The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, September 28, 1922, Image 2

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TTHUHSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922. AMONG THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM Public Worship- —Gospel Pulpit ((pn l'oruin—Popular Instr c iion- Social Recrefitioii — I’erson iil Development- Soul Winning Services- Everybody W elcome. . *‘R- of Good Cheer,” is tli? pastor’s text for next Lord's I>ay at 11:30 o’clock. All Georgia Baptist pastors are requested to preach on that text at that time. If you are faint-hearted, or discouraged, or faithless, or sad, your presence is especially desired. “Self Dedication,” is the subject for Holiday evening at 8:00 o’clock, in connection ith the Installation service of new departmental officers. Evening services begin at 8 o’clock. The Worker’s meeting begins at 7.45, B. Y. I*. U. 7 P. M. sharp. Sunbeams meet at 2:30 on Sunday afternoons. “The Boy Jesus” is the mid-week topic for next Wednesday at 8 P. M. All our boys and girls are urged to lie present. Send all announcements for Sunday to Mr. Ernest V. Poole and get them to lilm not later than Saturday noon. METHODIST SERVICES Sunday, Oct. Ist. 10.15 A. M. Sunday School rally day. The school is preparing for an overflow crowd in all departments. Spe cial decorations and elaborate program This is also the day for the annual of fering to the Orphans’ Home. Attend ance goal: 500. 11:30 A. M. Morning worship Con tinuation of last Sunday’s sermon by the pastor. Subject: “The Pathway back to God.” 2:30 I’. M. Meeting of the Junior Missionary I Society. 7:15 P. M. Young Peoples meeting Interesting program by Y. P. M. S. Over one hundred present last Sunday. 8:00 P. M. Popular Sunday night service. Large congregations are en joying the series of tlie “World’s Great est Stories,’’ but strangers and visitors are always welcome. Sunday night's subject: “The Light that Failed,” Illustrated by Young Peo ple's pageant, in costume. The mid-week services for the coming month will he of special interest to all Sunday school workers. A large class began last night the study of Sunday school organization and methods. L. Wilkie Collins, pastor. CHRISTIAN CHI'RCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11 :M0 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supper. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 7:00 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Shelmitt, Minister. - . . . •: Easy to repair and increase their wear. Peters Diamond Brand Shoes Are Solid Leather Throughout. The heels, soles and counters —the hidden but vital parts of the shoe —are solid leather, strongly put together. There are good looks and good wear in every pair. After becoming well worn a pair of “Diamond Brand” shoes can be readily repaired and their wear greatly increased. Ask your repair man. He knows the advan tages of solid leather shoes and can quickly explain why it is to your advantage to buy them. There is a “Diamond Brand" shoe for •very purpose; a price for every purse. T. C. Flanigan & Cos. Auburn, Ga I——————— i Solid Leather Throughout MEN’S CLUJ PLAN FOR A GREAT YEAR. The Methodist Men's Club held an executive session oil Thursday night last at the church. The meeting was taken up with a discussion of plans for the coming year in connection with the new work planned for the laymen by the General conference of the church Speeches were made by Mr. Paul Brook sher, the president; Rev. L. W. Col lins, Messrs. J. W. Kilgore, M. It. May nard, L. S. Radford, A. T. Harrison, AV. T. Robinson, Paul Roberts, John Carrington, Mrs. A. I). MeCurry, for the Baracas and others. As the close of the business session refreshments were served by Misses Mary Ross, Gertrude Young and Kath erine Bailey. At the next session which will he on the second Tuesday, the club will entertain the Board of Stewards at an oyster supper. The following letter was sdnt to President a few days ago by the Meth odist church of Winder following an in dignation meeting of the church confer ence held during service last Sunday morning. President AV, A. Harding, AVashlngton, D. C. Honored Sir: The congregation of the First M. E. church, south, of Winder, Ga. passed a resolution yesterday morning, asking that the government of our country use its moral influence in ending the atroci ities of the Turk in Asia Minor, par ticularly the butchery and torture of the helpless Armenian population, in cluding its women and children. This is not asking for interference in this present or any other war, but it is a de mand that we exert our authority in stopping the massecres independent of the war of these helpless non-combat ants, and thwarting the avowed inten tion of the Turk to exterminate the entire Christian population. We feel that this would not bring on war, but be the means of preventing another pos sible world eatrastophe. It has been the fruitful cause of war for one hun dred years. The Christian people of America have given millions of dol lars to the suffering Armenians, and we feel that w'e have an abiding inter est in these people. AVe appeal to you sir, in tlie name of our Christian civil ization for we cannot be other than accessories to these among the most atrocious crimes in the world’s histo ry, if we hold our peace and pass by on the other side. These sentiments were expressed and were requested to be conveyed to you by the practical unanimous vote of the congregation. Respectfully yours, JOHN AV. KILGORE. Church Secretary. Next week we will start our honor rail of those who renew their subscrip tions. AVon’t you be among the first, to be on that roll? STATHAM NEWS ] Donft fail to attend the “Penny Oar siy Carnival” given on the school cam pus Saturday evening, September 30th. You will be offered a Trip Around ; I lie AVorld. A lecture “For Men Only” along with many other interesting shows, for the price of a penny each. Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Williams and J. AV. Jr., were the week-end guests of Mrs. AA'illiams’ parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Herndon, near Hartwell.. Misses Fay and Fannie Lou Tucker of Winder, were guests of Mrs. Dora McGahee and Ruth Ross part of last week. Miss Kathleen Bolton of Elberton spent the week-end with her grand mother, Mrs. Georgia McDonald, Mrs. AA’. I). Whitman entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'Brock and two little daughters of Law renceville. Mr. and Mrs. Emory McElroy of Winder announce tlie birth of a daugh ter at the home of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. AV r . I>. Whitman. Mrs. P. L. Hutchins left AA'ednesday for Robertstown where she will spend a few days with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Hutcheson were the guests of the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. AVill Thompson of Jefferson Sunday. Mrs. J. M. L. Thurmond and James spent Saturday in Athens as the guest of Miss Alah Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook spent Sun day in Hapeville as the guest of Mrs. Verita Doolittle Brown. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. AVilliams of Win der were with Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Nunnally Sunday. Itev. anld Mrs. J. AV. Grizzle and chil dren of Gainesville are guests of rela tives here this week. Mrs. Tempest AVare of Athens is the guest of her sister, Miss Callie Ham mond this week. Little Misses Ruth AA’all and Viv ian Cook motored to Hapeville Sunday ajjd were guests of relatives. Mrs. Edna Roberta and children were, the week-end guests of Mrs. M. H. Lowe of Winder. Miss Pauline Roberts spent the week end with Mrs. Bessie Hill. Miss Zora Hammond was the week end guest of her sister, Miss Lollie Mae Hammond. The Woman’s Missionary confedera ation was entertained at the Methodist church by the Methodist Missionary society on AVednesday. The program was made very interesting by the pres ident, Mrs. AA'. M. Stinchcomb. A read ing on the opportunity of the home church by Airs. C. It. Chambers: a read ing. on the responsibility of the home church by Mrs. J. C. Daniel; scripture reading, Miss Susie Belle Perkins. Af ter several interest features the meeting came to a close, after which a sandwich and ice course was serv ed by the Methodist society. The AVoman’s Missionary Society held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. B. Chambers Monday after noon. Quite an interesting program by tile president, Mrs. AA'. .AI. Fite, assist ed by Mrs. Hutcheson, Thurmond and Holcomb. Tlie study for the afternoon was on “The Home.” After which “Keep tlie Home Fires Burning” was rendered by Airs. Hutcheson and oth ers. At the close of the meeting a delicious sandwich and ice course was served by the hostess, assisted by the Airs. L. AI. Arnold. UNION CHAPEL Mr. anil Mrs. Andrew <'runic and lit tle (laughters. Mildred and Kuby Nell, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr. Miss Lucile Dunnahoo was the din ner guest of Miss Angie Healan Sun day. Misses Jewell and Willie Page were dinner guests of Misses Fannie Lou and Cleo Foster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stirange had as their guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Dunnahoo and children. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Segars and children of Win der. Misses Willie Bell and Lois Brad berry were'guests of Misses Vera and Inez Morgan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1). Spence spent last Sunday in Winder as the guests of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Spence and Mr. and Mrs. Olin Spence. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IV. A. Healan who lias been critical ly ill is some better at this writing. There will be Sunday school next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock on the account of the singing at Ebenezer church in Jackson county, as we just organized ir again. Mr. Jarell Magness is superintendent. Miss Desmn Page is secretary and treasurer and Prof. Green Page, chorister. Everybody come. Some of our subscribers are renew ing their subscriptions. We thank them. Won’t you be one of that num ber? DER NEWS THE AVI cigarettes^.^ They are GOOD! Scholarship in Athens Business col lege for sale cheap. Winder Ntews. AA r e have been trying to give you a readable paper through the summer mouths. AA'on’t you show your appre ciation by renewing your subscription promptly now. Stoves and Heaters We will have on display a complete line of original COLE’S DOWNDRAFT HEATERS & RANGES dur ing FAIR WEEK. Also cast COOK STOVES- OIL STOVES, COIL HEATERS, and CAST HEATERS. Be sure to call and see these heating and cooking stoves during fair week. Woodruff Hardware Company Phone 66 Phone 66 1899 1922 Successful Savers A great many people begin to save and fail to go any further. The fact that they have “opened” Savings Ac counts does not make them successful savers. It is only a beginning. They have made the right start, but the next impor tant thing is to follow persistently and systematically a definite plan of saving, adding to the amount at regu lar intervals. The most successful plan we have known in our broad experience is to fix a certain amount to be saved each week or month. Then stick to that. It will be hard at first, but will grow easier as the saving habit becomes fixed. May we not suggest ways to help you become a reg ular saver? reserve^ Winder National Bank The Hopkins Man with the Tape Line Will be Here * Friday and Saturday September 29th and 30th. To measure you for a Fall Suit in the latest Style and Fabric. PRICES— SIB-50 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A TAILORED SUIT for $18.50 J. T. Strange Cos. Price: $1.50 Per Year.