The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 23, 1922, Image 6

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THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1922. SALE NOTICE GEORG lA—Ha prow county. Will bo Hold on tin* first Tuesday In December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court Hons • door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the (Ity of Win der. in favor of the City of Winder, against ,1. S. Craft, for taxes due the City of Winder for the year 1921. the following property to wit; One house and lot on west side of Woodlawn Av enue. bounded as follows: On east by Woodlawn Avenue, on the north by C. S Williams, on west by lands of Forl snn and Clyde Williamson and Mrs. T. M Foster. Said property levied upon in the pos session of said J. S. ('raft and as Ids property. This November Bth, 1922. K. O. MoELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA —Harrow county. Will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk Of the City of Win der. in favor of the City of Winder, against .1 L. Whitley, for taxes due the City of Winder by said .1. L. Whit ley, for the year 1921, the following de scribed property to-wlt: One house and lot, facing Hush Avenue 100 feet, and hounded as follows; On west by K D. Moore, bounded on (lie east!) by an aW*y, bounded Ot) north by Hush Ave., and on south by May street. Said pi opt rey levied upon as the property of said E. Whitley and in the possession of said .1. L. Whit ley. This November Bth, 1922. H. O. MeELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALIC NOTICE GEORGIA—Bahrow county.' Will Im‘ Hold on the llrnl Tuesday In December, 1922,between the hours of wile, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash,jto satisfy a fi. fa. Is Hiied by the cWk of the City of Wltf cier, in favor of the City of Winder, against A H. Hardy, issued by the Clerk of the City of Winder, for taxes due by said A. S, Hardy to the City of Winder for the year 1921, the follow v ing property to wit: One house and three acres of land more or Icmh, now occupied by J. W. Carrirtgton, Sr., bounded on the North t>.v Athena Htrcet, on east, south and west by lands of Judge It. B. Bussell. Said property levied upon in the possession of suid J. W. Carrington, Hr., and as the property of A. S. Har dy. This November Bth, 1922. M. O. Mod.HOY. Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow iwnnty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at. the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is plied by lhe Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of (tie City of Winder. J. S. Maiiders for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. S. Maiiders for the year 1921, the following described property to-wit : One lot situated on Midland Avenue, together with dwelling house and store house, situated there on, bounded by said street, Williams, Mdgnr Peppers, and C. T. Cheatham. , Said property levied on as the prop erty of said J. S. Manders, and in the yKMUtession of J. S. Manders. This November Bth, 1922. , B. O. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA -Barrow county. Will be sjold on tfie first Tuesday in December, 1922. betVreen the legal hours of sale, at. the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi tk. is sued by tin* Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of tin* City of Winder, W. M Marlow for taxes due the City of Winder by saiijl W. M. Marlow for the jeer 1921, the following described property to-wit: Two vacant lots on Buena Vista St., known as lots Number one and Number 2, respectively, bounded as follows: on east by It P. Williams, south by said street and \V. M. Marlow and on the north by E E Jackson. Said property levied on as the prop erty as W. M. Marlow and in the pos session of W. M. Maflow. This November sth, 1922. B. O. McELROY. Chief of Police of tin* City of Winder. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. g Will be sold on the first Tuesday In December, 1922, between the legal hours sab*, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is suod by the Clerk of the City of Win der. in favor of the City of Winder, against J. <>. Murray, for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. O. Mur ray, for the year 1921, the following described property to-wlt: One lot on Williams street, fronting said street 50 feet and running back 200 feet,*more or less, and one two room bouse thereon, now occupied by Omer Segars. Said pro|H*rty levied upon us the property of said J. O. Murray find in the possession of said Omer Segars. This November Bth, 1922. E. O. MeELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA —Harrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against W. Horton, issued by the Clerk of the City of Winder, for taxes due to said City of Winder for the years 1920 and 1921, the following de scribed property to-wit: Five acres of land, more or loss, and one three room situated thereon, on a street leading from Athens Street by the A. Fee llardigree home place, bounded as follows: on west by lands of A. .1. llardigree, south by lands of A.J. llardigree and Mrs. Hayes estate, east by A. .1. llardigree and It. L. Ca rithers, north by the Seaboard Air Lins railroad. , Sait! property levied on-in the posses sion of said W. C. Horton as said Hor ton’s property. This November Bth, 1922. E. O. MeELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by tin* Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against Carrington Brothers for taxes due the City of Winder by said Carring ton Brothers for the year 1921, the fol lowing described property to-wit: One house and lot on Kelly street known as the Old Marble House, and bounded on front by Kelly street, on west by L. C. Bussell and on back by Gainesville Midland railroad right of way. Said property levied on as the prop erty of said Carrington Brothers in the possession of Carrington Brothers. This November Sth, 1922. E. O. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. UNION LOCALS Miss Willie Page spent Thursday night with Miss Fannie Lou Foster. Miss Vera Jackson had as her guest Saturday night Miss Ruth Harbin. Mrs. G. W. Chapman spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. Y. Ilenlan. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page. Miss Cleo Foster spent Thursday night with Miss Angle Healan. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Foster and chil dren spent Sunday with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Foster. Miss Mary Ann Oliver was the guest of Miss Alice McElhannon Friday. Miss Angie Healan spruit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Healan. Miss Verna Jackson spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Yernie Harbin. Miss Fannie llcnlan spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Healan. Mr. and Mrs. George Dalton and chil dren of County Line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page. Miss Nora Sauls spent Saturday with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hogan. Miss Jewell Page had as her guest Saturday afternoon Misses Mary Sue and Jolmnie Lou Magness. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wood had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Porter and children of Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Spence spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence. Don’t forget preaching at this place next Saturday and Sunday and the J singing Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited to come. Tfuth Is Worse. When folk Ue shout get angry—supplxse the# hnft known the truth about yos and told that i— Bos ton Post. MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Office on Candler Street and G. M. lty. WINDER MARBLE & GRANITE CO. J. W. NICHOLS, Mgr. ******* *J * * * * PROFESSIONAL (A.RDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. A ttoruey-At-La w WLNDidU, GA. Office in Curithers Building. Practice in All the Courts J. C. PRATT Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Court* JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All. Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in DeLuPerriere Building. Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. !>K. C. J. DECKER Successor to DB. J. CJBLOOMFIELD AND DR. It. A. VEBDIEB Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 510 Southern Mutual Bllg. Athens, Ga. 19 6mo Dlt. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices In the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 3115-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen Dlt. L. C. ALLE>J & SON Iloschton, Ga. Office Hours: Sundays: 9:00 A. M. to lltOO A. M. Wednesdays: 8:00 A. M. to 12 :00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other time when not attending calls R. HENRY BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9t012A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9 to 12:30 A. M. Office New Bush Building. B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403, 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. M. THOM A S Cleaning—Pressing —Altering Flione 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia WHEN YOUR BATTERY OR AUTOMOBILE IS SICK CALL NO. 6—The AUTO DOCTORS Office Hours All Day and Night AUTO SALES CO. ATHENS STREET PHONE 86 CITIZENS PRESSING CLUB For Your Cleaning, Pressing an Altering Shop over Williams Bros. Cafe. IV. B. WILSON. Prop. Winder, Georgia How Not To Take Cold. Some persons are subject to frequent colds, while others seldom, if ever have a cold. You will find that the latter take good care of themselves* They take a shower or cold sponge hath ev ery day in a warm room, avoid over heated rooms, sleep with a window ojien or partly open, avoid excesses, over eating, becoming over heated and then chilled and.getting the feet wet. Then, when they feel the first indica tion uf a cold, they take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy without delay and it Is soon over. THE WINDER NEWS County Line News We are having some hog killing weather at this writing. School at this place is progressing nicely. Mrs. Doll Williams is spending a few days with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doster. Mr. Will Maxey has returned .home from Gadesden, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. F. M Hardy is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. GreCson. We are glad to report that Mrs. E. B. Doster is better at this writing. Mr. Emory Avcock is spendink a few days with his bortlier, Mr. Zeek Ay cock. Remember the play at this place Fri day night. Let everybody crime. The pnrtv at Miss Clara Cooper’s was enjoyed by a large crowd Satur day night. Miss Bertie House spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lucile Sigman. Miss Gllie Murphy was the dinner guest of Miss Eula Hardy Sunday. Mr. and Mts. H. P. Williams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wil liams Sunday afternoon. Mr. Emory Anderson passed through pur burg last Monday. Miss Willie Mae Greeson spent Sat-* urday night and Sunday with Miss Cia- j ra Cooper. Don’t forget the piny Friday night. Let Me SHOP For You: “Let me do your shopping for you in New York City. I can send you any thing from a baby outfit and wearing apparel to musical instruments and housefumishings. Suggestions for birth day and wedding gifts. Write to me pereonally what you desire and I will send you full information.” LILLIAN HERST, 216 W 99th St. 4r pd New York City. Good Health. If yon would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when consti pated. When needed, take Chuinber lairt’s Tablets. They are mild and gen tle. Advt. Gainesville Midland Schedule • Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train Ng. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, November 12. Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Train No. 5 Arrive i. 4:18 PM Train No. 17 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 11 Arrive 6:07 AM Train No. 47 Arrive 5:10 AM Train No. 30 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 6 Arrive 10:30 AM Train No. 4.8 Arrive 2:50 PM Train No. 18 Arrive 7 :00 I‘M Train No. 12 Arrive 10:43 PM Near the Cuspiaormitory. A Kansas •student who appears to >e related to our old friend, Mrs. Bianderby. was describing the sunken garden on the school campus. “In the place where they had tulips." he said, ‘they've now got a row of salivas with inme spltoomas In the center.”—Bos ton Transcript. “Well! Strong!” Mrs. Anna Clover, of R. F. D. 5, Winfield, Kans., says: “l began to suffer some months ago with womanly troubles, and I was afraid I was going to get in bed. Each month i suffered with my head, back and sides—a weak, aching, nervous feeling. I began to Fry medicines as I knew I was.getting worse. 1 did not seem to find the right remedy until someone told me of CARDUI The Woman's Tonic I used two bottles before I could see any great change, but after that it was remarkable how much better I got. I am now well and strong. I can recom mend Cardui, for it certainly benefited me.” If you have been experiment ing on yourself with all kinds of different remedies, better get back to good, old, reliable Cardui, the medicine for women, about which you have always heard, which has helped many thousands of others, and which should help you, too. Ask your neighbor about it; she has probably used it. For sale everywhere. ' rut woifjli The “wolf at the door” is not merely a figure of speech. This wolf is very real, and he comes snapping and snarling at the doors of many who never anticipateed being annoyed by him. You know that kind—the ones who make good money, and spend it. They either think it will be always thus, or else they do not think at all. Then comes sickness, ill luck, hard times, or something else that unleashes the snarling wolf. An account in our bank, carefully tended, is the best insurance against the visits of this ravenous wolf. * 4 Member Federal Reserve System. 1 NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $224,000.00 / FARM LOANS Quick Action Low Interest Lowest Commissions Murphy Bnk. Cos. Talmo, Ga. or A. M. Benton, winder. ATLANTA TRUST CO. Atlanta, Georgia Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson.and Walton I also make loans on Winder City property. See W. F. Pentecost, who has an office with T. Elton Drake, Attorney, Winder, Georgia, and is in Winder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for mycompaniesand. will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank —Not Incorporated. 6mospd.3-l-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. FARM LOANS We are prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan busi ness at 6(4 per cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can loan for 5, 7 or 10 years time, in amounts ranging from SI,OOO to $40,000, on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan on ycur farm, let us submit our proposition. “QUICK SERVICE” is our Motto. Call or write W. H. QUARTERMAN Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) Richmond, Virginia. FIRE, TORNADO I & automobile Insurance Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line. Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Bank Building * LOANS , LOANS Money to lend on farm and citv pror>prtv. Money easily available on proper security. T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law WINDER, GA. LOANS . LOANS Highest Prices Paid for Seed cotton Winder Oill Mill Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.