The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 29, 1922, Image 2

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•THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1022. New Winder Lumber Cos. DEPENDABILITY COUNTS IN 1922 News Bulletin Form Speed E. Service. “It is an astounding fact, folks, but do you know that only 80 per cent of the people in this community read my ads? I am sorry the other 20 per cent don't get a look at the paper—which, of course, is their own losh. Something of importance has just occurred to me and that is the fact that it is July already and there are many people who haven’t done the building they wanted to do so far this summer. Rut don’t be worried, because even though it is July there is plenty of time to finish the home or barn before it gets cold —if you start right away. I urge you to take advantage of the low prices at this time, because never before has building material given such a good value for the money. Resides best quality you get ‘SPEED E. SERVICE’ —and he’s worth a lot, when you really want tliiugs iu a hurry.” • Yours truly, “SPEED E.” Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and AValton I also make loans on AA’inder City property .See W. F. Pentecost, wbo lias an offled with Clifford Pratt, Attorney, AVinder Georgia, and is in AVinder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for my companies and will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 0 mos.—pd. sept.-22 LAW RENCEY LLE, GA. NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Fhone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 LAY LEADER VISITS WINDER. Mr. Hush Burton, editor of tile Ba ronin Times, who is also lay leader of the North Georgia conference, spoke at the mid-week service last week at the Methodist church. Mr. Burton is tme of the live-wire laymen of North Georgia and is interesting tin 1 laymen of his conference in new plans of use fulness in the service of the church. New legislation has been rcntly passd by the General Conference which is not only an evidence hut a prophecy of in creased lay activities throughout the bounds of Southern Methodism. The plan that is being worked by the Win tier congregation is to supply u speak er at least once a month to the sur rounding Methodist churches. In the meantime large parties of Sunday school boosters are visiting their sis ter churches, on Sunday afternoons the county. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR JIIMiE WESTERN ('IRCTIT I hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself as Judge of the Supe rior Court of the Western Circuit, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Yours very truly, BLANTON FORTS OX. METHODIST SERVICES. 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. Patri otic program for Independence day. Come and bring your visitors. 11 :.‘lO. Rev. Ed Caldwell of Monroe, will preach in place of the pastor who is holding a meeting at Rutledge, Ga. No night service. Don’t forget the congregational rally service every Wednesday at 8 :.‘lO o’clock This is the place to meet your friends and to enjoy a restful hour between Sundays. Special warm weather pro grams.—L. W. Collins, Pastor. Reduced Fares. On account of an address at Gaines ville by the Hon. Thomas E. Watson, July 4th, at 11 o’clock A. M. the Gaines ville Midland Railway will sell round (rip tickets from all stations on this line to Gainesville July 4th, good for re turn on regular trains of the some date, at one fare for the round trip. Regular trains will arrive Gaines ville in ample time for the address. For further Information apply to local agent or the undersigned. B. B. CHEEK, Traffic Manager. All work strictly cash. Nothing will be charged to anybody.—F. Hofmeister. 3t. . 4 UNION LOCALS Mrs. Cammie McElhannon is spend ing a few days with her brother, Mr. .1. 1). Spence. Miss Corrine McElhannon was the guest of Miss Fannie Healan Sunday. Mr. Clifton Sauls was the dinner guest of Mr. George Foster Sunday. Mr. Asa Christian and family from Alabama are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Marshall Morgan. Little Misses Angie Healan and Ma rk' Brookshire were the guests of little Miss Cleo Foster Sunday. The ice cream supper at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster’s Saturday night was highly enjoyed. “Mrs. W. L. Page was called to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. George Dalton who was operated on for ap pendicitis but he has returned home. Mrs. Walter Sauls and children spent Saturday afterndon with Mrs. .1. I). Spence. Miss Ruth Harbin was the dinner guest of Miss Ruth Foster Sunday. Mr. William Page of Hancock coun ty, who has been visiting relatives here has returned home. ALEXANDER STEPHENS GETS DIPLOMA THIS YEAR. Alexander IT. Stephens gets his diplo ma from the State University this year. He didn’t have the price, $2.00, hack in 1822. The diploma will he delivered to his great-great grand niece, Miss tjueen Elizabeth Holden, of Athens, the daughter of Judge Horace Holden, for mer supreme court justice at the com mencement exercises in Athens this week. The reason Mr. Stephens did not get his diploma back in 1822 was that the diploma cost at that time $2.00, and Air. Stephens did not think that his state of finances justified an outlay of so much money for such an object. It has been ninety years since Mr. Stephens graduated at the University and forty years since his death. POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Holloway and Charlie Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. C. I>. Bailey spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lucky of near Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway spent last Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Delay. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway. Mr. and Airs. J. E. Evans spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Air. and Airs. George Wall of near Pleasant Hill. Aliss Beulah Jackson returned home Sunday after spending a few days with her grand mother, Airs. Susie Jackson, of near Gratis. Mr. and Airs. W. AI. Holloway and family spent Sumlav with Mr. and Airs. E. E. Griffeth and family. Messrs. ('. G. Casey and T. AV. Per kins motored to Athens Sunday to see Mr. O. L. Casey. Airs. T. AV. Perkins spent Sunday with Airs. H. F. Casey. Miss Ethel Mae Jackson spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Misses Annie Alae and Oriner Glass of near Gratis. Air. and Mrs. Rush Edgar spent Sat urday night with Air. and Airs. Everett Edgar. Services At The Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M., F. C. Graddick, Supt. Christian Endeavour Society meets at 3 :30 p. in. Preaching by the Pastor Ist and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:30, and evening at 8:30. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at 8 P. M. conducted by elders, deacons or lay members. , You are most cordially invited to attend all of these services and join with us in the service of the Master Come. TF. CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday School. 11:30 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Super. 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor. 8:30 P. M. Preaching. E. L. SHELNUTT, Minister SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. J. B. Brookshire. Pastor. 1. Preaching every fourth Sunday morning at 11:30 and every Sunday evening at 8:00 o’clock. 2. Conference Saturday night be fore every fourth Sunday. 3. Prayer meeting every Wednes day evening at 8:00 o'clock. The S. S. lesson for the following Sunday al ways discussed. 4. Sunday school every Sunday at 2:30 o’clock. S. C. Kinney, Supt. 5. W. M. S. every fourth Sunday P. M. at 8:30. Mrs. T. W. Ash. Pres. 6. jCommujnity League cm Friday night before every fourth Sunday. S IJ. Kinney, chairman. THE WINDER NEWS Resolution on the Resignation of Rev. W. H. Faust. We, the Alinisters’ conference of AA'in der, Ga., assembled June 19,1922, adopt this resolution on the resignation of Rev. AV. H. Faust of the First Baptist church of Winder to accept a call to the Gordon street church, Atlanta. For the past nine years, Brother Faust has been pastor of the First Bap tist church of this city. His service and labor have not been confined to this church and town only, hut he has been actively Engaged in helping pastors in evangelistic meetings all over the state. The church under his leadership has grown to he one of the strongest and most influential of the state. Asa cit izen. Brother Faust lias been active in every good work for the uplift of the country. He has always sood firm on every matter of a moral issue. He is a friend to all classes and has the love and confidence of the people as a whole. Brother Faust is always pleasant, cheerful and optimistic. He has been an agreeable co-worker of every pastor of th various churches in AA’inder. He is loved by every denomination and his host of friends are found in all walks of life, therefore; Resolved, First: That it is with a loss to Winder and this section of the state that he goes away. Second: That w,e recommend him to the brethren of his new filed as a safe, sound and able leader, and pray God’s blessings upon him and them. Third; That a copy of these resolu tions be Brother Faust and a copy be sent for publication to The Christian Index and the AVinder News. L. AV. COLLINS. Chrnn. J. B. BROOKSHIRE, Sec. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is ofcen caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. AVhen this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. INDEPENDANCE DAY CELEBRATION July 4th Southeastern Fair Grounds Atlanta AUTO and HORSE RACING Fire Works and Band Concerts 4 Picnic Parties Welcome Why Buick Cushions “Ride Easy” Buick cushions are comfortable on all roads because of their “double-deck” springs and resilient hair pads. The upper springs, which are light and easy-acting, yield to the slightest road irregularity. The lower springs are larger and stiffen They come into play on rough country roads, carrying the passenger in com fort over bumps which cause the ordinary seat to “strike bottom”. Between the springs and the French-plaited leather upholstery are two thick, yielding pads of interlaced hair which positively prevent “lumping”. In Buick seat cushions, as in every other part of the car, is built the quality which has made Buick cars the standard of comparison. C-46 WINDER MOBILE CO. WINDER, GEORGIA When Better Automobiles Are Built Buick Will Build Them. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.