The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 26, 1922, Image 8

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 2fl. 1#22 p Barrow, Gwinnett, and Jack -1 0.1 ill son counties. m Prompt, dependable service. IIS 1 want y° ur business. D. Gorham Jackson “THE FARM LOAN MAX’’ Hash Building WINDER, GEORGIA Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) Farm Loans Accepted by a Vermont Bank From S. G. Brown, of Lawrenceville, Ga. IT WILL BE of interest Cos the farmers to know that S. G. Brown, of Lawrenceville, received a telegram Saturday that Thirty Thousand l $30,000.60) of his loans had been accepted by n Vermont. Bank. Money is getting easier, and if any farmers need money on their lands it would be well to see Mr. Brown, or write to him. lie has an offlee in Winder om the second floor of the Winder National Bank Building and is in Winder every Friday. lie makes loans on lands in Barrow, Jack son, Walton and Gwinnett counties. W. C. JETT I want to buy all your hens at highest mar ket price. Also your eggs and butter. Will give top price for them. W. C. JETT Telephone 55 We Want 1922 to be a big Year for Everybody- And we are going to do our best to help all our customers make it so. We are going to help you in all the ways possible save mon ey. On account of our wholesale connections we are in position to save you money on your Groceries, Feed stuffs and Meats, and this will be an important factor in making 1922 a big year for you. We propose to study the interests of our customers, and to serve them so promptly, and to save them so much on their goods that they will be pleased with their dealings with us and will come out on top, financially, at the end of the year. Flour, per Barrel $7.25 up 3 lbs. Maxwell House Coffee $1.15 Star Soap, largest bar on market, IO2OZ. 5c We have plenty of Beet Pulp, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal, baled shucks. Remember that good chicken feed Watson-Glover & Company Phone 80 Another Store Has Opened In Winder. Mr. L. Ween will open in the building under the telephone exchange, Friday, tomorrow, the Dixie Government store. This store will deal in army goods and are now distributing circulars quoting some attractive prices for their open ing Friday. Farewell Service at Christian Church. * The churches of the city, according to custom, will call off their services for Sunday evening and participate in n farewell service to Rev. S. It. Grubb, who shortly leaves for Columbia, S. C. The services will be at the Christian church. Miss Hartley Weds Mr. Cain. Cordial interest centers in the mar riage of Miss Clara Belle Hartley, of Hosehton, to V. Orttey Cain, of Atlan ta, which was impressively solenmniz ed Sunday afternoon at the home of V. It. Harper, the Rev. J. S. McLeMore officiating. Mr. Cain's two brothers, Branson Cain and Wright Cain and Miss Grace MeLeou were the only attendants. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few close friends. The bride was becomingly gowned in a smart traveling suit. Mr. and .Mrs. Cain are at home to their friends at 63 Mell avenue in In man Park. STAG SUPPER IN HONOR OF MR. \V. A. BRADLEY. A happy occasion of last week was the stag supper given on Saturday ev ening to Mr. W. A. Bradley, by his charming wife. The decorations were lovely, pink and green being the color motif and in the dining-room the table was overlaid with a beautiful luce cover, the favors were lovely pink rosebud and attractive horse-shoqs with wishes for Mr. Brad ley were at each place. An elegant six course dinner was served. Places were marked for Messrs. W. A. Brad ley, W. O. Perry, Claud Mayne, I. E Jackson. W. L. Mayne, G. A. Johns, L. S. Radford, O. M. Jackson, J. T. Wal den, H. E. Millikin, E. E. .Jackson, John Hill, W. T. Robinson and Dr. E. F. Saxon. GEORGIA DAY. Sunday, February 12, is Georgia’s birthday. A special program lias been arranged by the Georgia Sunday school association, and a free copy may bo se cured by writing to the headquarters of this association at 917 Hurt Bldg., At lanta. This is one of a number of special day programs for giving varsity in the Sun day school worship period, which have been issued by the association during tiie past few’ months. The program deals with file founding of the State of Georgia with a government based on “Wisdom, justice and moderation,” and the needs of Georgia to-day in the mat ter of religiously educating tiie large number who are being untouched by any Shndny school. Specials for Saturday, Jan. 28th Good, large size cotton Blanket, pair $1.95 All-wool Blankets, both warp and filling the pair $8.79 90-inch Irish Linen finish Sheeting, the yard 90c Best Outing, solid colors and stripes, the yard •••••• 12|c Good, heavy 3 A Sheeting, the yard . . . 12ic Mens heavy wool and cotton mixed Sweaters $1.79 All kinds of Knit Caps to keep your head warm, $1.25 down to . .... 39c The Winder Dry Goods Store Winder. Ga. THE WINDER NEWS MIDWAY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wright spent tiie week-end witli their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nash, of Statham. Vera Perkins und Elizabeth Smith spent Sunduy with Susie and Lois Lee. We are glad to know that Almond Smith is much better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clack spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins. Mr. Cove McElroy and Miss Harde man Blasingame of Good Hope were happily married at the home of Mr. E. C. Perkins Sunday. Mr. Herbert) Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Manons. Master E. C. Perkins took dinner with Brunell Clack Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Joues of East ville were up to see Almoud Smith last Thursday afternoon. We regret to chronicle the illness of Mrs. H. I*. Quillian; her many friends hope that she will soon be restored to health. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bower and attract ive children have returned to East Point after a week’s visit to the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Perry. FOR NEXT TEN DAYS 3 gallons, guaranteed, non-freeze fluid for your automobile SI.OO. —City Pharmacy. FOR SALE.—One 3 burner New Per fection oil stove. —Mrs. Z. F. Farmer, Phone 274. $7.00 Swinney Collar for $3.50. —Cal- lahan. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large: no job too small. Radiators repaired on all make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street & Park Ave. C. H. Stewart Old Stand FOR SALE. —Coil heater, used only short while. Will sell cheap for cash.— L. A. Fortson. 2t. MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Offlee in Dr. Bush New Building WINDER MARBLE & GRANITE CO. J. W. NICHOLS, Mgr. J. C. I* RA T T Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Courts WHEN YOUR BATTERY OR AUTOMOBILE IS SICK CALL NO. 6—The AUTO DOCTORS Office Hours All Day and Night AUTO SALES CO. ATHENS STREET * Note the many necessary uses for a Flash Light. Let us show you why the WINCHES TER is superior to all others. —o— Winchester Flash Light Batteries last lon ger. , —o— Axe Hanles 25 cents. —o— Automobile Pliers 25 cents and up. —o— Many of our good customers say we done the right thing by going into a strictly cash business. —o— We have a full line of Electrical Goods, such as lamps’ wire, cleats, rosettes, plugs, irons, etc. —o— Good Nail Hammers 75c up. Sole Leather 50c per pound and up. —O— -4 12” Keystone Mill Files only 25 cents. —o— Fresh Garden Seeds only 5c per packet. Also Bulk Seeds. —o— Buy a Winchester Hatchet, $1.50 value for only 75 cents. —o— Genuine No. 1 Scovil Hoe 75c. Others in proportion. —o — Automobile chains from $2.50 per pair up. We are selling them cheaper than ever before. —o— Felt Roofing $1.50 per roll up. —o— Heaviest best grade Barbed Wire $5.0(7 per roll. _ o _ See our poultry fence before buying. We have wire that stretches up straight and is 1 guage heavier than the ordinary wire. —o— We have Non-Skid Auto Casings from $8.95 up. _ o _ Banner Outside White Paint $2.50 per gal. —o— Best grade Galvanized Roofing $5 per sq. —o— Genuine Ford Transmission Lining 50c per set. —O— -225 Kegs Wire Nails only $3.95 per keg base. ■—v>—— No. 1 Lone Star Adjustable Hames SI.OO per pair. No. 61 Lone Star Adjustible Hame heavy, $1.25 per pair. —-o We are selling all plow Goods cheap. Mr. Walter Finch says he can file twice as many saws with a Winchester File than any other make and he has tried all high grade makes. _ Q _ It will pay you to trade here. Quality and price counts. We appreciate your trade. Smith Hardware Company WINDER, GA. SabMrtptlon Price: SI.OO Prt Year.