The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 21, 1922, Image 6

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TTIURBDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1022 Legal Advertisements CITATION. GEORGIA —Barrow county. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that W. F. Hall, as ad ministrator of G. A. Wall, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said O. V Wall, deceased and that an order was made thereon at the December term, 1922. for citation, and that citation is sue; ail the heirs at law rand creditors of the said Gj A. will take notice tljnt \ will pass upon said a iuil ica I ion ai flie January term, 1823, of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, at and that unless cause is shown to the contrary at said time said leave W " h gianted. This 4th day of I>ec. 1922 t W. PARKER. Ordinary. Application for Twelve Months Support GEORGIA Barrow county. Tiie appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support to Mrs. Lillie Norris, widow ami minor children of M. T. Norris, deceased, late of said county, having filed their returns in the office of the ordinary of Barrow county, this is In cite all eiAeerm'd, and creditors, that liwlil puss dpon this re turn at the re galf/r January term. 1923 of Court of Ordinary of Barrow coun ty, to he held on the first Monday in January, 1923, and if no legal cause is shown to the contrary the return will he made the judgment of this Court. This December 4th, 1922. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Sherill'ff's Sale of lauid. GEORGIA- Barrow county. Will lie sold at the court house door in said eoiihty of Barrow and in the City of Winder, on the First Tuesday in January, 1923. within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described prop erly towit: All that tract and parcel of land sit uated, lying and being in the county of Harrow, said State of Georgia; hound ed on the North by lands of W. 11. Mc- Daniel; on the east by lands of W. 11. McDaniel and H. P. Thompson, on the soul It by lands of Areli Perry and on the west by lands of Arch Perry and F. M. Stewart; being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a rock corner on Areli Perry's line and running thence South along a private road, being the line of W. 11. McDan iel and continuing south across the pub lic road with line of J. P. Thompson to a rock corner; thence west with line of Arch Perry to a persimmon tree; thence north along line of Arch Perry ami F M. Stewart to a black gum tree; thence cast along line of W. 11. McDan iel to the beginning corner, containing sixty-one acres more or less, with im provements thereon. Lying on both sides of a good public road’in fine com munity. Said land levied oil as the properly of J. G. Rutledge and Mrs. L. A Rutledge, to satisfy an execution is sued mi the 13th day of Octolior, 1922, from the* Superior Court of Borrow •county. On., in favor of Mrs. P. A. Moon against said J. G. Rutledge and Mrs. L. A. Rutledge, and which tract of land is made specially subject to 4he said execution. Tliis oth day of December. 1922. 11 0. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA Barrow County. Will be sold before the Court House door in the City of Winder, Georgia, during the usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, on tin* llrst Tuesday in January, 1923, the follow ing described property, to-wit: - o nehalf undivided interest in and to tliut tract or parcel o£ laud and the improvements thereon, lying and being in the county of Harrow. State of Georgia and in the town of St at ham fronting 50 find on Railroad street and running back to an alley in the rear a depth of 150 feet, whereon i situated „ two story hr!ck*hnlhUE. owned t>v Warner tit t>. M. Hale as tenants in dmunion a.rtl describ ed as follows: Beginning at corner wl th -r N. Wall lot on Railroad street near bank building, thence South 50 foot along Railroad street to a corner, thence 150 feet to an alley in rear of said lot, thence along alley in rear 50 feet to corner on line 1 of T. N land, thence along line of T. N. " all land to the beginning corner a distance of 150 feet." Said proicrty levied on as the prop erty- of Mrs. Matilda A. Hale under and by virtue of a ti fa Issued from the dty Court of Monroe, Georgia, in fa vor of Union Ranking Company vs. Mrs Matilda A. Hale, and sold to sat isfy said fl.fa. Tenant in possession given writen notice of levy. This Dec. 6th. 15*12 H. O. CAMP. Sheriff. SALE NOTICE. OHORC.IA—Barrow county. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Pow er of sale contained in a certain War ranty deed, executed and delivered hy R M. Booth to the Rank of Ktatham. said deed, dated April 4th. 15*22. and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Court of said county, in rec- ords of deeds Book D. Page 519. and date of record, April 13tli, 1922. j The Bank of Statham will sell at public outcry to the highest balder for 'cash on the first Tuesday in January 11923, between the legal hours of sale, i lief ore the court house door in said I county the following described proper ty to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Statham Dist. G. M„ said Stale and county, containing One Hun dred (100) acres, and known as the Tom Booth lands and bounded as fol lows; On the north by lands of Rich Arnold estate, east by lands of Mrs. W. R. A. Fuller, C. B. Chambers and W. I). Holliday, south iiy other lands of the said H. M. Booth and on the east hy lands of J. M. L. Thurmond and Mrs. M. S. Reeves. Also all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Ktat ham, Barrow county, Georgia, and im provements thereon, consisting of a dwelling house and out-buildings, - and bounded as follows: On the north hy lot of T. L. Wall, east hy street, south hy Elizabeth street and on the west hy nn alley anlFloßoCJfe-JI- ttruiTCßnd be ing proportVyv&here the said Booth now lives. / This property will tie sold as part of the estate oft he late S. M. Booth to satisfy a certain promissory note of Three Thousand, Six Hundred, Seven ty-Six and 51-100 ($3(570.51) Dollars, principle. Said note dated April 4tli, 1922, and given hy S. M. Booth to said Bank of Statham, and due October Ist. 1922. This sale will Ire made for the pur pose of paying said note, principal and interest and cost of this sale. The balance, if any, will lie paid to the es tate of the late S. M. Booth. Tills the Olh day of December, 1922. BANK OF STATHAM, Jas. W. Arnold, Atty. 0 SALE NOTICE (E()RGlA —Barrow county. In pursuance of a decree rendered in tin' Superior Court of Clarke county, Georgia, in the case of Randall Craft, ot al vs. Herbert Fleming et at. the same being an equitable petition, llie undersigned, as commissioner, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door in Barrow county, Georgia, on the firs Tuesday in January, 1923, between the legal hours of sale, all of tiie interest and equity of Kundnll Craft and Mertie Craft in and to the following describ ed property, to-wit: A certain tract of land containing 100 acres, mofe or less, known as the Booth place, formerly located in Jack son county, Georgia, and now located in Barrow county, Georgia, and being the premises upon which the said Ran dall Craft resided during the year 1922. Said sah' being lmd for the purpose of satisfying a certain is sued from tin* Superior Lmrtvn Clarke county, fatwi' of the said Hubert the said Ran dall Craft and Mertie Craft for the principal sum of $4229.72, the sum of $421.92 as interest to the 11th day of October. 1922, future interest on said principal sum at the rate of 7 per cent per annum; and costs of suit, the amount of said judgment luring by the terms of said decree a special lien ngainst said real estate. This 7th day of December. 1922. L. 1> PENNY, Commissioner. MARSHAL’S SALE GEORGIA Harrow county. Will he sold on (he llrst Tuesday in January, 19215, between the legal hours of sah\ at the court house door of said county, to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry to satisfy fi fas issued by the Clerk of tin* City of Winder, in •favor of the City of Winder against ,!. W. Moore for taxes due the city of Winder by J. W. Moore, one fi fa for 1921, one fi fa for year 1922. and one fi fa. for tapping water main. The fol lowing described property to-wit: One house and lot, facing Broad street 125 feet, more or less, 200 feet buck from said street, bounded as follows; on the west by Broad street, south by Harri son Elrod, east by lands of J. 11. Moore [and north by lands of J. W. Moore and l Broad street. Said property levied upon as the I property of said J. W. Moore and in the possession of .Tim Huff. This December Oth, 15*22. E. O. MeEI.ROY, Chief of olice. MARSHAL SALE GEORGIA- -Borrow county. Will be sold before the couft house door at public outcry, on the tirst Tuos day In .Tanuary, 15*23, the following de scril)ed property to-wit: One lot in the city of Winder fronting on Oak street 50 feet, running hack 200 feet, bound ed hy the property of W. C. Parker. Vasco Segars, Bradbury and Smith and Oak Street. Said property i' levied on as the property of G. J. Allen, in his possession, and to satisfy an execution issued by the clerk of the city of Win der for said Allen’s city taxes for the year 15*21. H. O. McELROY. 4t Chief of Police. Santa Claus Letters. Auburn, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little girl six years of age and I am going to 'school and I am in the Primer, and I want you to bring me a little doll and apples, oranges, nigger toes and some engllsh walnuts, candy. Your little friend, LARUE PEPPERS. Winder, Ga. Dear Santa: We are sisters, eight and four years old. We want a 101 l that can say “mama.” Nell wants a wash set and a neck chain, and Elise ! wants a locket and a doll carriage, some fruits, candles anil nuts. We don’t want too much but we will he glad of anything. Your little friends, Johnnie Nell and Elise Wallace. Winder, Ga. Dear Santa: I will write you to let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a doll with curley hair and will say “mama,” and I want a cart to roll her in. Well I will close for this time. Your little friend, JEWEL BOSWELL. Winder, Ga. Dear Santa: Please bring me a big doll with long, brown curls and big blue eyes about two ft*et tall, and a glass head, one roman candle, a hunch of one iijch fire crackers and a bunch of small lire crackers. Please bring some presents for the Christinas tree. Bring the others what they want. Yours truly, EMOLYN MILLER. Wilder, Ga. Dar Santa Claus: Please bring me a pair of gloves and a pair of log ons and all kinds of fruits. Please bring my little brother, Horace, a lit tle wagon and a little doll and some of all kinds of fruits. From your little friend, BRUNELL CLACK. Winder, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: Just a few lines to let you know what I want. I want you to bring me a great big doll that can say “mama,” aid a brown sweater too, and lots of fruits, nuts and candy. Remember the poor children. Hope I liavn’t asked for too much. Your little girl, REBA GARNER. Winder, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: Pleas bring me a five hundred shot aif rifle, one load of shot for it, a package of small tire crackers a rouian candle, some two inch fire crackers and some other tire crackers. Yours truly, SON MILLER. ✓ Bethlehem, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: lam a little hoy five years old. I want you to bring me a lit lie* red wagon, a horn, fruits of all kinds. 1 will thank you very much. WATSON THOMPSON. Bethlehem, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am writing you tins letter to let you know what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me a foot hall and a knife and all kinds of fruits. Your friend, JOHN WILLIAM THOMPSON. Auburn. Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am going to school. 1 am eight years old and in the second grade. I want a little doll and a little doll carriage and all kinds of fruits and a little piano; so I will thank you. Your frienl. LUCILE HELTON. To The Public ENCOURAGE THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS IN THEIR EFFORTS TO HELP THEMSELVES. The Camp Fire girls are endeavoring to form a fund for the maintainance of their organization and to make it possible for them to be a bigger factor in public and civ c work. The method adopted is the selling of subscriptions to Henry Ford’s weekly. The Dearborn Independent, an exceptional ly interesting and educational magazine The subscription price to this publication is $1.50 per year, of which amount the girls retain 50c. Every citizen of Barrow county should encourage these fine girls by sub scribing when asked. Winder Motor & Tractor Company R. L. ROGERS, Mgr. THE WINDER KVWH Auburn, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl going to school. I am ten years of age and in the fifth grade. I want ■you to bring me a very big vase, and a pair of silk hose, big sleepy doll and all kinds of fruits. Please do not for get my little baby brother and sister, anl father and mother. I will thank yon very much. Your little friend, ARDELL PEPPERS. Auburn, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl going to school. I am in the sec ond grade and I want you to bring me a little doll and some apples, oranges, nigger toes and english walnuts. Y r our little friend, WILLIE MAE PEPPERS. Winder, Ga., Dec. 15, 1922. Dear Santa Claus: Please be sure to not overlook my house this Clirtsi mas, for I’ve been a very good boy this year. Will you please bring me an iron, or Irish mail wagon, pogo stick, foot ball, walking horse, and some fire works, and a train, and that’s all. Your little friend, LEWIS HARPER WILLIAMS. Dear Santa Claus: I am the same little hoy and live in the same place. I want you to bring me a gun and dog. I want a football, all kinds of fruits and candy. I go to school and in the third grade. My teacher is Miss Birdie Pool. Bring her some oranges. Don’t forget my two little brothers. Green and Forest, and my little sister, Flora. They have been good children this year. Goodbye. Your little boy, Darah Sloan. Severe Indigestion “I had very severe attacks of indigestion,” writes Mr. M. H. Wade, a farmer, ot R. F. D. 1, Weir, Miss. ‘‘l would suffer for months at a time. All I dared eat was a little bread and butter. .. consequently I suffer ed from weakness. I would try to eat, then the terrible suffer ing in my stomach! I took medicines, but did not get any better. The druggist recom mended Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT and 1 decided to try it, for, as I say, I had tried others for two or more years without any im provement in my health. I soon Found the Black-Draught was acting on my liver ana easing the terrible pain. ‘‘ln two or three weeks, I found 1 could go back to eating. 1 only weighed 123. Now I weigh 147 —eat anything I want to, and by taking Black-Draught I do not suffer." Have you tried Thedford’s Black-Draught? If not, do so today. Over 8 million packages sold, a year. At dealers’ E 96 /fGot a cold I MENTHOLATUM 1 clears it FARM LOANS lI7E are prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan business at 6V& per cent per anifum with a reasonable commission. > We can loan for 5, 7 or 10 years’ time, in amounts ranging from SI,OOO to $40,000, on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan on your farm, let us submit vou proposition. ‘ w “QUICK SERVICE” is our Motto. Call or write— W. H. QL'ARTERMAN J Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK k TRUST CO. | (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) Richmond, Virginia. ZZ INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone Is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once.' A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loVedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and Walton I also make loans on Winder City property. See W. F. Pentecost, who has an office with T. Elton Drake, Attorney, Winder, Georgia, and is in W inder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm lands for mycompaniesand will give prompt service. LTt’ S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6mospd.3-l-23. Georgia. LOANS LOANS Money to lend on farm and city property. Money easily available on proper security. T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law L (J WINDER, GA. LOANS LOANS' Highest Prices Paid for i-r i Seed cotton Winder Oill Mill FIRE, TORNADO I & AUTOMOBILE IflSUf HOCC Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line. /-in Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Bank Building NEW BUS LINE FROM COMMERCE TO ATLANTA Takes Effect Monday, November 27, 1922. This Bus will run daily, including Sunday, from Commerce to Atlanta via Jefferson, Winder, Lawrenceville and Tucker. Arriving from Commerce to Winder 8:00 am Leaving from Winder Hotel 8:05 am Arrive in Atlanta 10:00 am (Central Time) Leave Atlanta ... 3:00 pm (Central Time) Arrive Winder . . 6:45 pm (Eastern Time) This Bus will be handled by first class driv ers and any lady or child will have the driv er’s careful attention. The above schedule will give you 5 hours in Atlanta if preferred the same day. Winder to Atlanta, Round Trip _ $2.59 Single Trip $1.25 Winder to Jefferson, Round Trip $1.25 Single Trip $ .*5 Winder to Commerce, Round Trip $1.50 Single Trip SI.OO Winder to Curl, Round Trip $ -30 Single Trip $ .15 Winder to Auburn. Round Trip $ .40 Single Trip $ .20 Winder to Lawrenceville, Round Trip $ .75 Single Trip $ .40 Winder to Tucker, Round Trip $1.45 Single Trip SI.OO Winder to Decatur, Round Trip $2.00 Single Trip $1.50 If this Bus proves successful I will add additional one later. Thanking the good people of Barrow coun ty and Winder for their patronage. E. F. TAYLOR. Subscription Prica: $1.50 Per Year.