The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 26, 1922, Image 8

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TIIUBSDAY, OCTOBER 36. 1922. THE • OLD DOMINION * Men’s & Boys’ Caps Just received 11 complete assort ment of the newest styles and latest patterns in Men’s and Boys' Caps. POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL. The host Shoes for everybody at the lowest postdble price. A full and complete Stock on hand always. Williams Shoe Store Service and Satisfaction WINDER - GEORGIA High grade auto tubes; 30x3 for $1.50, 80x3% for $1.75. at Smith Hardware Cos. Good Dodge touring car bargain at Smith Hardware Cos. 30x3 LEE TUBES $1.50. 30x3% LEE TUBES $1.75 and $2.00 THOMAS & OLIVER tf Exide Batteries have no superior. We rent them, reneharge them, repair them, sell them. Trade them.— Smith Hardware Cos. For seed oats see Smith Hardware Company. WANTED I will pay you the highest price for your remnant seed cotton. See me at my office, or Will Fuller at Camp Ware house. W. G. GRAHAM. 4t We still have a good stock of gnl_ vanixed rooting.—Smith Hardware Cos. 30x3 PLYMOUTH TIRES $7.00 THOMAS & OLIVER tf Glass howls for#bulbs 25c at Smith Hardware Cos. COAL IS HIGH. Buy a heater, and have a warmer room and same the dif ference. Our line will more than please you.—Smith Hardware Cos. BLUE STONE 15c per pound at Smith Hardware Cos. \ Winchester Shells are superior, once used you will use thorn altogether. The Mack powder special load only 75c per box at Smith Hardware Cos. First quality guaranteed 30x3Vj au tomobile casing $8.50 at Smith Hdw. t --- __ Nice decorated plates, 90e per set up at Smith Hardware Cos. FOR SALE—Nice lot of Fulghum and Appier Seed Oats. Price SI.OO per bushel.—J. P. ELEY, Route 5. 2tpd For a bargain in suburban property see A. G. Lamar or X. D. Meadow. Stpd WHEAT FOR SALE $1.50 per bushel. A. I*. GUFFIN. 1 There's a reason why Smith Hard ware} Cos. are selling so many automo bile and tubes. Quality and price,—Smith Hardware Cos. * . 1 Scholarship in Athens Rusiness col lege for sale cheap. finder News. —— —i - Paints for every purpose, sold be Smith Hardware Cos. WANTED I will pay you the highest price for your remnant seed cotton. See me nt my office, or Will Fuller at Camp Ware house. W. G. GRAHAM. 4t X’IGS FOR SALK.—See Homer Hill. Ht Smith Hardware Cos, 4t pdSO - WANTED I will pay you the highest price for your remnant seed cotton. See me at my office, or Will Fuller at Camp Ware house. W. 0. GRAHAM. 41 A ‘thousand times a year is how much you use your stove. Why wor ry your lffe out with a sorry one? We are selling stoves and ranges less than today’s market price. We have them from $12.00 up.—Smith Ildw. Cos. I*- - ■ Foot Balls SI.OO up, at Smith Hard ware Company. SOCIAL NEWS THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR. MONDAY, OCT. 23. W. C. T. U. let at Methodist church. TUESDAY, OCT. 24. Indies Aid Society of the Bap tist church met at the church with Mesdames fash, Jackson, and Williams as hostesses. Mrs. Guy! Kilgore entertain ed at a spend-the day party. • THURSDAY, OCT. 20 Mrs. W. J. Russell am' Mrs. C. B. Mott entertained at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Russell. Mrs. C. G. Land Is entertain ing the Junior Priscilla Sewing elub. FRIDAY, OUT. 27. Mrs. E. It. Harris will be hos tess at a party. MRS. MILLIKIN ENTERTAINS. "Xlovely party of the past week was the one at which Mrs. H. E. Millikin entertained the Young Matrons Fed iprated Club at the home of Mrs. J. L. Jackson on Church street. The hall and spacious living room were thrown together for the enter tainment of the guests and the decora tions were in orange and black, con sisting of witches, black eats, pump kins and everything suggestive of the ■Hallowe'en sen son. The idea was also carried out in the attractive score cards and shades for the lights. Following the games | wlhieh were much enjoyable, an appetiing salad course with hot tea, was served at the individual card tables.. On the plates were Hallowe’en favors contain ing n fortune for each guest, which were all enjoyed as each read her for tume aloud. The hostess was assisted in receiv ing by Mrs. J. 1,. Jackson. The guests on this occasion were Mrs. W. A. Bradley, Mrs. C. S. Wil liams. Mrs. Alice Dunn, Mrs. .1. C. 'Pratt, Mrs. G. A. Johns, Mrs. Parks Stewart, Mrs. W. O. Perry, Mrs. Clyde Williamson. Mrs. Robt. Smith, Mrs. C. It. Almond, Mrs. Byrd Harris. MRS. THOMPSON ENTERTAINS. YOUNG MATRONS CLUB AT LOVELY PARTY. Quite a lovely event last week was the party on Friday afternoon at which Mrs. I). F. Thompson was the dimming hostess at her attractive home on Broad street. The home was quite lovely on this occasion, quanti ties of cosmos being used in an artis tic way, ferns were also placed at in tervals throughout the rooms. Fol lowing several spirited games of bridge and 500 delicious refreshments were served. TRirty guests including the members of the Young Matrons club and a few friends enjoyed Mrs. Thompson’s hospitality on this occa sion. Messrs. Fritz and Cupid Potts were in Atlanta last week on business. • • • Mrs. Doss Wilhite and children of Jefferson visited her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shields here last week. • • • \ Mr. Aubrey Baugh Ims accepted a position with Herrin’s Drug store 'where he will be glad to greet his many friends. • * • \ Mr. R. K. Jordon, of Royston, Ga., has accepted a position with the Win der Drug Company. We are glad to welcome him to our city. W. C. JETT THE BEST IN GROCERIES & MEATS. Steak, per pound ... ... . ...... • ..a.i.,.. 15c Roast, per pound • 10c and 15c Sausage, per pound 15c, 2 for 25c Stew Meat t . 5c to 8c Weiners, per lb., . . 20c, 2 for 36c Pork Ham, per lb. 30c Pork Chops, per lb ........ 25c Pork Roast, per lb 25c Cured Ham, per lb 40c Breakfast. Bacon, per lb 40c Breakfast Bacon, 1 lb. boxes 45c Cheese, per pound 35c White Fish, 10c per lb. or 3 lbs. for. . . 25c Fresh Fish Friday and Saturday W. C. JETT Phone 55 Phone 55 Mrs. Faust, of Crawford, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. N. Nowell. • ft • FOR RENT —Completely or parly furnished downstairs apartments, 3 or 4 rooms. Phone 101. • • • Misses Annie and Ermine Thomas motored to Athens Sunday afternoon to see their brother, Mr. H. 11. Thomas, who is ill in an Athens Hospital. ft • • Miss Annie Thomas returned home Sunday from the VV. C. T. U. conven tion at Douglasville. While there she was the guest of Mrs. S. J. Selinan. • • • Mr. W. A. Brooks, who has located in Aberdeen, Miss., for some time, blew into Winder Wednesday as fresh as a new blown flower. Bill says things are going some out west. * • * Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp and family were called to Grayson yesterday on account of the death of Mrs. Camp’s niece, Mrs. George Webb. Mrs. Webb will he remembered here as Miss Cora Tribble. * • • BETHEL Mrs. T. W. Partee was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Adams Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Starnes, of Car te’’ Hill sprint Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Starnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ridgeway, of Winder, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway. Messrs. J. E. Adams and Ira Adams made a business trip to Daeula one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Partin and little daughter, Mary Leen, and Miss Ara Partee spent a few days this week down in Wintervllle visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. V. 11. Bolton and Mrs. J. W.' Adams and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Adams of Old Field Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shore had as their guests awhile Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee. Several from here attended the sing ing at Bethlehem Sunday. The Convention of Christian Churches The Northeast Georgia Co-operation meeting of the Christian church is in session this week with the Carter Hill church near Winder. A large attendance of delegates have been present and aide preachers and speakers. About 40 churches are included in this convention which closes this after noon. A further report will he given next week. PLANT ONION SETS NOW. White, Red, Yellow at Smith Hard ware Cos. DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND the Big Dollar Aluminum sale at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning at Smith Hardware Company. TO THE PEOPLE OF WINDER ) On account of business obligations it will be impossible for me to see every voter before election day next Wednes day. And I want to take this method 'of saying to all that I will appreciate their vote and support, and assure you, if elected that I will put forth my best efforts for the interest of the city hnd its people. JOHN CARRINGTON, JR. THK WINDBR NWWfI Special Values In SHOES Lot No. 1 consists of Women’s Shoes and Oxfords, sizes 2 i to 4, values up to $4.00. Special price $1.25 Lot No. 2 consists of Women’s Shoes and Oxfords, sizes 2 to 4i; all leather, values up to $5.00. Special price $1.50 None taken back or exchanged. Sales final. Kilgore-Kelly Cos. ‘‘Fitters of Feet.” STRANGE’S \ Money-Raising SALE Still Continues • It is very gratifying to us the way the people have responded to our call. When our friends hear, and we tell them come, they always act. Why? They know that our merchandise is right. They know they have had fair and courteous treatment for 30 years. Again we say, you will find plenty salt at the Lick Log. We say come, the values are here marked still lower. Every department shows new faces. MILLINERY : READY-TO-WEAR : CLOTHING DRYGOODS : SHOES : Remember our stock is absolutely new; no old styles or shelf-worn. Friends, spend your dollars where they count for something. J T. Strange Cos. * Department Store Winder, Georgia Pmt: SUM Par Yaar.