The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 06, 1922, Image 12

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THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922. HENNINGHAM WILL NOT RETURN TO WINDER AGAIN Rev. 11. X. Henningham, the negro Methodist preacher who was whipped amt run out of Winder tty masked white nen some weeks ago. has decided not to return to his pastoral charge there, he informed Governor Hard wick Thursday afternoon. Governor Hardwick had reported his ease to the solicitor of the superior court and the sheriff of Harrow coun ty. Sheriff Camp had reported to tlie g vernor that he made a thorough in vestigation of tin* case, hut was not able to obtain a clue as to the identity of tile masked men. The solicitor hud reported that he would present the ease to the grand jury and ask for a special investigation. Hemilnghain called at the governor's office Thursday afternoon in company witli a delegation of negro Methodist ; preachers of Atlanta. One of the latter informed the governor that he had gone o Winder and personally investigated the rumor that enninghnm was whip ped and run out because he was preach ing equality between the races. He said he found the report without foun dation. Henningham solemnly affirmed to the governor that lie uttered no word of racial equulity in Winder, either from Ids pulpit or in private. Governor Hardwick assured him thflj he would leave nothing undone to protect him if he wished to return to his pastoral charge there. He said he would direct the sheriff to organize a posse to protect him if necessary. Henningham told the governor he had decided not to go hack.—Atlanta Jour nal. Indigestion and Constipation “Prior to using Chamberlain's Tab lets, I suffered dreadfully from indiges tion. Nothing 1 ate agreed with me and I lost flesh and ran down in health. Chamberlain's Tablets strengthened my digestion and cured me of constipa tion,” writes Mrs. George Stroup, Sol vny, X. Y, —Advertisement. NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING." For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Phone No. 2*>() Residence Phono No. 44 Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and Walton I also make loans on Winder City property .See W. F. Pentecost, who has an office) with Clifford Pratt, Attorney, Winder Georgia, and is in Winder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for my companies and will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated, fl mos.— pd. sept. -22 LA WHENCE VLLE, GA. Five Free Lessons More Than Thirty Thousand Writers i' Copyright by HENRY EDWARD BYRNE This is positively the most simple, legible, rapid and complete system of shorthand in use. Its writers hold the worlds record for obtaining the highest speed in office dictation, court and convention reporting, with less than three mouths study. FREE Upon application we will mail you five les sons, which are one-sixth of sys tem, following the instruction in each lesson and send us one copy of your practice work on each lesson, together with any ques tions you wish to ask, we will grade your work, answer your questions free of charge. Try it, you will find the study interesting. Athens Business College Athens, Georgia Tallasee Dots. We are having some beautiful weath er now; the farmers are glad to see the sun shining. Mrs. H. G. Hartley and mother were the guests of Mrs. Bennie Maynard awhile Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Peppers were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Satur day night. Mr. .1. O. Sykes, Sr., and Miss Prudie Bell Svkes made a trip to Bogart Fri day afternoon. Mr. Henry Wallace was the guest of Mrs. H. G. Hartley Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Wages was the guest of Mrs. Robert Davis Saturday afternoon. Miss Estelle Mabel spent the week end with Miss Pauline Davis. Miss Thelma Davis spent the week end with Miss Manic Mable. Mr. J. Sykes was the guest of his son. J. T. Sykes, Sunday. Misses Birdie and Prudie Belle Sykes were guests of Misses Bernice and Th cirri a Davis Thursday afternoon. Miss Lillie Mae Stovall and Mrs. El lis Wages were guests of Mrs. Robert Davis Sunday afternoon. Mr. Thurmond Sykes was the guest of his grandfather, Mr. J. C. Sykes, Sr. this week. Miss Estelle Mable and Miss Pauline Davis were guests of Mrs. Harry Thur mond Saturday. We arq glad to report that little Al ma Davis is improving; but regret to know that Mr. Bennie Maynard Ls con lined to his bed at this writing. A large crowd attended Sunday school last Sunday; we were glad to have many new ones. How’s This? We offer One Hundred ilollark Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kail’s Catarrh Cure. F. T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. TVe. the underslgnei*., have known F. J Cheney for tire Inal 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil buatneas transactions and financially tihle to carrj ■ut any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL HAWK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O Hall’s Ca-arrh Cure is taren ir.ternalb toting direcly noon the blood and mi ■ous surfnees of lln system. Testimonial 'em. fre" Price "5 •< nts per bottle. So' y all I'rnrrirlsls. Why drag around feeling half sick 1 and no account all the time when you can get Tanlac?—Dr. G. W. DcLaPer riere A Sons. Stomach Trouble? Health is Most Important to You. Columbus, Ga. —“Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is certainly a grand medicine for etoruach trouble, I have suffered greatly all my life from a disordered stomach. My food seemed to set so heavy, no matter what I ate. I have taken many of the medi cines advertised for this trouble, but none of them has ever come up to Golden Medical Discovery for giving prompt and lasting relief. Whenever 1 have a sluggish liver, with sick headaches and constipation, I have found Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets a very efficient remedy. They do not gripe or cause any other distressing condition such as a great many pill3 do.” —Mrs. Laura Kimbrough, 3503 Erlene Avenue. Obtain this Medical Discovery of Doctor Pierce’s at your nearest drug store, in tablets or liquid, or send 10c. to Doctor Pierce’s Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package, and write for free medical advice. MT. MORIAH Rev. J. M. Sheffield, of Gainesville, filled his regular appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Howell Barber of Braseltou will preach here again next Sunday after non—the second Sunday. Miss Willie Sloan spruit Sunday night with Mrs. Leila Feagan. Misses Lena Merritt and Willie Sloan were dinner guests of Misses Nezzie and Delphia Wood Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Williams was the guest of Mrs. Mary Harrison Sunday after noon. Miss Gerdie Wood was the dinner of Miss Woodie Fay Williams Sunday. Miss Beulah McKinney spent Sun day night with Miss Woodie Fay Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. Homer AA’ood and chil dren of near Auburn and Miss Collie Stephens of Lilburn, and Mr. and Mrs. (). 1). Cheek were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and family. Mrs. Florence Manders spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Celia Wood.' Mrs. Benton was the guest of Mrs. Laura Merritt Sunday afternoon. Mr. Tom AA’ood is running a hospital; has one patient with whooping cough, one with measles and expecting to have to hire an extra nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Parks Phillips have moved back to our community from Porterdule, Ga. VITALITY! VITALITY! • VITALITY! You Must Have It To Keep Your Job, Your Friends, Your Happiness. Thousands of thoughtless people need lessly let themselves run down in health. The day comes when, with a terrible shock, they suddenly realize that they are permanently broken in health. For your own sake keep well. If you feel weak or run down or do not sleep well or are nervous and have a poor color don’t wait until it is too late. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan taken witli your meals for a few weeks will restore your good health, give you renewed strength and vitality for your daily work. The healthy life is the only happy life —do not let it slip from you. For thirty years Gude’s Pepto-Mangan has been help ing people who were run-down back to lood health. It was made famous by the medical profession. Sold by drug gists in both liquid and tablet form.— Advertisement. The Road to Happiness. You must keep well if you wish to be happy. AA'hen constipated take one >r two of Chamberlain’s Tablets im mediately after supper. They cause a rentle movement of the bowels.—Advt. Eggs Cheap Now but how about the price next win ter? We all know that the hen that lays in the winter is the one that brings us money. Why? Because the law of “supply and demand” Is nowhere more no ticeable than in the egg market. So next November and December when vour neighbors’ hens have gone on a “strike” until spring, why not listen to the cackling of hens in your own barn-lot. and reap the resultant profits there from? You can do that very thing by starting this spring with our heavy-laying strain of either Aneonas or White Leghorns, lad us ship you some day-old chicks. Next fall you will start taking profits and keep right on at it. for once you have started with pure-bred poultry you will get rid of your scrubs. It pays. Trv it. S. C. White Leghorn Chicks 15c and 20c Each S. C. Ancona Chicks 20c and 25c Each Valley View Farm R. F. D. No. 1 TRION, GA. THH WINDER NBWS Service* At The Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M„ F. C. Graddick, Supt. Sunday from 4 to ti P. M. song ser vice led by S. C. Potts, Mrs. J. W. Grif futh and Mrs. P. N. Autry. If you en joy songs and music come to this ser vice and join with us. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at 8 P. M. conducted by elders, deacons or lay members. , Preaching every second; Thursday evening at K P. M. by the pastor, Rev. Sam Cartledge. You are most cordially invited to attend all of these services and join with us in the sendee of the Master- Come. ’ TF. Second Baptist Church. J. J’. BROOKSHIRE, Pastor. 1. Preaching every fourth Sunday morning at 11:30 and every first and fourtli Sunday nights at 7:30 o’clock. Preaching Sunday night at 7 o’clock. 2. Conference Saturday night be fore every fourth Sunday. 3. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night at 7 :30. The S. S. lesson for the following Sunday always discussed. 4. Sunday school every Sunday af ternoon at 2 :00 o’clock. 5. C. Kinney, Supt. 5. W. M. S. every fourth Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock —Mrs T. W. Ash, president. (5. Community League Friday night before every fourth Sunday. S. C. Kinney, chairman. UNION LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cronic and lit tle^da ughter, Mildred, spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hammonds and children, G. WV and Annette, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fos ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson and children spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Geo. H. Dalton, of County Line. Mr. Clifton Sauls is on the sick list this week; we hope he will soon be better. Mr. Dee Chapman and little daugh ter, Mildred, spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Chapman. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. AV. N. Strange’s was highly enjoyed by all. The death angel visited the home of Mr. Jim Doster Saturday afternoon and took from him his darling wife. She had been in declining health for several years, but got worse aliotlt two weeks ago, until death came. Her re mains were laid away at Ebeuezer church' in Jackson county Sunday morn ing. She leaves a husband and four children to survive her. The family has our sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sauls and chil dren, Hoyt and Ora, spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. AY. Sauls. Make Every Acre Do It’s Best AN EXTRA BOLL TO EVERY STALK IN AN ACRE of COTTON WOULD INCREASE THE YIELD 300 LBS. SEED COTTON. USE 400 TO 600 LBS. OF, , lfe| QUALITY IN FERTILIZERS COUNT. YOU CAN ONLY AFFORD TO USE THE BEST. ARMOUR’S BIG CROP FERTILIZER ON THE BAG MEANS QUALITY IN THE BAG. Geo. N. Bagwell LOCAL AGENT. Tanlac makes people strong, sturdy and well by toning up the vital or gans.—Dr. G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears _7? Signature of Tom, Dick and Harry FIT ALL FEET Just three styles, “Tom, Dick and Harry”—wide, semi-English and English lasts, all in the same leather and they fit all feet right. They’re solid leather all the way through, made by the Edmonds Shoe Company, who specialize in just these three shoes, and we’re sure you’ll agree that they are the biggest shoe values at the price in the world. $6.85 J. T. Strange Cos. SofeMH&ticni Price: SIJ9 Per Yes A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism. “A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely, doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Limiment and told Him to use it freely” says C. P. Rayder, Patten Mills, N. Y. “A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, give me another bottle of ('hamlierlain’s Liniment; I want it in the house all the time for it cured me.” —Advertisement.