The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 09, 1922, Image 5

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THURSDAYS* SbTBVftER MSB* Social and Personal News PACE-DOSTER. Mr, George Foster and Miss Roxie Page were happily married last Sun day afternoon at the home of Rev. J. J. Shedd in Winder. The many friends of these young people wish them unbounded happiness and pros perity in life. DAVIS—PARTAIN. Miss Maudie Davis of near Winder and Mr. Clarence Partain of Campton. were married Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’elock, which most surprising to many of their friends. The ceremony was per formed at the home of Mr. Rich Haynie. Among those present were Mrs. C. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Batey, Mrs. Earl Morgan, Mr. Jess Morgan, nnd son, Miss Lillie Mae Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Gary, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gary, A. W. Gary, Mrs. S. ■€. Hamilton. Omer McDonald and chil dren of Winder. Their many friends wish* them both a long and happy life. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. A beautiful and delightful miscella ' neous shower was given by Miss Nolle McCants Saturday afternoon for Miss ■Susie Sikes, a charming bride-elect of this month. Miss McCants was as sisted by Miss Marie Herrin and Miss Ruth Sikes. Those present were: Misses Marie and Mabel Herrin. Jo sephine House, Ida and Alline Kilgore, Icie Smith, Flossie Henson, Mrs. Col liljs, Dru Willie Belle and Ruth Sykes. HALLOWE’EN PARTY AT STATHAM. A beautiful Hallowe’en party, was given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grant to Loyal Workers, the Sunday school class of which Mr. Grant is president. The quests were met at the door by a goblin who invited them to drink of the Fountain of Youth, and never grow old. This proved to be a fountain of delicious punch. Upon entering each guest was given a card with the class motto. The house was transformed into a weird scene with pumpkin lanterns, black witahes riding brooms, cats and unique figures of bats. At intervals were grouped autumn leaves and corn stalks. In the dining room l>obbing from the chandelier and side lights fell a shower of black and yellow streamers. The ta ble had as an effective center piece, suggestive of the harvest season, a large cut glass bowl heaped with fruit. The Hallowe’e'n idea was further car ried out in the delicious salad course Served. Gnawing apples from strings and oth er Hallowe’en games were played. An interesting contest was given, Mr. Tike Hutchins winning the prize. As the guests departed they were asked to pay the fortune teller a call after searching for her whereabouts they found a miniature hut covered with profusion of beautiful colored au tumn leaves from which peeped tiny Jack-odantems. The wise fortune tel ler sent each guest away light-hearted •and merry, declaring Mrs. Grant a wonderful hostess and Mr. Grant a good president, worthy of their endeav or to make their class still larger and better. BUSINESS MEETING. The regular business meeting of the Young Matrons Federated Club was held last Thursday at the home of Mr#. W. O. Perry. After the preliminary business was disposed of a number of important mat ters were discussed, one of which was the coming to Winder on November 20 and 21 of the Health Mobile which has been arranged by the club for free ex amination of any children under six years of age. This opportunity will he a great benefit and help to the com munity. Further information regarding the Health Mobile will be found else where in this issue of the News. Following this discussion reports were given from the state convention at Athens. Copies of the “Convention Special" published during the conven tion and composed entirely of club af fairs, were shown and much enjoyed. The Young Matrons Federated club had quite a creditable write-up in this club paper. At the conclusion of the business hour delightful refreshments were served. The next social meeting of the club will bo with Mrs. Willis Perry following two weeks later by a business meeting with Mrs. W. A. Bradley. . If your old tires are badly worn.” *hrow them away. Bring them to THE TIRE SERVICE STATION. t ..If your old tires are badly worn," don't throw them away. Bring them to THE TIRE SERVICE BT4XJQN**, BY MRS. J. B. PARIIAM, SALE NOTICE GEORGIA —Barrow County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale, contained In a certain security deed, executed and delivered by J. L. Hendrix and P. W. Hendrix to Guy H. Brightwell, said deed dated April 27, 1921, and recorded in the Clerk's of fice of the Superior Court of said coun ty, in record of deeds, Book “D”, page 219, the said Guy R. Brightwell will sell at public outcry on the first Tues day in December next, before the court house door In said county, to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: “All that certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Barrow county, Georgia, near the town of Statham and being more particular ly described as follows: Beginning at a point on a road at the intersection of an old road the said point being the Southeast corner of tract number four of the R. L. Ray farm and running along the said road S 49% W 1239 ft., thence leaving the road and running along 42% W 972 feet to the line of Akins: thence along the line of Akins N 51% E 391 feet; thence N 52% E 1096 feet to an old road; thence along the said old road S 26% E 910 feet to the point of beginning and being tracts number one, two, three and four (1. 2, 3, and 41 of the R. L. Ray farm, con taining TWENTY-NINE and THREE TENTHS (29.3) ACRES, more or less, as per plat made by S. P. Johnson in September 1920, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Barrow county, Georgia, in Book One, page 53. The above described property being part of the land convey ed bv deed from ,T. C. Daniel to R. L. Ray, dated January 3rd, 1920, and re corded in the office of the Clerk of Su perior Court of Barrow county, Geor gia, in Book “D” folio 28. And is the same tract of land conveyed to J. L. Hendrix and P. W. Hendrix, by deed of It. L. Ray, dated December Oth, 1920 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Harrow coun ty, Georgia, in deed Book “E”, page 15. This property will be sold for the purpose of satisfying two certain prom issory notes for the aggregate princi pal sum of ONE THOUSAND (SIOOO > DALLARS, each note being for the principal sum of FIVE HUNDRED ($500) DALLARS, given by J. L. Hen drix and P. W. Hendrix to Guy R. Brightwell, said notes dated April 27, 1921, and due eighteen (18) months and thirty (30) months after date re spectively, said notes bearing interest, from date at the rate of eight per cent per annum, interest payable semi annually and the interest being evi denced by interest coupon notes at tached to tilie principal notes, said notes however, containing a provision in case of thirty days default in the payment of any installment of interest when due, or principal note when due, said notes may be matured, and default in the payment of principal and inter est having existed for more than thirty days, said Guy R. Brightwell has ex ercised his option and declared said notes due and collectible. This sate will be made for the pur pose of paying said notes, principal and interest, and costs of this sale. The balance, if any. will be paid to J. L. Hendrix and P. W. Hendrix or their legal representatives. This 71 h day of November, 1922. GUY R. BRIGHTWELL. Deupree Hunnicutt, Atty. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der. in favor of the City of Winder, against G. J. Allen for taxes due the City of Winder by said G. J. Allen for the years 1921 the following described property towit: i One house and lot, fronting Alexan der street eighty-eight feet, and facing Oak street 111 feet, being the house where he now resides. Said property levied on ns the prop erty of said G. .T. Allen and in the pos session of G. ,T. Allen. This November Bth. 1922. e. o. Mcelroy, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. ..If your old tires are badly worn." don’t throw them away. Bring them to THE TIRE SERVICE STATION. Good Health. If you would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when consti pated. When needed, take Chamber lain's Tablets. They are mild and gen- Advt. t V. U WMbJaMMM— TELEPHONE NO. 44 SALE NOTICE 'GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours itrf sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against J. L. Whitley, for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. L. Whit ley, for the year 1921, the following de scribed property to-wit: One house and lot, facing Bush Avenue 100 feet, and bounded as 'follows: On west by R. D. Moore, bounded on the easth by an alley, bounded on north by Bush Ave., and on south by May street. Said proptrey levied upon as the property of said J. L. Whitley and in the possession of said J. L. Whitley. This November Bth, 1922. E. O. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. J£- /^/ . SPECIALS Afy Friday and Saturday n^V\ //s>/ S SPECIALS SPECIALS X'V Cq / For Friday, Nov. 10th. For Saturday, Nov 11, / Only Only / BIG LOT OF DRESS LADIES OUTING ■ GINGHAMS GOWNS 9c >"• 79c Men’s and Young Men’s WORK SHIRTS HATS 75c UP 39c Anniversary SALE Men’s Gloves ...... 19c Men’s Union Suits 98c Men’s Scouts Shoes 1.95 Everything At Your Own Price Linen Table Damask at yard 59c Long Cloth, good quali ty 15c yd. 36 inch best grade In dian Head 29c Cotton and Wool Flan nel 15c yd up New shipment of Mens and boys Caps .. 25c up The ECONOMY STORE Winder, Georgia For Cash For Less ‘tub windbr news SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against A. S. Hardy, issued by the iClerk of the City of Winder, for taxes <lue by said A. S. Hardy to the City of Winder for the your 1921, the follow ing property to wit: , - One house and three acres of land 1 more or less, now occupied by J. W. (Carrington, Sr., bounded on the North by Athens street* on east, south and (west by lands of Judge R. B. Russell. Said property levied upon in the (possession of said J. W. Carrington, j Sr., and as the property of A. S. Har dy. ’ This November Btli, 1922. E. (>. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. The D. A. It. Chapter will sell pop pies tomorrow. Scholarship in Athens Business cel- 1 lege for sale cheap. Winder News. At the request of the public we are going to have the FREE PRIZES once more, on Saturday, Nov. 11th, and we’ll give better service to our customers, as we have arranged for more help for the big crowd and our service will be better than before. Don’t miss it. Shoes! Shoes! For Everybody at Your OWN PRICE H. Silverstein Will Buy GOOD SECOND:HAND FORD, BUICK, DODGE and STUDEBAKER AUTOMO BILES. WILL PAY CASH. . Flanigan & Flanigan, or H. A. Carithers Subscription Price: $1.51) Per Year. Ladies Union Suits 98c , Best quality Sateen, in all colors 19c Ladies Hose, in all col ors 9c up. Ready-to-Wear Ladies, Childrens and Misses Ready-to-wear, at LOW PRICES. SWEATERS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES