The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 11, 1923, Image 7

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923. MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Office ou Candler Street and G. M. Rv. WINDER MARBLE & GRANITE CO. ’ J. W. NICHOLS, Mgr. / • >* ******* * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorney-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts J. C. PRATT Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Courts JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attoruey-at-Law Office Over Del.aPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS At Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. 11. QUAIITERMAN Attorney at Law Prentice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoschton, Ga. Office Hours: Sundays: 0:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M Wednesdays: 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other time when not attending calls R. HENRI BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9t012A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9to 12:30 A. M. Office New Bush B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403. 4th Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. wTm. THOM A S Cleaning—Pressing —Altering Phone 49 —Jackson Street Winder, Georgia WHEN YOUR BATTERY OR AUTOMOBILE IS SICK CALL NO. 6 —The AUTO DOCTORS s Office Hours All Day and Night AUTO SALES CO. V ATHENS STREET PHONE 86 CITIZENS PRESSING CLUB For Your Cleaning, Pressing an Altering Shop over Williams Bros. Cafe. W. B. WILSON, Prop. Winder, Georgia VITAMINES NOT A CURE-ALL. The present popular tendency to ex Itol vitamines as a cure-all may be drawing to a close. The United States Public Health Service reports that ef Iforts during the year to discover the (unidentified food substance whose ab ,sence from, the diet causes pellagra jhavj* excluded two of the three knowr vit. lines. The search for the missing element is being steadily narrowed. Ft is early perhaps to think of a program of laws needed to be enacted by our new legislature, but we and( wish to call the attention, of our law makers to the necessity of protecting our girls by passing a marriage bill and the entire country in good whole some public health legislation. All people should avoid taking pat ent medicines or advertised remedies If you are sick, consult your famil) physician. Education In Ireland. The national system of education Fas Introduced Into Ireland In 1831 to take the place of the Society for the Education of the Poor. Prior to the •stabllshment of the national Byste™ t be schools had been conducted by the •hurchea as non-pay schools, or were •(inducted by charitable societies, with the help of grants from the govern iiellfe Let's Go to Durham. In the county of Durham. England, It is an old custom to give fruit cake and cheese to the first person met on tho way to the church by a christen ing party. RESOLUTIONS WHEREAS, The Great Architect of the Universe, whose infinite wisdom and justice all masons recognize, and before whom all masons humbly and reverently bow, has given unto all men once to die, and inasmuch as it has pleased Him in His inscrutible prov idence to take out of the world the soul of our beloved brother and fellow mason, Doctor David Jones, on Aug. sth, 1922: and WHEREAS, we find the following re eorded in the history of his life, t<e wit: lit was horn in Walton county, now Barrow; on the 31st day of July, isdi. son of John B. and Matilda Jones. He was united in marriage on the 21st day of January 1897, to Miss Nancy M. House, daughter of the late William House of Jackson county. This hap py union was blessed with one child. Maggie Ruth, who with her mother survive our departed brother. Brother Jones was 34 years of age when he was entered as Apprentice in l alter llill Lodge. No. 2'id. in April 1902. He was passed in May and raised to the Su blime degree of it Master Mason in June of the same year. Upon the in stitution of Jones Lodge No. •>■>;• on November 20th. 1909, Brother .Tones Wits elected secretary, serving his lodge in this capacity until the time of his death. From the day of his entrance Brother Jones began to apply in bis life and "dealings with men. those du ties inculcated and so forcibly recom mended in his lodge. He was diligent prudent, temperate and discreet. lie lived without fear and died in the hopos of a glorious immortality, lie buried at Christian Chapel church. Rev. F|rank Jackin nffidjited. The Masonic funeral was conducted by Rro. TV. T. Robinson of Winder Lodge No. Acting Master, assisted by a host of Masonic Brothers who mourned the departure of their deceased brother, Therefore he it Resolved; That in the death of Brother David Jones. Jones Lodge No. 559 has lost one of her most bel >ved and most hon ored officers, and Masonry has added a loyal son to that Celestial Lodge above. Resolved further; that while we de plore his death we commend his soul to the Great Architect in whom he trusted: and further, Resolve, That this community and Barrow county has lost a loyal and brave cit izen : his associates, a true friend. uihl his family a devoted husband and father; Resolved further, that we offer our feeble assistance and deepest sympa thy to the sorrowing widow and daugh ter. relatives and friends who are most heart stricken at the loss we have all sustained. . Be it furl her Resolved ; That a copy of these Resolutions he spread upon the minutes of Jones Lodge, No. 559; that a copy of same be given to the family of our deceased brother, and that a copy he furnished the Winder News for publication. Respectfully submitted: E. <>. McELROY, H. P. IIARDIGREE, E. C. PERKINS, * Committee. Classified Ads. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large; no job too small. Radiators repaired on all make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street & Park Ave. C. H. Stewart Old Stand LOST. —A pink cameo brooch, me dium size. Lost Friday afternoon ox night on the streets of Winder, at The Strand Theater or Basket hall court. Finder return to J. E. Callahan and receive reward. ltpd. REAL ESTATE LOANS 6 per cent MONEY. Under Bankers Reserve System G per cent loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build, improve, or pay indebted ness. Bankers Reserve Deposit Com pany, 1648 California Street, Denver, Colorado. Bt. 37 LOST. —Class ring, W. H. S. 1921, initials inside. Finder please return to news office and receive reward. Tlie Winder News needs that money you owe it on subscription. Drop in and pay it. WANTED. —Operators to make over alls. Steady work the year around. Have number of vacant machines. Ap ply at once. if The Winder Manufacturing Cos. “COLD IN THE HEAD” Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds” are generallv in a "run down" condition. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to bo ujed locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu ous Surfaces, building up the System, xnd making you less liabl.r to "colds " Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. S. J. Cheney &. Cos., Toledo, O. Statement of the condition of The Farmers Bank Located at Winder, Barrow county, at the close of business Decemtu r 29th. 1922. as called for by the Superinten dent of Banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $157,320.30 Demand loans 349..<7 Loans secured by real estate 21.760.33 Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank I*oo.oo Furniture and fixtures 9.217.18 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 7,548 73 Cash in vault and amounts de posited with approved Reserve agents 7.703 59 Checks for clearing house 1.392.94 Other checks and cash items 405.44 Overdrafts 2. v <.4 Other assets not included above 800.00 Total $208,558. S2 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Undivided profits 2.409>0 Due to hanks in this state 1.011.77 Individual deposits subject to check 80.190.82 Time certifiesPs of deposits 33.348.21 Trust funds on deposit 5.5.>2.94 Cashier’s checks 11.58 Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank 23.592 61 Total $208,556.82 State of GEORGIA. Bn rro county. Before me came R. J. Smith. ea-dii r of the Farmers Bank, ho being duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said hank. R. .T. SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of January, 1923. MARK SIMS, C. N. P. Barrow county, Ga. CARL NEWS Well, we are having some pretty weather at present, hut its like tlie lit tle hoys’ mind subject to change most any time. Glad to note the sick is improving in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Will Everett spent Sunday and Sunday night with the for mer's brother. Mr. Alfred Everett and family near Dacula. Among the officers elected here Mon day were as follows:. Rev. ,1. W. Aus tin, John Smith, Eli Hudlow. W. T. Hutchins, Councilmen ; Mr. Durham, mayor. Glad to see Rev. M. K. Hudlow out after a very severe illness. Mr. and Mas. H. C. Carter and fam ily spent Sunda.v with the formers father, Mr. John Carter, and family, of near County Line. They report some very serious sickness. The garage at this place which has been closed for some few days, has again opened up for business by Lan ders brothers, of Dacula. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Daniel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daniel Saturday afternoon. The singing at Mr. Will Everett s on Sunday night was highly enjoyed by ail present. Little Misses Ludie Bell and Thelma Everett spent awhile one evening last week with little Bernice and It. T. Mc- Daniel. Mr. Clarence Boss had business in Winder Monday. Several from here attended Sunday school at Midway- Sunday afternoon. Mr. G. W. Boss is able to he out again after being very silk wilti tin flu. Rev. J. W. Austin will fill bis ap pointment at Midway Sunday at 11 o’clock. Everybody invited to be pres ent Sunday school at 9 :30. Mr. Hubert Etheridge motored to Au burn Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. M. Tuggle and son, J. G. Tug vle, of Union Grove, passed through our burg Monday. Mr. Thurmon McDaniel spent Sunday yvith Mr. It. L. Carter. Sunday school at this place is in a flourishing condition. Everybody in vited to come out and be with us next Sunday afternoon, as we will have new song books and new literature. Will use James I). Vaughan’s new book, “Awakening Praises.” We hope to an nounce a sure enough singing at this place later. Where is our County Line scribe? Come right on with the news; we like to hear from you; seems like a letter from home. ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 5Cc from druggists or 55c mailed MMR.L.J, SHARP & Cemmerce, Ga. Take no substitute. Sold by G. W. DcLaI'ERRIERE & SONS 4t Statement of the condition of the North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos. Located at Winder, Barrow county, at the close of business December 29th. 1922, as called for by the Superinten dent of Banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $644,147.70 Demand loans 3,792.62 Loans secured by real estate 105,040.68 United States and State of Georgia Bonds 1,100.00 StiKk in the Federal Reserve Bank 6,750.00 Other stocks and bonds 1.500.00 •Banking house 19,125.;>4 Furniture and fixtures 21,822.10 Other real estate owned 11.250.00 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 3,352.38 .Cash in vault and amounts de posited with approved Reserve . , 12,999.95 Agents ■Due from other hanks in this 821.<‘>7 state Checks for clearing house 228.01 Other checks and cash items 488.21 Overdrafts 1.4t-> Tot a! $833,892.07 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fund 24,000.00- Undivided profits 10 99.1.41 Dividends unpaid sMio ° Due to banks in this state "AS Individual deposits subject to check 123,125.35 Time certificates of deposit 28.838 51 Savings deposits 10,442.85 Trust funds on deposit 0.nn0.00 Uashiev’s chocks 2..0-> Bills pa cable to banks in tliis state 33,980.41 Bills pa cable to banks in other states 43,500.00 Notes and Hills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank 343.814.84 Notes and bills rediscounted with other hanks in this state 4.2H.12 Our customers acct. payment on L. L. Bonds 1,301.2*2 Total $833,892.07 State >f GEORGIA, Barrow county. Before me came W. F. Hubbard, cash ier of North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos., who being duly sworn, says that tin- above foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by tlie* books of file in said Bank. W. F. HUBBARD, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of January, 1923. ALVIE HILL, N. P. Barrow county, Ga. Statement of the condition of Bank of Statham Located at Statham, Barrow county, at the close of business December 29th, 1922, ns called for by the Superinten dent of Banks. . RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $170,807.77 Demand loans 3,518.01 Municipal and Drainage District Bonds 3.100.09 Banking house 1,090.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,975.00 Other real estate owned 2.500.00 Cash in vault and amounts de posited with approved Reserve agents 22,419.38 Advances on cotton 4,358.62 Profit and loss 10.470.94 Revenue stamps 00.20 T((t al $222,115.92 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in $40,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 Individual deposit subject to check 69,446.50 Time certificates of deposit 92.974.34 Trust funds on deposit 4,606.43 •Cashier’s checks 8K.G.1 Total $222,115.92 State uf Georgia. Barrow county. Before* me came B. H. Grant, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, ns shown by tlie books of file in said bank. B. H. GRANT. Sworn to and subscribed la-fore nie. this 3 day of January, 1923. E. L. Ross, Notary Public. g: Moore Glasses J And Superior Service Cost Ko More Than the Ordinary * Kind. I OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS Bhnuld call on us Immediately upon arrival, allowing via sufficient time to iupply klrs.r*B, properly and comfort ably fitted. Jno. L. Moore & Sons Master Opticians Over a Qiinr'-* Century In New Locution 77 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. WE HAVE MOVED We have moved to the Bush Building on Broad street, just above the Strand Theater, where we are ready to serve the public as heretofore. FORD CARS, TRACTORS, FORD PARTS and all repairing on Ford Cars and Tractors. Winder Motor & Tractor Cos. R. L. ROGERS, Mgr. FARM LOANS arc prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan business at O>A par cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can loan for 5. 7 or 10 years' time, in amounts ranging from SI,OOO to SIO,OOO. on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan on your farm, let us submit you our proposition. “QUICK SERVICE” is our Motto. Call or write— \V. 11. QI'AKTKKMAN Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) Richmond, Virginia. insukance Your neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don't DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property hi a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith FARQUHAR SLAB BURNER There is no better time than the pres to ent to cash in on this outfit. You can make money selling lumber. The . . Farqulur Slat Hu ner the only engine Farquhar Slab Burner winter time. Farquhar Double Belt Saw Mill WOODRUFF MACHINERY MFG. CO. 41 South Forsyth Street Atlanta, Ga. & AUTOMOBILE Insurance Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line. Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Bank Building 2 or SCans ©§ Baking Powder Are Not Worth the Price of One If they are the “big can and cheap” kind because they may mean baking failures. CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER | Mof BY A THU* 1 I P.AIUME CONTEXTS i BEST B’’ TEST THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Subscription Price; $1250 Per Year. Don’t let a BIG CAN or a very low price mislead you. Experimenting with an uncertain brand is ex pensive - because it Wastes time and money. The sales of Calumet are over 150% greater than that of any other baking powder. f \ \ I * J - X J \ Y / \~)h