The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 07, 1922, Image 2

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•THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922. County Line New* % Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hardlgree, Mrs. I’. Fatrick sp*it Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Maxey. Mr. and Mrs. Willi** Bramlett six*ut a while with Mr. K. D. Murphy and family Sunday. Mr. Grady Cronic spent part of last week around County One. Mr and Mrs. A. D. Murphy spent Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Williams spent awhile Sunday with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Williams. Miss Lueile Sigmon spent Saturday with Miss Bertie House. Miss Desrna Murphy is visiting her brother and sister at Gainesville. The party at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur House Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. They are going to have a orphan home play at Jiethabra next Sunday morning let everybody come and hdp the orphans. Taking Desperate Changes It is true that many contract severe colds and recover from them witnout taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fnct leads others to take their chances instead of giving their colds the needed attention. It should be home in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vi tality, makes the system less able to withstand each Kii<*eeeding attack and paves the way for the more serious dis eases. Can you afford to take desper ate chances when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, famous for its our**:-; of bad eolds may he had for a trifle? Advf, SPECIALS ON National Biscuit Cos. PACKAGE CRACKERS % Your Telephone Order for ■B Uneeda Jp 7 Biscuit / AND other groceries X r_ ROMPTATT[NTION Barnum’s Animals jgjffiSßMi Premium Soda By™™* Cheese Tidbits Vanilla Wafers Sma 11 Graham |j|Lw||p Macaroon Snaps Arrow Root Biscuit nHH j|S ■k9h9 vHoj NATIONAL BISCUIT CRACKERS We also have a full line of Fancy Bulk Crack ers. See our Window Display. Yours for “SUDDEN SERVICE” Hargrove Bros. Phone 151 Phone 151 PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. George Whitehead, Mr and Mrs. Henry Mobley. Mrs. Will Tliopias were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Mobley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wall and Mrs. Jim Johnson of Statham were dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Will Jones cm Thursday Misses Sunie and Cleo Wall were the guests of Mrs. W. O. Mobley Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Welt on Jones spent Tuesday with Mrs. Zarb Wall. Mr. Chandler Mobley and little daugh ter, Louise, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mobley, near Carithers Mill Hu/nday. Mth. Abb Tolbert, spent Wednesday with Miss Sunie Wall Mrs. Jameß Will born was the guest of Mrs. Julia W T all Saturday afternoon. We are glad to report that Mr. J. W. Mobley is better at this writing; hope he will soon he able to be out again. Misses Avery Bedingfleld, Inez John son were in Winder Wednesday. Santa Claus Letter* Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a little doll and a little doll trunk, and I want some ap |> j>li*h, oranges and candy. Please bring ja tablet and pencil to use at school. > Your little friend, GRACE M( ELROY. Scholarship in Athens Business col lege for sale cheap. Winder News. BETHEL NEWS Mrs. G, c Brown and children were guests of Mrs. IL F. Edwards Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Partain Saturday night. Messrs. Reuben Brown and Ira Ad ams motored to Winder Saturday af ternoon Mrs. E. C. ‘Baggett was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Julia Kilgore, Satur day afternoon. Miss Susie Brown was the guest of Miss Ara Partee Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins of Bethlehem Sun day. Little Vallie May Brown spent the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H 0. Brown of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams awhile Sunday night. Miss Larue Ridgeway was the guest of Misses Agnes and Julia Baggett Sat urday afternoon. POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin spent last Thursday night and Friday with Mr. amd Mrs Smith of near Chapel. Mr. ajwl Mrs. Bush Edgar spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griffeth spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. II F. 'Casey. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partain of near Campton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Perkins spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Casey spent last Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. (1. Casey. PARISH LOCALS Messrs. Hubert and Lefus Wright and A ray House visited' in Lawrence ville Saturday and Sunday. Miss IVarlie Hoggins was the guest of Miss Ituth Allen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur House was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. I’. Allen Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Oliver were the guests of the latter’s brother Sunday. Miss Ruth Allen spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Lottie House, of County Line. Mrs S. E. Elliott! has returned to her son’s, Mr. A. N. Elliott. The candy pulling at Mr. <’. P. Allen’s Friday night, was enjoyed by all pres ent. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ed nS Alien is still improving at this writing. Mr. Finest Simpson, who is working at Buford, spent the week end with home folks. Mr. Eugene Moon of County Line spent Monday night with Mr. Luster Simpson. The singing at Mrs. I’earlie Simpson s Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd Miss Pearl Marr was the dinner guest of Miss Carmen Elder Sunday. Miss Aurora Attaway spent Monday night with her sister, Mrs. Roy Flan igan. Mr. Ernest Wright was the dinner guest of Mr. Broughton Dalton Sunday. Mr. Hester Dalton of Bethabra spent Saturday night with Mr. Odell Wright. Mrs. W. E. Flanigan spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Charlie Cruoe of Walnut. School at this place is on a boom. Don’t forget Sunday school every Sunday at 2:30 o’clock. Let everybody come SHARON NEWS Sunday school at this place is on a boom. Rev. ,T. R. Burell of Auburn visited our Sunday school Sunday morning. Come again, we appreciate your visit. Misses Lois Langford and ‘Lois Maul din spent Sunday with Miss Alma Dea- Icn. Miss .Turelle Bailey of Vietron at tended the B. Y P. U. at this place Sunday night, "come again, and he with us: we like for willing workers to he with us. On last Sunday morning occurred the marriage of Miss Eva Lancaster and Mr. Royce Vermillion. We wish for them a long and happy life. They boarded the train at Winder Sunday afternoon for Atlanta where they will spend some time. Mr. John Langford of Rraselton spent the week end with Mr. Carl Mautden. The party at the homo of Miss Jurell Bailey Saturday night was enjoyed by 1 a large crowd. tot mmmm swim ANOTHER STROLL Come now, you gentlemen at leisure, and let us stroll and see a bit of this part of Barrow county which we may have passed by without knowing the history of places and persons that once were noted. So many of us pass along the sidewalk and fail to see a small i coin lying In plain view, and many of us pass through the country who fail to see the beauty in forest, field, mead ow' or lawn. Then many pass by caring little for j the history of former people who lived and strolled the same way. If we would give the proper thought to the people of the past their environment and the lives they lived we would be better prepared to judge of their acts, thereby taking heed to our own ways and profiting thereby. Ahout the year 1800 there lived on the waters at Parker creek a mile south west of the Hancoek bridge a man by the name of Henry George. We know only two girls, Nancy who wed John I. Cheatham, and Charlotte who wed Washington Lay. John I. Cheatham lived where Wil liam Hayes now lives, but a short while after the war he moved to Clarke county and lived near Rock Col lege. This Washington Lay lived on the old Federal road near where the present National Highway crosses. As we stroll out the old Jefferson way and reach the hilltop in front of where J. C. Healan lives let us look off to the east Ahout a mile across a creek is an old graveyard and here was buried Henry George, and near here was' his koine. He owned quite a tract of land here at one time. It cannot be proven but we think his wife was a Shaw, a sister of Elijah Shaw who lived a half mile southwest of his home. This would make Isaac Burson. Elijah Shaw and Henry George all brothers-in-law, who all lived and died here. C. M. THOMPSON. In the District Court of the United States, For the Northern Distriet of (ieorgia. In Re: W. H. Hardigree, Bankrupt.! No. 1061. In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been ; filed in conformtiy with law by above- j named bankrupt, and the < ourt having ordered that the hearing upon said pe tition be had on December 16, 1022, at ten o’clock A. M., at the United States District Court Room, in the city of AT- j LANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given ! to all creditors and other persons in j interest to appear at said time and j place and show cause, if any they have, 1 why the prayer of the bankrupt for dis charge should not be granted. 2t O. A. FULLER, Clerk. CEDAR CHEEK AND COUNTY LINE SCHOOLS DEBATE The crowd was large and the inter-! intense at the joint debate between . Cedar Creek and County Line Schools ' last Friday night. These two rivals will pull off another one about Christmas, vacation. - XYZ j Our Little Fairy We want to tell all the children betreen the ages of six and ninety six about the little fairy ue have in our bank. Her name is “Interest,” and every time you put a dollar in our bank on savings account or on time certificate, she waives her magic wand 4 cents jumps right up by the side of it, then you have a dollar and 4 cents where you only had a dollar before. If you keep on adding to your account, she keeps on rolling nickels up to your dollars, and before you hardly realize it you have a snug bank account. * / In later years she guards your welfare and keeps poverty and want from attacking you. makes you enjoy life in pleasure and comfort, where otherwise you might have led a life of drudgery, misery and want in your old age, besides being dependent on relatives or charity. , Deposit your dollars in our bank where our little fairy “Interest” will add to them regularly and make you independent. JIESEHVB> Bifc^SYSTEM^aMI Winder National Bank EMMMET Nffal^HAS Money is a circulating medium. It circulates freely. It is in your pocket today and in some other man’s pocket tomorrow. No man gets ahead materially by trying to hang onto a circulating medium, for money of itself will not increase—you must buy something with it. Deposit your money in a bank and buy you a credit, and that credit will increase by the interest on it. Keep adding to your deposit, and your credit continues to grow. Don’t try to hang onto mere money—it is the wrong system. Member Federal Reserve System. NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $224,000.00 Public Sale AT MY RESIDENCE 3 Miles North of Auburn ON Wednesday, Dec. 20th 1922 I will sell to the highest bidder for cash all of my Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Tools, Wagons, Bug gies and Surreys, One Horse, One Cow, Shop Tools, Corn and Fodder. J. N. Morrison Auburn, Georgia •obwriptioa Prtoa: sl.6# Per Tear.