The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 11, 1923, Image 2

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*nTntsr>AY. jantart 11. 10a. AMONG THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. ****•••*• • FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM * • Public Worship—Gospel Pulpit * • Open Forum—Popular Inslnc- * • tioiv—Social Ib'creation —Perton- * • al Development—Soul Winning • • Services —Everybody Welcome. —* *••••••••• -LAW ENFORCEMENT,” FIRST BAPTIST PASTOR'S SI I WEPT SUNDAY, JAN. MTU, 11:30 A. M. The following request has gone out to ministers all over the land : “Tuesday. January 1(1, 1023, will be the Third Anniversary of the 18th—-the Prohibition Amendment to the Con-I stitution of the United States. White ( and colored will Ik* asked to preach on the amendment ns relating to Law En-j forcemeat and obedience to Law, on the preceding Sunday, January 14." In compliance with this patriotic re quest the lirst Baptist pastor will speak in no uncertain terms next Lord's ! Day morning. Every citizen, young and old, ought to hear his pastor on this theme next Sahhath. “SEEK YE FIRST" Ilis kingdom and all these tilings shall he added un to you.” “LAW ENFORCEMENT" is the pas tor's subject for next Sabbath morning at 11:30, “THE MAN WHO LOST 001)0 the solemn theme for the ev ening hour at 7:30. You should not Bliss these services. “TIIE PRODIGAL SON” is the mid week topic for Wednesday at 7 :30. Workers’ Meeting at 7 :*N) o’clock, not 6:30. Women’s Circles, Girls Auxiliary and Royal Ambassadors are all scheduled to meet next week. Notwithstanding tin* epidemic and the bad weather A GOOD START WAS MADE on the first Sabbath of the new year 56 more in the Bible Reboot than on the last Sunday of 1022, good av erage congregations, and fine interest. The Royal Ambassadors met Wed nesday at 3:30 to observe the Week of Prayer program. A CAKI) OF THANKS. I desire to thank the many friends who so kindly came to my help during the sickness of ray late lamented wife. All were exceedingly kind, and I want to thank especially Doctors Daniel, Holcomb and Almond for their best ser vices, also Mrs. 1,. S. McElroy, Mrs. .1. N. D. McKlroy and Mrs. \V. 11. Elrod, who left their homes and remained with us until the end came. 1 also want to thank Prof. .1. 1,. Moore for the beautiful and appropriate songs that were selected, and all who so kind ly remembered us with beautiful flor al offerings. May God’s blessings abide with each one. MILLER MeEI.KOY. POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edgar spent Thursday ami Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hush Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Adams spent last Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Holloway spent Friday night with Mr. and Mts.. J. 11. Adams. Mr. Ralph Sims returned home Sat urday from Putnam county from mov ing his father, Mr. 0. TANARUS,. Sims. Miss Nellie Casey is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey and Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Casey. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. M. Holloway and Mr. and Mrs. Hush Edgar are on the sick list this week. We were sure sorry to hear of the death of Miss Lula Mae Thompson who died on January 4th, at the home of her father, Mr. John Thomson at Hethlehem. The funeral services were held at the Hethlehem Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3:00 P. M. January sth. conducted by Kev. Clar ence Harbin. She is survived by four brothers. William, Jesse, Leo, and Er nest, and two sisters. Mrs. John Har bor and Mrs. Charlie I’artin. LOOK! LOOK!! My htmo on Rroad street. 6-room house, water, lights, sewerage, cow barn and pasture: smoke bouse, wood shed and garage. For sale, will give reasonable terms desired. 2tpd E. HEWITT. snuffy cold Imentholatuml clears the nose £ passages CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11:30 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supitor. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor 7:30 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Khelmitt, Minister. Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M„ F. 0. Graddlrk, Supt. Christian Endeavor -Society meets at 4:30 P. M. Preaching by the Pastor Ist and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:30, and evening at 8:30. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at S P M. conducted by the pastor. You nre most cordially invited to attend all of these service.® and join with us in the service of the Master Come. TF. APPALACIIEE B. V. P. U. CONVENTIONS The month of February has been set aside by tin* B. Y. P. t\ of the Appa- association as the Young Peo ple's month. During this month the B. Y. P. L. conventions of the different districts will be held as follows: Watkinsville District tit Bishop on February 11. I!*2.'!. Winder District at Mountain Creek on February IS, 1023. Monroe District al Braswell Februa ry for the assoeiational convention which meets at Winder First Baptist church on tin* third Sunday in June. Splendid programs will lie rendered at these district raHie*-. The keynote will be fitting. Remember the dates aiul see that your unions are well represent ed at these conventions. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school 10:20 A. M. Preaching 11 :30 A. M. Preaching 7 :30 P. M. Midweek service 7:30 I*. M. Wed , nesday. NOTICE fit A called communica tion of Winder lodge, W/rIA,/? No. 333, F. & A. M.. will be held in Ma “ ' sonic Hall Friday ev ening. January 12th, 1923, at 7:30 o’clock. All qualified brethren are urged to attend. W. A. HHADLEY, W. M. MAHK SIMS, Secretary. Teachers’ Institute The teachers of Harrow county are called together for an institute on Sat urday. January I.'!, at 10 o'clock at the court house in Winder. All teachers are cxpectedarc expected to be present tinless excused. PROGRAM. 1. Devotion. 2. Address by J. It. Brookshire, County School Supt. 3. Oral reports from all the schools. 4. Some of the greatest needs of our schools. General discussions. 5.5 Association. — Mrs. (J. E. Giles, et al. (!. Making the school the communi ty center. —It. M. Hill, et al. 7. Question Box. 5. Athletics in our schools.—J. W. Williams. J. B. BROOKSHIRE, C. S. S. Mean Brute. "Your wife does a lot of entertain ing, doesn’t she?” remarked Mrs. Nay bor. “Yes," growled Mr. Gabb. “If die Isn’t entertaining company, she's Kttertalnlng suspicions." A Good Thing—Don’t Miss It. Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Cos., Des Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup branchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and consti pation: Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it. Advt 3mos CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears jO - Signature of 11l I cigarettes I 6 AMERICAN TOBACCO CO AUBURN NEWS The old year litis gone, The new year has come, If this year beats last, It'll he a-go-in’ some. Southeastern Christian College has started tin* new year with new “pep,” for they have a basket hall game Sched uled for Wednesday. We are glad to note that Mr. I>. A. Hopkin. Dean of the college, has re turned to begin his work of the sec ond semester. Auburn High School has also opened with a large enrollment of new, as well as (dd, students. Mr. Ed Giles, who hits been ill fo some time, is again teaching at A. H. S. Mr. and Mrs. George Pool visited relatives near Buford Sunday. We are glad to hear that Miss Mari etta Duncan, who lias been sick with influenza, has about recovered. Miss Lila Pool has returned to State Normal School to continue the work of her senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Lov Wage's of Atlan ta were th<> week end guests of latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Chesser. Miss Dessie Collins has not yet re turned to the State Normal srhool on account of illness of both she and her .mother. Miss Loren a Giles who has suffered during the holidays with a severe ease of flu. is now recovering. We hope she will continue to do so. The young people of Auburn enjoy ed several parties during the holidays. We are pleased to report that Santa Claus remembered all the little chil dren on Christmas night. B. Y. P. IT every Sunday night. Every .body invited to attend. MIDWAY LOCALS We wre sorry to know that Mr. Son Brown is sick; hope he will soon he better. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. G. Perkins spent a while Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Barber. Master Wiley Delay spent Sunday night with Master Ernest Lackey. Misses Beulah and Ruby Miller spent Sunday with Misses Lillie Mae and Odessa Sorrells. Miss Eddie Ruth Del.ay spent Sun day night with Miss Rossle Belle Bar ber. Mrs. W. D. Perkins and Mrs. W. G. Perkins spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. AY. T. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lackey spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hunter. The school at Paradise is progress ing nicely with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wright teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Miller spent Sunday with his father, Mr. W. 11. Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Frost spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Frost. Mr. Hoke Wills and Master Ralph Perkins spent awhile Sunday night with Mr. Otis Barber. Little Miss Elismbeth Smith spent Sunday night with little Miss Hazel Perkins. Little Attlee Smith spent Monday night with her grand mother, Mrs. Sailors. Miss Lois Clack spent Sunday after noon with Miss Zelma Patton. Mr. Willie and Miss Lillie Jane Per kins sjtent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Perkins. 7x\ \\tfhW v-'S —“'is' B. E. PATRICK Watches and Jewelry Fine Watch Repairing. WINDER, GA. I * /A* 1 TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY ■ ffi WHY NEGROES ARE LEAVING BARROW Dear Render: I’ve been telling you that the night riders were not the prime move that’s taking darkies from Barrow county, and now I have the proof. C’-hance came my way. A eertain person picked up in my house a letter dropped there by a col oerd person. Its contents were read through curiosity. I was notified and went in search of said letter but not being able to get it, I am reproducing it as near as memory will permit. North Fork, Va. (Recent date) Dear Father and Mother: I was glad to know you are all well. I am too—been fishing, caught 1 weigh ing 100 pounds. * * * Out here a negro woman can knock a white woman oil' the side walk and there is nothing to it. Negro women marry white men and negro men marry white women. 1 know a negro man a® black as a crow who lots a white woman for a wife. Our deputy sheriff is a negro and De tective Jo is a negro: said lie wished he had come here 7 years ago. * * * (Signed) You see when our colored people are stuffed with such stories and made to see prosperity or easy money and plen ty while here the boll weevil hurts who blames him for going. Then the desire for honor and privi lege of a closer association with the white call to his conscience and off lie goes. The incarnate devil in some would cause them to cross seas, climb mountains, wade through firy furnaces to satisfy their desire. Just how many letters of this brand has Uncle Sam brought to Winder who knows? Some of you would know the darky; he has lived here and gone, I know not when, to North Fork, Loudoun coun ty, Virginia; his father and mother live here. I don’t mind telling you their names if any wish to know. The thing for you to do is to say less about our own people and abuse the ones who are doing the dirty work; lay some of the blame on Uncle Sam for spreading such propaganda through liis mail sacks. If this is not slanderous and abusive what it it? It is also seduc tive , it may lead innocent parties into trouble away from home and friends to die and rot among enemies. C. M. THOMPSON. CARD OF THANKS To our friends who so kindly came to our assistance during our recent ill ness when the entire family was sick. And also a few days when our little daughter, Ruth, had pneumonia. We thank you most, sincerely, especially Dr. Almond and the nurses for the kind way they administered to us. May God’s richest blessings be with you. J. J. MADDOX and FAMILY. January 8, 1923. Announcing THE OPENING OF A M Market In Winder I take this means to announce to the public that I will open Monday, January 8, a first class market in the Hargrove Grocery Store. I will handle the best meats, as in the past, and solicit your patronage. I as sure you prompt and courteous service and prices as low as consistent with good business, quality considered. Call on me for STEAKS, HAM, PORK, SAUSAGE and anything in the meat line. My Motto: .Quality, Honesty and Cleanliness TERMS: Strictly Cash. No Tickets. R. D. MOORE Telephone 379 Telephone 379 “It’s Nobody Else” WINDER, GEORGIA Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. •r? I negotiate loans on farm lands in Barrow, Jackson and Waltofi I also make loans on Winder City property. See W. F. Pentecost, who has an office with T. Elton Drake, Attorney, Winder, Georgia, and is hi ’ Winder on Friday of each week. Mr. Pentecost is inspector of farm' lands for will give prompt service. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank —Not Incorporated. Cmospd.3-1-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building ** Office Phone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 .New Auto Tags We have application blanks for your 1923 Auto Tags. Drive your car around to our r' office and we will be glad to fill out the blanks for you and forward same to Secretary of State attached with American Express Mon ey Order, which we have on sale here. American Railway Express Cos. 110 Candler St. C. C. Eskridge, Agent> SobsurlptlM Price: $1.50 Per Year.