The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 16, 1922, Image 8

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THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 122. Classified Ads. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large: no job too small. Radiators repaired on nil make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street A Park Ave. C. H. Stewart Old Stand White thoroughbred Wyandotte eggf*. $1.25 for 15. See me at once.—J. G. Whitehead, Box 124, Winder, Ga. Edison Mazda lamps have but one equal, at Woodruff Hardware Cos. Best in farm tools at Woodruff Hdw. Company. For the best plow points get Lynch burg; tits Olivers at Woodruff Hdw. Spring is corning: get a Norman bug gy—Woodruff Hardware Cos. GOLD SEAL FLOUR gives satisfac tion. 4t Try both Genuine Oliver Points and Lym nburg Points, then you vill know which lasts the longest; we have both. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Get a Studebaker wagon .sllO at Woodruff Hardware Cos. If it's genuine Oliver points you want, we have them.—Woodruff inlvv. WANTED.- Man witli ear to sell low priced GRAHAM TICKS. $130.00 per week and commissions. GRAHAM TIRE CO.. 510 Boulevard, Benton Har bor, Mich. Get in line; buy a pogo slick at Woodruff Hardwnre ('<>. FOR SALE-—Porto Rico potato plants state inspected and treated for Mack rot; $1.50 per 10O0; moss packed in wood crates.—l. L. Stokes, Pitts, Gu If it's the best merchandise nt the right price that you want, you will find it at Woodruff Hardware Cos. Fresh fisli and oysters Ifroin the coast at Winder Market & Produce Cos. HAVE YOU THESE SYMPTOMS If So, Commence Taking Glide's Pepto- Mnngan and Get Itark to Good Health. laick of vitality, a feeling of tired ness, bud breath, pale lips, colorless cheeks, loss of weight, flabby flesh, les sened strength all of these call for the immediate use of Glide's Pepto- Mangan. It will positively produce satisfactory results. Try taking it with your meals for a few weeks and lie surprised with tlie improvement in your condition. Glide's IVpto-Mangun will help you hack to strength during convalescence from any illness. It has been prescribed successfully by phy sicians everywhere for thirty years. It is a recognized iron tonic of honest merit. For sale in liquid anil tablet form by all druggists. Ask for it by the full name, "Glide’s Pepto-Mangan.” Advertisement. DR. THORNTON S EASY-TEETHER. Makes Teething Easy. The l>est medicine known for teeth ing babies. Proven good for 15 years. Buy from your druggist. Easy Teether Med. Cos. WESTMINISTER, S. C. SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION Tbedford’* Black-Draught Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer for Trouble* Re sulting from Torpid Liver. L - ’ East Nashville, Tenn.— The efflo Jency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, Is vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don’t believe I could get along without It. I take it for sour stomach, head ache, bad liver, Indigestion, and all other troubles that are the mult of a torpid liver. "I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend It to every one. I won’t go to bed with out It In the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't Bay enough tor It” Many other men and women through out the country have found Black- Draught Just os Mr Parsons describe* —valuable In regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and in cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi cine Is the original and only genuine. Accept no Imitations or substitutes, t Always a&k tor Thedford'a, Providence News Mrs. C. IV. Butler had as her guests Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Clara Old ham, Mrs. Rosa Potter, Mrs. Fannie Cofer, Mrs. Ellen Sykes and Miss Cor delia Cofer. Mrs. Kallie Potter spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Haynie. Mrs. W. K. Hunter spent Monday with Mrs. Crawford Butler. The party given by Mr. Grady Sykes Thursday night, was highly enjoyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter and little daughter spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie McLocklin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sykes spent Satur day afternoon with their mother, Mrs. Fuller. ™ Misses Eula and Fannie Ruth Sykes and Pauline Powers si>ent Saturday afternoon with Miss Iva Hunter. Mrs. Maud Wages and Mrs. Exa Svkes spent Tuesday aftfrnoon with Mrs. C. W. Butler. Mrs. Clara Oldham spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Haynie. Mrs. Sal He und Pearl Barnett spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Fannie Haynie. Mrs. G. S. Potter spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Whitehead of Statham is spend ing a few days tlds week with her mother. Mrs. Casper. Mrs. Willie Mae Hnrdigree and ehil dren spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. John Martin. Miss Annie Hunter spent Monday with Miss Ludie Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Vearwood spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. It. I>. Potter. Mias Sara Hunter spent. Sunday with her eonsin, Miss Fannie Hunter, of near Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sykes Sunday. A large crowd attended the singing at this place Sunday night. Sunday school at this* place is pro gressing nicely. MIDWAY NEWS Miss Rossie Bell Barber and Otis Barber were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. I’. Perkins. We are sorry to know that Clara Sailors has been very ill but is better at tlds writing. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. H. A. Perkins of near Gratis. Larue Barber spent Wednesday night with Susie I<ee. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Smith announce the birth of a sou Friday, March 10. Mrs. Mary Clack and children spent Sunday with Mr. J. N. D. McElroy of Statham. We are sorry to know that there is much sickness in our community at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Perkins spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. M. A. Per kins and family. The family of Mr. D. D. .Tones is very sick at this writing, we are srory to state. Mr. and Mrs. Muller McElroy of near Chapel spent last Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins and family. Mrs. Ruth Sailors of Bethlehem spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sailors. THAT BAD BACK Do you have a dull, steady ache in the small of the back—sharp, stabbing twinges when stooping or lifting—dis tressing urinary disorders? For bad back and weakened kidneys Winder residents recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Rend this Winder statement. A. S. Lay, farmer, 115 William St., says: “My back gave me a lot of trou ble and I had sharp, stinging pains pierce me every time I moved. Tnere was a heavy ache through my back. Just over my kidneys and I couldn’t work. The kidney secretions passed too freely and were highly colored. 1 was told to get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I took the advice. After us ing one box of Doan's I was free of the trouble with my track and my kid neys were regulated.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Lay had. Foster-Milburn Cos., Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y. Quality, Service and Price is our motto. The best at the right price, plus accommodation. Start the 1922 crop off with good tools, Keen Kutter Hoes, Ames Shovels, Vulcan Plows, Genuine Lynchburg points to fit Oliver or Genuine Oliver, both in stock. Try both and learn for yourself which is best. Woodruff Hardware Company Tax Receivers Last Round. MARCH 21st. Carter Hill from 8 to 8:30 A. M. Stewart's Store from 8:45 to 9:15 A.M. Bethlehem from 9:45 to 12:30 l'.M. J. P. Chandlers from 1:00 to 1:30 P.M. I). I>. Jones Store from 2 to 4 P.M. McElroy’s Store from 4:30 to 5 P. M. Chandler’s Court Ground from 5 to 6 March 22. Mulberry from 8 to 8:30 A.M. Johnson Academy from 9 to 9:30 A.M. It. L. McElhannous 10:30 to 11 A.M. Oak Grove school house from 11:30 to 12 o'clock. It. A. Bovds from 12:30 to 1 P.M. J. 11. Grizzles from 1 :00 to 2 :00 P.M. Providence church from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. „ . March 23rd. J. H. Harwells from 8:00-to 8:30 A.M. Cedar Hill from 8:45 to 9:30 A.M. County Line from 1 :'< to 12 o’clock. 0. B. Mathews and Wheeler’s from 1--30 to 1:00 P.M. J. N. Williams 1:30 to 2 :00 P.M. ('. G. Hayes from 2:30 to 3:00 P.M. C. J. Halts from 3:00 to .3:30 P. M. Cain's from 4 :00 to ■> :00 P. M. J. G. Attaway from 5:00 to 5:30 P.M. W. E. Flanigans from 5:30 to <i P.M. Parish school, house from 7 to 8 I*. M. March 24. Mulberry school house from 8 to 9 AM. J. N. Morrisons from 9 to 9:30 A. M. W. W. Parks mill from 10 to 11 A.M. Carl from 11:30 to 2 P. M. Chandlers school house from 3 to 4 PM Auburn April 10th from 9 to 3 o’clock. Statham, April lltli from 10 to 5 o’clock J. J. SHEDD, R. T. R. B. <’. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. —One brown overcoat with gloves in pockets. Re ward for same. —C. O. Nihlaek. Try those fresli tish direct from the coast at Winder Market & Produce Cos. Keen Kntter Hoes and Shovels at Woodruff Hardware Cos. Genuine Oliver points with trade mark. Also genuine Lynchburg points to fit Olivers. Get one of each and find out which is the best—Woodruff Hdw. Hastings’ Seeds 1922 Catalog Free It’s ready now. 100 handsomely 11 lustrated pages of worth-while seed and garden news for Southern garden ers and farmers. This new catalog, we believe. Is the most valuable seed book ever published. It contains 100 full pages of the most popular vege tables. flowers and farm crop plants, the finest work of its kind ever at tempted. With our photographic illustrations and color pictures also from photo graphs, we show you just what you can grow with Hastings’ Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. Our oata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy and it should be In every single Southern home. Write us a post-card for it, giving your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you will be mighty glad you’ve got It. Hastings’ Seeds are the Standard of the South, and the largest mall order seed house In the world is back of them. They've go* to be the best. Write now for the 1922 catalog. It Is absolutely free. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and Walton 1 also make loans on Winder City property *See W. F. Pentecost, who has an offled with Clifford Pratt, Attorney, Georgia, and is in Winder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for my companies and will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6 mos. —pd. sept.-22 LAWRENCEVLLE, GA. THE WINDER NEWS BUNCOMB NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Willie Patton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pat ton. Miss Annie Lou Patton spent Sun day with Miss Nellie Casey. Mrs. Casey had as her guest Monday Mrs. Lake. Mrs. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huff had as their guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton. The singing given by Mr. Johnson Sunday night was highly enjoyed. Miss Whitehead spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Nellie Casey. The dance at Bogart Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Ida Luke spent Sunday with Mrs. Babe Dial. CAMP GORDON Now being salvaged. 10,000 bargains to offer. Write for illustrated catalog It's FREE. Mailed promptly on request. ROSE BROS. & CO. Wrecking Engineers and Liquidaters. CAMP GORDON. Telegraph Address: Atlanta, Ga. Post Office Address, Chamblee, Ga. Si PENN’S CHEWING TOBACCO Smith Hardware Cos. Start Right, Stay Right. Plan to have the best garden this year. Add this Planet, Jr., Gar den plow to your equipment. —o— We are already selling Cole Cotton and Corn Planters. Buy now to insure getting one —don’t put it off. —o— We buy peas in trade. Onion Sets —Red, White and Yellow. On ly 10c quart. Fresh Garden Seeds in Bulk and Packets. Seeds in*Packets sc. —o— Yellow Dent Seed Corn and Neal’s Pay Master Field Seed Corn. -Q Garden & Flower Fertilizer in $1.50 Bags Special Formula. —o— We are selling Anvils and Forges cheaper this season. —o— We are headquarters for Collar Pads, Back Bands, Hames, Traces and all Plow Goods. —O— Our Garden Poultry Fence stretches up straight. We have a full line of garden and field fence. —o— Spring time Paints to supply your needs. Its a good time to paint Furniture, Floors, Automobiles, etc. —o— Cooper and Exide Automobile Batteries Guaranteed and cost less. Let John Drake fit one in your car. —o— Best Ames Shovels $1.50. —o— Winchester special loaded shells. Black Powder 75c and smokeless SI.OO per box. —o— Spalding Base Balls 25c to $2.00. Gloves 50c up. Bats 25c up. We are Sportsmen Headquarters. —o— 1-Ply Felt Roofing $1.50 and 2-ply Felt Roofing $2.00 per roll. —o— Best Galvanized Roofing $5.00 per roll. —o— Have you seen our New Oil Stove Oven? It will bake. It is built better and guaranteed —o— Our prices on Silverware and Cut Glass is in keeping with the recent reduced prices. —o— Start Early. Keep the fly out. We have a complete line of screen doors, screen wire, hinges and springs. We have a few Leonard Porcelain-lined Refrigerators at a priceyou can afford to pay First quality Well Sewer Pipe $4.50 joint. —o— Electric Lamps, Fuses, Wire, etc. No or der too small to fill. —o— See our Window of Aluminum Specials: $2.50 Tea Kettles, $1.48; $2.50 dish pans, $1.48. Other items in proportion. —o— We have Quality Merchandise at the right prices. We give service and appreciate your trade Smith Hardware Company Winder, Ga. ■ ■ THE q— —— XWMIMHHC "WINCHESTER - - - STORK V* Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.