The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 09, 1922, Image 8

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THURSDAY, MARCH fl, 1922. GUANO For Sale .We are selling as good guano as there is on the mar ket. Come in and talk the matter over with us and get our prices before buying. P. G Pentecost & Cos. WINDER, GEORGIA '' 1 4 V7VL.LACE REID " Wallace Reid In “Hawthorne of u. s. a:’ Thursday and Friday March 9 and 10 Strand Theatre She Doesn't Believe It. Whenever an elderly woman Is read fig and gives a contemporaneous inert. It means that In the story the lerolne has Just rejected the hero be fause be Is rich. Mansion* for the Soul. Make yourselves nests of pleasant lioughts, bright fancies, satisfied nemorles, noble histories, faithful say ngs, treasure hounds of precious and restful thoughts which care eannet dis turb, nor pain make gloomy, nr pov erty take away from us —houses built ivlthout hands, for our souls to live n.—John Ruskln. THE WINDER NEWS Delicious Dishes what you can make out of the groceries and meats bought at our store. We always keep the freshest and purest to be found on the mar ket. PLENTY OF SUGAR, 100 pounds FOR $5.75 FLOUR, PER BARREL $7.75 Still buying peas and corn in exchange for staple groceries and paying the highest price possible. Just received carload of best Timothy Hay. Close price. PLENTY OF FEED OATS. In fact, anything you want you had better stop here. PURINA CHICKEN FEED. —Mrs. D. D. Kesler has 12 hens and got 176 eggs in 28 days from feeding on PURINA Chicken Feed. Mrs. O. J. McDonald has 12 hens and gets 11 eggs per day from feed ing on Purina Chicken Feed. WE SELL IT. Watson-Glover & Company Phone 80, Winder, Ga. ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES—NEW RULING BTATE BOARD OF HEALTH. The State Board of Health recently passed rules and regulations govern ing the analysis of private water sup plies. These rules and regulations follow, and at any time in the future a per son wishing to have an analysis made of water from private sources, the same can be done by making formal application, as set forth, to the State Board of Health. Water supplies for domestic pur poses by cities, towns, corporated water companies and spring water bot tled for shipment within or without the state of Georgia is hereby classed as public supplies, and the water from these supplies will be analyzed with out charge by the State Board of Health. All other water supplies are hereby classed as private supplies. Persons wishing to have analysis made of water from private sources must make formal application to the State Board of Health on blank forms furnished by the State Board of Health. The sum of five ($5.) dollars, which will be charged for each analysis, must accompany the application. All questions on the blank form of application must be answered before bottles for collecting samples will be sent by the State Board of Health to the applicant. Analyses will be made only of samples received in bottles furnished by the State Board of Health and collected as per instructions sent with the bottles. The chewing gum bill for onr Elate would soon sanitate every rural home and If vs add the soft drinks would care for ail the T. B. and establish health centers at every school bowse. The Revenge of Lycurgiis. "Which o* us does not admire what Lycurgus (he Spartan dirt? A young citizen had put out Ids eye and been handed over to him by Ids people to be punished at his own discretion l.y curgus abstained from all vengeance, but on therontrar\ instructed and made a good moil of him. Producing him In public In the theater, he said to the astonished Spartans: “I re ceived this young man at yonr hands full of violence and wanton insolence; 1 restore hltn to you In his right mind • nil til to serve Ills country.”—From “The Golden Sayings of Kplotetus.” Living Bea Microphone. The orifice on the whale’s ear Is jcnrcely perceptible, yet It Is said that the whale's hearing Is so acute that a ship crossing Its track half a mlla llstant will cause It to dive Instantly. What Dreams Mean. To dream of cards denotes great wealth; hearts, riches and honor; diamonds signifies you will quarrel with your lover; clubs, happiness and money; spades, you will meet with many hardships.—Chicago American. ELMER’S CHOCOLATES W E have the exclusive agency in Winder for ELMER’S CHOCOLATES “Goodnes Knows, They’re Good” No candy half so good as this excellent brand of Elmer’s. Let us show you this wonderful delicious brand of chocolate confection. HERRIN’S Phone No. 2 Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. SPECIALS FOJt WEEK This is canned goods week. Now is the time to lay in a supply of quality goods at a greatly reduced price: 25c Sweet Violet Tomatoes, per can..l2£c Van Camps Tomato Soup .10c No. 1 Gold Bar Pineapple, per can .17c No. 2 Gold Bar Pineapple, per can .27c Large size Cornation milk, per can .15c 2 cans small Carnation milk .15c 30c size peanut butter ,20c Pt. can Wesson Oil .27c Qt. can Wesson Oil .52c No. 2 Gold Bar Peaches, per can .27c Sweet Violet String Beans, per can .32ic 17 pound Sugar SI.OO 100 pounds sugar $5.75 Flour $6.90 and up. Watch our windows for special prices. HARGROVE BROS. Subscription Price: f1.50 Per Y emi.