The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, December 21, 1922, Image 8

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jftirRSDAY, DECEMBER Si. 1022- County Line News We are having: some cloudy and cool weather. The flu seems to la? getting in our community. Oiunty Line is on a boom; they are going to have a Christmas play Sat urday night. December 23. They are counting on a large crowd. Christmas is coming hut guess it will seem dull. Mr T. H. Maxey's baby is on the sick list this week. Misses Willie Mae Greeson and Bir tie House spent Sunday afternoon witn Miss OlUe Murphy. Miss Girtie Maxey spent Sunday with Mr. alul Mrs. Ed Maxey. We are glad to report Mr. Reynolds as some better. Misses Jessie Mae Attaway anl 'Wil lie Mae Greeson spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Willie' Maynard. Mr. Arzy House, from Winder spent Sunday with home-folks. Misses Christine Maxey and Annie Dai Parker spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Lucile Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sims spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sigman. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rainey spent Sat urday night with Mr. Ruff Wheeler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cassie Lancaster spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dillard. Several from this place are attend ing court at Winder this week. Mr. G. W. Hardy and daughter,Eula made a business trip to Winder Mon day. Good luck to the News, winning you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Tear. BETHEL NEWS Mrs. J. I*. Thompson was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Adams Sunday after noon. • Mr. and Mis. J. W. I’artee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. Brown Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carlton Bolton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Bolton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shore were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown Friday night. 1 - ' Needless Advice. To tell a hoy to practice economy In the use of soap is wasting words.— Chicago Dally Newr-. NORTH POLE December Letter From Santa Claus. Dear Little Folks: I received your letters as printed in the Win der News. I will do the very best I can to re member all you boys and girls on Christmas night. Be sure to go to sleep early and do not look to see what I have brought you until about day-light on Christmas morning. Be good boys and girls another year. Tell your papas and mamas that there are lots of Santa Claus articles at Smith Hardware Co.’s Store, Winder, Ga. Wishing you all a Mer ry Christmas, I am, Your old friend, SANTA CLAUS. PARISH LOCALS Misses Bessie and Flora Simpson and Pearl Marr were guests of Miss Jewell Elliott Sunday. Miss Aurora Attaway was the guest of Miss Carmen Elder Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Allen, Mrs. Eula Hayes and Mrs. Little were guests of Mrs. A. N. Elliott Friday afernoon. Miss Nettle Mae Etfheridgti (spent Saturday night with Miss Thelma Al len. This community Ms been having some rain. Mr. Ernest Simpson, of Buford, vis_ ited home-folks Saturday anl Sunday. Misses Nellie and Thelma Allen are at home for the Christmas holidays, the former has been teaching school a,t County Line and her school has closed until after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hayes visited the former’s mother Monday who is Very ill. Merry Christmas to the Winder News. The Veteran’s Jewel. A meeting of unusual interest was held by the' local lodge I. O. O. F. in their hall last Monday evening, at which time the lodge presented Grand Master of Georgin James A. Perry with the veterans jewel. The presentation speech was made by Judge N. L. Hutchins in a happy and appropriate manner, he himself having been similarly honored some years ago, at which time he was the one hundredth member, in forty seven years, in Georgia to receive this jewel. It Is the custom of the order to bestow these jewels on its members who have had a continuous, unbrok en service in good standing for twenty-five years, and Mr. Terry is to be congratulated on this magnifi cent record. The local lodge is considered by Georgia Odd Fellows as one of the best and most progressive lodges in the state, as it bears the distinction of having furnished two Grand Mas ters of Georgia, Judge C. 11. Brand and Col. James A. Perry. Mr. Perry is the sixth member of this lodge to attain the prize, the others Itetng Judge N. L. Hutchins, Mr. Daniel Russell, Mr. L. M. Brand, Judge C. H. Brand and Mr. J. S. Keheley.—Gwinnett Journal. Disagreeable Duties. The easiest time to do a disagree able duty Is when we first decide It Is ■ duty. Evasion and delay double the unpleasantness, and hours of fore taste and distaste are added to dis comfort the decisive action thal must come at last Dodging the disagree able is a losing gnme. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, November 12. Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Tiain No. 5 Arrive 4:18 PM Train No. 17 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 11 Arrive 6:07 AM Train No. 30 Arrive 8:25 AM Train No. 6 Arrive 10:36 AM Train No. 48 Arrive 2 :50 PM Train No. 18 Arrive 7:00 PM Train No. 12 Arrive 10:43 PM Train No. 48 runs daily except Mon day. Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. 1 Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. 1 Making Known an Engagement. An unusual way to announce an elk gagement at a luncheon Is to have en velopes at each guest’s plate with the words, “A Fortune From a Tea Cup." Inside, the names of the engaged cou ple are found made up from tea leaves pasted to the card. caTarriial deafness ts often caused by an inflamed condition ’he mucous lining of the Eustachian lube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the infl|#pimation can be reduced, your heariift may be de stroyed forever. 7 f HALL’S CATARRH WICDICTNE will do what w© claim Jpr it—rid your system or C. atarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Oo„ Toledo, O. THE WINDER NEWS Suggestion: Give Mother a Beautiful Sellers Kitchen Cabinet for Christmas Mother has a habit of "getting along" with what she has . Christmas gives you the opportunity to give her equipment will make her work easier and her hours in the kitchen fewer. There may be many personal things you would like to give her. But be FIFTEEN FAMOUS FEATURES. ..Everywhere the beautiful Sellers is known for the many unusual and improved labor and time-saving features it con tains. Among them are the famous Automatic Low ering Flour Bin; the Extending Table Drawer Sec tion; Automatic Base Shelf Extender; Silverware Drawer; Ant-Proof Casters and many others. The Parker Furniture Company WINDER, GEORGIA. I Classified Ads. Fisk Red Top-f'asings—none better, few as good A-Wood ruff's. FINE CHICKENS FOR, SALE— A •few pure bred S. C. jltlrtKle Island Red cockerels See 11. TANARUS). Moore. Improve your flock of poultry by getting a fine axkerel from R. D. Moore. K Specials for Friday and Saturday: Chocolate covered ehorries, pound 59c. —Herrin’s Drugstore. , Rest brooms from 50c to $1.25. See at Woocptfff’s. Week-end box .asserted chocolates, pound 59c. —HerriWs Drug Store. i i * [ Five gallon can filled with kerosine | oil $1.75. —Woodruff’s. Saturday .Evening Post delivered .any where in per wTcek.—Her rin’s Drug Store. Let us renew your subscription to your favorite newspaper or magazine.— Herrin’s Drug Sttfre. - Atlanta Constitution and Atlanta Journal on sale —Herrin’s Drug Store. Subscriptions taken for any maga zine in the —Herrin's Drug Store. Fisk Black Tpp Casings and Tubes. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Don’t fail to see our line of holiday goods.—Wood ruff^Hardware Cos. SELLERS THE BEST SERVANT IN YOUR HOUSE. Get the news early, subscribe for At lanta Cotistitutiofrr' — Herrin’s Drug Store. The Atlanta Journal makes a nice Christmas gift. Det us take your sub_ scription. Herffu’s Drug Store. T r,e Voter's Puzzle. Iro'* passing strange that when ever two humans aspire to one office die public mind becomes impressed with the fact that one of them is a Jang-up patriot and the other is a Joleful dolt and a voracious ihrog odyte. the only difference of opinion jelng as to which Is which?—Houston Chronicle. * HOLIDAY GOODS AT W OODRUFF’S Complete line of Christmas toys—dolls, etc. Sherwood Coaster Steel wheel WagoDs automobiles, Tricycles and Air Guns. Community Plate Silverware. ,yu Electrical appliances. See us—Prices right. Phone 66 Woodruff Hardware Cos. - A WINDER, GEORGIA. yractical this year. Give her a beautiful, white en amel Sellers which will make her work lighter every clay and help to preserve her health and happiness for many years. The clean, sanitary White Enamel Finish ie much in favor now. It is in keeping with the other white enamel fittings found in the modern kitchen. See a demonstration. The Sellers costs no more than any good cabinet. Order now. We will deliver in time for Christmas. Subscription Price: Per Year. Discipline. No one ever begum to cllmh at th* top, but an observant business mao remarks that the trouble wfth many of our young people Is that, they do not seem to he aware of tha. fact. They are so assured of their own abil ity. and high desen that they claim th# wrong end of the ladder. t ' j CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears _ Signature of