The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 09, 1922, Image 6

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TJHURBDAY. MARCH ft, 1922. Service* at The Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service. Sunday achool from lft:3o to 11:30 A. M , F. C. Graddiek, Supt. Sunday from 4 to 5 I*. M. song ser vice led by S. C. Potts, Mrs. .1. IV. Grif fetb and Mrs. P. N. Autry. If yob en joy wings ami music come to this ser vice and Join with us. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at 8 P. M. conducted by elders, deacons or lay members. Preaching every second Thursday evening at S P. M. by the pastor. Rev. Sam. C. <'artledge. You are most cordially invited to attend all of those services and join with us in the service of the Master. Come. UNION LOCALS Mrs. tluy Mincey and little daugh ter of Gainesville are spending some time witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV. s. Bradberry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hauls spent Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sauls. Misses Fannie Lou and Cleo and Master Floyd Foster spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. Messrs. Jarrel Magness and Green Page spent Sunday morning with Mr. Ohnrlio Swafford. Misses Lavada Stewart and Fannie lies In n spent Saturday night with Miss Ruth Foster. Messrs. \V. A. Maddox and son, Wil lio Frank Poster and Faris Harbin went up neat Walnut on a hunting expedition last week and repftrted a flue time but bad luck. But when tftey got home they had a chicken stew Just the same. Miss Stella Chapman spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Uoxie Page. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Segars and chil dren of Winder spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Strange. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wood of Jefferson spent Sunday night with tin* former’s brother here. Sunday school at this place was reor ganized last Sunday; everybody cor dially invited to attend. CHAPEL NEWS Wp had a very good attendance nt Huntley school Sunday and hope to have mre next Sunday. Everybody is cordially Invited to come at 2:30 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Warren House and baby nnd Messrs. John and onry House of Winder were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. House and family Sunday. Misses Minaiie Hardigree and Lois jasper were guests of Miss Beulah Harris Saturday night. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Hardigree and children and Mrs. Will Harris were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. l’er hins of Midway Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jitnuiie House were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Segars Sunday. Misses Mabel Chandler and Mary HI ler were guests of Miss Julia Dun a hoo Saturday night. Miss Nell Segars of Winder was the guest of Miss Mary Elder Sunday. Miss Beulah Harris entertained a few of her friends with a rook party Saturday night. % - New Pentecost. i- MisH Beulah Rolrerts of Decatur spent Sunday niglit with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hancock. Mr. ami Mrs. Wayman Wall spent the week-end with relatives near Mon roe. Mr. and Mrs. Wash McCain had as llieir guests Sunday Mr. Allen (iuliln and family of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dunalioo had as their dinner guest Sunday Bro. H. O. •Green. Miss Mary Dell Elrod of Winder was the guest of Miss l’earl Cook Sunday. Mr. mml Mrs. Green Whitehead of near Jefferson was the dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Luther White bead. , Miss Pauline Roberts spent the week end with her mother at Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyle of near Winder was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broek of near Da nila spent Saturday uight and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wall. Miss Pauflne Wall, who has been shut in for a while, is able to l>e out again. Messrs. R L. and .1. H. McCain made a business trip to Lu\j rcneeville Mon day. PARRISH LOCALS Mrs. Lottie Marr is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Allen s|>ent Fri day night with the former’s -ister, Mrs. Arlliur House. Little Misses Ora Bell Hhedd and Ruth Hull of Winder spent the week end with Miss Kent rice llrnlan Little Misses Beatrice and Allie T. Freeman s|ent Monday night with Miss Jewell Elliott. Mr. Luster Simpson spent Saturday ntght with Messrs. Ernest and L fus Wright. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Healan visited (lie latter’s sister, Mrs. Frank Burns of Auburn recently. Miss Pearl Marr spent awhile Sun day afternoon with Misses Nellie and Ruth Allen. Miss Thelma Allen spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs Maud House. Mrs. G. W. Skelton ifs back in this community visiting her friends. Miss Mattie Lou Fieeman spent last Monday niglit with Misses Bessie and Flora Simpson. Mr. Hubert Little was the guewt of Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Hayes Suuday. FOR PIANO TUNING—Write C. R. Holloway, Lawrenceville, Ga. Work guaranteed. 4tpd ATHLETIC CONTEST IN WINDER APRIL 7 EVENTS FOR BARROW COUNTY SCHOOL Tite following program has been ar ranged fr the held day in Winder on j April 7, by Prof. Williams, of Statham, who has this work in charge; High school Boys:— 44<> yard dash 220 yard dash. 100 yard dash. 440 yard relay race (by four boys.) | Hurdle race, 120 yards (10 hurdles, 30 inches.) Shot put. Broad jump. High jump. Grammar school boys' same as High school, except Chinning the pole in scad of hurdle race. High school girls;— 100 yard dash, i 50 yard dash, I Egg race, 50 yards (at the word go, girl takes spoon, picks up egg and keeps in spoon until she crosses line, if she drops egg she must pick it up as 'she must carry her egg in spoon over the line.) j Bean bag contest; — Time 90 seconds, distance for bag to lie thrown is ten (10) feet from line to center of circle. Three (3) concentric circles with radii as follows; six (6), twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches, respectively. Bag wholly within inner circle, 15 points; middle circle, 10 points; outer circle. 5 points. Size of hag, 4x6 inches, weight one-half pound. Contestant (nust be back of line when she throws bag. the largest number of points made within 90 seconds win. I Potato race (distance 40 feet.) 10 feet from starting point, ring No. 1; 10 feet further, ring No. 2; 10 feet further, ring No. 3; which will be 10 feet from basket where the potatoes are to he placed, 40 feet from starting p iot. The contestant is to start from the first line, rhn to the basket at the other end, g£t one potato at a time and place in each of the three rings, re turn to starting point and then return the potatoes, one at a time, to the bas ket. The one completing the opera tion first being the winner. I Base ball throw; — Grammar school girls same as High school girls. I Little folks under eight years of age. 1 boy and 1 girl from eacli school. I 5(1 yard dash. | 50 yard sack race. The contestant !is |o lie in sack of regular fertilizer Lslze, and run in same for the goal. I Contestants must be regular pupils f school represented and High school 'folks under twenty 20) years of age. Pleasant Hill Miss Ora Wall were dinner guests of Miss Ruby Davis Sunday. Mrs. J. I). Wall Ls on the siek list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tolbert spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. amt Mrs. Emory Maynard of near Winder. Miss Cleo Wall spent Sunday niglit with Mrs. W. C. Mobley. Mrs. Euinia Bedlnigtield and Mrs. Jim Johnson, Mrs. W. C. Mobley, Mrs. Jim Welborn were guests of Mrs. J. I). Wall Sunday afternoon. Misses Estelle and Adell Welbom spent Monday night with little Miss liOuise Mobley. Miss Myrtle McDonlad were dinner guests of Miss Is>la Mae Elder Sun day. Mrs. Julia Wall and daughter Cleo, were guests of Mrs. J. L>. Wall Mon day afternoon. Mr. Will partee of Statliam was the dinner guest of Mr. Weltou Jones Sun day. Miss Smile Wall spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. W. C. Mobley. We are sorry to report that Mr. John Robertson is suffering with his throat tills week. Sunday school will he organized at this place Sunday; everybody invited to come. Little Gertrude Wall spent Sunday night with little Hazel Mobley. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wall Sunday. Cliainherlain’s Cough Remedy Nothing So Good for a Cough or ColJ. “Everyone who lias used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy speaks of it," writes Edward P. Miller, Alihottsowii, I’n. People who once use this prepa ration are seldom satistiinl with any other. It is excellent to allay a cough or break up a cold. Stomach Trouble? Are You Nervous? Why Not Enjoy Perfect Health? Winston-Salem, N. C. —"I suf fered for about eight, months with nervous indigestion, and had several doctors to see me but found no relief until a friend suggested Dr. Pierce’s Medicines. 1 was not able to sleep at night and could not cat, just liveu on tweet milk and bread. I began to take I>r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery and took one bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, with wonderful relief. I am now past 40, but feel just as I did at 19. I also gave the Discovery to my children, and now I am giving it to my grand children. "\ou will always find a bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery m my home, and 1 will recommend it to anyone suffering from nervousness.” Mrs. Izie Rierson, 2415 Hege St. You can quickly put yourself in A 1 condition by going to your drug gist and obtaining Dr. Piercdle Golden Med cal Discovery, in tablets or liquid, or W V U ‘ I)r - Pierce, President Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., fur free advice. RECEIVERS SALE GEORGIA —Bgrrow County: Under and by virtue of an order from the Honorable J. B. Jones, Judge of the Superior Court in the Northeas tern Circuit, in the case of the Citizens Bank versus A. J. Deaton, the under signed, as receiver in the said ease, will put up and expose for sale, before the Court House door in said county, lietween the legal hours of sale, on the Ist Tuesday In April 1922, the follow ing described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 243 District, G. M„ of Barrow county, Georgia, known as Lot No, 4. in deed from James W. and Mark Segars, as receivers of estate of John A. Segars, This lot of land con tains sixty-six and one-half acres, ex cepting two acres conveyed by John A. Segars, to Board of Education of Jack son county Georgia. For full descrip tion of said tract of land, reference is hereby made to deed from J. \V. Ros ier to A. J. Deaton, dated November 26th, llft. The terms of said sale is cash. This Oth day of March, 1922. J. N. ROGERS. Receiver. Phone 246 for TAXI. Passenger any part of city 25 cents. Out of town trips reasonable. SPECIALS - For Friday, Saturday and Monday March 10, 11 and 13, 1922 FOR FRIDAY MARCH 10TH ONLY Percales V z c YARD Limited 36 INCH DRAPERY IN REMNANT 9c YARD Limited $3.50 Mens Hats $1.50 Mens Arrow Colars 17c $2.50 Mens Caps . 98c Ladies Bed Room Slip pers, in all shades and sizes 79c . - H. SILVER STEIN &-CO. / X. THE ECONOMY // NsNX STORE yW/ S'y Xs Sr 110 Broad St. Winder S X X. X \ For Cash-F OR LESS / o* / X XX X / sr ■ THE WINDER NEWS BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harbin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Dillard of near Bethlehem Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Partain were the guests of Mr. John Thompson and chil dren of Bethlehem Tue'sday night. Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. J. E. Adams Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. G. W. Brown. Miss Ermer Braswell of old Field were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ad ams a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sims were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway Sun day. Mrs. J. W. Partee was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Adains Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown and chil dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Edwards Friday night. Misses Susie and Vallie May Brown and Henry and Jack Brown were the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown j and children Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Partin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee Saturday night. Mrs. J. r J. Bolton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Bolton Sunday. Messrs. C. A. Edwards, W. C. Shore motored to Winder Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. I’artee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ridgeway of Bethlehem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards Sunday. * FOR SATURDAY MARCH 11TH ONLY Mary Pickford APRONS 39c EACH GINGHAM DRESSES in all styles and colors $1.50 New Goods * Our store is complete, now with a full line of new merchandise. Come to see us and look through the beautiful se- • lection in Dry Goods line. FARM MONEY CITY LOANS Loans Made LOANS on Barrow County Farm Land in amounts from $500.00 to SIOO,OOO, for 5 years’ time. Also loans made on city property. J. C. PRATT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Bush Building WINDER, GEORGLA NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Ilail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Phone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. FOR Monday MARCH 13TH ONLY 36-inch Serge 25c yard Limited • * BEST QUALITY CRETONNE in all colors and shades 15c yard Limited Silk Dresses Silk Dresses, latest of Styles $11.95 and up. Ladies Oxfords in all styles and sizes $3.50 up No charges, nothing on and no exchan ges. sale must be FI NAL.