The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 14, 1922, Image 7

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THT’RSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1922. AMONG THE CHURCHES \ FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM Public Worship—Gospel Pulpit " Open Forum —Popular Instr-ic- " tion—Social Recreation —Person- * al Development—Soul Winning * Services—Everybody Welcome. —* The Present and the Future of the Christian Life:’ To me to Live is Christ and to Die is Gain." "Why Jesus Refused to be Crowned” and “Accountability” are the pastor’s’ themes for next Lord’s Day at 11:30 and 7 :30. “How to Get Rich’” is the midweek topic for Wednesday evening. Dee. 20. Anyone who will follow the directions of the Great TeachVr during 1923, will soon be well on the way to prosperity h botli temporal and spiritual. sls0 —350—Three Hundred and Fifty Coming! The First Baptist church has adopt carefully prepared budget for the year 1923, and began on last Lord's Day its annual every member canvass to provide subscriptions from the en tire membesship to support the budget. Let every member give your pledge— call at once. The Executive Board of the Georgia Baptist Convention held its first An nual sesion for the new convention year in Atlanta Thursday of this week. The pastor of the First Baptist church is '’the local member. The Young Woman’s Auxiliary meets this (Friday) evening with Mrs. J. P. Cash. All the young women of our church community are invited to this delightful and profitable hour. Sunday School Rally. I * The regular quarterly Sunday school rally of the second district of the Mul berry association was held with Bel church last Sunday afternoon. The weather was bad but a good crowd gathered and a splendid program was rendered. The next meeting will he with White Plains church about 5 miles west of Jefferson on the Hosehton road on the second Sunday afternoon in March, 1923, Itev. J. P. Eley, Rev. Otis Mc- Neal and Mr. J. H. Skelton are on the program committee. —Lee Roberts, pres ident. Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt Recommends Chamberlain’s Tablets. “I have frequently used Chamberlains Tablets, during the past three years, and have found them splendid for headache and bilious attacks. I am only too pleased, at any time, to speak a word in praise of them,’ writes Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt, Rockport, N. Y. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. V HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & 00., Toledo, O. “Lots for Your Money Brands” Should Not Tempt You—-Use CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER That’s What Millions of Housewives Do —They know that fGood Baking Powder can’t be sold for less — that “more for the mon ey’ ’ means bake-day fail ures, waste of time and money —that Calumet means economy. The sales of Calumet are over 150% greater than that of any other bak- BEST BY TEST ing powder. * THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER METHODIST CHURCH. • The pa stores sermon last Sunday morning at the Methodist church touch ing the doctrines, history, policies of the church was very timely and had a fine tonic effect. The welcoming services in the even ing were all that could have been an ticipated. The spirit of Christian fra ternity ran high. Such services cannot fail to promote the best that is in us. The services were very much appreci ated by the church. The pastor will preach next Sunday on “Our Inheritance and Our Bequests.’ The pastor and the church unite in a yvarm welcome to you. Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:3U to 11:30 A. M„ F. C. Graddick, Supt. Christian Endeavor Society meets at 4:30 P. M. Preaching by the Pastor Ist and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:30, and evening at 8:30. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at 8 P. M. conducted by the pastor. You are most cordially invited to attend all of these services and join with us in the service of the Master Come. TF. CHRISTIAN CHI’RCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11:30 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supper. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor 7:30 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Sbelnutt, Minister. Bible Study Class Come to the Bible Study Class Mon day afternoon at 3:00 o’clock at the Methodist church and hear some mem ber tell “Esther,” a beautiful little episode in the history of the Israelites who did not return from captivity and which reveals God’s ufiseen handiwork in the course of their history. Also the dramatic poem of Job which ranks among the highest in in literature and shows the sanctifying office of afflict ions to those who love God. Then Ne hemiah, who fa-ted and prayed and God made it possible to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days. Study Nehemiah Esther and Job. f Moore , Glasses And Superior Service Cost No More Than the Ordinary *————— Kind. OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS Bhould call on us immediately upon arrival, allowing us sufficient time to supply glasses, properly and comfort ably fitted, Jno. L. Moore & Sons Master Opticians Over a Quart--" Century in Aua-ia New Location 77 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. Santa Claus Letters. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl six years old. I want you to bring me a doll and fruits of all kinds. I will lie proud of any thing. Bring whatever you think is right. I will bo in bed and sound asleep when you come. ouv little girl, Jeffie Lou Edwards Dear Santa Claus: Pleasb bring me a sleepy doll and my other little sis ters a doll apiece. Also bring us some* oranges, candy, (apples, raisiliS \and nuts of all kind. And remember all the rest of the little children that is look ing for you. I will be just as good, Santa, if you will bring me what I have asked for. Your little friend, Eddie Maude Edwards. Dear Santy: I have been a good little boy this year. I helped mama pick cotton and bring in stove wood. I am eight years old and weigh 50 lbs. Now Santy, I dont want a great heap of things or nothing that is fine but just a little what Id know was sure enough all mine. Now please dont miss me. Your little friend, HOYT PEPPERS. Dear Santy Claus: I have been good all thi* year and I want you to bring me a bicycle and a great big doll and some candy and fruit. I would like to have a doll trunk. Don’t forget Em bry and littl John. I hope you will come to see all the little boys and girls and bring them lots of nice things. I may lie in Atlanta when you get here but you can find out my address from the postmaster here. Be sure to find 'me. Your little friend, Minnie Hazel Margor. y— IN MEMORY One of the saddest eveats has fiver happened was the death of our !it school mate. Mabel Hall who passed aw r ay Friday, December Ist, at noon. She was a loyal", an obedient and cheurt.’l pupil, hui! an mspirati <n to all who knew her. The examples of goodnevs and beauty of chara-"er she be *i el shall f*-r ascribe the following line* to her as a token of our love. Oh! ’tis lonesome without you. Mab‘l, In this world of toil and care, But we'll join you with the rausi mod, In that land so bright and fair. Sleep on darling and wait for us, God has called you on before, But we hope to meet you. Mabel Where we’ll never part no more. TYRO SCHOOL Mutilation of a Coin. There is no penalty attached to the intiiatlon of a coin, but a penalty ia ittached to restoring to circulation a *oin which has been fraudulently r®. luced In weight FARQUHAR SLAB BURNER There is no better time than the pres ent to cash in on this outfit. You can make money selling lumber. The Farquhar Slab Burner is the only engine lUfIL green slabs ra&griirigd&'rh . on a rainy day in the Farquhar Slab Burner winter time. Farquhar Double Belt Saw MiU WOODRUFF MACHINERY MFG. CO. 41 South Forsyth Street Atlanta, Ga. "Dtuit wnrru M&aui Oi/ffhoaam it is covered with— CAREY Shingles are spark-proof. The crushed slate surfacing embedded in a thick body of heavy felt and water-proofing compounds underneath, unfailingly protects against roof-com municated fires. You secure a lower fire insurance rate when you have a Carey Asfaltslate Shingle Roof. Ask us for samples and prices. “The Shingle that Never Curls” The New Winder Lumber Cos. THE WTNDRTt NEWS In The District Court of the U. S., Northern District of Georgia. Asa 'Court of Bankruptcy. r I Iu re: Henry F. Elliott, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. The creditors of the debtor above named, a resident of Winder, Ga., Rt. No. 3 in the county of Barrow, said dis trict, ure hereby notified that he was on Dec. 2, 1922, duly adjucuted bankrupt jaud the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Referee at (Law renceville. Gu., Dec. 10, 1922, at 10 a. in. (E. TANARUS.) at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, uppoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other bus iness as may properly come before said ( meeting. N. L. Hutchins, Rerefee in Bankruptcy. Lawrenceville, Ga., Dec. 4, 1922. In the District Court of the United States, For the Northern District of ! Georgia. In Re: W. 11. Hardigree, Bankrupt. No. 1001. In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed in couformtiy with law* by above named bankrupt, and ’the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said pe tition be had on December 10, 1922, at ten o’clock A. M., at the United States District Court Room, in the city of AT LANTA, Georgia, not tin* is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and* place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for dis charge should not be granted. 2t O. A. FULLER, Clerk. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, November 12. Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Tiain No. 5 Arrive 4:18 PM Train No. 17 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 11 Arrive 6:07 AM Train No. 30 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 6 Arrive 10:36 AM Train No. 48 Arrive 2:50 PM Train No. 18 Arrive 7 :00 PM Train No. 12 Arrive 10:43 PM Train No. 48 runs daily except Mon day. y y*^ -. y B. E. PATRICK Watches and Jewelry’ F’ine Wateh Repairing. WINDER, GA. • ANNOUNCEMENT National Biscuit Cos. Demonstration Saturday, December I6th National Biscuit Cos. Demonstration. We invite you to call and tempt your appetite with samples of NATIONAL FRUIT CAKE and PLUM PUDDING, also new varieties of delicious little cookies fresh from the ov ens of the bakers of the U. S. A. National Fruit Cake Light and Dark SPECIAL LB. TIN $3.25 Special assortment of FRUIT POINTS, SO CIAL TEA SANDWICH, OREO SAND WICH, CHOCOLATE MINAROTS and STRAWBERRY PUFF CAKES. SPECIAL lib. PKGE 30c We have made substantial reductions on all package goods. Look these over: BARNUM’S Animal ZU ZU OATMEAL MACAROON SNAPS ELMON SNAPS Cheese Tid Bits VANILLA WAFERS PREMIUM SODA Just the thing for the school kiddies lunch. j SPECIAL PER PKGE 5c j —Nabisco That delicious Sugar Wafer, Chocolate and Vanilla i SPECIAL PER PKGE 9c BUTTER THINS - LARGE GRAHAM LORNA DOONE SPECIAL PER PKGE 10c ARROW ROOT BISCUIT, Vanila Wafers - TOKENS - Arrow Root Biscuit—Cocoanut Dainties SPECIAL PER PKGE 13c ASSORTED SUGAR WAFERS A Wonderful Assortment of EIGHT N. B. C. VARIETIES of SUGAR WAFERS SPECIAL PEER PKGE 18c DON’T FORGET THE DATE When you miss coming to see us we both lose SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS Phone 151 We Deliver. Yours for “Quality” -“Courtesy” -“Service” CALL Hargrove Bros. WINDER, GEORGIA Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.