The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 09, 1922, Image 10

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THURSDAY. MARCH 9. 1922 I Classified Ads. • - > WANTED. —Corn in shuck, field run, SOc h bushel.—J. W. Saunders, Phone 247. 4t. pd. Pogo, everybody pogoes; get a pog<> at Woodruff Hardware Co's. Fresh Bulk Garden Segd.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Have your shoes repaired while you waltr— F. Hofnirister. 4t. Best in farm tools at Woodruff Hdw. Company. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No Job 100 large: | no job too small. Radiators repaired | on all make ears. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street A Park Ave. C. 11. Stewart Old Stand Light House Self Rising Flour is best. . ——- .1.. - ■ ' " ■ • ■■■ r Spring is coming; get a Nonnan bug gy—Woodruff Hardware Cos. WANTKD.—Men or women to take or ders for genuine guaranteed hosiery, for men, women and children. Elimi nates darning. $40.00 a week full time, SI.OO an hour spare time. Experience* unnecessary. NTE ({NATIONAL STOCKING MILLS Norristown, Pa.lot-41. Nice lot of second hand shoes for sale at a bargain.—F. Hofmeister. 4t GOLD SEAL FLOUR gives satisfac tion. 4t Your grocer sells Gold Seal Flour. Get a Studelmker wagon sllO at Woodruff Hardware Cos. WANTED.—Man witli car to sell low priced GRAHAM TIRES. SL‘IO.OO per week and commissions. GRAHAM TIRE CO., 510 Boulevard, Benton Har bor, Mich. Gold Seal flour makes good biscuits. Get in line: buy a pogo stick at Woodruff Hardware Cos. If it’s the l>et merchandise at the right price that you want, you will find it at Woodruff Hardware Cos Your grocer sells Lighthouse Flour. Farm Loan* and Winder City Loans. 1 nffocu:* fcttM- a itm l ln Barrow. Jackson and Walton Counties for 5 yv**> t a. hum*.* from s■ • ** 00 to IMMO9.W, and I also make latas m Wan&rr *ty .See W F. Pentecost, who has an otEo* wish €**• Pratt, hxmmn- Winder Georgia, and is in Winder on Frikay <* *tfe wt Mr Peatc-o*t is inspector of farm lands for my wanjsaaies i mi wiE et** prcaapt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—>• Incorporated. 0 moa—pd. sept 22 LIWRENC EVLEE, GA. UERE’S a Shoe particularly suitable for 11 young men and older men as well, who like striking elegance in their footwear. It’s a genuine Edmonds “FOOT-FITTER” hard to duplicate for twice the price in Style, Com fort and Quality. Our genuine Edmonds' "FOOT-FITTERS” are the only Shoes in the world which have both full-length vamps and solid sole leather boxes. They are Combination in both last and pattern ami tit the feet all over like the paper on a wall. Solid leather all thru. $6.85 J. T. Strange Cos. MIDWAY NEWS Miss Eddie Ruth DeLay and Miss Eva Wills spent Saturday night with Miss lirue Willie Greeaon. Beatrice Sailors was the guest Sun day of Lois Clack. We are sorry to know that. Cleo Sorrells has leen very sick, but is better at this time. Master Earnest J. Clack spent Sun day with Clarence McElroy near Chap el. Beatrice Perkins had as her guest Sunday night lx>is Clack. Misses Bulali and Ruby Miller and Miss Minnie Will spent Sunday with Miss Maggie Ruth Jones. Master Almond Smith wn< the Sun day guest of E. C. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Frost spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Per kins. Hazel Perkins had ns tier guests Sat urday night Vera and Delia Ruth Per# kins. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins spent Sunday afternoon witli Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sorrells and family. Susie and Ixiis las; spent Sunday afternoon with Zelrna la*e* and Eva Patton. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins si>ent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martial of near Athens. Miss Clara Sailors had as her guest Sunday night Eva Patton. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Cushy spent Sun day afternoon witli Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Perkins. Clara Sailors was the Saturday night guest of Beatrice Perkins. Wliite thoroughbred Wyandotte eggs. $1.25 for 15. See me at once. —J. G. Whitehead, Box 124, Winder, Ga. Just received some new Spalding base halls 25c to $2.00.--Smith Hdw Onion Sets ami fresh bulk garden seed at Woodruff Hardware Cos. Felt Roofing, 1-ply $1.50 per roll. 2- ply $2.00 per roll.—Smith Hdw. Cos. FOR SALK One new Model Ford Truck. Slightly used- good tires all around. Cheap. 4t It. 11. MERCK. Iliiy flower Jars an churn ware from Smith Hardware Company. old Automobile Casings wanted at once. Market price—sizes 3 1 /j and 4 inches. —Is*e J. Oliver. 2t Fresh shipment of Alabastine just received at Smith Hardware Cos. Old Automobile Casings wanted at once. Market price—sizes 3Mi and 4 inches.—*Lee J. Oliver. Firs: Quality well sewer pipe, $4.50 per joint-—Smith Hardware Cos. First Baptist Church Services for Sunday. Bible school at 10:15. Preaching 11 :30 “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.” Junior 11. Y. P. U. 7:00 P. M—Mrs. J. B. Brookshire, Is*ader. Intermediate B. Y. P. U. 7 :00 P. M. Miss Edith House, Leader. Senior B. Y. P. 11. 7 :00 P. M —Miss Josephine House, President. Preaching 8:00 P. M. “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” A cordial welcome awaits you and your friends. W. H. FAUST, Pastor. A Letter From Florida. Editor Winder News: , Jusfi two months ago today I landed In the "Band of Flowers and sunshine.”' Have thought often of writing you but am kept quite busy seeing new sights anil meeting new people, so have kept putting it off. Have met people here from almost everywhere, of every na tionality anil yet seem to have met nobody hut friends. Everybody is kind and hospitable and the climate is de lightful. Have often felt thankful that I am here when I read of the bliz zards up there. The country is the best I ever saw. Almost anything can lx* grown here, and the fruit tuiexcelled, simply deli cious. There are thousands of acres in orange groves and thousands of acres in vegetables, and shipping is going on at a rapid rate at present, shippers getting good prices, lam told. On the whole, I am well pleased with every thing so far and am feeling fine, too. My Sunday school lesson, I have learn ed well today as you know It has lieen my habit of doing on every Sabbath. Please publish this and send me a copy of your paper, and I will write more sometime so you can hear from down here and 1 from up there. I still thihk of my old friends in Geor gia and love to hear from them. I remember all of you in my prayers and when it goes well with you remem ber me at a throne of grace. With pleasant thoughts and good tyishes. Your old friend, W. H. MAHAFFEY, Route 1, Box 87, Fort Pierce, Fla. Found a Cure for Indigestion “I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find they suit my case better than any dys pepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different medicines. I aiu nearly fifty years of age and have suffered a great deal from indi gestion. I can eat almost anything I want to, -now," writes George W. Emo ry, Rodk Mill'*. Ala. Those tablets contain no pepsin but strengthen the stomach ami enable it to digest the uatuarally. Million Packets Of Flower Seeds Free We believe lb flowers around the homes of the South. Flowers brighten up the home surroundings and give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. We have filled more than a million packets of seeds, of beautiful yet easily grown flowers to be given to ofcr customers this spring. Wouldn’t you like to have five packets of beautiful flowers free? YOU CAN GET THEM! Hastings iS22 catalog Is a 100-page handsomely Illustrated seed book full from cove; to cover of truthful descriptions and illustrations of vegetables, flowers and farm crops. It is full of helpful gar den, flower and farm information that Ls needed in, every Southern home, and, too, the catalog tells you how to get those flower seeds absolutely free. Write for our 1922 catalog now. It Is the finest, most valuable and beau tiful seed book ever published, and you will bo mighty glad you've got it. There is no obligation to buy any thing. Just ask for the catalog, and It will coine by return mail. H. 5. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN 4i Missouri Lady Suffered Until Sh Tried Cardui. —Says “ Result Was Surprising."—Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.—“My back was so weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and was not well at any time,” says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 6, this place. “I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed," continues Mrs. William* describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use ol Cardui. “My husband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting it for me. “I saw after taking some Cardui .. . that I was Improving. The resulf was surprising. 1 felt like a different person. “Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night,-1 was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My dectcr said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for it” Thousands of women have suffered as Mr*. Williams describee, until they found relief from the use of Cardui Sinoe It has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui tf troubled with womanly ailments. For sale everywhere. B. 8! THE WINDER NEWS Have you tried Gold Seal Flour. Garden Seeds, fresh in bulk and pa pers. You get more for your money— for instauce: Onion Sets 10c quart. Packet Seeds 5c per packet.—Smith Hardware Cos. When you buy Transmission and Dif ferential Grease here you ure getting the best money can buy, and we charge you no more for it.—Smith Hardware Company. TO THE FARMERS of BARROW JACKSON and WALTON COUNTIES J NEGOTIATE loans on farm lands and Mr. W. F. Pen tecost, who is land inspector for the companies for which I negotiate loans, will be in Winder every Friday of each week at the office of Clifford Pratt, Attorney, and will be glad to have you submit applications for loans on farm lands and he will inspect same at once. This is a great convenience to the farmers in having their lands inspected promptly. Mr. Pentecost is a home man and will be glad to do what is right for the company and the farmer and.will give reasonable valu ation to the very best of his ability. I am in position to take care of all good farm loans and also loans on city property in Winder, Georgia. S. G. BROWN Private Bank Nt Incorporated LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA riwoid story “The Uorl/Ts Best By Every Test Reg. U. 5. Pat. OH. ** ASHEPOO OLD DOBifflOfl BRADLEY SE |LIZERS Built up to a standard —not down to a price DRY AND DRILLABLE R. A. CAMP, Winder, Ga. Courteous Service The American Agricultural Chemical Cos., Atlanta, Ga. We are selling them—Twenty-four months guaranteed COOPER Batter ies: Fords $20.00. Buick and Stude lmker. $25.00. Dodge s3o.oo.—See John Drake at Smith Hardware Cos. — —— ) Clerks. Young men women, over 17, desiring government positions, $125 monthly, write for free ltet of positions now open, J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 595 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. 3t pd Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Tear. CARD OF THANKS "4 We wish to thank our good neigh bors, many friends and Dr. Ross for their many good deeds, kindness and sympathy shown us through the reeent Illness of our little baby Charles. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and all is our prayer.—Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beaty. See the new oil stove oven at Smith Hardware Cos. —IT WILL BAKE.