The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 23, 1922, Image 5

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THURSDAY. MARCH 23, 12. Social and Personal News SOCIAL CALENDAR. Tuesday. March 21st. D. A. It. Hunbury Chapter met with Mrs. Robert Camp. Miss Beulah Ferguson enter tained Bridge party for Miss Sa ra Hayes. Wednesday, March 22nd. Woman’s club met with Mrs. W H. Quarterman. Thursday, March 23rd. The Young Matrons club is be ing entertained in Athens by Mrs. Carter Daniel. Friday, March 24th. Miss Margaret Russell will en tertain the Young Ladies Bridge club. MRS. KIMBALL HOSTESS. Mrs. It. H. Kimball delightfully en tertained at a small bridge party last Saturday afternoon. After several spir ited games tea and sandwiches were served. Guests for two tables were present who were Mesdames Wilson, Carithers, Ralph Smith, Thompson, Roy Smith, Camp and Herschel Smith. W. C. T. U MEETING. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon at 4 :00 P. M. at the Methodist church parlors. Mrs. George DeLaPerriere, superin tendent of medical temperance, will have charge of the program. Every body invited to be present. MRS. WATSON HONOREE AT BEAUTIFUL ST. PATRICK’S PARTY. One of the lovliest of the season's parties was that of Friday afternoon 'with Mrs. Herschel Smith as the charming hostess, in honor of Mrs. J. D. Watson, of Atlanta. The home was most attractive with white hyacinths and narcissi, ferns and spirea, the col or motif of white and green was car ried out quite effectively, the St. Pat rick ideas being used in a most at ■ A u-tive way, the score cards were wand-painted with Shamrock design. Bonbon dishes filled with green and white candy were placed on the tables and during the afternoon punch was served. Bridge was the interesting game for the afternoon, after which a delicious salad course followed by an ice course was served. Prizes for top score were awarded to Mrs. I). F. Thompson, a card table cover, second prize to Mrs. Quarter man, a handkerchief, consolation prize was drawn by Mrs. H. T. Flanigan, a handkerchief and the guest of honor was also presented with a handker chief. The guest personnel was com posed of Mesdames Watson, G. C. Mose ley, George Fortson, Thompson, H. A. Carithers. R. H. Kimball, J. W. Grif feth, Guy Kilgore. H. T. Flanigan, Ralph Smith, P. A. Flanigan, Roy Smith. Quarterman, Robert Camp, E. R Harris, Parks Stewart and Jim Bur son. MR. AM) MRS. HERSCHEL SMITH ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE PARTY. A lovely social event last Friday evening was the bridge party given by Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Smith in honor fcof Col. and Mrs. J. D. Watson of At u.iHnta.' In the living room tables were ,3 ranged foF the game, and on each ta- Be was a dish of salted nuts, punch was served during the games. A delicious frozen course was serv ed at the conclusion of the games. Six couples were present. RECEPTION GIVEN BY MRS. PLEDGER AND MISS MABEL JACKSON A LOVELY AFFAIR. One of the largest and most brilliant social events of the season was the beautiful reception on Wednesday af ternoon of last week given by Mrs. J H. Pledger and Miss Mabel Jackson, in hon,or of Mrs. Clair Harris and Miss Sara Hayes. The beauty and charm of the lovely home was acccentuated in the wealth of gorgeous spring flowers all the golden flowers blooming at this season of the year were artistically used throughout the spacious lower floor. The doorways and archways were decorated with smilax and bamboo. Sil ver candlesticks holding burning yel low candles were placed at intervals casting a soft, golden glow over the entire scene. As the guests arrived they were greeted by Mrs. George Fort soft and Mrs. Joe Estes and ushered by Mrs. H. A. Carithers into the living room where punch was served from a beautifully decorated table, an unique decoration used on this table was a miniature kewpie bride and bride groom. Mrs. M. J. Oriffeth, Mrs. C. B. Almond, Mrs. W. H. Jennings, Mrs. Roy Smith, Misses Josephine House and Ida Kilgore received and served in this room. Mrs. J. W. GrifTeth then show ed the guests into the parlor where the receiving line composed of Mrs. Pledg er. Mrs. Harris, a recent bride, Miss Hayes, a bride-elect, and Miss Jackson stood. The guests were then shown by Mrs. G. O. Moseley into the dining room. which wns very attractive. The same color note of yellow and white being carried out in the ices, cakes and mints, which weTe served from an elab orate table having as its central decoration a large bowl of douhle-daf ‘ fodils with little yellow birds perched about on the bowl. Mrs. Robert Gump and Mrs. J. J. Wilson sat at either end of the table nnd cut the cream. Others assisting In the dining-room were Mesdames W. M Holsonbook, G W. 'DcLaPerriere, W. H. -Quarterman and L. A. Fortson. Delightful music, both vocal and in struimuital were rendered during the afternoon by Misses Evelyn Radford, Beulah Ferguson. Margaret Russell and Ora Lee Camp and Mrs. Mac Potts. More than 150 guests called during the ’ afternoon. THEATER P.ARTY. -At**# Mrs. Joe Estes complimented her sis ter, Mrs. Clair Harris , with a theater party last Thursday afternodn. Re freshments were the drug store after the pictures. Those invited included the members of the Young Ladies Bridge club and those who had entertained for Mrs. Harris. MISSES JACKSON AND COTTER ENTERTAIN TEACHERS. An enjoyable affair of last Saturday was the party given by Misses Mabel Jackson and Stella Cotter. The reception rooms were brightened and made attractive with many spring blossoms. After several interesting games a lovely salad course was serv ed. The guests present were Misses Hagood, Womack, Blanks, Henson, Ida Kilgore, Josephine House, Rosa Rives, Margaret Russell, Evelyn Radford. Mrs. George Fortson and Mrs. Quarterman. CROW-ROWDEN. On Sunday. March 12th, at 5 o’clock P. M. at the residence of S. M. Well born, J. P„ Mr. Albert Crowe and Miss Sallie Rowden were united In marri age, Mr. Wellborn officiating. Mr. Crow is a son of Mr. Eli Crow of Oconee county and is an industrious young farmer of sterling character and his lovely bride is the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. J. W. Rowden. SEWING ENTERTAINED. f r Mrs. G. W. DeLaPerriere whs hostess to the Junior Priscilla Hewing club last Thursday afternoon. The-decotations used were howls of lovely hyacinths and vases tilled with double daffodils. A most enjoyable time was spent in sew ing, after which a delicious salad course was served. The guests includ ed the members of the club and the immediate neighbors. BRUNSWICK STEW DINNER. The Young Matrons Federated club will serve dinner next Wednesday dur ing court week in the new Bush build ing—downstairs—just between the Strand theater and the new court house Price of the dinner is 25c and consists of brums wick stew, bread, coffee or iceu tea. The proceeds from this din ner will go to worthy cause that will benefit the town of Winder, and the public is cordially invited to come out and have dinner with them on this day enjoy the dinner and help a good cause. YOUNG LADIES BRIDGE CLUB. Among the gay social activities of the past week was the bridge party on Friday afternoon given by Miss Pa tience Russell to the Young Ladies Bridge club. The decorations used were quite pretty, being bowls of vio lets and ferns. The prize, a box of powder, was awarded to Miss Kathleen Wilson for making top score. A delicious salad course was served, after the games. The guests were Misses Mabel Jackson, Evelyn Radford, Margaret Russell, Josephine House, Kathleen Wilson, Beulah Ferguson. Gertrude Rogers and Dillard and Mrs. Clair Harris. MISS FERGUSON ENTERTAINS FOR MISS HAYES One of the brightest social affairs of the season was the bridge party Tues day afternoon given by Miss Beulah Ferguson in honor of Miss Sara Hayes, bride-elect of next month. The home was most artistically decorated, pink and white was the color scheme. Ex quisite hyacinths and roses arranged in baskets were placed 011 the tables and mantels, ferns were also used cre ating quite a pretty scene in this un usually attractive home. In the din ing room the table was centrally deco rated with a large basket of pLnk flow ers. the handle of the basket was tied with a large fluffy bow of pink tulle. Bridge and bunco were the games for the afternoon. The hostess was assisted by her moth er, Mrs. C. M. Ferguson and Mrs. \V r . L. Bush. A delicious salad course was served after the games. Those invited to meet the honor guest were Misses Mabel Jackson, Jose phine House, Margaret Russell, Kath leen Wilson, Ptatiencie Russell, Ger trude Rogers, Mary Hayes. Montine Robinson. Marie Herrin, Cleo Bush, Evelyn Radford, Charlotte McCants, Urania Hayes and Mesdames Clair Harris, Guy Jackson. Joe Estes. Roy Smith, Ralph Smith, G. C. Moseley, J. W. Griffeth and Robert Camp. Mr. Sidney S. Thomas of Athens was in. Winder Monday on business. • • • Miss Sara Webb of College Park will be the guest for the week-end of Mrs. E. W. Oliver. • • • Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Smith and little daughter. Elizabeth, of Winder, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bai ley.—Jackson Herald. • • • Mrs. Clifford Pratt, of Winder, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bramlett and Miss Mat tie Williams were guests in the city Saturday.—Gwinnett Journal. * * * Dr. J- W T . Quillian, presiding elder of the Augusta district of the North Georgia Conference, spent Tuesday in Winder with his brother,, I)r. H. P. Quillian. • • • Don’t forget to patronize the Ladies of Circle 3 of the Methodist church by eating sandwiches with them next week—except Monday—also hot and cold drinks. • * * We arc glad to know that Mrs. IT. A. Dillard, who has been quite sick at her father’s home. Mr. J. G. Cooper, is im proving. Her many friends hope that she will soon be well again. LOST Small white dog with brown spots and bushy tail, answers by the name of Rob. If found please notify W. J. Herrin. It. Mr. C. A. Black was a week-end vis itor in Winder. • * • Mr. Mack Yarbrough, of Atlanta, was a visitor in Winder Sunday. * * Mrs. H. N. Rainey of Atlanta was the recent guest of friends in Winder. • • • Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bagwell attended the funeral of Mr. J. H. Parks last Sunday. * * • i Miss Annette Hamilton of-Atlanta spent the past week-end with relatives in Winder. • • • Mrs. Paul Williams of Athens was the guest of relatives in Winder last week. • * • Mrs. Minnie Daniel has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Camp, Camptou. • * * Mr. Hearst Bagwell of Tech Col lege spent the past week-end here with home folks. • * * Mr. A. G. Lamar returned Saturday from a ten-days trip to different points in Florida. • • • Miss Annie Wheeler spent the week nd here with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wheel er. •. • • Mrs. R. H. Barnes has been very 111 for some days. We are glad to know that she is improving. * • * Mr. Stewart McWilliams spent last week-end here with Dr. and Mrs. Ed gnr DeLaPerriere. • * . Judge G. G. Robinson made a busi ness trip to Winder Tuesday.—Gwin nett Journal. • • * Mrs. R. O. Ross of Atlanta spent a few days of this week in Winder with relatives and friends. • * • Mrs. Jim Cross and little daughter, Emily, of Sparta, are visiting Mrs. J. X. Summerour this week. * * * Mrs. W. L. Mathews and daughter, Nell, have returned from a visit to rel atives in Gainesville. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Baird spent Sunday in Athens with the latter's sister, Mrs. L. I>. Benton. * * * Mrs. Howard Rogers is visiting rela tives in Montezuma, Ga., while How ard is in Chattanooga. * * * Mrs. Carl McDonald of Norfolk, Va is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Jackson and other rela tives. * * * Misses Margaret and Helen McWhort er and Charles McWhorter visited their sister Mrs. W. F. Robertson, in Craw ford, last Sunday. • * * Rev. W. H. Faust left Monday for Fitzgerald. Ga., where he will assist the pastor of the Baptist church in a two weeks’ meeting. • * * Mrs. Mercer Murrgy, formerly Miss Lourlne Hoody of Athens, was the guest of relatives and friends here last week. * * * The many friends of Mrs. Otis Jack son will be glad to know that she is able to lie out again after several days ill ness. • * * Mrs. Louise Henson of Winder is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Mc- Nelly, for the Bible conference. —Ath- ens Banner. * * * Miss Pearl Weatherly of near Hoseh ton, was the guest last week-end of the family of Mr. J. W. McWhorter. She returned to her home on Monday. * * * Misses Annie and Ermine Thomas are in Atlanta to see their brother, Mr. John J. Thomas, who is sick at Davis- Fischer’s hospital. Mr. Bush Jackson and little son. Max, were visiting friends and rela tives in Winder Tuesday. Bush’s many friends here were glad to see him. • • • Mr. Howard Rogers is In Chattanoo ga. Tenn., and will likely play ball with the team of that city In the Southern League this year. • • During next week, excepting Mon day, the ladles of Circle 3 of the Meth odist church will serve sandwiches and hot and cold drinks at the court house. • • Mr. J. T. Kilcrease, of Auburn Rt. 2, was in the city Saturday and renew ed his subscription to the News. Mr. Kilcrease is 74 years old and Is one of Barrow’s best citizens. • * • Mr. M. A. Coker and family of Ath ens recently spent a few days in Win der with relatives and while here Mr. Coker suffered a slight stroke of pa ralysis, he is reported tbo to be much improved. • • Jack Millikin left Saturday after noon for Macon to take a course at the Study Schools of Pharmacy. Jack is a fine, genial boy and we wish him much success In his new chosen pro fession. * * • Relcmber the ladies of Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church will serve .sandwiches, hot and cold drinks at the court house court week, excepting Mon day. Be on hand. * * • The rendittdn of ‘Enoch Arden” at the Methodist church Wednesday ev ening of laßt week by Miss Charlotte McCants, with Miss Cotter at the pi ano was thoroughly enjoyed by a large audience. Notice Gardeners I have Nitrate of Soda In small quantities at Autry-House Cos. Call and have your wants supplied for your ear ly gardens and flowers. L. A. HOUSE. THB WINDER NEWS 1$ We offer you in this new footwear genuine & foot comfort. From Youth to Age no more pains or weakness in the arches. The “FOOT SAVER” Shoe \ Moulds the Foot to Perfect Lines TMt Altai THI ARCS Y Cf-TOI or TS i? oftMMAur snof foot savw ssoe n. Women who have \ f J The secret of the worn this wonder- \ J “FOOT ’SAVER” ful shoe tell us that (fe, in its marvelous Kpl they never knew M care of the foot is CS real foot comfort V xK ) / * t4 * c ‘ cnt '^ c con * “yf before, I W I struction. 9* I> The “Foot Saver” shoe is in and try on a pair of p ~/ t so scientifically constructed those beautiful “Foot Sav- & > that it cannot be worn un- ers” today. You’ll know Q > less properly fitted. Come real foot happiness then. $ The Height of Style -- The Height of Comfort | Martin Brothers § Athens, Georgia [D Spring C nr ; no . Spring 1922 Opilllg 1922 Dress Goods We have just received during this week many new materials in the seasons best Dress Goods for Spring and Summer wear. Organdies, Voiles, Ramie Linens, Linenes, Suit ings, Piques, and other thin materials for Spring Dresses. Would be glad to have you call and see them, com pare the quality and prices with those shown elsewhere Kilgore-Kelly Cos. WINDER, GA. 0 Spring Spring 1922 1922 Suoscrlption Price: $1.30 Per Yea,.