The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 23, 1922, Image 10

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1922. Social and Personal News FAREWELL PARTY FOR MRS. MOTT. Mrs. W. J. Russell entertained at a beautiful bridge party last Wednesday afternoon, which was In the nature of a. farewell party with Mrs. C. B. Mott as honoree, who leaves soon with her family to make their home in Atlanta. The living room where tables were ar ranged for games was quite pretty with its artistic decorations of yellow chry santhemums. At the conclusion of the games a lovely salad course was nerved. Top score was made by Mrs. R. L. Rog ers and slu* was given u Maderia hand kerchief, the honoree was presented with n pie-knife. The guests included Mesdames Mott, Rogers, P. A. Flanigan, H. A. Carithers, \V. H. Quartermam, L. S. Radford, H. T. Flanigan, Edwards and Sutton of Atlanta. MRS. W. 0. PERRY ENTERTAINS. Mrs. W. 0. Perry was hostess at a lovely party at her residence Thursday honoring the members of the Young Matrons Federate?! Club. The house was attractively decorated with ferns and other growing plants, while in the living room where the. games were played, were seen vases of lovely white and yellow chrysan themums. .. The hostess was becomingly gowned in black canton crepe withAnnd trim mings. After the games a hot luncheon with coffee was enjoyed. Assisting ip receiving and entertain ing the guests were Mrs. A. O. Lamar, the mother of the hostess, and Mrs. R. J. Smith. Those enjoying the hospitality of this lovely home on this occasion were Mrs. Alice Dunn, Mrs. C. S. Williams, Mrs. J. ('. Pratt, Mrs. C. O. Maddox, Mrs. Byrd Harris, Mrs. Harry Millikin, Mrs. It. A. Julian, Mrs. Oleff Jackson, Mrs. Clyde Williamson, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. H. T. Flanigan, Mrs. 0. A. Johns, Mrs. Parks Stewart, Mrs. C. It. Almond, Mrs. XV. A. Bradley, Mrs. Mac Potts. MRS. FLANIGAN HOSTESS AT RECEPTION. A large and brilliant social affair was t£e reception last Friday after noon at which Mrs. P. A. Flanigan was the charming hostess, in honor of her attractive guest, Mrs. J. T. de Lessa line of Atlanta. The entire lower floor of this lovely home, which is beautifully adapted for guests was thrown together and was quite artistically decorated with quan tities of yellow chrysanthemums, the color scheme was yellow and white and was carried out in every detail in a most pleasing way. The guests were met at the door by Mrs. VV. M. Holsenbeck, then Mrs. A. I>. Met’urry ushered tlfem in to meet the hostess and honor-guest. Punch was served from a table w hich was un usually pretty with its decorations of yellow chrysanthemums and ivy, and presided over by Mrs. Carter Daniel and Mrs. Parks Stewart. The dining room was quite attractive with baskets tilled with gorgeous yellow chrysanthe mums placed on-buffet and cabinets, the center of the dining-table was grac ed with a large French basket tilled with the same lovely flowers, crystal caj'idleriticks folding burning tapers, alternating with comports holding mints were also on the tabic. Mrs. J. t l . Strange and Mrs. W. H. Quartermnn cut the cream and others assisting were Mrs. llulme Klnnobrew of Athens; Mrs. Y J. Wilson, Mrs. D. F. Thompson. Mrs. W. J. Burch and Mrs. W. (1. El der. A delightful musical program was rendered by Mrs. C. G. Land, Mrs. A. I). McCurry and Miss Ora Lee Camp. Those assisting in receiving and en tertaining in the music room were Mrs. 11. A. Carithers, Mrs. E. tt. Harris and Mrs. W. L. DeLaPerrlere. About one h undred and fifty guests called during the afternoon. Misses Sara Jo Roberts and Gladys Envoi moil of this city, took part in the manless wedding staged at LaGrnnge college Monday night, Nov. 15. This Entertainment was given hy the student body for the purpose of raising money for the 1022-1923 annual. A more elaborate moque wedding is rarely Been. Approximately a hun dred girls took part in it. Asa rule, the groom is a very insignificant party at a wedding, hut contrary to the gen eral rule. Miss Sara Joe Roberts as groom was very noticeable and played her part to perfection. Miss Gladys Eavenson made a very Charming bridesmaid. Oliver, Syracuse and Vulcan Plow repairs. AVoodruff Ildw. Cos. Complete line of cast heaters—AVood ruff Hardware Cos. _ • BY MRS. J. It. PARHAM, BEAUTIFUL RECEPTION HONORING MRS. COLLINS, The circles of the Methodist church gave a beautiful reception Tuesday af ternoon at the elegant home of Mrs. A. A. ('amp in honor of Mrs. L. W. Col lins who left Wednesday for her new home in Elberton. This lovely home always attractive, was made unusually so on this occa sion with its artistic decorations of gorgeous chrysanthemums and brightly tint<sl autumn leaves used throughout the lower floor which was thrown on suite. Shaded lights and silver can dle sticks holding pink burning tapers were placed at intervals casting a soft glow over the entire scene. Mrs. T. B. Strange received the guests on the porch, showing them to the sun parlor where Mrs. Maude Bon : durant and Mrs. George Forfson greet ed the guests, punch was served there by Misses Montine Robinson, Gertrude Rogers and Marie Herrin. Then they were shown to the living room where they registered in the guest book, which was in charge of Miss Helen Cargill and Miss Anna Odum, the receiving line was in this room and was composed of Mrs. A. A. Camp, Mrs. L. W. Collins, Mrs. J. T. Strange, Mrs. T. A. Maynard and Mrs. L. H. Radford. Tea and sandwiches were served in J the dining-room which was quite pret ty; the table had as its central decora tion a handsome silver vase of chry- I santhemums. Those serving were Mesdames E. A. Starr, A. Y. Eavenson, W. B. McCants, Paul Roberts, Hosea Williams, Addington, H. A. Carithers, George Garner, J. M. Aiken and Oscar Summerour nnd Miss Annie Thomas. I Others assisting in receiving and en tertaining were Mesdames W. I>. DeLa- Perriere, Jim Rnrson, G. C. Moseley, and Parks Stewart. A most enjoyable musical program was rendered by Mesdames A. I>. Mc- Ourry, C. G. Land, G. C. Moseley. C. M. Ferguson, W. L. DeLaPerriere and Miss I Ora Lee Camp and Miss Evelyn Rad ford and Miss Willie Mae Eavenson. A large number of guests called. The ! guest list included the members of the Methodist circles, the members of the missionary and aid societies of the Bap tist, Christian and Presbyterian church es. i Mrs. S. E. Guest of Winder spent las Monday in the city.—Athens Banner. • • • Mr. Fred Williams, of Lawreneeville, was in the city on business Wednesday. • • * Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Ross were visitors to Athens Sunday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Collins, of Au burn. spent Monday in the city.—Athens Banner. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pentecost of Win der were among the visitors here last Monday.—Athens Banner. * • • Mrs. M. J. Perry of Winder is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Perry.— Gwinnett Journal. • • • The Philathea class of the M. E. church will hold their annual bazaar at the City Pharmacy, December 6-7. • • • Mr. tV. C. Reynolds of near Statliam was in town Saturday on business, and while here he made it convenient to eall at the News office.—lloschton News. • • • Little Louise Stone spent the week end with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans, of Barrow county. — Iloschton News. • • • Misses Elizabeth Bondurant and Al ice Rowland are in Winder for tin* Week-end the guests of Mrs. Frank Bondurant. —Athens Banner. • • • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Williams hnd us their week-end guest Misses Essie Lee and Helen Williams, of Winder. — latwrenceville News-Herald. • • • Mr. W. A. Brooks weiV to Atlanta Sunday to meet Mrs. Brooks who had been with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Eberhart, of Montgomery, Ala., for six weeks. • * * Mrs. Will Camp and Harry Camp, of I Campton, Mrs. H. G. Hill and Mrs. Minnie Daniel of Winder attended the funeral of Mrs. Martha Whitworth here Saturday.—Gwinnett Journal. • • • Mrs. Hulme Kiufeiebrew and Mrs. Paul Williams have returned from a visit to Winder. Mrs. Kiunebrew was iaccompanied home by Mrs. Carter Dan iel who came over for the Georgia- Vanderbilt game.— Athens Banner. • • • Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Perry had as their dinner guests Sunday Rev. and Mrs. i H. H. Jones, little Misses Jessie Monroe and Elizabeth Jones, Mrs, Jessie Dun bar and Mrs. M. J. Perry of Winder.— Gwinnett Journal. TELEPHONE NO. 44 Airs. N. J. Garner is visiting relatives 'in Gainesville this week. • • • Mr. Parks Stewart spent the week in Winder with Mrs. Stewart. • • • Mrs. H. C. Williams and Miss Annie Thomas spent Friday in Athens. • • Mrs. It. J. Pentecost of Winder is vis iting relatives in the city.—Athens Ban ner. • • • Misses Mary Lester and Mable Bruce were the week end guests of Miss Eliz abeth Harwell. • • • Mrs. It. B. Davis, of Winder, spent Monday in the city,—Lawrenceville News-Herald. * * * \ Misses Lila Harris and Essie Brewer of Bogart were guests of Mrs. Woody Wallace Sunday. • * • Mr. W. C. Harwell spent last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harwell. • • • Mrs. Guy Kilgore and Mrs. W. N. Bailey spent the first of the week in Atlanta. • • * Mrs. Joe Elder of Watkinsville is spending this week with Mrs. E. L. Shelnutt. • • • Miss Annie Love Thornton of Athens was the week end guest of Misses Au nie and Ermine Thomas. * 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Land, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). McCurry motored to I)ah lonega last Sunday. 9 9* Mr. Robert ('amp of Atlanta spent last Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs A. A. Camp. m • • Mrs. Claud Patat and children of At lanta spent a few days in Winder this week. Miss Mabel Herrin left tlfis week for Kirks Grove, Ala., near Cave Springs, where she has accepted a place to teach * * • Miss Drue Willie Bell, of Bethle hem, was a recent visitor of Mrs. W. P. Bell. —Walton Tribune. • • * Mrs. .T. W. Carrington. Jr., and little daughter, Annie'Lou, left Tuesday to visit relatives in Jeerson. ♦ * * Miss Thelma Elliott has returned to her home* in Athens after a few days stay with Miss Marie Herrin. • • • The Expression class will give a re cital at the school auditorium Friday evening. Prices 5 and 10 cents. • • Mesdames J. M. Williams, J. C. Pratt and Ethridge were recent visitors to the city.—Lawreneeville News-Herald. , • • • Miss Elise Starr spent the past week end at Wesleyan College at Macon from there she went to Dublin to visit a school mate. * n + Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Flanigan had as their guests last Sunday Mr. Cone of Commerce, Mr. O’Daniel of N. C\, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. doLessaline of Atlanta. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hulme Kiunebrew and little son of Athens spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange. • • • Mrs. Parks Stewart and Mrs. H. N. Rainey went to Athens last Sunday to see Miss Louise Rainey who is at Lucy Cobb college. . • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, Mrs.. G. C. Moseley, Mrs. T. B. Strange and Mrs. Henry Pledger motored to Athens Sat urday to see the Ga. Vanderbilt game. • • • Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Ross of Winder were visitors here Sunday afternoon, guests of M?. and Mrs. E. L. William son.—Jackson Herald. • • • Misses Miriam Bennett of Winder, and Elizabeth Bennett of Greene coun ty, were the guests of their parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bennett, for the week-end. —Jackson Herald. •• * • Miss tthra Jo Roberts, of this city, who is a student at LaGrangeFemale College, was elected to the dramatic club at that college at a recent tryout. Miss Roberts has unusual ability and natural vivacity. • * * Among those atondtng the B. W. M. IT.iin Atlanta this week are Mrs. W. M Holsenbeck, Mrs. Frances Haralson,, Mrs. R. M. Millikin, Mrs. W. J. Smith, Jr.. Mrs. Carpenter. Mrs. W. L. Bush. Mrs. G. N. Bagwell, Mrs. John Wil liams and Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Dodd. Don’t forget that Saturday. Yiecein ber 2nd, is the day to elect a Justice of the Peace and two bailiffs for Houses | district. THE WINDER NEWS AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK / * The educators and people of Georgia are asked to observe AMERICAN EIJ UCATION WEEK, December 3rd to 9th inclusive, co-operating with the United States Bureau of Education, the American Legion and the National Ed ucational Association. “The object of this week is to focus attention of the entire nation upon edu cation and to make national sentiment for the improvement of our schools and the furtherance of our educational aims.” The program for the week willl be as follows: Sunday, Dec. 3,, God and Country try Day. Monday, Dec. 4, American Citizen ship Day. Tuesday, Dec. 5, Patriots Day. Wednesday, Dec. 6, School and Teacher Day. Thursday, Dec. 7, Illiteracy Day. Friday, Dec. 8, Equality of Opportu nity and Education for American Boys and Girls Day. Saturday, Dec. 9, Physical Education Day. As State Superintendent of Schools in Georgia, I am requesting the active co-operation of all school officials and and of all friends of education to make this program a success, and to join with the United States Commissioner of Education in making the program the “biggest appeal for education "that has ever been made to the American people.” M. M. PARKS. State Superintendent of Schools. We hope the pastors of Winder and all Barrow county will observe the first Sunday in December as Education Day and say something for the edvance ment of Education in our county. Edison Mazda Lamps have no equal. Sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. , New Perfection Oil Stove and parts. Woodruff Hardware. Cos. fGot a cold 9 MENTHOLATUM l clears itout^ STRANGE’S # ! * The winter breezes and icy SSM Knights concentrates our mind a fS^L and feeling toward those beauti- mjjw ful Sleeping Garments; they are ftp cut roomy and are so snug. Hv I | PRICE W\ \H up f V ‘>'T y Beacon Bath' Robes The express brings 50 beauti ful'Beacon Robes, Satin trimm- M ■ v ed with cord, just the thing for JKifjjlpife that Christmas Gift. jgj| The prices are • marvelously gf ; ppaL# low * $3-50, $4.50 jg^J • f J T. Strange Cos. ** # Department Store FROM C. S. S. BARROW COUNTY. We have been fortunate to have in our county recently for two days what is known all over the state as the Healthmobile. Accompanying this is a lady physician and a registered nurse Working untjer the division of child hy jgiqne of the state board of health, who have been giving free examinations of 'children. These experts have been weighing the babies and diagnosing any ailments of the little tots and recom mending the necessary care and treat ment to make strong, healthy and vig orosu children. We hope to have them hack in this county soon to do a more thorough work and all the mothers may bring their children for examination. J. B. Brookshire, C. S. S. On and after Dec. Ist, will have complete liue of Fisk Red Tops. Most economical casing oil earth. Sold only by Woodruff Hardware Cos. FOR RENT —A one-horse and a two liorse farm.—See W. G. Elder. 34 x 4 Inner Tubefe, $1.50 —Woodruffs Aluminumware at special prices—At Woodruff Hardware Cos. FOR RENT—One four-room house with barn, pasture, running water. See A Fee Hardigree, Winder, Ga. tf Chinese Perfums*. In China ft dinners aurt at theatrV l performunces. It Is customary to provide guests or spectators whli imall hot towels saturated with scent id water for wiping their faces. Scent id water ts also much used Id connes* Jon with bathing and the every-day v*hing of faces and hands. In some Laun-Amerlean countries there Is ■ rery great demand for perfumery. II l person needs a hath, a dash of per fume ts supposed to serve at set* md time and *oubi are saved. Tc Remove Lead From Gunbarrets. Chemically pure and strong nitric aetd will dissolve the lead In a gun barrel, and will not Injure the metal of the barrel unless the acid becomes diluted with a little water. To re move the acid, pour all of It out and wipe the gun dry with a rag soaked In Olive or cottonseed oIL Do not get the • acid on the hands or clothes. If by chance this happens tt should be washed off immediately vHtb water and VheD some weak alklt- SubscrlpHon Price: $1.50 Per Year. PROGRAM MEN’S LEAGUE First Baptist Church, Friday Evening, November 24th, 7:30 O’Cioek. Opening—Devotional. Hymn—“Blest Be the Tie.” : Re-Organization. Special Music—Male Quartette. Address, 10 minutes—Office Bearers of our Church—Chmn J. M. Williams. Address, 10 minutes—Baraca Class, Purpose, Possibilities, Plans—J. W. Mc- Whorter, Lee Fortson. Special Music. Address 10 Minutes—“ Bible School Aims for 1923.”—5. F. Maughon. Address 10 minutes—“ Church Aims For 1923.”—tPastor Jesse M. Dodd. Open Forum on Matters of Interest, 10 minutes. Hymn—“ Onward Christian Soldiers”. Social Hour. Messrs. Jeff Henson, Thad Fulbrlght, Jim Bursou, Judson Gordon and Jfrim IV. Carrington, Jr., left Tuesday for the Blue Ridge Mountains where be gone until Friday on a hunting expe dition. Here’s hoping they’ll find it. Mr. W. N. Skinner, of Win<F'\ was accompanied to Dahlonega by his father, Mr. A. Skinner, of East Point. The elder gentleman used to be a citizen of our county and lived down at New Bridge where Uncle Bill Armstrong acted as policeman once by stopping a fight by the use of a fence rail.—Dahlonega Nugget. • • • The lady representative candidates all lost out in the last election, on ac count of a majority believing that wom en can accomplish more good at h>me than in any legislative body, with hus bands at home milking the cows, and churning and minding the children.— Dahlonega Nugget. Cole’s Down Draft Heaters, the origi nal. Sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. fjj A Wncirvoas headache?! MENTHOLATUM] Lquickly soothes