The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 09, 1922, Image 9

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• ■' • '"mm*** Say, folks! Be friendly, come to see fis. Wt fire making lots of people hnp- C" 'i p.v with our wonderful bargains. Why jmt you ? THE PARKER FURNITURE CO. VOL. XXIX. DISTRICT CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. Young people from every part of Northeast Georgia are eagerly awaiting the dates of November 18th and 19th when Winder will open the doors of welcome to the District Christian En deavor Convention which is the first of its kind held in this part of Geor gia in the past two years. It is point ed with pride that the Christian peo ple’ of Winder have banded together for the success and glory of this gath ering and surely every person in this town will support this great work, will mean better and more effi cient (workers for the church as a re sult srom having had the opportunity of hearing some of the messages that will be delivered during the two days this gathering is in session. Captain Slaymaker, president of the district union, will he at his best dur ing the convention and all young peo ple will look forward to having the op portunity of meeting the president face to face. Miss Nancy Lowe Morton, Junior Superintendent for this district, will sta^/a demonstration in “The Church that did have a C. E. and the one that didn’t.” This wonderful little play nas met with a marvelous success in al most every section of Dixie and now the opportunity presents itself to stage this demonstration in Winder on Sun day afternoon at 8 o’clock. The Sunrise prayermeeting which is to tie held in the Presbyterian church Sunday Corning at 7 :30 o’clock is go ing to be one of the outstanding feat ures of the meeting. It is fine to see the young people as they gather for this inspinf&onal morning meeting, when mind is fresh for a close communion with God. It is a meeting that always hrlhgs results. With the Southeastern Christian College students to lead this meeting, the morning is certainly going to be worth while. The banquet will be held in the base ment of the Christian church and plates will be sold for 50 cents. Rev. Green well. of Atlanta, will give a talk after the banquet on a subject “Choosing our Life's Work.” It is hoped that fully .100 will hear him as they are seated at the banquet table. SATISFACTION IN RIDING ON KELLY’S and it costs no more; prices advanced Oct. 2, but we have not advanced our price yet. * Note These Prices and Buy To-day. Size Fabric Cord 30x3 9.03 $14.21 30 x 34 .... •. 10.43 19.40 32 x 34 .... . ... ... . ... . ... . .... 14.70 19.40 31 x4 _ ...... ..... ..... 16.80 23.86 32 x 4 .......... 19.85 24.56 33x4 ... .x.*...... 19.95 25.43 34 X 4 20.83 26.21 * Larger sizes in proportion. 'Drive your car in : we put the tires on. SMITH HARDWARE CO. Mht WJit#£t JV cm and THE BARROW TIMES It Pays to Advertise. One of Winder's progressive manu facturing concerns has worked out a new plan of advertising and is now selling goods hi every state in the un ion, and one order has been received from Fairbanks, Alaska. This particular line of goods is giv ing the buyers excellent satisfaction and repeat orders are coming almost every day. This concern has increased its ca pacity several times this year and is now taking on more help. NOTICE All parties are forbidden to hunt or trespass on our lands. —J. V. Harris, Mrs. J. M. Kilgore. It pd Mutilation of a Coin. There is uo penalty attached to the futllatlon of a coin, but a penalty Is tttached to restoring to circulation a >otn which has been fraudulently re lueed In weight. NOTICE IS A regular communica tion of Winder lodge, will be held in Ma f NXI/\ sonic Hall Friday ev ening, November 10th. All qualified brethren are urged to lie present. W. M. CHASTAIN, W. M. C. C. ESKRIDGE, Sec. One of the interesting features of the preparation of the convention is the splendid fellowship shown by every church in Winder. The young people of all denominations will register for this meeting with Mrs. S. X. Hill and receive a badge for everyone will want, to wear a “C. E.” those two days. The badge is very attractive and can be se | cured for the small sum of 25 cents. The business men of Winder will want to help this cause and will wear a badge for the time. Delegates will be entertained in the homes of the Winder people and this will be an inducement to get the young people to attend since AVinder s hospitality is so widely known. XXX Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, November 9, 1922. SALE NOTICE, GEORGIA —Barrow County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in the loan deed executed by M. J. Kennedy to Mrs. Cammie Sum mon on the 30th day of December, 1918, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Barrow coun ty. Georgia in book C, page 286 on the 31st day of December, 1918, the under signed will sell, ns the property of M J. Kennedy at public sale before the court house door in said county in the City of Winder, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in De cember, 1922, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the county of Barrow state of George, containing sixty-three and seventy-four hundredths acres, more or less, and being designated as tract A of the division of the lands of ,J. H. Hutchins, deceased, made by T. Ramsden. surveyor on July 30, 1918, a plat of which is recorded in plat book 1 page 32 Clerk's office Barrow county, Georgijt, reference to which is hereby made for a full and complete descrip tion of said property. Said tract is bounded on tiie north by lands of Wiley Pierce and Bartow Edwards; on the east by lands of John Segars and tract R of said division; on the south by Carl and Monroe Public Road and on tiie west by lands of Will Pierce, Jim Eaton and Wiley Pierce. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed by reason of the non-pay ment of four certain promissory notes evidencing same, held and owned by Making One Dollar Talk Like Two at J. T. Strange Company’s Nov. 13th to 18th Clothing Week For Men and Young Men. / V V / You earn One Dollar a Minute iij 1 i while trading here. || ® Every Suit especially priced | & \ from the small 32 to the large I Fancy and plain patterns in the | rJBp newest things in CLOI HING || t $13.75,14.98 i’UjjP $23.50 ■rsgftlf"*. £ * We say we are selling the greatest values ever sold—make us prove it. Don’t kid yourself all your life; get what you pay for. J. T. Strange Co s. “The House That Made Its Way by the Way It Was Made.” $25 Reward Suit Case IjOST—Tan Suit Care, containing ladies coat suit, with fur collar, man’s black suit, and other clothing. Finder please return to The Winder News anil get $25.00 reward. the undersigned, said notes being for the sum of $500.00 each dated Dec. 30, 1918, and due Dec. 30, 1922; Dec. 30, 1923; Dec. 30, 1924 and Dec. 30, 1925. witli interest from their date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, pay able annually, and said notes provide that upon failure to pay either of said notes as stipulated, or to pay interest annually thereon, then the whole of said series, at the option of the hol der, becomes due and payable from the date of such default, time being of the essence of the contract. On Dee. 29, 1919 interest of $40.00 was paid on each of said notes but no interest lias been paid since, and the owner and holder of said notes has declared all due under the contract. Each of said notes are signed by M. J. Kennedy and payable to Mrs. Cammie Sammon. Said property will be sold to pay said indebtedness together with all ex penses of this proceeding as provided in said deed and tiie overplus, if any, will he turned over to the said M. J. Kennedy. A deed will be executed to the pur chaser by the undersigned as author ized in said deed. This November 7, 1922. Mrs. Cammie Sammon. Milk and Cream The Winder Pure Milk Dairy has cows fresh in milk and can supply your needs for the winter; cow feed that produces the best milk is higher now than in the past year and is going higher every day. The prices we quote now are good for the next three months. Call us now and get the benefit of these prices on SWEET MILK and SWEET CREAM. We guarantee satisfaction. Winder Pure Milk Dairy Phone 247 J. W. Saunders The greatest bargains fo he had in Aluminum ware, Stoves, Rugs and lots of other things for sule at THE PARKER FURNITURE CO. No. 29