The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 11, 1923, Image 6

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•THURSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1923. CITATION GEORGIA -Barrow County. Mr* 8. M. Booth, having made appli cation for a 12 month* support for her actf and nine minor children of 8. M. Booth out of the estate of said 8. M. Booth, deceased, and the appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having tiled their return, all persons Touccmed are hereby required and no tided to show cause, if any they have, la-fore the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Febru ary, 1923, wliy said application should not he granted as prayed. This the first day of nnuary, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA Barrow county. Prrsroot to an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the January term thereof, will he sold at puhlio outcry, to the highest and b<>st bidder, on the first Tuesday in Febru ary. 1923, at the court house door In said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following described real es tate: Tliat tract or parcel of land lying and being In Barrow county. Georgia, and In Ben Smith's District, G. M. former ly known as the A. Fee Hardlgree place. and containing TWENTY and Seventy -five hundredths (20.75) acrtw, more or less. Being lot No. 7 of what was formerly the A. Fee Ilardigree place. Bounded on northwest by Mrs. W. B. Mathews, recently sold to J W Crow; northeast t,v pul.lic road leading to Winder, Ga.; sout liwest by public road leading from Union Gin; and southwest by lands of I/ewis C. Rusaell. Sold as the property of G. A. Wall, deceased Terms of stile cash. This January 3rd, 1923. W. F. HALL, As Administrator G. A. Wall, deceased. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Georgia—Barrow County. Whereas, on the first day of January, 1921,8tnrk Hunter, Jr., and (Jolden <!. Hunter executed and delivered to Har ry 1. Winter, Inc., their deed, under Section 1 !!*. of the 1882, 01300 of the 1910) ('ode of Georgia, to the lands hereinafter desrrihed, for the purpose of securing a debt referred to in said deed. which decs! is recored in the (Merit’s office of Harrow Superior Court in hoolt l> of deeds, page 132-3, ANl> WHEREAS, in said dot'd, said Hunters gave to said Harry L. Winter, Inc., the power to sell lands in ease of default in the prompt payment at maturity, of interest or principal of said debt, and said Harry L. Winter, fur, assigned the lnnds described in said deed and debt secured by same to the undersigned. Now. therefore, by virtue of the pow er so vested in the undersigned, which is more accurately shown by reference to said deed Procter Trust Company will sell at puldic outcry to the highest bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday in February, 15)23, during the legal hours of sale, before Harrow county court house door at Winder, Georgia, the lands deserilH-d in the aforesaid deed te-wit : All dial tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in Jones’ District of Barrow County, Georgia, containing eight) nine and nine-tenths (Hi).!)) aflres according to survey, said tract hounded January Ist. 1921. as follows: North by lands of Oscar Casey recently bought off the same tract but now own ed Clack, east by lands of J. \V. Lack ey, ami J. Vickers, south by lands of *l. II Smith, west by the public roads lands <>f J. M. Clack. For a more detailed description of this property ee bine print of survey made by (J. L. Ycal. County Surveyor of Gwinnett county, Georgia, on July 2Stli and 29th, 194*.), said, blue print recorded in the derJUs office of Superior Court of Har row county, Georgia, in Book No. 1, page .13. said land being a part of the same land deeded to J. 1). Edgar by 4,iio W 801 l formerly in Cut Off Hist, of Walton county. Georgia, but now in Barrow county, Georgia. This tract contains the home place of the said J. I> Edgar according to said survey. The said deed first above mentioned was executed and delivered to secure the payment of one certain promissory note for the sum of $.3,500, January 1921, Hint the principal debt liearlng interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum. Said principal debt is now past due ly the terms thereof ami so declared to Ik* due for default in payment of inter <vst due November Ist. 1021. and No vember Ist. 1922. The total amount of principal and interest that will be due on said debt on the first Tuesday in February, 192.1 is $3,812.95. Fee sim ple titles will lx* made to the purchaser at said sale and the proceeds of such •ale will be applied first, to the pay ment of said debt with interest and ex penses of tills proceeding, and the re mainder. if any, will be paid over to said Stark Hunter, Jr., and Golden G. Hunter or their legal representative. Dated this second day of January, 1983. PROCTOR TRUST COMPANY. By Sum G. Brown, its Attorney. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Barrow county. All creditors of the estate of Mrs. t'allie Hooch, Ute of Barrow county, deeeasiHl, are hereby notified to render In their demands to the undersigned according to law. and all persons in debted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, to uae. This Dec. 4, 1922. W. W HOBCH, Administrator of Mrs Callie Hosoh, deceased ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE GEORGIA- Barrow county. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said oenuty, will lie sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in February, 1923, at the court house door In said county between the legal hours of sale the following described land lying and lining in the county of Barrow state of Georgia, in 243 dis trict, G. M , being one vacant lot front ing 150 feet on Broad street and run ning ha ok parallel with Branch 200 feet, and described in deed recorded in ’deed book “3’’ page 530 of Records of Walton county. Georgia, as follows; Beginning on the south side of Broad street on a branch ami running south 200 feet with said branch, to a rock corner on branch; thence northeast 150 feet with Oleo Bush’s line to a rock comer; thence 200 feet with Cleo Bush’s lino to a rock comer on Broad street; thence with Broad street 150 feet to the beginning corner, on branch. Said lot containing 30,000 square feet, more or loss. Terms of sale Cash. This January Ist, 1923. WILLIE MAE SIIEATS, Administratrix of Estate of Mrs. May Wheats, Deceased. .1. C. Pratt, Attorney, for Administratrix. Notice io Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA —Harrow county. All creditors of the estate of W. C. Robertson, late of Harrow county, de ceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment to me. January 2nd, 1923. fit Miss Nellie Robertson, Administratrix of W. C. Robertson, deceased. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA Harrow county. Will be sold before the court house door In tli(> city of Winder, Genrgt i (luring the usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Hu* firs! Tuesday in Feb nary 1923, the follow ing described property, to-w'.t . “A one-lmlf undivided intercut in and to that tract or parcel of Dill and tlu> Improvements thereon lying and being in the coun/ty of Harrow, State of Georgia, and in tin* town of Stathaui fronting 50 feet on Railroad street and running hack to an alley in the rear a depth of 150 feet, whereon is situated a two story brick building formerly owned by Warner S. Hale and O. M. llale as tenants in common and describ ed as follows: Beginning at corner with T. N. Wall lot on Railroad street near bank building, tlienee South 50 f(*et along Railroad street to a corner, thence 150 feet to an alley in rear of said lot, thence along alley in rear 50 feet to corner on line of T. X. Wall land, thence along line of 'l'. N. Wall land to tlie beginning corner a distance of 150 feet.” Said property levied oil as tin* prop erty of Mrs. Matilda A. Hale under and liy virtue of a ti fa issued from tne City Court of Monroe, Georgia, ill fa vor of Union Hanking Company vs. Mrs. Matilda A. Hale, and sold to sat isfy said fi. fa. Tenant in possession giv, n written notice of levy. This January 10, 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA —Harrow county. Will lie sol-d on the first Tuesday in February next, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within tin* legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete de scription : “ All that tract or parcel of land sit uate. lying and being in the Two Hun dred and Forty-third (243rd I District. G. M . Burrow county, formerly Jack son, State of Georgia, on the Mulberry Fork of the Oconee river adjoining the lands of Johnson. Healau, Mary Ful cher and others and having the follow ing metes and hounds, to-wit: Begin ning at a locust on Mulberry River, running soutli forty-four (441 degrees west four and eighty hundredths (4.80) chains to rock; thence south twenty five (25) degrees west four and twen ty-six hundredths (4.20) chains to rock, thence soqjtli nineteen (19) degrees west fifteen and no hundredths (15.00) chains to read oak; thence soutli fifty one and one-ha if (51 Vi) degrees west thirteen and no hundredths (13.00) chains to branch; thence up the branch 'eight and eighty hundredths (8.80) chains to stake; thence north twvnty ifour (24) degrees west eight and fifty FOR SAIJS OR RENT A farm 3 miles from Winder on the JcfT<(rson trend, 78 adrisi. two good houses and outbuildings. Address 8. J. Buddath, Jefferson, Ga. 2tpd hundredths (8.50) chains to rock; thence north eight and one-half (8% degrees east twelve and fifty hufis dredths (12jBO) chfiM to jock; thence west ten and no hundredths (10.00) chains to stake; thence south thirty-four (34) degrees west two and no hundredths (2.00) chains to stake; thence north eighty-seven (87) de grees west six and twenty-five hun dredths (0.25) chains to stake; thence north thirteen and one-half (13*4) de grees west seven and no hundredths (7.00) chains to stake; thence north fifty-two (52) degrees west four and no hundredths (4.00) chains to stake; thence north forty-six (40) degrees west five and no hundredths (5.00) chains to stake; thence north forty- eight (48) degrees east four and forty two hundredths (4.42) chains to stake; thence south sixty-six and one-half (00(4) degrees east sixteen and thirty six hundredths (10.30) chains to a stake; thence north twelve (12) degrees east twenty-two and nineteen hundred (22.19) chains to stake at Mulberry river; thence down the mennderings of said river to the beginning corner, con taining eighty-seven and one-half (87%) acres, more or less, and being the place whereon the said James H. Fulcher now reside*."’ Said property levied upon as the property of James H. Fulcher to satis fy an execution issued from the Supe rior Court of Barrow county in favor of A. L. Jackson against James H. Fulcher, said property being in posses sion of said James 11. Fulcher and no tice of the levy given as required by law to tenant in possession. This the 9th day of January, 1923. 11. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA —Harrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which .the following is a full and complete description: “All that tract or parcel of land ly ing or being in the county of Harrow formerly Jackson, said state, in the 243rd district, G. M., and in the City of Winder, beginning at a stone cor ner on right-of-way of Gainesville Mid land Railroad; theme along said line iso feet to a stone corner; thence northeast Three Hundred Four (304) feet in a straight line to a stone cor ner church lot in a line with Dr. J. M. Saunders; thence southwest Two Hun dred Six (200) feet along Church lot line to a stone corner; thence One Hundred Four f*ct (104) to the Ire ginning corner, containing one (1) acre, more or less, this being the lot deeded to L. C. Russell by A. S. Hailey December 14, 1!K)0, one-fourth of an acre having been sold off to Sarah Camp from tlie above, described in deed recorded in Hook ‘‘(Hl’, page Hi, in tin* office of tlie Clerk of the Superior Court d' Jackson county, in deed from Leah (Wnip to Sarah Camp.’’ Said property levied main as Hie property of Leah Camp, colored, to satisfy nn execution issued from tin* Superior Court of Harrow County in fa vor of It. L. Carithers, executor of the will of H. A. Carithers, deceased, and against Leah Camp, colored, said prop erty being in the possession of said Leah Camp, colored and notice of the levy given as required by law to ten ant In possession. This tlie 9tli day of January, 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, Doe. 31, 1922 Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Train 5 Arrives 3:58 PM Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. 11 Arrives 6:07 AM Train No. 47 Arrives 5:10 AM Train No. 30 Depart 9:05 AM Train No. 6 Depart 2:00 PM Train No. 48 Depart 2:50 I’M Train No. 18 Depart 7 :00 PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 PM Trains 5 and 6 are restored between Atlanta and Birmingham, taking place of Nos. 15 and 16. Train 5 from north connects with No. 5 for west at Atlanta. Train 6 from west connects with No. 6 for north at Atlanta. No passengers will he handled on train 48 except between Greenwood and ("roes Hill. to change in schedule of No. 6. Your particular attention is called nmm vnmwm wm ISPF- j'V: JllllPKr **34 .. r M ■■■■ • ‘ THURSDAY A FRIDAY. Jan 11-12 SPECIAL —SPECIAL “THE BROADWAY MADONNA” An All Star Cast 10c 15c 300 3 :00 7:15 8 *5 SATURDAY. JANUARY 13 FRANK MAYO in “THE MAN WHO MARRIED HIS OWN WIFE” Also A Larry Semon Comedy Mutt and Jeff Cartoon Show begins 2:30. No stops until we close at 11:00. MONDAY', JANUARY 15 ‘‘IN THE DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL” Also A Comedy and a News Reel Matinee 3:00. 4:15. 5, 10, 15c Night 7:15. 8:30. 10 and 20c TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, 16 & 17 PRISCILLA DEAN In ‘‘WILD HONEY” It's a special Suitable for all. Very, very good. , 10c 15c 2r,c THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JAN. 18 & 19 A BRAND NEW SPECIAL “THELMA" With Ethel Clayton and a line of big stars. Don’t miss it. 10c 15c 3°c UNION GROVE Mr. Will Etheridge and family of Carl spent Sunday afternoon ith their daughter, Mrs. Esther Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wood and little son, William, and Master Lewis Wood, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with the for mer’s mother, Mrs. E. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. George Master’s spent one day luost week with their son, Mr. Emory Masters. We are sorry to note Mrs. Mattie Smith is on the sick list; hope she will soon recover. Mrs. H. S. Ethridge was the guest of Mrs. J. O. Montgomery Friday after noon. Mrs. Celia Wood spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Rebecca Wall. Mrs. Lillie Norris returned home Fri day after spending some time with her father-in-law, Mr. Felix Norris, of be yond Atlanta. Miss Sis Smith spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Mattie Smith. Miss Estell Well spent awhile Sunday morning with Miss Gerdie Wood. Mrs. Jane Hamby spent awhile Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith. There are several on the sick list in this community. Next Saturday and Sunday is reg ular preaching day at this place. Sunday school every Sunday after noon at 2:30. B. X. P. U. every Sunday night. Wishing the Winder News and all of its readers a happy new year. Queer Feelings "Some time ago, I was very irregular,” writes Mrs. Cora Robte, of Pikeville, Ky. "I suffered a great deal, and knew 1 must do something for this condition. I suffered mostly with my back and a weakness in my limbs. 1 would have dread ful headaches. 1 had hot flashes and very queer feelings, and oh, how my head hurt! ] read of CARDUI The Woman's Tor!c and of others, who seemed to have the same troubles 1 had, being benefited, so 1 began to use it. I found it most bene ficial. I took several bottles .... and was made so much better 1 didn’t have any more trouble of this kind. It reg ulated me.” Cardui has been found very helpful in the correction of many cases of painful female dis orders, such as Mrs. Robie mentions above. If you suffer ts she did, take Cardui—a purely vegetable, medicinal tonic, in use for more than 40 years. It should help you. Sold Everywhere. KM BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller and chil dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mack awhile Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee awhile Friday night. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. narbin and chil dren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wiley of Bethlehem Fri day. Mrs. E. C. Baggett was the guest of Mrs. J. E. Adams Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards and fam ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fuller and family of Carter Hill Sun day. Mr. Reuben Brown spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Shore Sunday afternoon. Miss Pauline Thompson was the guest of Misses Julia and Agnes Bag gett Sunday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Brown and children are very sick; we hope they will soon re cover. Little ValHe May Brown and Henry Brown were dinner guests of their sis ter, Mrs. J. W. Partee Sunday. •raaktn* a Reoorf. A man 4*w Bast spoks his will lots a phonograph, thus giving hla selrs a chance to break bis record. MA\rrV FOR LOANS ON DESIRABLE FARMS IN BAR lTlUilEil ROW, CLARKE, MADISON, MORGAN, OCO NEE, OGLETHORPE and WALTON Counties. Interest rate 5% to 6% per cent. Very liberal terms. Reasona ble commission charges. Prompt sen ice. We will appreciate your business. Write or come to see us. THURMOND-JACKSON COMPANY 704 Holnion Building, ATHENS, GA. Inspection and Repairs When your motor isn’t running just right, or when something else goes wrong, then’s the time to drive over here and let us locate the trouble. Our expert repairmen can oftentime save you lots of time and inconvenience. And when repairs are necessary, you will find that we not only can save you time but considerable money. If you have any trouble now, better have them fixed up before they get any worse. Prompt attention to little troubles will save big bills later. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 New and Improved Schedules Via Sea Board Air Line Railway Effective December 31st, 1922, the following schedule changes will be made: No. 6 will pass Cedartown 9:12 am, Rockmart 9:36 am, arrive At lanta 11:15 am, leave Atlanta 11:25 am CT, Lawrenceville 3:32 pm. Winder 2:00 pm, Athens 2:40 pm. Elberton 3:38 pm., arriving Rich mond 7:00 am, Portsmouth (Norfolk) 7:45 am, Washington 10:35 am, Baltimore 11:59 am, Philadelphia 2:15 pm. New York 4:30 pm. No. 5 will leave New York 2:05 pm, Philadelphia 4:17 pm, Baltimore 6:30 pm, Washington 7:45 pm, Richmond 11:15 pm. Portsmouth (Nor folk) 9:05 pm, Elberton 2:16 pm, Athens 3:20 pm, Winder 3:58, Law renceville 4:28 pm, arrive Atlanta 4:40 pm, ('T., leave Atlanta 4 :55 pm, Rockmart 6:42 pm, Cedartown 7:08 pm, arrive Birmingham 10:35 pm, for Memphis and west. No. 30 will leave Atlanta 6:10 am, CT. passing Lawrenceville ,8:33 am, Et, Winder 9:05 am, Athens 9:55 am, Elberton 11:10 am for points east. Nos. 7 and 8 (THE OWL) will reach Atlanta and Birmingham 6:30 A. M. No. 12 will pass Cedartown 5:31 pm. Rockmart 5:59 pm, arrive At lanta 7:45 pm, leave Atlanta same as at present. No. 230 leaves Logansvillo 7:30 am, arrive Lawrenceville 8:10 am. No. 217 leaves Lawrenceville 9:25 am, arrives Loganville 10:05 am. Service on this branch daily except Sunday. No. 312 leaves Rockmart 6:45 pm. arrive Cartersville 8:00 pm. Daily service. Nos. 5 and 6 are restored between Atlanta and Birmingham, taking the place of Nos. 15 and 16. No. 5 from the North connects with No. 5 for the west at Atlanta. No. 6 from the west connects with No. 6 for th® north at Atlanta. FRED GEISSLER, Asst General Passenger Agent. WtihsaatptWa Trim: JlA* ftt Yeaf. UNION NEWS Miss Ruth Harbin spent last week with her sister, Mrs. George Sims. - Misses Jewel Williamson and te McDonad of Pentecost spent Satur day night with Misses Lillie Belle Era Miney. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Foster spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Foster. Mrs. Walter Sauls was the guest of Mrs. W. N. Strange Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harbin spent Sat urday night and Sunday with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Healan of Carl. Mrs. Will Maynard and children of Nasareth spent Thursday with Mrs. J. H. Foster and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W'illlams spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harbin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Foster Sunday afternoon. ji #jjHands chapped?^ IMENTHOLATUM I heals quickly and f