The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 30, 1922, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922. Social and Personal News THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Monday, March 27, W. C. T. U. met at the Method ist church. Mrs R. H. Kimball entertain ed her bridge club. Ladies Aid of Baptist church Tuesday. met in the church parlors with Mesdames G. W. Woodruff, Lee Fortson and R. L. Eavenson. The mens club of Methodist church met in the church in the evening. / The Missionary circles of the Christian church met with Mes dames Moon, Lillie Lamar, John Craft, Clyde Williamson aud Graham. Wednesday. Miss Patience Russell enter tained for Miss Sara Hayes. Thursday Mrs. R. L. Eavenson is enter taining Junior Priscilla club. Little Nan Moseley is entertain ing a number of little friends this afternoon in honor of her second birthday. Friday Mesdames W. H. Jennings and g F. Maughon will entertain at a reception in honor of Miss Sa ra Hayes. Saturday Miss Kathleen Wilson will en tertain the Young Indies Bridge club and the Young Matrons club in honor of Mrs. Mercer Murray. PRISCILLA SEWING CIRCLE. The Priscilla Sewing Circle was de lightfully entertained on Friday of last week by Mrs. Eberhart at her home on 'Candler street. After an hour of sewing and pleas ant conversation a very enthusiastic , business meeting was called. Mrs, Grau ‘ flick was unanimously re-elected pres ident after which a delightful salad course was served by the hostess. , YOUNG LADIES BRIDGE CLUB. A jolly occasion last week was the meeting "of the Young Ladies Bridge club with Miss Margaret Russell as hostess. Top-score was made by Miss Gertrude Rogers. Guests for tables were present. A delicious salad course was served after the games. MRS. KIMBALL HOSTESS. Monday afternoon Mrs. R. H. Kim ball delightfully entertained her Bridge club At the conclusion of the interest ing games delicious refreshments were served. Those enjoying this happy oc casion were Mesdames Moseley, Autry, George Fortson, Ralph Smith Robert Camp. Oarithers. R. H. Pirkle, Estes and Clair Harris. A HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCCASION. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the past week was the birthday din ner given by I>r. and Mrs. C. S. Wil liams in celebration of Dr. Milliam. father’s 73rd birthday and Mrs. Mil- Hams’ mother’s 70th birthday. All children of both parents were in vited. MRS. ROBERT CAMP HOSTESS. Mrs. Rofifert Camp entertained de lfehtfully at a small bridge tea Sat urday afternoon. Places were arrang •ed for eight besides the hostess. Boxes of Martha Washington can dy were on each table and spring flow ers were used as decorations. Late in the afternoon a delicious salad course and tea and sandwiches were served. Those enjoying Mrs. Camp s hospi tality on this occasion were Mrs. Clair Harris Mrs. R. H. Kimball Mrs. Joe Estes Mrs. J. W. Griffeth Mrs. Flem ing Thompson, Mrs Otis Jackson, Mrs. H. A. Carithers, Mrs. Herschel Smith. MRS C ARTER DANIEL HOSTESS AT HER HOME IN ATHENS. Mrs. Carter Daniel was hostess to the Young Matrons club and a few oth ers last Thursday afternoon at her home on Hill street in Athens, Ga. Those present report Mrs. Daniel an even more charming hostess, if possi ble than she was as Miss Mary Alice Strange. Her sister, Mrs. Hulme Kin nebrew, assisted her in entertaining. Silver baskets and crystal vases fill ed with peach blossoms and graceful "hinches 0 f spyrea were charmingly " on tables, mantels, etc. The ta- C "or bridge were arranged in the ■ W\ room and on each was a silver li.asi. ’ filled with flowers and a cut glass bowl of salted nuts. The score cards were an artistic suggestion of the coming Easter season. At the close of the games Mrs. Dan iel, assisted by Mrs. Jim Story, Mrs. Kinnebrew and Mrs. Paul AVilliams, served a delicious salad course with punch. Those present were Mesdames Mose ley, Burch.. Kimball, Carithers, P. A. Flanigan, R. A. ('tamp, E. R. Harris, J. W. Griffeth, Clair Harris, Parks Stew art, Boh Pirkle of Winder, and Mes dames Williams, Kinnebrew and Sto ry of Athens. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Baggett were the •f>sts of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Baggett near Bethlehem last Sunday * * • Miss Agnes Baggett of near Bethle hem wns the guest Monday of Mr and Mrs. W. C. Bagget in the city. • • • A number of our people will go to Statham Friday night to see the play, “Pattie Makes Things Hum,” put on by the Winder High Seniors. WOMANS MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Womans Missionary society will meet in the Methodist church parlors on next Monday, April 3, at 3:30 o’clock. Georgia Conference which goal is 10,- call meeting on Wednesday to perfect plans for a membership drive for north Oeorgia Conference which goal is 100,- 000 members for 1922. Prof. O. I. Shipley of Gwinnett coun ty is in the city. • • • Miss Annie Thomas is spending a few days in Atlanta. • * • Mr. Luther Arnold of Statham was a business visitor in Winder this week. * * Mrs. W. F. Hubbard and children have been visiting relatives in Royston. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thurmond of Stat ham were visitors in Winder Monday. • • • Miss Viola Towler spent last week end with her parents in Monroe * * • Miss Mary Lou Segars is spending this week-end with friends in Coving ton. • * * Miss Ola Porter, of Pendergrass was the guest of relatives in the city last week-end. x • • • Mr. Louis Hagood of Lawrenceville was the guest of relatives in the city Sunday. * * * Rev. M. H. Massey of Jefferson, was the guest of Mr. J. P. Cash last Tues day night. • * * Mrs. E. W. Oliver and children will spend this week with relatives In Gray son. • * * Miss Edna Appleby, who attends G. X. I. C., was at home for the past week end. • * * Mrs. Dora King of near Commerce is spending a few days in Winder with friends. • * * Mrs. Robinson of Atlanta spent the week-end in Winder with Mrs. Blas ingame. * * * Mrs. J. M. Jackson is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. P. A. House, who is 111, at Jefferson, this week. * * * Mr. Ray Martin of Milledgeville is the guest of frjiends in the city this week. • * * Miss Lila Moore came home from Ag nes Scott College to spend the past week end. * * * Mrs. Herschel Smith had as her guest the first of the week her mother, Mrs. Watson of Athens. • * Mrs. Sunie Sparks has returned to Atlanta after spending a week in Win der with relatives. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, of Ath ens, were guests of relatives in the city last Sunday. • * * Miss Imogene Herrin came home from G. N. & I. C. and spent the past week end here with home folks. • • • Mr. Edwin Starr, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starr, In the city. Mrs. Parks Stewart and Mrs. R. H. Pirkle visited Mrs. Paul Williams in Athens the past week-end. * * * Miss Gypsy Bedingfield spent last Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. C. T. Mathews, at Bethlehem. • * • Mrs. Wesson of Tifton is visiting her sisters, Mrs. W. E. Young and Miss es Mary and Annie Boyd. * * * Mr. and Mrs. .T. P. Williams of At lanta spent the last week-end as guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams. * • • Rev. T. C. Buchanan has returned to Winder after spending two weeks at the Bible Conference in Athens. * * * Mr. Max Krowitz of Aniston, Ala., spent a few days recently here with his sister, Mrs. L. Love and family. * * • Miss Elise Starr, who is attending Wesleyan College, Macon, spent the past week-end with home folks in Win der. * * * Mrs. W. A. Mcßreyer and little daughter, Harriet, of Chester, S. C. re visiting Mrs. C. T. Mathews at Beth lehem. • • • Rev. Thos. J. Espy, of Hartwell was was the guest of Mr. ,1. B. Parham and Mr. J. W. McWhorter last Wednesday night • * * Get your Wilkerson's Jimbo water melon seed at Smith Hardware Cos., or at my home at Auburn, Ga.—G. W. Wilkerson. * • Mrs. H. N. Rainey, Mr. Nixon Rainey and Miss Mattie Louise Rainey have been visiting friends in Winder this week. * • • Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Harper and sons, Millard and Willard, will spend the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. C. 8. Wil liams, * * Misses Edith House and Frances Hubbard and Mr. Harold Starr, of Winder, were the guests of Miss Hettie Martin Friday.—Lawrenceville News- Herald. • • • Mr. R. H. Kimball has returned from Gastonia, N. C., where he went after his little daughter, Jean, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Broome for several days. • * Mrs. H. T. Kilpatrick of Atlanta is spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. H. T. Flanigan, having been called here on account of the se rious illness of Mr. Flanigan. • • • Mrs. W. B. McCants and Mrs. J. V. Edwards are visiting relatives in Lu therville, Ga., and while there were attendants at the Taylor-Hatcher wed ding. • • * Rev. E. H. Jennings, pastor of the Prince Avenue Baptist church, Athens, was in the city last Monday, spending Monday night with the editor of the News. Mr. Maurice Yalovitz spent Tuesday here. • • • Mr. Sidney Nix of Jefferson was a visitor here this week. • • • Mr. Harry Silverstein spent Wed nesday in Atlanta. • • • Mr. Cliff Wages of Comer was in Winder Monday. * * • Mrs. W. F. Camp of Campton spent Monday in Winder. * * * Mrs. Louis Ween will spend the first of the next week in the Gate City. • • • Miss Elizabeth McClelland of Atlan ta is the guest of MisS - Gertrude Mott. * * * Mrs. H. P .Quillian was the guest of Mrs. D. F. Miller iu Athens Tuesday. * * • Miss Leila Pool who has been teach ing iu Hall county has returned home. • • • Mrs. H. P. Quillian spent Tuesday in Athens with her sister Mrs. D. F. Miller. • • • Mrs. R. H. Kimball entertained the bridge club and a few friends at a love ly party Monday afternoon. * • • Mrs. Robert Camp, Mrs. It. H. Kim ball and Mrs. Byrd Harris motored to Atlanta Wednesday aud spent the day. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McKibben and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner of Logan ville were guests of Mrs. M. F. Har per at her mother’s Sunday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Page sympathize with them in the Icjss of their Infant baby boy which died last Friday morning. * * Miss Wallace, who has charge of the expression department at Wesleyan College, spent some of her spring holi days with Miss Charlotte McCants this week. * * * The Senior class will go to Statham Friday night and present the play: “Pattie Makes Things Hum.” This play was given here recently and made quite a “hit.” * • * The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Herrin are congratulating them on the arrival of a nine pound son at their home. He has been named Tarold, Jr. * * • Miss Imogene Herrin and Edna Ap pleby, of G. N. & I. C., Milledgeville, were the guests of home folks in the city last week-end, returning to Mil ledgeville Monday. • * * The Bible Study Club meets with Mrs. W. B. McCants Tuesday, April 4, at 3:30 o’clock. The next lesson em braces Numbers and Deuteronomy. Vis itors welcome. • • • Dr. J. C. Wilkinson, of Athens, while in the city last Tuesday night in the interest of the Baptist 75 Million Cam paign. was the guest of the editor of the News. ■ * * * Mr. R. U. Wright, well-known to our people, and who has been engaged in business in Lithonin. has accepted a position with the Almand Hardware Cos., of Social Circle, and will move to that place. * * * Mrs. W. B. McCants and Mrs. Martha Belle Edwards attended the wedding of their enunsin. Miss Louise Taylor to Col. Bryant Hatchet, of Greenville, Ga. On their way home they spent several days visiting in Atlanta. * * * Mr. W. L. Jackson, a former citizen of Winder, but who is now sojourning we hope “temporarily” in Florida, was in the city the first of the week shaking hands with old friends. He is always a welcome visitor to this city. * * * Mr. H. M. Rutledge of Bethlehem, attended the Barrow County Products Dinner in Winder Monday and called at the News office and expressed him self as being well taken care of by the ladies of Winder. He said thev had pre pared a great feast and that he for one wanted to thank each and every one for the entertainment. * * * Speaking of gardening, Anderson Sharptotv. proprietor of the Rex Lunch Stand on Jackson street, has some of the finest tomato plants we have seen in many a day. They are just six weeks old and are fine and healthy. If you will use the right kind of diploma cy you might get a dozen of these Pon derosn, Stone and Acme tomato plants for early transplanting. SCHOOL NOTICE After the regulnr session of school closes it is our purpose to conduct a COACHING CLASS for the benefit of teachers and prospec tive teachers. If you wish to renew your license to teach or if you wish a higher grade of license, or if you have no license and wish one. you will And this course of great value to you. If interested call tts or write us. ,T. P. CASH, Supt. ■Winder Public Schools. Calhoun, Ga., March 9, 19922. Mr. ,T. P. Cash, Winder. Ga. Dear Mr. Cash: The work you did for us last summer has borne such results that the Board of Education has requested that I plan for a months normal work sometime during the summer. Our teachers as a whole were so well pleased with the manner In which you conducted the school that I would be glad to have your services again. lam writing this early ttjat you may know of our wants in order that you may not be engaged elsewhere. Yours verv tmlv, W. L. SWAIN. County .School Supt., Gordon County. THE WINDER NEWS BETHLEHEM NEWS Mrs. Sandy Harold of Macon is vis iting her mother, Mrs. C. T. Mathews. Mrs. Fannie Thompson of Winder visited relatives here last week. Several from here attended the fu neral of Mr. John Coker at Gratis last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mcßrayer and little daughter of Chester, S. C„ are visiting their grund mother, Mrs. C. T. Mathews. Miss Ettie Bell Harrison has return ed home from Tiftou, Ga., where she has been teaching. \Tiss Mattie Thomas spent the week end with* her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Thomas. Mr. W. L. Hendrix and Mr. J. 11. Moore made a business trip to Monroe last Friday. Mrs. William Thomas has returned home after a two weeks visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bed ingiield of Tampa, Florida, and re ports that her father is much improved. Mrs. H. T. Hendrix has returned home after a two weeks visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchell of Bold Springs. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. J. H. Clack and Ruth Hosch. We hope for them a spee.iy recovery. Miss Gypsy Bedingfield of Winder was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDonald Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sims and chil dren spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Harrison. Mr. Oswell Sams is spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sims spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Sims. Quite a number attended the singing here Sunday. Rev. J. W. McWhorter was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McElhannon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sims spent Sun day night with Mrs. R. 11. Whitehead. Mrs. Roy Greeson spent Thursday with Mis. T. D. Ridgeway. Misses Dru Willie Bell and Myrtice Harrison spent Saturday iu Atlanta. Mrs. Will Tanner and children were guests of Mrs. Fannie Moore last Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Ridgeway had as their guest last Wednesday and Thurs day, Rev. Cripple. Mr. and Mrs. Will House spent Sun day with the latter’s brother, Mr. J. P. Thompson. Little Miss Johnnie Lou Ridgeway entertained several of her friends last Thursday afternoon with a birth day party. Several games were en joyed throughout the afternoon. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served. About thirty-five were pres ent ; each one presenting a nice pres ent. FOR RENT.—S-room house with wa ter and light. Apply to P. P. Jennings. Broad street. ' ltpd Dutchess Trousers 10c Button, SI.OO Rip Save your Dollars and Rips. Buy Dutchess Trousers. J. T. Strange Company Department Store Mrs. Metcer Murray, of Athens will be the guest of Miss Kathleen Wilson this week-end. H£O s £lißV ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM f jok By installing Deleo-Light you have JjjF I "fS iMP* .fSalaOk your own power plant,—dependable I ’WTUIi electric service. Electric ligtits will uwke your home cheery and bright. If AgfeJLa Electric power will putnp the water and in other ways save you time and A. D. BREWER, PROP. .Monroe, Georgia IT RUNS ON KEROSENE W. C. JETT THE BUSY MARKET On the Busy Corner LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 17 lbs Sugar ~.,.51.00 10 lbs. Simon Pure Lard . 2.00 10 lbs. Morris Pure Lard ...... . r . 1.80 Best Plain Flour, bbl 8.25 Best Self-Rising Flour 8.75 Loaf Bread ~.. .09 No. 1 Steak, pound , .20 All Pork Sausage, pound t . r . w . . .25 Mixed Sausage, pound .15 Weines, pound .18 Pork Chops . . . . .25 Pork Ham .25 Breakfast Bacon .45 Canvas Ham. pound .45 Temple Garden Tea. pound ... 69 Fresh Fish every Friday and Saturday. I am handling all kinds of feedstuffs at bar gain prices. W. C. JETT Phone 55 Subscription Prici: ST.M Pe? YfeJir. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morgan, Mrs. Lee Fortson and Miss Ruth Wages spent last .Saturday in Atlanta.