The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 09, 1922, Image 11

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THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1922. Legal Advertisements. TRUSTEE’S SALE. In pursuance of an order granted by the Hon. N. L. Hutchins. Referee in Bankruptcy. I will offer for sale at auction to the highest bidder for cash on the 17th day of March, 1922, at 11 o'clock, A. M., that stock of dry goods, notions, shoes, gents furnishings, ladies ready-to-wear, and such other things usually found in a general dry goods stock, as well as the fixtures of George J. Zachem, Bankrupt, located in the store occupied during the past year by the said bankrupt, on Jackson street in the City of Winder, Georgia. Said sale will be held in the store building. In ventory may be had and stock may be inspected upon application to the un dersigned Trustee. J. C. PRATT. Trustee. Winder, Ga. G. A. Johns, Winder, Ga. Attorney for the Trustee. . 2t SHE RIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Barrow county. There- will le sold before the Court House door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1922, the following property, to wit: One black mare mule about 10 years old, weighing about 1050 lbs, named Rodie; one practically new two-horse ■Wfigon, Hackney make. Also one sec ond hand two-horse wagon, Hackney make. Said property levied on as the proper ty of J. C. Day to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from Barrow Supe rior Court in favor of Burson & Thur mond and against J. C. Day. This the Bth day of March, 1922. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold before the Court House door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1922, the following property: About 170 cases of soda water bot tles, each cntainLng 24 empty soda wa ter bottles: the same to include the empty bottles, about 20 empty cases for soda water bottles; about 14 one-gallon jugs of flavoring syrups; one syrup tank; one capping machine for bottling; 13 boxes soda water crowns; one heater; one bottle soak er and washing machine for soda wa iter bottles; one electric motor; one ice box; one step ladder; one Iwttling machine for bottling soda water, two drums made of iron for carbonated gas; one flat top desk; one chair; and all adjuncts and fixtures found in the hot ■tling plant of R. H. Pirkle, located in the brick building on Candler street opposite from the Winder News office; also another electric motor. Said property levied upon as the property of R. H. Pirkle under and by virtue of a distress warrant in favor of W. L. Bush and against said R. H. Pirkle and sold to satisfy said distress •warrant. Said property is in posses sion of the undersigned sheriff and may be inspected upon application to him. The said property is heavy machinery, for the most part, and especially the following: One syrup tank; one cap ping machine for bottling; one bottle soaker and washing machine for soda water bottles; one bottling machine for bottling soda water; one heater; one flat top desk; tvfo electric motors, and all of said property will be sold by de scription being too cumbersome and heavy to move, and will be delivered to the purchaser at the places where the same are stored in Winder, Ga. The sheriff reserves the right, however, to bring tljem to the court house for sale. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. Y Ap The District Court of the U. S. Northern District of Georgia, as a Court of Bankruptcy. William-Thompson Cos., Bankrupt.— In Bankruptcy. The creditors of the debtor above named, a resident of Winder, Ga., in the county of Barrow said district are hereby notified that he was on Feb. 20, 1922, duly adjucated bankrupt and the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Referee at Winder, Ga., March 17, 1922, at 10 A. M. (E.T.) at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. W. C. JETT Phne 55 GROCERIES and MEATS SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'lO jounds Simon Pure Lard. ... . ...... $2.05 5 pounds Simon Pure Lard 1.10 10 pounds Morris Pure Lard 1.80 5 pounds Morris Pure Lard L * .90 3 boxes any kind of snuff .25 6 boxes Matches t . .25 Soap and Powders, 6 for 25 Tomatoes, 2 for .25 4 gallon Karo Syrup . .35 2 pounds Can Army beef .24 2 cans Salmons for 25 6 boxes Starch 25 5 Gallons Kerosine Oil 85 CHOICE MEATS Steak, per pund .20 Sausage, per pound .15 Weiners, per pound 20 Pork Chops, per pound .25 Pork Ham, per pound .25 Cured Ham, sliced, per pound 40 Prompt Service always. Let me serve you. STATHAM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Perry of Winder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perry. Mrs. S. B. Perkins spent this week in Monroe with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wright from Walton were the week-end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nash. Miss Helen Arnold had quite a good many friends visit her from Comer. Danielsville and other points Sunduy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. S. Smith from Bogart were the week-end guests of their mother. Mrs. W. D. McDonald. Mr. *nd Mrs. George Jones and chil dren were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Mobley Sunday. H. V. Davis is in the land of flowers for a few days. Mrs. Marshal Doster and children of Bethabara were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Lancas ter, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Florence Bell of Win der spent Sunday with .Mrs. Ellen Dooly. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wall spent Sun day with Mrs. J. M. Haynie. Mrs. W. H. Hardigree has moved back to our little city to make her fu ture home. The W. M. S. of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Haynie Monday afternoon. The study for this month was Cuba. The president made the meeting very interesting by taking a history lesson of the city of Havana. After the study of the lesson, a pleas ant social hour was spent. PARISH LOCALS Miss Nellie Allen spent Wednesday night with Miss Lillie Fleeman. Messrs. Ernest and Lefus Wright spent Saturday night and Sunday with Messrs. Broughton and Hester Daltou. Miss Ruth Allen spent Thursday night with Miss Jewell Elliott. Miss Thelma Allen spent Wednesday night with Miss Nettie Mae Ethridge. Miss Flora Simpson spent Wednes day night with Miss Mattie Lou Flee man. There were several at the singing at Mr. A. N. Elliott’s Sunday night. Miss Thelma Allen spent Monday night with Miss Bessie Simpson. There will he an exhibition at this place next Friday, March 10th, if the weather will permit, if not it will be on Saturday night. Would be glad to have anyone that wishes to come. The death angel visited the home of Mr. Joe Abner last Saturday morning and took from them the beloved wife and mother who had been ill three weeks and three days. The bereaved ones have our sympathy. Here’s a Business For Winder GOOD FOR $6,000 to $12,000 Y early An insurance man in South Car olina. a farmer in Wisconsin, a butcher in Minnesota, others all over the IT. S. —these men want ed to own a real money-making business. Electrik-Maid Bake Shops gave them their opportu nity. To-day they and many others own their own prosperous Electrik-Maid Bake Shops, with out having known a thing about the bakery business before. You have the same chance right here. A cash business; no charges; no deliveries; your profits in the till every night. Everyone who eats is a customer. Business good all year round. We supply all equipment and information. Write or wire Today for full particulars. Act now to obtain exclusive rights in Win der. Electrik-Maid Hake Shops 321 Cedar St. St. Paul, Minn. CARD OOF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and each of our friends for their kindness dur ing the illness and death of our dear husband and father, Mrs. P. R. Smith and family. WATER OAK DOTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sims were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swafford awhile Sunday night. Mrs. James Bradley spent the after noon with Mrs. J. IV. Swafford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Bradley were dinneT guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradley Sunday. Little Richard Sims of Gratis com munity spent last week with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hendrix and Miss Ossie Bell Barnes of Bethlehem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swofford Friday night and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Sims were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vin cent Sunday. The party at Mr. J. W. Swafford's was enjoyed by all present Friday night. Mr. John Coker is very ill at this writing. Mr and Mrs. Leon Vincent were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Sunday. Mt. D. M. Sims and Mr. J. W. Swaf ford motored to Bethlehem Saturday afternoon on business. Herrin’s 10c Store Our ANNUAL SALE of Real Merchandise We putting on a sale every year since we have been in the 10c business about this time every year, but never before have we been able to offer the public just the bar gains we have for them during this sale. We are not offering to Rive away a lot of stuff to Ret you to come, but we are Roinß to make the prices so attractive that you will come. Our Sale will beßin — Friday Morning, March 10th AND WILL CONTINUE THROUGH MONDAY FOLLOWING. COME EARLY and GET YOUR SHARE. WILL NOT HAVE ROOM TO PRICE MA NY THINGS BUT WILL PRICE A FEW: In the Piece Goods Department we will of fer — 10 yards Rood 36 inch Bleaching for SI.OO 6 yards good 36 inch Pajama checks .79 6 yds. Good dress ginghams, plaids and checks 60c 10 yards fast color Chambray 90c 1 lot splendid Ginghams house dresses, good colors ' 89c each 1 lot Gingham dresses 1.19 48 ladies Voile and Organdy embroidered Waists, fine quality to go in this sale 69c each The boys 2-piece wash suits, we have that good quality to go at per suit, 89c Boys undershirts 2 for 25c 1 lot boys pants, specially priced, sizes from 6 to 18 Boys good quality Oliver Twist Suits to go at 49c Suit Boys and girls ribbed hose, good quality in sizes 5 to 9£ 10c pair 890 pairs ladies hose, white, cordvan and black, fully mercerized. Seam up back, slightly imperfect, but a real value, to go at the Pair 23c OXE PAIR FREE with each pair sold. Small lot ladies Silk hose, extra value 50c pr We have a very special half hose for men and boys at 11c pair One lot boys and girls Union Suits worth up to $1.25, this sale 49c pr. Another lot union suits for boys and girls. Large sizes 59c pair One lot MENS Union Suits, good values, all sizes to go at 69c pair. One lot ladies union suits to go the same way at 69c pair. NOW DON’T FORGET THE DATE AND PLACE. SALE WILL RUN THRU FRI DAY, MARCH 10, 11 and 13th. COME EARLY AND GET WHAT YOU WANT. Herrin’s Ten Cent Store BETWEEN KILGORE-KELLY CO. &J. T. STRANGE COMPANY THE WINDER NEWS Jackson Cos. Nursery Sellinß Peachtrees at less than half price where par ties take 100 or more. ALL VARIETIES OF PEACHES $3.00 per dozen, were $5.00 per dozen. $15.00 per 100, were $35.00 per 100. These trees will cost you $35.00 per 100 next fall. Get your neißhbors to club in and Ret them at the 100 price. Jackson County Nursery Winder, Ga. Tis true the season is nearly over, but these prices will certainly interest you. OVERALLS! A splendid lot of Overalls, not standard make, but made of good material at 69c pr Standard overalls SI.OO Good blue work shirts 45c each Rubber heels, all sizes 15c pair Nails free. MILLINERY! MILLINERY!! Our millinery department is teeming with bargains l are receiving new spring hats ev ery few days. We have them specially pric ed. Call and look them over. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS We have them good, clear tone, all the latest songs, FOXTROTS and all double records: 7 inch Record 13c Each 9 inch Record 23c Each 10 inch Record 49c Each ENAMEL & TINWARE Our Kitchen Department is nearly com plete; all kinds of enamelware, tin ware & so on: 8 quart Enamel Preserving Kettle, best grade 69c each. 12 quart Enamel Dish Pan ..... 59c Each. 10 quart Tin Dish Pan 19c Each. Extra quality white cups and saucers to go at, per set 89c Good knife and fork set 89c 10 quart Galvanized water pail 23c Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year,