The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 20, 1922, Image 4

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THURSDAY, APRIL 20. 1022 Potato Plants for Sale Porto Rico potato plants, inspect ed by the State Entomologist, Price $1.90 per 1000 We will have, beginning the fol lowing Monday full stock plants grown from our beds at Moultrie, Ga., and here together, at all times. Come to see us. Summerour Plant & Storage Company. FOR SALE—Shingles for kindling wood; Garages for rent.—Mrs. R. O. Ross. Saturday Specials Norfolk fish- —lO c Rest Stew Meat <*C H>. Rest Roast I <>C Rest Steak 20c lb. Winder Market & Product Cos. BETHLEHEM NEWS Mins Myrtle* 1 Bedlngfldd of Winder H|ient Hie week eiwi with Mitts Mary Lee Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Asherry Ridgeway of Winder visiltsl relatives here last week. Miss Doris Whitehead spent Sun day with Miss Mayrelle Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hosch hud as their dinner guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack, Mrs. Maude Hosch and children, anti Mr. anti Mrs. W. F. Clack. Mr. anti Mrs. Lov Hendrix spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Hen drix. Mr. anti Mrs. John Mitchell of Bold Springs spent awhile Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Thompson. Mr anti Mrs. L. W Leslie are export ing Mr and Mrs Grant of Deland, Flor ida, to stop over with them some time this week eu route to their home in New York. The play given by ho singing society at tin 1 school auditorium last Friday night was mot with great success. Quite a large crowd was present. Wo are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr .1 H. Austin. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. anti Mrs. O. IV Jennings visited relatives in Winder Sunday. Misses Nolle Siuis and Atlelle Middle-1 brooks were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sims. Miss Dean Holloway was the ’dinner guest of Miss Mayrelle Harri son Sunday. Unite an enjoyable occasion for the little folks was the KaitCr egg hut j given by Mrs. W. F. Clack at her home .Saturday afternoon. The Perfect Soap Maker —the choice of thousands of women for making pure soap quickly —easily. Use waste grease, water and Red Devil Lye — that’s all. Easy, successful recipes for hard and floating soaps on the can label. Insist upon the genuine—pure, strong, lasting. Ask for it by name cl leading grocers RED DEVIL LYE MB Sure is Strong Ml FOR SALE —One good horse weighing about 1.200 pounds at a bargain.—A. R. Harwell. ltpd FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms first floor, private bath, or 2 to 4 up stairs rooms; also furnished room. — Mrs. R. O. Ross. Kill the "Tater Bug" with Arsenate of Lead from Smith Hardware Cos. Just received a fresh shipment of Hot Shot and I>rv Cell Batteries. — Smith Hardware Company. Pap r Plates for Picnics at Smith Hardware Cos. Ar- mate of Lead and Paris Green at Smith Hardware Company. GENI'IXE OLIVER FLOWS and RE PAIRS Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Sugar Drip Syrup Cane Seed sold by Smith Hardware Company. Anew lot of Base Balls and Tennis Halls just received- —Smith Hardware Company. There are numbers of ptopic* "ho would not sell their Cole Planter for $50.00 if they could not get another one. We have a complete stock of Cole Cotton anil Corn Planters and Fertil izer distriutors. Buy one and he sat istied.—Smith Hardware Company. A few Genuine Langford Collars for $1 AX) each at Smith Hardware Cos. A Winchester File will sharpen the hoe better. Sold only by Smith Hard ware Cos. Ice Cream Freezers are cheaper at Smith Hardware Company. Buy one now and have plenty of Ice Cream this summer. Given Paint for flower boxes, jars, porch furniture, etc at Smith Hard ware Company. Plant some, if not but a few pounds, of the O-Too-Tan Saja Roans and Cat tail Millet. S(hml sold by Smith Hard ware Cos. AMBER CANE SEED at Smith Hdw. Mrs. G. A. Johns, who hns been on a visit to friends and relatives in \ irgin iia and Washington City for the past ten days, is expected to arrive home the latter part of this week., * * * Miss Kathleen Wilson has been visiting in Athens this week and has Itcen the recipient of many delight ful social events. Classified Ads. i 9 ♦ Garden or lawns hose and nozzles in different lengths. Also lawn sprinklers. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Ivory and White .Enamel Paints-for Furniture. Sold by Smith Hdw. Cos. Hit; REX Watch, sand Clocks sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Edison Hot Point Electric Irons nr-1 superior to any other iron. Sold only \ b.v Woodruff Hardware Cos. Our Self Sharpening Lawn Mower is in a class by itself. Let us show you. Smith Hardware Cos. Cultivators and Drag Harrows are cheaper at Smith Hardware Cos. New Perfection Oil Stoves are relia ble. We sell no other make. —Wood- ruff Hardware Cos. High Grade Refrigerators at prices you can afford to pay at Smith Hard ware Cos. FOR SALE: Good second hand Bartlesville buggy and harness a right price. Also one Norman Rubber Tire and harness. —Woodruff Hdw. Cos. I'p-to-date FISHING TACKLE, con sisting of Rods, Reels, Artificial Min nows. Bait, etc. Sold by Smith Hard ware Cos. Garden Plows. Garden Seeds, Gar den Wire. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Buy your assortment of Farmers holts from Smith Hardware Cos. Screen wire cloth all widths at Wood ruff’s. Sewing Machine Needles for young machine at Smith Hardware Cos. If interested 'in gfain separators, don’t fail to see us regarding our AA r - ERY LINE, which has no equal. Pri ces and terms most liberal ever offered. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Automobile Batteries guaranteed for two years. Sold cheaper by Smith Hardware < 'ompany. FOR SALE —1 WHITE MOUNTAIN Refrigerator, 150 lbs. capacity. In ex cellent condition, and a BARGAIN. Investigate the “White Mountain' and see THIS ONE before you buy. Call at Nowell Hotel. Before buying an automobile casing see Smith Hardware .Company. Let us show you our Edison Elec tric Curling Irons. Woodruff Hard ware Cos. Don’t forget our Landreth bulk gar den seed.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large: no Job too small. Radiators repaired on all make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street & Park Ave. C. 11. Stewart Old Stand FOR SALE—I Remington Typewrit er. in splendid condition, almost good us NEW, and REASONABLE. Rea son for selling, want DRUMMER’S size. Call at Nowell Hotel. X can save you money on TRACTOR OIL.—A. A. THOOMAS. tf Carbon paper and typewriter ribbons at The Winder News office Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. H. Quarterman, Atty. WANTED. —Men or women to take or ders for genuine guaranteed hosiery, for men, women and children. Elimi nates darning. $40.00 a week full time, SI.OO an hour spare time. Experience unnecessary. NTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS Norristown, Pa.lot-41. Screen your house l>efore the Hies ar rive. We sell screen cloth in all widths in either black or galvanized.—Wood ruff Hardware Cos. FOK SALE One or more shares stock in the North Georgia Fair offered you paya ble this fall, no interest. Call phone 23(1 or write I*. O. Box 324. 4t For New Perfection Oil Stoves and parts see Woodruff Hdw. Cos. Flower jars and other jar ware at WOODRUFFS. FLOWERS FOR SALE.—Already rooted, price from 10c up. Large vari ety to select from. —Mrs. J. R. N. Baugh. Milk coolers all kinds and sizes at WOODRUFF HAD. CO. FOR RENT— Two rooms, lights and water, on Athens street, second door from Bell's store. Apply to Mrs. D. L. Tolbert. 2t pd See us for New Perfection Oil Stove Woodruff Hardware Cos. Screen Doors and Screen Wire in Black rind Galvanized are cheaper at Smith Hardware Cos. WANTED —To buy 25 calves from one week to three months old. See or write Mark Sims, Winder, Ga. THE WINDER NEWS HEADQUARTERS For Groceries and Fresh Meats The people of Winder and this section appreciate goods of the best quality, especially when these goods are priced just as cheap as goods of lower quality. Our aim is to give the public the best goods that can be found at prices that are entirely satisfactory. Our service is unexcelled and our splendid trade is abun dant evidence that we are pleasing the public. We are headquarters for Meats and Groceries. Our stock is always fresh and up-to-date and we ask you to compare our prices with those that are asked elsewhere. See us for all kinds of fresh and cured meats, feed stuff, groceries of all kinds. We can please you. When in the city make our store your headquarters. We are always glad to see you. We wish to announce that we cannot buy any more corn just at present owing to our limited space We hope to be in the market again very soon and prepared to buy all the corn and country produce that you have to sell. Come to see us. You a*re always welcome. Watson-Glover & Cos. \ Phone 80 Hardware Sale STILL ON We are continuing our Sale of the Bankrupt Stock of the William-Thompson Cos., until May Ist. If you have not taken advantage of this sale we are both losers. Don’t take our word but come in and convince yourself that we are selling this stock below to-day’s wholesale costs. We have sold numerous articles to merchants for resale. We list below a few eye-openers. 10 quart galvanized water bucket rtrC at Lit) Extra heavy galvanized well r/\C at DU No. 3 galvanized Wash Tubs yfjC Tin Wash Pans sc, 10c and 2 quart Tin Coffee Pot 3 quart Tin Coffee Pot rAC at DZ Ti% Kitchen Dippers 1 AC at Aluminum Dippers OA(' at LU 2 quar Good Enamel cov bucket fT CM' at 5Z No. 3 enameled covered Stewers at jO Large sizes Tin Dish Pan at 00 Carton Steel Wool for cleaning aluminum and cooking utensils . . . 10c package No. 8 cast iron Cook Stove <j>12.50 New Simmons 4-burner oil stove with cabinet, with No. 2 Boss Oven $27.50 Common Sense cast range with reservoir, worth $65, at . ~ $40.00 Smith & Thompson • Winder, Georgia nscription Price: $1.50 Per Yeai. Brass bound red cedar water $1.50 bucket at Aluminum syrup pitchers pAC at J)U 8y 2 inch dinner plates per set 9% inch dinner plates gQC P* set No ’ 1 Common Lamp chimney each 1 Gal. Galv Oil can A AC at 40 Baker buton-hole scissors OrC at Keen Kutter Embrlodery scissors ryrC at... /j) 4 inch Keen, Kutter pocket scis s°rs 75 7 inch Keen Kutter Shears $1 .00 at 1 One lot of embroidery scissors Ofc at _—