The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 16, 1922, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1922. Legal Advertisements. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA— Barrow county. There will be wild before the Court House door of said the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday day in April. 1922, the following de wriNnl pro|x*rty to-wit: One house and lot situated in the town of Stathain (Statham distrtet), bounded as follows: On the north by Broad street, on the east by L. M. Ar nold. on the south by alley and on the west by K O. Harrison. Said property levied on as Tin* prop erty of E. H. Riley ands dd to satisfy a (a* execution, issued by M. 11- Lowe, tax collector of said county of Barrow for said state, county and school taxes for the year 1021. Due notice has been given. This the 7th day of Mareh, 1922. H. O. CAMP. Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA Barrow county. There will I><- sold before the Court House door of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first 1 uesdu> in April. 1922, the following described property to-jvit: _ t One dark hay mare mulo about 8 years old, weight about 1150 pounds. One hav mare mule aliout 12 years old, weight* about 1050 pounds. Also one black mare mule about 8 years old, weight about 1050 pounds. Said property levied on ns the prop erty of Mrs. Fannie and J. It. Haynes and sold to satisfy a tax execution is- Mied by M 11. Lowe, tax collector of said county of for state, coun ty and school taxe.s for the year 1921, against Mrs. Fannie and ,1. It. Haynes. This tlie* Hill day of March, 1922. H (), CAMP, Sheriff. This the Bth day of March, 1922: COMMISSIONERS SALE. GEORGIA Harrow county. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Barrow county, rendered on September .'id, 1921, In the matter of T. C Flanigan vs. John A. Skelton, Caleb Wood and Mrs. Ca.ssle Wood Hutchins, intervenors, and to the authority there in conveyed, and pursuant to the fur ther order of his Honor, Blanton Fort aim. Judge of Western Circuit, passed in Chambers, March Bth, 1922, we, the undersigned, as Commissioners, duly named and appointed by suid court, will sell on the first Tuesday in April, 1922, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, before the court bouse door of Barrow county, tlie following real estnte, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Auburn district of Bar row (formerly Gwinnett) county, Geor gia, containing 07 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Wood and others, on Hie east by lands of Wood, John Ethridge, and others; on Hie south by lands of W. W. Parks, and by lands of John Williams; and on the west by lands of J.G. Wood and others, and known as the Polly Skelton old home place whereon she resided at the time of lier death, and whereon John Skelton now resides, and being the saint' tract as was conveyed to Mrs. Mary J. Skelton by Hiram N. Rainey by deed and on which she resided from 1872 to the date of her dentil in 1918. Tliis tract of land is sold for the pur pose of a partition of the net proceeds among the common owners, to-wit; John A. Skelton, T. C. Flanigan and ('Bleb Wood and Mrs. Clissie Wood Hutchins and the undersigned conmiis siouers will cause title to he made to the purchaser. W. H QTTARTERMAN, G. I>. ROSS. JOSEPH 1> QFII.LI AN, Commissioners. SALE NOTICE. Pursuant to an Order of N. L. Hutch ins. Referee in Bankruptcy, passed on March Bth 11)22. in the matter of E. H. ltytec, Bankrupt. Will he sold to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court House door in the City of Winder, as the property of the said Bankrupt, and all his interest therein free of liens, the following de scribed real estate to wit : A certain bouse and lot situated on the South side of Broad street in the Town of Htathnm, Barrow county, Ga.. describ ed as follows: Bounded on the north by Broad street east by L. M. Arnold, south by an alley and west by an alley, being 1(H) feet on the front and running back 200 feet deep and known as the plats* where said E. H. ltylee now re sides. Said sale to be within the legal hours of sale on the tirst Tuesday in April. 1022. Terms of sale cash. Sold to perfect titles and to close the said estate in said property. This March St It. 1022. C. B. CHAMBERS. Trustee, est. of E. H. Uilee. TRI'STEE'S SALE. In pursuance of an order granted by the Hon. X. L. Hutchins, Referee in Bankruptcy, 1 will offer for sale at auction to the highest bidder for eifsTi on the 17th day of March, 10™, at 11 o’clock, A. M., that stock of dry goods, notions, shoes, gents furnishing ladies ready-to-weai\ and such other things usually found in a general dry goods stock, as well as the fixtures of George J. Zac\iem, Bankrupt, located in the store occupied during the past year by the said bankrupt, on Jackson street in the City of Winder, (Jeorgia. Said sale will be held la the store building. In ventory may la* had and stock may tie inspected upon application to the un dersigned Trustee. J. C. I’ItATT, Trustee. Winder, t!a. (I. A. Johns, Winder, Ga. Attorney for the Trustee. 2t sheriffs sale. OBORGIA —Harrow county. There will lie sold before the Court J 1 ouse door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April. 11122, the following property, to wit: One Mack mare mule about Id years old, weighing about 1050 lbs, named Ibslie; one praetically new two-horse ovacon. Hackney make. Also one sec ■*"<l hand two-horse wagon, Hackney Banake. .Said property levied on ns the proper ty of J. C. Day to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from Barrow Supe rior Court in favor of Burson & Thur mond and against J. Bay. Ttiis the Btli day of March, 1922. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. RECEIVERS SALE GEORGIA—Barrow County: Under and by virtue of an order from the Honorable J. B. James, Judge of the Superior Court in the Northeas tern Circuit, in the case of the Citizens Bank vershs A. J. Deaton, the under signed, as receiver in the said case, will put up and expose for sale, before the Court House door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the Ist Tuesday in,April 1922, the follow ing described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 243 District, G, M., of Harrow county, Georgia, known as Lot No. 4. in deed from James W. and Mark Segars, as receivers of (‘state cf John A. Segars. This lot of land con tains sixty-six and one-half acres, ex eepting two acres conveyed by John A. S'-gars, to Board of Education of Jack son county Georgia. For full descrip tion of said tract of land, reference is hereby made to deed from J. W. Kes lor to A. J. Deatoll, dated November 20th, 1919. The terms of said sale is cash. This 6th day of March, 1922. J. N. ROGERS, Receiver. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold. ‘’Everyone who lias used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy speaks of it,” writes Edward P. Miller, Ahboltsown, Pa. People who once use this prepa ration are seldom satisfied with any other. It is excellent to allay a cough or break up a cold. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA—Barrow coufity. Will be stfld before the Court House door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1922, the following property: About 170 cases of soda water bot tles, each cutainlTig 24 empty soda wa ter bottles: the same to include the empty bottles, about 20 empty cases for soda water bottles; about 14 one gallon jugs of .flavoring syrups; one syrup tank; one* capping machine for bottling; 13 boxes soda water crowns; one heater; one bottle soak er and washing machine for soda wa ter bottles; one electric motor; one ice box; one step ladder; one bottling machine for bottling soda water, two drums made of iron for carbonated gas ; one flat top desk; one chair; and all adjuncts and fixtures found in the bot tling plant of It. H. Pirkle, located in the brick building on Candler street opposite from the Winder News office; also another electric motor. Said property levied upon as the property of It. H. Pirkle under and by virtue of a distress warrant in favor of W. L. Bush and against said R. H. Pirkle and sold to satisfy said distress warrant. Said property is in posses sion of the undersigned sheriff and may lie inspected upon application to him. The said property is heavy machinery, for tlie must part, and especially the following: One syrup tank; one cap ping machine for bottling; one bottle soaker and washing machine for soda water bottles; one bottling machine for bottling soda water; one heater; one flat top desk; two electric motors, and all of said property will la* sold by de scription being -too cumbersome and heavy to move, and will bo delivered to the purchaser at tlie places where the same are stored in Winder, Ga. The sheriff reserves the right, however, to bring tlieiji to the court house for sale. 11. <>. CAMP, Sheriff. LIBERTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Dalton and chil dren of County Line spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. I'agt* Mr. ,T. B. Chapman and children of Mulberry spent Sunday with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. (J. \V. Chapman. .The Sunday school rally at this place Sunday was enjoyed by a larg' crowd. The singing at Miss Lavadn Stewart’s Sunday night was enjoyed by all pres ent. The following program will he given at Liberty school Friday afternoon, March 24th. All patrons invited: Song by School. lice. —Boys’ Bights, by Aubrey Chap man. Bee. —Tht* l>;aid Pussy Cat, by Mil dred Eley. Dialogue—Taking tin* Census, John Staneil and Ruth Foster Song—lit Garden, by eight gills, . ltt*e. Pa Never Does, by Clyde Swaf ford. Bee. —The Frightened Boy, by IVil ia a Williamson. Dialogue—Why, by B. L. McDougnld and Titus Allen. Itec. —He's sick, A Little Fellow, by Arthur E. I’otVr. Song Bonnie, by Primary girls. Bee. -Empty Your Pockets, Joe. by Thomas Page. Dialogue- History Lesson, by Jewell Page end Angie Healan. Song Carry Me Back to Old Virgin ity, by several gWls. ltee. I’m Hangln’ On, by Dewey Chapman. Reading—A tint Jemima's Courtship, by Norma McDougnld. Bee.—The Summerset Folks, by An nie Mae Wright. Play—The Gossips, by Irene Mc- Dougnld. Jurelle Chapman. Norma Mc- Dougold and Fannie Lou Foster. Song Goodnight, Ladies, by Prima ry boys. Miss Dm Willie Bell, Prill. Miss Omni Bowman, Asst. The Pneumonia Month. March is a typical pneumonia month and usually gives a high rate of mor tality for the disease. After a long and hard winter, the system loses much of its resistance and people grow careless. When every cold, no matter how slight, is given prompt nnd intel ligent attention, there is much less danger of pneumonia. It should he borne in mind that pneumonia Is a germ disease and breeds in the throat. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an expectorant and cleans out the germ ladcned mucous nnd not only cures a cold hut prevents its resulting in pettit tnonla. It is pleasant to take. Chil dren take it willingly. Clerks. Young men women, over 17, desiring government positions, $125 monthly, write for free list of position.- now open, J. Leonard, (former Civil Service examiner) 595 Equitable Bldg., Washington. 1). C. 3t pd Have your shoes repaired while you wait.—F. Hofmeister. 4t. FARM MONEY CITY LOANS Loans Made LOANS on Barrow County Farm Land in amounts from $500.00 to SIOO,OOO, for 5 years time. Also loans made on city property. J. C. PRATT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Rush Building " INDER, GEORGIA THE WINDER NEWS WANTED. —Men or women to take or ders for genuine guaranteed hosiery, for men, women and children. Elimi nates darning. $40.00 a week full time, SI.OO an hour spare time. Experience unnecessary. XTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS Norristown, Pa.lot-41. A Southern Institution The business activities of the Standard Oil Company (Kentucky) are confined to the South. The Company has progressed with the marvelous growth of the South and is today a vital part of the business and economic life of its people. The following data gives some idea of the operations of the Standard Oil Com pany (Kentucky) in the State of Georgia: It operates in the State of Georgia, 235 tank stations and service stations. The Company pays in salaries and com missions to its representatives in the State of Georgia approximately the sum of $920,000.00 per year. Under the various City, State and County License, Tax and Inspection laws cf the State of Georgia, it pays approximately the sum of $530,000.00 per year. The co-operation, loyalty and efficiency of the Company’s employes have con tributed largely to the building up and maintaining of its State-wide service to the public. The Company hopes to merit the public’s continued patronage, based upon the superior quality of its products, its effic ient organization and its service and tank station system throughout the state. Standard Oil Company Incorporated in Kentucky R. E. HODGSON, District Manager ATLANTA, GA. PLANT COTTON “A FEW MINUTES EACH DAY WILL KEEP THE WEEVILS AWAY.” ROISTER will od the job. No theory; no experiments nec essary- The facts have fully demonstrated ROISTER as an abso lutely effective, sure specific against boll weevils. PICK NO SQL ARES JUST USE ROI STER AS DIRECTED ANI) RAISE COTTON!! Maximum cost of treatment under worst weevil conditions, will not exceed $3.00 per acre. No machinery necessary to apply. Give me your order NOW, and have remedy shipped out later. For terms to salesmen for Barrow and Jackson counties write For full information write: THE BOLL WEEVIL ROUSTER CO. Milledsreville, Ga. Price: $1.50 Per Year.