delay, and use it faithfully. There are many families who have used this prep aration successfully for years and hold it lu high esteem. It is excellent.' - Money to Lend on FARM LANDS Lowest rates of Interest. Prompt action Hubert M. Rvlee Athens, Ga. Law offices, 405 Holman Bldg THE WINDER YEWS Victory News School at this place is progressing ni< ely witli b3 on roll. , There, will lie a box supper at this place Saturday night, January' 28th. Everybody invited to come and tiring well filled boxes. Misses Pauline and Norine Johnson had as their guests Saturday afternoon Miss Jtireli Bailey. Miss Gladys Evans had as her guests Saturday night Misses Florine Murphy and Jurell Bailey. Miss Florine Murphy bad as her gne.sts Sunday Misses Pauline and No rine. Johnson and Jurell Bailey and Gladys Evans. Miss Ermine Simpson was the din ner guest of Miss Alma Deaton Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rockmore spent Saturday, night and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Settie Boss. Messrs. J. IL Evans and Mr. E. D. Johnson motored to Winder Tlfursday on business. Messrs. Ralph Evans and Herman Johnson attended Services at Sharon Sunday night. Mr, and Mrs. H. D. Roquemore were Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrsf E. I>. Johnson. Mrs.. Effle Attaway of Gainesville is spending some time with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flee man. Little Miss Olee Johnson has been on the sick list this week; we hope her condition will improve. County Line. Mr. and Mrs. John McElhannon and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Atney Smith Sunday. Mr. Worthum Lowery of Winder is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison. Misses Ollie and Desma Murphy lmd as their guests Sunday afternoon Misses Girtib Maxey, Annie Clark, Bir tie House and Willie Mae Greesou. Mrs. Trave Reynolds was buried at Bethabra Monday, January 23. Rev. Bunyan Collins conducted the services. She leaves four children, and a host of relatives to mourn her loss. The be reaved ones have our sympathy. Mrs. E. A. Castleberry and children of Gainesville spent several days last week with Mr. E. D. Murphy and fam t)n last Sunday morning at Mr. O. IL House's occurred the marriage of Mr. George Murphy and Miss Jewell Doster, Rev. Jones officiating. We wish the young couple a happy wedded life. BETHEL Mrs. C. A. Edwards was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Shore Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. Ed Starnes Wednesday afternoon. Misses Betty Ism and Martha Sue Harrison of Bethlehem spent Monday night with Misses Laura Belle aud Ma ry Lee Edwards. Mrs. T. W. Partee was the guest of Mrs. C. H. Partain Wednesday. Mrs. U. 11. Bolton was the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. W. Adams Thurs day afternoon. We are glad to sny that little Mary Partain lias recovered from an attack of whooping cough. Mrs. Morgan Starnes .'spent Wed nesday night with Mrs. E. I). Starnes. Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Partee were the guests Thursday night of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shore. Messrs. J. W. Partee and E. H. Ridgeway were in Winder Saturday. Mr. L. N. Helton of near Carl were the guests of Mr. R. R. Brown Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Sims is on the sick list this week. We hope she will soon recover. Muss Mary Lee Edwards was the guest of Misses Betty Lou and Mar tha Sue Harrison Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. V H Bolton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bolton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Ethridge were the guestst>f Mr. and Mrs. Henry liidge way of Bethlehem Sunday. Mrs. G. IV. Edwards and Mrs. C. A. Edwards were guests of Mrs. Mary Pruitt Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Partain were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee Sunday. Mr and Mrs. B. F. Edwards were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Edwards Sunday afternoon. Several from here attended the sing ing at Carter Hill Sunday. We are sorry to say that Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. AV. Partee awhile Sunday night. Mr. and. Mis. J. C. Harper were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Dillard Sunday. „ Crossing Locals Mr. and Mrs. li. B. McElhannon and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kilgore and family. Mr. Carl Harrison spent last Wed nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Minis. Mrs. L. G. Garrett was the guest of Mrs. R. C. Hendrix last Thursday af ternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Harrison were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carl Harrison spent Saturday night with Mr. Steve Austin. Several hoys and girls from Bold Springs were the guests of Mr. Guy Kil gore Thursday Mr. Lonzo anil Miss Curtis Boss of Winder spent last Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilgore. Mr. Ralph Williams from Loganville spent Friday night with his sister, Mrs. Ray Kilgore. Bilious Headache. When you have a severe headache, a disordered stomnch .and con stipation. take three of Chamber lain's Tablets. They will correct the disorders of the liver “and bowela, ef fectually curing the headache. Fitter” specifications A-FUI.L GRAIN CALFSKIN RICH MAHOG ANY SHADE. 'RST QUALITY TEN IRON OAK OUT SOLE. C—SEVEN OR EIGHT IRON-OAK (3HOUL. t>ER Cl I ANNEX) INSOLE. P—FULL LENGTH VAMP. E—SOLE LEATHER BOX. I—CALFSKIN INSIDE VAMP REINFORCE MENT. G—CALFSKIN INSIDE COUNTER POCKET. H—SOLE LEATHER COUNTER. J—EXTRA LONG RUBBER HEELS 54 inch longer than standard. J—NINE-CORD LINEN INSEAM THREAD, K—LAPPED QUARTERS. NO BACK STAY L-iUNSTESN GAUGE STEEL SHANK. “Foot-Fitters” are the only shoes in the world which have all the above specifications We make this statement without fear of contraiction. Positively no leather substitution in the construction of “Foot-Fitters” We guarantee “Foot-Fitters” to be made of Solid Leather all through. No paper fibre or substitutions used in ‘Foot-Fitters’ We have just been appointed Exclusive agents for these wonderful- Shoes. Come to our store and be fitted with a pair of “Foot-Fitters.” Nothing like it in this city. are the best shoe con- „ struction ever attempted. All shapes, sizes and widths— 1 $6.85 PER PAIR J. T. Strange Cos. UNIVERSAL CAR sliH /pp*rt with | er, demountable nn, extra rim , 4 * lr H! and non-skid tires all around. Compare Motor CarVaSaies f THINK of a Ford Sedan with starter and demountable rims—a really high-class car having all the comforts \ and conveniences that go along with I an enclosed job s-- " " l Compare it with any other car either open or enclosed, point for point, with | out even considering the hundreds of thousands now in use or the extensive < Service Organization back of your pur ] chase, and you will agree that the Ford | Sedan represents a motor car value ] that cannot be equalled anywhere. Let us take you for a ride in one. I KING MOTOR CO. I C. B. MOTT, Manager Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. M—Calfskin HEEL PAD. 14—3 cz. Duck LINING. O—Four Rows TIP STITCHING. F—Calfskin EYELET STAY. Q—Best Quality BRAU LOCK Sil- 3 THREAD. R—SILK BLUCHER Bar. S—Calfskin TOP FACING. T—FELT Bottom FILLER. U—Fast Color HOOKS AND EYELETS. V—Felt Lined TONGUE. W—Two Hows Single Needle VAMPING. X—Full Grain Sole Ltathcc Whole Lift HEEL BASE Y-Eight Nail HEEL. Z—' %> More LIVE Rubber than Avenge RU&. EER HEEL. i