The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 26, 1922, Image 3

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922. - Social and Personal News SYKES-FOWLER. Mrs. W. L. Sykes, of Winder, an nounces the engagement of her daugh ter, Susie Belle, to Mr. Claude H. Fow ler, of Hoschton, the marriage to be solemnised in the near future. No cards. DAVID-ARNOLD. A wedding of distinctive beauty and impressiveness, centering the interest of friends throughout the state, was that of Miss Helen Arnold of Stutham and Mr. Roy C. David of Danielsviile., which was solemnized at 11:00 o clock Saturday, October 21st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Arnold, brother ' and sister of the bride. Rev. Marvin Franklin, of Roekmart 7 1 Ga., officiating, using the ring cere money, before an assemblage of rela tives and friends. The spacious lower floor of the Ar npld home was thrown together and beautifully decorated with handsome palms and ferns. A profusion of pink and white chrysanthemums in tall French baskets, completed the artistic effect. The ceremony took place in the liv ing room before an improvised altar of stately palms and ferns, forming a background for baskets of chrysanthe mums, on either side of which stood pink and white burning tapers, casting SL glow over the bridal party. Miss Etta 801 l Harrison of Bethle hem, played the wedding music and Miss Susie Bell Perkins beautifully rendered “Oh Promise Me” and “Be cause.” Miss Ola Garner of Lawrenceville was Maul of Honor. She wore an ex quisite dress of bisque canton crepe an a picture liat of black panne velvet, completing this costume was an arm bouquet of pink carnations. The charming little flower girls, Eu nice Arnold and Martha Jim Arnold of Athens, preceded the bride and wore dressed in dainty frocks of white or gandy, fashioned with long waist and trimmed with lace and pink ribbons. T*hey carried white baskets filled with pink carnations. Mr. Homer David of Comer, a broth er of The groom, acted as best man. The lovely bride descending the stairs on the arm of her brother, Kemp Ar nold, by whom she was given in mar riage, presented a charming figure in gown of golden brown satin back canton crepe, with trimming of lace and fur. Her hat was a Striking mod el of brown, adorned with medallic trimmings of fur. She wore a corsage of brides roses and swansonia. A reception was held immediately af ter the ceremony. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Arnold, were Mrs. H. L. White. Mrs. Willie Cooper, Mrs. Charlie Robinson, MV Fannie Steed, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chambers and Col. and Mrs. J. W. Ar nold. Following the reception Mr. David anti his bride left for a wedding trip to Jacksonville, Fla., and other points. *fter which they will he at home to their friends in Danielsville. Mrs. David is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Arnold. She is a beautiful young woman, possessing * most attractive personality, which has won for her countless friends. She is a graduate of the State Normal school of Athens, Ga., Mr. David, a prominent yonng man of sterling qualities, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. David of Danielsville, Ga., He is a graduate of the Univer sity of Georgia, a.nd is now at the head of the schools of Madison county. Among the out of town guests pres ent were Miss Floyce Long, Daniels- Tiiie; Miss Mary Duncan, Arnoldsville; Misses Ettie Belle and Myrtlee Harri son, Miss Dru Willie Bell. Bethlehem; Miss Ola Garner, Lawrenceville; Miss -Miriam Bennett, Jefferson; Mr. G. M. David, Homer David, Comer; Frank Duncan, Arnoldsville; Otis Harrison, Bethlehem; Knox Griffeth, Eugene Huff, Claud Stevens, Cleveland David, Mesdames H. F. White, La von la : An drew Allen, Gilsyille. N. C„ Willie Cooper, Athens; G. W. David, Comer; Judge and Mrs. Moseley. Danielsville; Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Jamison, Griffin; Col. and Mrs. J. W. Arnold. Athens; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moseley, Mr and Mrs. Meadow, Dr. and Mrs. Gholston. Danielsville; Mrs. W. L. Blasingame. Winder. M T s. Charles Beckman who has Inn’ll spending the past week with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Favenson. has returned to her home in Nashville, Tenn. • • * Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Favenson, Mrs. Charles Beckmaln. Mifs Willie Mae Favenson and Mr. Gilmer McDonald spent the past Sunday in LaGrange with Miss Gladys Favenson, who is at tending school there. BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, MISSIONARY SOCIETY DIVISION MEETING, Division No. 1, Mrs. W. \. Bradley, leader, met at the home of Mrs. Brad ley on East Broad street with Mes daines W. L. Mayne, Saxon and Brad ley as hostesses. Ten members and two visitors were present and after the de votionals and reports, a delightful sal ad course was served. The next divis ion meeting will bo with Mrs. Byrd Harris and Mrs. Alice Dunn at the home of Mrs. Harris on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Division No. 2, Mrs. Vella Mae Smith leader, held its regular monthly divis ion meeting at the home of Mrs. Smith with Mrs. Smith and Misses Berta and Willie Meadow, hostesses. Twelve mem bers and two visitors present. A num ber of interesting plans were made for the year. With several new members promised. After the business enjoya ble refreshments were served. The November division meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Annie Jackson, with Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Ray mond Sharpton and Miss Helen Jack son hostesses, Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Division No. 4. Mrs. Mark Sims, lead er, met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Lay on Park avenue, with Mrs. Lay, Mrs. Herschel Smith hostesses. This divis ion had twelve members present and two visitors, and anew member and two subscriptions to the World Cali, one of the best missionary magazines ever published. After the business de- TELEPHONE NO. 44 Anniversary SALE FREE! $50.00 of Merchandise To 4 lucky numbers from SI.OO purchases & over in our store will be given out lucky numbers and Saturday at 4:00 P. M. you'll get the pri zes FREE! Don’t miss it. DRESS GINGHAMS Best quality Dress Ging hams, in all colors OUTING Outings in all colors & quality. 9c and up SUITING 36 inch Suiting, ' 7jc yard SERGE 56 inch all wool blue Serge 89c yard SWEATERS Sweaters of all kinds at your own price. UNDERWEAR Ladies, children Mens Underwear of all kinds at a low price. SPECIAL SALE on bed spreads and bed linen: Bed spreads . . . 98c up ■Red sheets .... 79c up Pillow cases . . . 24c up Mrs. 8. T. Ross is spending this week in Athens with relatives. • • • • Mrs. Otis Jackson is spending a few days in Atlanta this week. • • a [ Mrs. Paul Williams of Athens was a visitor in Winder last week. • • • Mrs. R. R. Rarber has returned from a short visit in Elberton. • • • Mr. Shannon Smith spent the past week-end in Atlanta. • • • Mrs. H. E. Edwards spent last Thurs day visiting in Athens. • • • Mr. G. T. McDonald was a visitor to the Atlanta fair one day last week. • • • Mr. Herschel Smith made a business trip to Florida last week. • _ / lightful refreshments The November Division meeting to be with Mrs. Mark Sims and Miss Utha Shields on November 28th. The offU'ers of the Missionary Soci ety and leaders of the divisions are anxious to make the record for this year as good as the one last year; their appointment was reached in every thing but World (’all subscriptions, and they hope to reach this by January. They have sixty-one enthusiastic mem bers. The regular monthly meeting at the church on Tuesday, November 14. ; 11 •' - ■ wwoMi im isi s I < gg| B icw ||.|* ■ | py pK . gUljL'i >M|K fij $• TjVjJTh H "sHHHs W It /4® * HI, " 1 *1 | 'jjUwr %;; mi & '.yi .MB " ... Pi faJSfo- &C Till WINDER NEWS COMPLIMENTARY TO MR. AND MRS. OTIS JACKSON. We clip the following notices from the Chester (S. C.) News in connec tion with the return of Mr. and Mrs. j Otis Jackson to this city after a res idence of some months in Great Falls, S. C. The young ladies of the Teachers" dormitory guve an old-fashioned party (Friday evening, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jackson who are return ing to their former home, Winder, Ga. The guests were requested to deposit their dignity before entering the re ception hall, and a number of games of “ye olden times" were thoroughly enjoyed. Readings by Misses Bull and Shealy, and piano and violin selections by Misses Sutherland and Shealy, were delightful features of the evening’s en tertainment. A salad course was ser ved during which, a unique toast was given the honorees by Miss Collier and Mr. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jackson left Sun day morning for their former home ut Winder, Ga. Mr. Jackson has for the past six or eight months been one of the clerical force at the Seaboard Air Line Company’s station, hut received orders a few days ago to report at his old post at Winder Monday, October 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have made many friends in Great Falls who re gret to see them leave. Little Miss Dorothy Barber of At lanta is visiting Miss Sarah Barber. • • • Mrs. Emmett Bond of Atlanta is vis iting her mother, Mrs. M. C. House. • • • Mrs. Joseph Broome has returned from a visit to her sister in Atlanta. The first few days of our anniversary sale were very successful and the people certain ly appreciated the big values of our merchan dise and we are getting in more new goods every day at prices that everybody will be able to get all they need at their own price. FOR SATURDAY, OCT. 28TH, ONLY 27 in SHEETING at 5C YD. 5 yards to acustomer MEN’S OVERALLS 95 CTS. boys caps 19 CTS. SHOES SHOES SHOES Ladies, Children’s and Men’s Shoes. We received a big shipment of shoes this week of all kinds at very low prices. Our entire stock is on sale, be sure not to miss your opportuity and get your supplies of Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods while every thing is at sale prices. H. SILVERSTEIN The Economy Store WINDER, GA. FOR , F f ?? CASH Ltbb Miss Jennie Smith spent a few days recently in Atlanta visiting friends and relatives. • • • Misses Thelma Barber and Caroline Aiken spent last Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta. • ft * Mr. R. O. Ross, of Atlanta, spent sev eral days last week in the city with home folks. • • • Mr. J. M. Brooksher, of Dahlonega, has been in Winder for :h3 past week visiting relatives. • • • Mrs. Herbert Dillard, of Winder, is tlie guest of Mrs. Paul Williams. — Athens Banner. • • • Miss Marguerite White spent the past week end in East Point with her parents. • • • Miss Helen McWhorter was the guest of Miss Evelyn Harris in Bethle hem last Sunday. • • • Mr. James C. Stanton sient Saturday night and Sunday the guest of his sis ter, Mrs. Maude Bondurant. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hulme Kinnebrew and Hulme, Jr., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange. • • • Mr. XV. F. Hubbard and family have moved into the residence on Candler street formerly occupied by Mr. John Summerour. • • • Mr. Raymond Del,ay was a week-end visitor in Winder the guest of his moth er, Mrs. OdesS DeLny. Raymond is making good at Tech. This is his second year at this institution. Subscription Price: $1.90 Par Tear. Miss Dot Rowland spent the past week end in Athens with her parents. • • • Mr. and Mrs. G.*K. Bagwell were In Winder Sunday.—Gwinnett Journal. • • • Mr. Edward T. Russell, of Washing ton City, who has been visiting Mr. W. J. Russell, left to-day for a visit t& Chief Justice Richard B. Russell in Winder.—Athens New.s • • ■ Mr. Walter L. Jackson was a visitor in the city the first of the week, com ing up with his family from Orlando, Fla., to be at the bedside of Mrs. Jack son’s father, Mrs. J. C. Phillips, who died at Monroe last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Patrick, of Winder, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr9. W. B. Patrick. The friends of Mr. W. R. Patrick will be glad to learn that he is convalescing from an illness of some four weeks.—Walton News. 1 • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpatrick of Atlanta spent the past week end here and were accompanied home by Mrs. H. A. Carithers and children who will spend this week there. Mrs. Kilpat rick will be hostess Friday afternoon rto a large party in honor of Mrs. Ca rithers. • * • | Mrs. G. C. Moseley, Mrs. George Fortson, Mrs. B. A. Juhan and Mrs. Carter Daniel, Misses I,eiln and Claude Coker and Nan Moseley, Jack Fortson, Ben Julian, Jr., Dorothy Daniel, formed a party going to Athens yesterday to attend the circus. FREE! $50.00 of Merchandise To 4 lucky numbers from SI.OO purchases & over in our store will be given out lucky numbers and Saturday at 4:00 P. M. you’ll get the pri zes FREE! Don’t miss it. Ladies Suits, Dresses, Coats and Skirts. Ladies Suits. $9.25 Up. Ladies & misses dresses in all styles $4.95 up. SKIRTS Skirts made of all wool serge and other material latest styles 50c up Men’s and Boys Suits. Men’s and young men’s Suits in all colors and in all styles $9.95 up Pants and odd coats Mens all wool blue serge coats and all kinds of pants at your own price. Sale will last till every thing in the house is sold regardless of price. Anniversary SALE