The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 30, 1922, Image 7

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THr2”P'tY VOTT!!*'!”? ft) 19 ,w ' MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Office an Candler Street and G. M. Ry. WINDER MARBLE & GRANITE CO. J. W. NICHOLS, Mgr. ' ■■■■—■ * PROFESSIONAL CARDS • • ••*****•*4l RICPARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorney-At-Law WIND Hit, GA. Office in Caritbers Building. Practice in All the Courts J. C. PRATT Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Court* JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere’s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN > Attorney at Law ‘ Prentice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in DeLaPerriere Building. Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERB Dental Surgery killings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. drTc. j. decker Successor to DR. J. C. BLOOMFIELD AND DR. R. A. VERDIER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 510 Southern Mutual Bllg. Athens, Ga. 19-6 mo DR. C. S. WILLIAMS Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones : Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoscliton, Ga. Office Hours: Sundays: 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. SVednesdays: 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. U 1 other time when not attending calls R. HENRI BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC , the adjustment of the spine to re j love the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. I 2 to 5 P. M. I Saturday 9to 12:30 A. M. I Office New Bush I < B. E. PATRICK I Jeweler I floum 403, 4th Floor I | Winder National Bank Bldg. I Winder, Ga. I S. M. ST. JOHN I Jeweler I Itches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glas* I and Silverware. I j Repair W T ork Done Promptly ■ kroad Street Winder, Ga. II W. M. THOM A S I I Cleaning— Pressing— Altering ■ Phone 49 —Jackson Street ■ Winder, Georgia WHEN YOUR BATTERY OR automobile IS sick jJj NO. 6—The AUTO DOCTORS )ffico Hours All Day and Night AUTQ SALES CO. ATHENS STREET PHONE 86 CITIZENS PRESSING CLUB For Your Cleaning, Pressing an Altering op over Williams Bros. Cafe. W. B. WILSON, Prop. Winder, Georgia Eberlain’s Tablets Have Done Her a World of Good. amberlain’s Tablets have done me Id of good,’” writes Mrs. Ella L. Sn, Kirkville, N. Y. “I have recom j h! them t<> a number of my friends ill who have used them praise highly.” When troubled with in ion oreonstipation, give them a md realize for yourself what an nt medicine it is. advt. ,dom From Cirlyc ,orld Is a thing tlmt o man | earn to despise. Hnd even to ueg { efore ne can l!m to reverence [wprk In U and for It.—Carlyia. SALE - NOTICE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against J. L. Whitley, for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. L. Whit ley, for the year 1921, the following de scribed property to-wit: One house and lot, facing Bush Avenue 100 feet, and bounded as follows: On west by R. D. Moore, bounded on the eastb by an alley, bounded on north by Bush Ave., and on south by May street. Said proptrey levied upon as the property of said J. L. Whitley and in the possession of said J. L. Whitley. This November Bth, 1922. e. o. Mcelroy, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against A. S. Hardy, issued by the Clerk of the City of Winder, for taxes due by said A. S. Hardy to the City of Winder for the year 1921, the follow ing property to wit: One house and three acres of land | more or less, now occupied by J. W. Carrington, Sr., bounded on the North by Athens street, on east, south and west by lands of Judge R. B. Russell. Said property levied upon in the possession of said J. W. Carrington, Sr., the property of A. S. Har dy. This November Bth, 1922. E. O. MoELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, J. S. Manders for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. S. Manders for the year 1921, the following described property to-wit: One lot situated on Midland Avenue, together with dwelling house and store house, situated there on, bounded by said street, Williams, Edgar Peppers, and C. T. Cheatham. Said property levied on as the prop erty of said J. S. Manders, and in the possession of J. S. Manders. This November Bth, 1922. e. o. Mcelroy. Chief of Police of the City of Winder. Good Health. If you would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when consti pated. When needed, take Chamber lain’s Tablets. They are mild and gen tle. Advt. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL’9 CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully In the treatment of Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all drujrfiis’.s. F. J. Che-c- To’-do, Ohio. j Inactive i Liver “I have had trouble with j an Inactive liver,” wrote Mrs. j S. Nichols, of 4412 Spencer | St., Houston, Texas. ‘‘When I I would get constipated, 1 would j feel a light, dizzy feeling in my I head. To get up in the morning I with a lightness in the head and j a trembly feeling is often a sign | that the stomach is out of order, j For this I took Thedford’s J Black-Draught, and without a | doubt can say I have never j found its equal in any liver j medicine. It not only cleans I the liver, but leaves you in such | a good condition. I have used J it a long time, when food does J not seem to set well, or the j stomach is a little sour.” j rlf it isn’t | j | Thedford’s i |it isn’t [ jBLACK-DRAUGHjj I | Liver Medicine. I L . SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours at sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, In favor of the City of Winder, against Carrington Brothers for taxes due the City of Winder by said Carring ton Brothers for the year 1921, the fol lowing described property to-wit: One house and lot on Kelly street known as the Old Marble House, and bounded on front by Kelly street, on west by L. C. Russell and on back by Gainesville Midland railroad right of way. Said property levied on as the prop erty of said Carrington Brothers in the possession of Carrington Brothers. This November Bth. 1922. e. o. Mcelroy. Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALK NOTICE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours at sale, at the Court House door of said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, W. M. Marlow for taxes due the City of Winder by said W. M. Marlow for the year 1921, the following described property to-wit: Two vacant lots on Buena Vista St., known as lots Number one and Number 2, respectively, bounded as follows: on east by R. P. Williams, south by said street and W. M. Marlow and on the north by E. E. Jackson. Said property levied on as the prop erty as W. M. Marlow and in the pos session of W. M. Marlow. This November Bth, 1922. E. O. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court Housetloor of said county, at public outcry, to the highest, bidder for cash, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued by the Clerk of the City of Win der, in favor of the City of Winder, against J. O. Murray, for taxes due the City of Winder by said J. O. Mur ray, for the year 1921, the following described property to-wit: One lot on Williams street, fronting said street 50 feet and running back 200 feet, more or less, and one two room house thereon, now occupied by Omer Segars. Said property levied upon as the property of said J. O. Murray and in the possession of said Oiner Segars. This November Bth. 1922. E. O. McELROY, Chief of Police of the City of Winder. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signamre of NEW BUS LINE FROM COMMERCE TO ATLANTA Takes Effect Monday, November 27, 1922. This Bus will run daily, including Sunday, from Commerce to Atlanta via Jefferson, Winder, Lawrenceville and Tucker. Arriving from Commerce to Winder 8:00 am Leaving from Winder Hotel 8:05 am Arrive in Atlanta 10:00 am (Central Time) Leave Atlanta ... 3:00 pm (Central Time) Arrive Winder . . 6:45 pm (Eastern Time) This Bus will be handled by first class driv ers and any lady or child will have the driv er’s careful attention. The above schedule will give you 5 hours in Atlanta if preferred the same day. Winder to Atlanta, Round Trip --$2.50 Single Trip $1.25 Winder to Jefferson, Round Trip $1.25 Single Trip $ .75 Winder to Commerce. Round Trip $1.59 Single Trip $1.0(1 Winder to Carl, Round Trip $ J Single Trip $ .15 Winder to Auburn, Round Trip $ .40 Single Trip $ .20 Winder to Lawrenceville, Round Trip $ .75 Single Trip $ .40 Winder to Tucker, Round Trip $1.45 Single Trip SI.OO Winder to Decatur, Round Trip $2.00 Single Trip $1.50 If this Bus proves successful I will add additional one later. Thanking the good people of Barrow coun ty and Winder for their patronage. E. F. TAYLOR. THU WINDUP NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT To the Voters of the 243rd District, G. M., Barrow county. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Justice of the Peace, for the 243rd District, G. M., of Barrow county toflll an unexpired term. I respectfully solicit your vote and in fluence. Election will be held Saturday, Dec. 2nd. 1922. Respect fully, W. C. BAGGETT. ANNONUNCEMENT v I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election for Justice of the Peace for the 243rd District, Barrow county. Willappreciate your vote and support. Election First Saturday in December. Very Respt., A. I. LYLE. Announcement for Constable. I resjyeetfully announce myself as a candidate for constable of the 243rd district. The election to be held the first Saturday in December. I will appre ciate your vote and influence. 2t pd B. B. BRADBURY. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for constable of 243d District, of Barrow county, in the election Decem ber 2nd, 1922. Will appreciate your vote and influence. W. M. MARLOW. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce my candidacy for •Constable of the 243d District, G. M., Barrow county, and ask your vote and influence. Election December 2. CLAUD TUCKER, pd. REAL ESTATE LOANS • 6 per cent MONEY, Under Bankers Reserve System 6 per cent loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build, improve, or pay indebted ness. Bankers Reserve Deposit Com pany, IG4B California Street, Denver, Colorado. Bt. 37 Scholarship in Athens Business col lege for sn’e cheap. Winder News. OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS Should call on u* Immediately upon arrival, allowing us sufficient time tu supply elasaes, properly and comfort ably fitted. ■ ■ ■■ 9 ' ' Jno. L. Moore & Sons Master Opticians Over a Qunr' Century tn An i New Location 77 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. Moore Glasses And Superior Service Cost No More Than the Ordinary Kind. Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and Walton I also make loans on Winder City property. See W. F. Pentecost, who has an office with T. Elton Drake, Attorney, W’inder, Georgia, and is In Winder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for mycompaniesand will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. Gmospd.3-1-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. FIRE, TORNADO I & automobile insurance Oldest and strongest companies in the * tf sr ' Insurance Line. Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 W'inder National Bauk Building LOANS LOANS Money to lend on farm and city property. Money easily available on proper security. T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law WINDER, GA. LOANS LOANS Highest Prices Paid for Seed cotton Winder Oill Mill ZZ INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone Is likely to strike this section at any timet so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He ow&s the protection that It gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Phone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 siLi ip! FOR SALE Aliy part of 25 shares of North Geor gia Trust & Bunking Cos., of Winder Ga. Stock. At $lO5 per share. Inquiries Invited HO IT & COMPANNY 71 Broadway, Phone 7060 Howling Green Subscription Price: f1.50 Per Year. How Fresh It Is! It is a pleasure to go to your cake-box when you have baked with ROYAL Baking Powder because it is in the nature of a pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder to keep baked foods fresh. This means a real economy and is just one of a hundred reasons why careful house keepers insist upon Royal Baking Powder. Some others are: It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Wife as Man’s Discipline. Wife and children are a kind of dia clpllne of humanity, and single men, though they may he many times mora charitable, because tbelr means ara less exhausted, yet on the other stda, they are more cruel and hard-hearted, because their tenderness la not so often called upon.—From “Tha Essays of Francis Bacoo." t