The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 04, 1923, Image 8

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 102,1. . PERSONAL NEWS Mr. C. A Black of Cherry ville. S. C.. *,,ont a few dnys in Winder during the • • • The many friends of Mrs. M. J. Perry will regrtt to learn that slie is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emory Harris in Bethlehem. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp of Atlan 1a are spending a few days in \\ inder. • • • Mrs. Mamie Oglesby and daughter, Mis- Katie Lou, have returned to Ki ln rt on after a visit to relatives here. • • • Mrs. T. M and children have returned to their home in Iteids ville. S. <’., after a visit to nlatlves here. • • Miss Gertrude Mott of Atlanta was an attractive visitor here during the past week. • • * Mr. and Mrs. C. Tl. Cook spent two days during the holidays in Jackson county with the latter's father. • • Mrs. Robert Smith is recovering from n recent illness. • • • Mr. Sylvester Sauls and Mr. Y\. I - . <’allawa.v. of Mercer University, spent several (lays in Winder during the hol idays. • • • Mr. Charles McWhorter left Tues day for Atlanta where lie will resume his studies at Tech after spending the holidays at home. ■ • • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eskridge and Imby hare returned from a week's visit to the former's parents at Shelby N. C. * • • Ralph Haudipree returned to At lanta to resume his studies in Georgia Tech, after- spending the holidays with relatives and friends. * * * Mr. H. H. Chandler and family mov ed Monday into the home purchased •from Mr. P. A. Flanigan. * • Mr. and Mrs. P. A Flanigan are at home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp for the present time. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Nowell and lit tle daghter, of Atlanta, spent a few days here last week with relatives. • * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Eherliart and hahy have returned to their home in Montgomery after spending the holi days with relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Stanton of Ath -ens spent the week-end here as guests of Mrs. Maude Bondurant. i * * * Mrs. Jim Perry of Atlanta is spend ing a few days in the city the guest of relatives. * * * Mr, and Mrs. W. l>. Still of Atlanta spent Christmas holidays in Winder with relatives and friends. * * * Mrs. c. E. Furlow and Miss Eliza beth Furlow of Toledo, (lino, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mae Potts * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Harris of Bethle hem were the guests of relatives in the city 'Tuesday. * * * Miss Mary Louise Johns has return ed to Ifollins College to resume her studies after spending the holidays with her parents. Judge and Mrs G. A. .Johns, Miss Annie 1,00 McDonald lms re turned to Rrenau Follege after spend ing flte holidays with homefolks. * * * Miss Mary Lou Keese who is attend ing the State Normal school, spent the holidays with her parents, t’ol. and Mrs, 11, 11, Chandler. * * * Miss Margaret Russell, who is teach ing at Swords, (pi., has returned to her school there, nfter spending Christinas ■with home isdks. * • * ' Miss Sara Mae McWhorter left Mon day to resume her school at Mt. Ver non. fla.. after spending the holidays with homofolks. * • • • Mr. IlorscQiel Smith and family havo moved into the residence on Candler Rtreet formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs 1,. E. Herrin, and Dr. and Mrs. Ol iver will occupy the* residence on Steph ens street vacated by Mr. Smith. * * I.ittie Miss Doris and Master C.ih *on. the attractive children of Mr. and Mrs Foster ITardigree of Atlanta were recent visitors to their grand parents. Air. and Mrs. Judson llardi gtee. • • • Mrs. Marflin Looney of Atlanta is spending two weeks here visiting friends a*d relatives. Mrs. Looney formerly lived in Winder and has many friends who always extend to her a warm wel come on her return visits here and are glad to see her looking so well and happy. Mrs. W. O. Elder and daughter, Mias Dewma, spent one day recently in At lanta. • * * Miss Pesma Elder left first of (he week for Albany, Ala,, whore she be gins her work In the school. • *' * Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Williams and Miss Gippie Craig spent the week-end in Winder. —Gwinnett Journal. % m mm Mrs. Gordon Whitehead Ims been con fined to her room for several days with illness. * , Mr John Wright, a prominent eit 'izen of Monroe, was iu the city on bus iness Tuesday. Miss IJla Mae MeKibben has return ed to her home in Atlanta after a visit to relatives here. • * * Mr. rand Mrs. Mercer Murray of At-j lanta spent Christmas holidays with , Air. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Miss Anna Settles, who lias been quite ill for the past two weeks, is im proving for tho past two days. * * • E. A. Starr. Jr., of Atlanta spent a part of the Christmas holidays with home folks. • * • Mrs. .lull' Wright, the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grift'eth. leaves soon for New York. * * Mr. It. L. Cnrithers and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Kilpat rick in Atlanta Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs G. C. Moseley spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta with friends. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson spent last Sunday in Covington with Dr. and Mrs. Roseoe Sams. * * * Mr. William McDonald has return ed to his home in Atlanta after a visit to friends here. * * * I Miss Mabel IJerrin has returned to Kirk Grove, Ala., after spending the holidays here with home folks. * * * Tho many friends of Mrs. Will Her rin will bo glad to learn she is improv ing from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pratt of Win der, are guests of Mrs. Sallie Williams at her country home,—Gwinnett Jour nal. • • * Col. Joe D. Quillinn, a prominent attorney, of Winder, was the guest of Dr. und Mrs. G. S. Kelly Thursday.— Gwinnett Journal. • * Miss Nolle Mann, the efficient opera tor at tlie Western Union office, spent the holidays with home folks at Bartles ville. * * * Col. Lewis C. Russell, sec-rotary to Senator George, Washington City, spent the holidays with friends in Win der. * * * 1 Miss Sara Joe 1 Roberts lias returned 'to her studies in the LaGrange Female College, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l’aul Roberts. * * * Miss Camille* Maynard lias returned to Wesleyan College. Macon, (1a... after spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John II Maynard. •* ‘ * Mr. and Mrs.. W.’F. Robertson ami son, Billie, were the guests of Mrs. Robertson’s father, Mr J. W. Mc- Whorter, during the holidays. * * * Miss La Hie Durham of Atlanta is the (guest of Mr. and Mi*. 11. E Richards. HAPPY HOSANNAS NO. 4 THE NEW BOOK FOR 1923. The greatest of all song hooks, Qual ity, ‘ Variety. High ideals, Charming Melody. Sweet llarmoay and Simplici ty make up this excellent book. Songs suitable for any occasion will he found in Happy Hosannas No. 4. So los. Duets. Quartets and songs for spe cial services have been carefully select ed. Sunday Schools and Young Peoples Societies, will find nothing that will surpass it. Test the songs and compare them with the Zig-Zags and Ihigs often found in other books. A hook of pure songs comes next to Hie llihlc and should he in reach of ev ery child. The prices lives that. 30c a copy. $3.00 a dozen, prepaid. Cnshtwith order. Special Price: ir> copies at dozen rate for all orders hooked before February. Send stamps for small amounts. Shaped notes only. No free copies. Address J. L. MOORE, Bethlehem, Gil. breaking a Record. A man down East spoke his will Into a phonograph, thus giving hi* relrs s chance to break hi3 record. BETHLEHEM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mcßreyer have returned home after visiting relatives here. Mr. W. I>. Hendrix has returned to his home after a week's visit to Ala bama and Rockmart, Ga. Miss Ettie Belle Harrison, spent the Christmas holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. I/. Hendrix, Mr. Pa ml Mis. Earl McDonald and Mr. and | Mrs. \V. F. Clack were guests of Mr.. yind Mrs. L. W. Leslie Sunday. Mr. Lee Harrison from Reinhart Col lege spent the Christmas holidays with home folks here. Mss Cornelius Bentley from Winder spent Wednesday with Misses Viola and Rubye Harrison. Rev. M. B. Sams spent the Christmas holidays with Ids family at Waleska, Ga. .Mr. <>tis Hairi-on of South Car ;>H im silent a few days it home last week. Miss Belle Harrison entertained as her guests on Sunday Mr. and Mis. A. T. Harrison of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Perkins, Mr. W. P. Harrison and children, Otis. Ettie Belle and Myrtiee Harrison. Mrs. Laura Flanigan and daughter. Joyce, left Monday for their home at Birmingham, Ala. after spending some time with home folks here. Mr. Bob Moore is vsiting his sisters of Birmingham. Miss Annie Pirkle of Hoschton came Sunday to take up herwork as teacher here in our school. Popular Y oung Bethlehem •Young Alan Crosses Great Divide. On last Thursday morning, Dec. 28, when all the world seemed so happy and gay, one of our homes was robbed of its oldest son and brother. God in His wisdom sow fit to take this splen did young man of 18 summers to dwell with Him and prepare a home in the heavenly kingdom for his father, moth er and brothers instead of on earth as his plans were. Clyde Ridgeway was just entering into young manhood and with liis gen teel gentlemanly maimer he had made everybody love him. He had that sweet pleasant smile that made each and ev ery one say when they met him: “To know him was to love him.” We wonder why God cam? and took Clyde out of (his home where he was needed and loved so much, but God makes no mistakes when lie comes into our garden he plucks the most beauti ful rose that lie may inhale its fra grance. YVeen not dear mother, hut look Jo God who gave him and say “tliy will he done; thou gavest and thou Jakes away.” The funeral service was conducted at Corinth church last Friday by Rev. T. \V. Cook and Rev. Clarence Ilarhin. The beautiful floral offerings and the many tutors dropped on the bier as they viewed him for the last time slfbwed the high esteem in which he was held. Clyde leaves a father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. I*. Ridgeway, and three brothers, Herbert, Willie and James, and a host of relatives and friends to mingle their tears together over this dear hoy. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE GEORGIA Harrow county. Hv virtue of an order from tiie Court of Ordinary of said ocnut.v, will be sold at public outcry, on the lirst Tuesday in I’rbruary. 11123, at the court house door in said county between the legd hours of sale the following described land lying and being in the county of Harrow state.of Georgia. in 24:’. dis trict, G. M-. being one vacant lot front ing 150 feet on Broad street and run ning back parallel with Branch 200 feet, and described in deed recorded in 'deed book “3’’ page 530 of Records of Walton county, Georgia. as follows: Beginning on the south side of Broad street on a branch and running south 200 feet with said branch, to a rock corner on branch: thence northeast 150 feet with Oleo Bush’s line to a rock corner: thence 200 feet with Cleo Basil’s line to a rock corner on Broad street: thence with Broad street 150 feet to the beginning corner, on branch. Said lot containing 30,000 square feet, more or less. Terms of sale Cash. This January Ist. 1023. WILLIE MAE SII EATS. Administratrix of Estate of Mrs. May Sheats, Deceased. .!. C. Pratt. Attorney, tor Administratrix. CITATION GEORGIA Harrow County. Mrs. S. M. Booth, having made appli cation for a 12 months support for her s<*lf aud nine minor children of S. M. Booth out of the estate of said S. M. Booth, deceased, and the appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having tiled their return, all persons concerned are hereby required and no tified to show cause, if any they have, before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Febru ary, 1923, why said application should not be granted as prayed. This the first day of anuarv. 1923. ('. W. PARKER, Orlinar.v. TUB WIND HR NEWS BETHEL NEWS Miss Eunice Dillard spent a few days this week with her sister. Mrs. J. C. Harbin. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partce and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I’artee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller awhile Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Partin were the guests of Air. John Thompson and fam ily of Bethlehem Monday night. Miss Ara Ihirtee was the guest of Miss Brown Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams anil chi! dren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams Sunday. Miss Larue Milica spent Monday ! night with her brother, Mr. Ernest ; Miller. Misses Betty Ruth Harrison and Lo- j is Baggett of Bethlehem were guests 'of Miss Larue Ridgeway Monday night, j Mrs. .7. W. Adams and children were 1 guests of Mrs. T. W. Parle,' awhile Friday night. ITEMS OF INTEREST HERE 21 YEARS AGO Taken From The Winder Democrat, Lewis C. Russell, Editor, issue of Oet. 9, 1901. The following paragrapli% are taken from an old issue of the Wind r Demo crat, issue of October 9th, 1901, and will perhaps be of interest to at least some of the old citizens: • Lawreni eville is to have a (Brand) new Bank. * Mr. A. D. Candler was sick several days last week. * We pay highest price for cotton seed. —Dunn, Lyle & Cos. * WANTED— Twenty nice girls at the Winder Knitting Mill at once. § George Anderson, tlie barber, who lias been quite sick for a week or more, is again up and at liis post. § Mr. Adam Shelton, of Pennsylvania, superintendent of the knitting mill, is at tlie Thompson House. s Mr. James Woods arrived Saturday from England, having in charge the placing of the carding room of the Winder Cotton Mill. ‘ § The Winder Brass Band, we are glad to note, has again begun regular prae t ice. * The Winder Banking Cos., Capital paid in. $25,000; Undivided $5,000; Total deposits $01,000; Loans $123,000. * Special Sale of Shoes and Clothing at J. T. Strange & Company's. CHURCH DlßECTOßY.—Methodist. Rev. J. R. Speck, pastor. Christian church —Rev.. J. H. Wood, pastor. Pleaching every Ist and -Ith Sunday mornings and evenings. Baptist cliurch.—Rev. E. L. Booth, pastor. Preaching every second and Sat j urday before. ! Presbyterian e!inrcli-*-Rev. Win. Lee 'Harrell, pastor. Services tin the Cliris- I thin church) every third Sunday morn ing and evening. * I FOR SALE. —Four room house, good barn, both new; acre and a half lot for S9OO dollars. On Broad street about ten blocks out. Terms to suit.—Quar terman & Toole. § “Children.” said the teacher, while instructing the class in composition, “you should not attempt any flights of fancy, but simply be yourselves, and write what is in you. Do not imitate any other person’s writings or draw inspirations from outside sources." Asa result of this advice Johnny Wise turned in the folloing composi tion : | “We .should not attempt any flit os of j fancy, but rite what is in us. In me jthare is my stummick. lungs, hart, liv ver. two apples, one piece of pie. one stick lemon candy, and my dinner.” CARD OF THANKS. To the good friends and neighbors who so kindly administered to us doi ng our recent illness while the entire family was down, we wish to thank you most heartily, especially the teachers of the Methodist Sunday school, for their kndly remembrance, no one knows just how much to appreciate friends unless in a similar condition. May God s richest blessings lie w ith you always. W. T. Robinson and family. January 3, 1923. Impertinent Petitions. When W3 are Invited to a banquet we take what Is set before ns: and were one to call upon his host to set flsb upon the table or sweet things, be would be deemed absurd. Yet. to a word, we ask the gods for what they do not give; and that, although they bsve gtvpp us so ninny things’—From •‘Xk# Goideo Sayings of Epicte'ua.” Mrs. Z. F. Farmer and children spent a few days iii Atlanta last week. • • • Mrs. Byrd Harris has returned from l a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ambrose, in Atlanta. Wishing You a Happy New • Year ' We extend our best greetings to you for a happy and prosperous'New Year. The old year lias gone with its joys and sorrows, and we face the New Year with hope and confi dence. J Our business during the past year has been good. We thank you. for it. We are going to serve you in the best possible way during the com ing year. We want your business and if prompt and efficient service and satisfactory prices will get it, we are sure you will be one of our many patrons. Our SHOE REPAIR shop is up-to-date in every particular, and we have one of the best shoe repairers in the state. You can rest as sured that you get the best work at the lowest price when you bring your work here. Nobody can beat us on repairing Affix) Tops, curtains, cushions, and you’ll say our prices are right. J. E,CALLAHAN New tear Greetings We appreciate the splendid business you have given us during 1922, and we shall put forth our be3t efforts to serve you in an ac ceptable manner during 1923. We will carry an up-to-date line of the best Meats and Groceries that can be found any where, and we trust that we may have a good share of your trade. It is our purpose to give you thorough sat isfaction and you can rest assured that you will get the purest and best groceries and meats when you trade with me. My prices are always the very lowest. ♦ We wish all a happy and prosperous New Year, and may prosperity smile upon all in our city and county. J. H. Wheeler GROCERIES and MEATS Subscription Price: $1.90 Pw Yef. We are in the market for good sound corn. Will pay market price for same. —Millsaps & Eley. _ FOR RENT—Good farm cm highway between Winder and Beth lehem. —Millsaps & Eley.