The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 14, 1922, Image 6

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THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1922. STATHAM Mr. .1 W. Cook entertained at din nor Sunday Mr. and Mix. Downy Kuwi fgan of Atheu*. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Langford of Mars Hill.. Quite a good many social affairs given this we k in honor of Misses Kliz alieth Grant <>f Sliiloli and Lucile Gib wrti. of Appalachicola, Florida, the guests of Mr. mid Mrs 15. 11. Grant. Mrs Georgia MeDonnhl was called to the bedside of her daughter. Mrs. J. (V Cooper of Bogart who is convales cing now. Mrs. Joe Autry and Mrs. Webb Hen ton (lorn Oconee were the week-end guests of their mother, Mrs.. Ellen Itooly. 'l i e frit : ds of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Williams are sympathizing with them in the very serious illness of their brother, Mr. Williams’brother of IMne Grove with pnemonia. Mrs. J. W. Cook entertained on last Saturday afternoon at her home on Jefferson street in lionor of her little daughter's 11th ldrthday. On entering the hall each member was presented with a question. After the answer a eoniest was held of which laiinie late llaynie and James Thurmond were the winners. Several games were played and then delicious refreshments were Horvisl by the vivacious mother. Each and every one wishing her many hap py birthdays. Mrs. 1C 11. Grant entertained on last Tuesday evening in honor of Misses Elizabeth Grant and Ismise Gibson. Games uind music were enjoyed for quite awhile after which the program committee was invited in the dining room where they made out a splendid program for the Christian Endeavor which is enjoyed by all that attend. Af ter which a delicious salad course was nerved with hot chocolate. Mrs. Grunt was assisted in entertaining by Misses Callie anal Ellen Hammond. One of the social events of the sea son was an entertaindent given by Mrs. W M Htineheomh at her home on Broad street last Thursday evening. The honor gue-st being Misses Elizabeth Grant and Louise Gibson of Shiloh and Appalachian, Florida. On entering the hall punch was served after which they were invited in the parlor where games, music ami a contest was en joyed throughout the evening. After whieh a delicious salad course was nerved. One of the most interesting games af the season was the basket hall game between S. E. O. C. and Statham High -Friday afternoon, the score made 24 to ft in favor of Statham. S. E. 0. C. has a good team but Statham has them outclassed. They put up a good light but were put out. COUNTY LINE SCHOOL December 11, 1930. Coulnty Line school, has grown to he one of the largest accredited high schools in Northeast Georgia. It has a five acre earn pus. oovt ed with grass and bdautiful, shrubbery. The main building is a two-story brick structure consisting of otiiee, library, expression, anisic studio, class rooms, ami a large auditorium. We also have a separate dormitory for the boys, and girls in which the basement of each is tilt ml for indoor •thirties and swimming pool. W* have a faculty of eighteen teach ers, and about live hundred pupils en rolled, with a senior class of twelve. In nineteen hundred twenty-two Comity Line was a two story wood building built on a very cheap plan with only three teachers. Faithful work and pulling together is what put County Line where she is to <l l y. RUTH WHEELER. sth grade.. Notice of Sale of Personal Properly. tiWoIMIIA Harrow comity. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordhary of said county of Harrow, heretofore granted; will be sold before Hie court house door of said county, on Tuesday, the lOt h day of December, lifcK. within the legal hours of sale, the following property of the estate of A. Perry, deceased, to-wit: Seven head of mules. One cow and calf. Two 2-tiorse wagons. Harness, farm tools, and other personalty. Terms of sale cash. Sold for the purpose of paying debts and for division, to the heirs of said estate E. S. PERRY, Administrator Pigs and Shoats for Sale Will he in Winder Saturday. Decem ber 16. with a load of pigs and slmnts for mb* at reasonable prices.—T. R. Flaniesu. , Itpd. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children •■Use For Over 30 Years Smith Hardware Company’s Biggest Aluminum Sale Ever Staged In Winder Mark your Calendar for this Great Sale next Tuesday afternoon Dec. 19, at 2:30 o’clock. a ‘’jj-dfy. ,> tariff *'*>"’■ *■, -r' J~. s "'V , ‘ -<r. A T /ayti ■**' -- '.. &• This Aluminum will consist principally of the large $2.00 and $2.50 pieces such as Dish Pans, Water Pails, Convex Kettles, Preserve Kettles, Pitchers, Roasters, etc. This may be your last opportunity for years to get Aluminum at these prices as several factories have al ready notified us that prices are to advance from 15 to 25 per cent. Think of being able to give a friend a nice Aluminum Water Pitcher or some other article of equal value for a Christmas present. Another thing; with each piece of Aluminum purchased you get a coupon which entitles you to a chance at the Beautiful 26-piece, $12.75 Setof Silverware which we will give away on Saturday af ternoon, December 23rd, at 2:30 o’clock. REMEMBER GREATEST ALUMINUM SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30, DEC. 19TH. BE ON HAND SMITH HARDWARE CO. i i Winder, Georgia THE WINDER NEWS Subscription Price: $1.30 Per Year.