The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 21, 1922, Image 4

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"THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1922. MARSHAL’S SALE GEORGIA— Barrow gounty. 'Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 11112*1. between the legal hours of sale, at the oourt house door of *said. <o unty. lo the hight-st bidder for cash, j At public outcry to satisfy fi fas issued by the Clerk of the City of Winder, in ifavor of the City of Winder against J W. Moore for taxes due the city of Winder by J. W. Moore, one fi ll for 1921, one fi fa for year 1922,'and one fi f :J . for tapping water inpin, The fol lowing described house and lot, facing Broad street 125 feet, more or leiv 200 feet back from •said s!reet, bounded as follows: on the v,i it by Broad street, south by liar ri se i Eb-od east by lands of J. W. Moore an I north by lands of J. W. Moore and Bread street. Said property levied upon as the property of said J. W. Moore and in Ilie possession of Jim Huff. „ This December 6th, 1922. e. o Mcelroy, Chief 'of oflce. MARSHAL SALE GE<)RGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold before the court house door at public outcry, on the iirst Tues day in January, 1923, the de acribed property to-witc <)|io lot in the city of Winder fronting otr Oak street 50 feet, running back EOO feet, bound ed by the property of W. C. Parker, Vasco Segars, Bradbury and Smith and Oak Street. Said property is levied on as the property of G. J. Alien, in his possession, and to satisfy an execution issued by the elerk of the city of Win der for said Allen’s city taxes for the year 1921. e. o. Mcelroy. 4t Chief of Police. The Winder News needs that money you owe it on subscription. Drop in and pay it. tWftt Contents 15 fluid Drachnj " **— ttii-—L-^— 1 -- -h (CASTORIA PTICOUOL -3 PER CENT. • ■ Prepafation&f As • similatin^thcFoodby^ 14 ' 1 and Bowrisci^ ; Thereby Promoting Di&stkn | Cheerfulness Mdjtestjjj# 1 ® ! neitherOrum,Morphlneno r Mineral. NotKahootic jrn 9 JPiunpkux S**4 \ |" &tint* l Hochvlit Saltk M Mis* s•*+ ■ see£j* 1 I jibnn W flan/. MSimrr * )iZ:fr?yrrs.i Ftanf [ LsafißSg-' I -vsjs rsssi \ resulUn^thercfrouHnl j |hcSiaeSi4nator* of J,ffiCENTATnCOMPfi tacl P 7 of Wrapper. i’T’ s-.' •' r * ’ 7T-. !? V^/ A’VSr^SA'^o^ l -^- l £???RJ®s*J!s?sPsjj|P . .//* '*?.*• 'rt*'c .' /- -> Aq(K>NA tC A >Rgr|5 Iflsd lf f‘n1 K * C jy 10 .w'r' fi ■ <xf>ris **-.</ v.cntrr p : (Jif>rVri oii. f t >rt s irjt. : * N *' ,s 'j ' - - ife i*ralrtc ia. -“. . r Merry Christmas I want to thank my customers for their patronage during the y ear and to wish every one of them a Merry .Christmas. I have a splendid line of Christmas goods, such as nuts, candies, oranges, apples, rais ins at the very lowest prices. My fresh and cured meats and groceiies are fresh and good at right pi ices. W. C. JETT Vhone 55 Phone 55 Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt Recommends Chamberlain's Tablets. “I have frequently used Chamberlains Tablets, during the past rtijrfP years, und have found them spleyßd for headache and bilious attacks. I am only too pleased, at any time, to speak a word in praise of them,’ writes Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt, Kockport, N. Y. Chamberlain’s' Cough Remedy the Mother’s Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and effect ual cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. It is eager tally prized by mothers )f young eiivjjrcn for colds, croup and whooping cpugh, as it always affords quick relief and is free from opium and other harmful drugs. To insure a healthy action of the bowels and correct disorders of the liv er? take two of Chamberlain’s Tablets imradiately after supper. They will ndf only cause a gentle movement of the bowels, without unpleasant effects, hut banish that dull, stupid feeling, that often accompanies constipation. Valuable. Smolen Island, near Krlstianssund, Norway. I" a flat spot of land pos sessed of immense areas of peat bog. it Is doubtful whether there Is any where a better location for the pro duction of pent Id large quantities.- Omaha Bee. Keep Extra Supply. A reserve supply of little things nec essary around the house will save many an annoying moment. With this fact In mind, don’t buy Just one paper of pins, a package of hairpins a hair , net, flve stumps, u sqialt supply of let I !er paper. Lay In a regular stock of these things and of all such little ar ticles. the lack of which causes so much lost time CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the /^[ Aw “/W W<>p°. (\ Jp* In /uf se V/ For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THe CENTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM Public Worship—Gospel Pulpit Open Forum —Populur Instruc tion—Social Recreation —I’erton- al Development —Soul Winning Services —Everybody Welcome. . Wishing everybody good cheer and much happiness! “The Shepherds of Bethlehem,” is the appropriate theme for a Christ, mas hourly next Lord's day morning, Christmas Eve. There will be no services at night. Our Christmas Service Sunday ev ening at 7:30. Everybody invited. Bring 52 pennies for the Sundays of the year, so that EVERY FAMILY IN WINDER may be remembered at Christmas . Three hundred and fifty in the Bible school Sunday, January 7, is our goal. Get busy. Please Do Not Say or Write Xmas whatever else 1 haste may or may not do, let us be sure that it does not ab breviate our devotion to Jesus who gave Himself for us. Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M„ F. C. Graddick, Supt. Christian Endeavor Society meets at 4:30 P. M. - Preaching by the Pastor Ist and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:30, and evening at 8:30. Prayer meetings every Wednesday “veiling beginning promptly at 8 P. M. conducted by the pastor. You are most cordially invited to attend all of these services and join with us in the service of the Master Come. TF. CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11:30 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supper. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor 7 :30 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Shelnutt, Minister. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA —Barrow county. All creditors of the estate of Mrs. Callie Hosch, late of Barrow county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law. and a,H persons in debted to said es|p.fe are required to make immediate! payment to me. This Dec. 4, l!)l>2. tV.' tV. IIOSCH, Administrator of Mrs Callie Iloseh, deceased Taking Desperate Changes It is true that many contract severe colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment. Kind a knowledge of this fact leads others to take their chances instead of giving their colds the needed attention. It should be borne that every cold weakens tliof lumsfs, lowers the vi tality, makes !Ij(> system less able to withstand each ! succeeding attack and pares the way for the more serious dis eases. Can you afford to take desper ate chances when Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds may be had for a trifle? Advt. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Wo acknowledge with thanks a beau tiful calendar for from Mr. E. M. North. Assistant General Passenger Agon for the Atlantic Coast Line rail road company. The kindness of Mr. North on the trip we made last sum mer from Quitman to Brunswick will never he forgotten. He is not only a fine railroad official hut a spelndid gentleman, and our best wishes are ex tended to him and his excellent road. breaking a Record. A man down East spoke hts will into a phonograph, thus giving hla heirs a chance to break b!s record. HAVE YOU INVITED AN UNSEEN GUEST to YOUR Christmas Table? Thousands of Orphaned Children appeal to you. Sixty dollars a year, or $5 a VqSjk month will save a Child’s Life through < NEAR EAST RELIEF GREETINGS Wishing you a Merry Christas and a Happy New Year. H. SILVERSTEIN THE ECONOMY STORE , THE WINDER NEWS ROGER’S Where Satisfaction Is a Certainty. 108 Broad Street 160 Pure Food Stores Winder, Ga. In Georgia SPECIALS FOR Friday, and Saturday 23 Pounds Finest Granulated 99 c SUGAR RED RIPE CRANBERRIES l?c Lb - “Roger's’ Quality fc BREAD 13 oz. Loaf NUTS, RAISINS, FRUITS CANDIES CANDIES Chocolate Drops . . 19c Crystalize Creams 19c Chocolate Bon Bons 19 Crystalized Jelly Drops 19c RAISINS Calif Cluster 24^ Raisins, Lb. Del Monte Seeded 1 ftC Raisins, Pck. 10 Oz. Packag e Dates 3 Pck. Corn Flakes 20c WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS ROGER’S Where Satisfaction Is a Certainty. f 108 Broad Street Winder, Ga. Subscription Price: sl.s# Per Year. IQ Lbs. Large Mealy Irish 23 C POTATOES J Pound Dandy 39^ CO--COA Jar NITS MIXED NUTS 25 c Choicest Quality ENGLISH WALNUTS NO. 1 PAPER SHELL ALMONDS Lb. Almonds 22c Lb. FRUITS Fancy Apples .... 29c Fancy Juicy Oranges 29c doz. Tangerines . .29c doz. RED MALAGRA GRAPES 27c | Lb “Roger’s” 1 Monogram COFFEE